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Study Guide 3 Chapters 9, 10, 12, 13, 20

BIO 156 Fall 2009

“Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities!”

Norman Vincent Peale
1898 - 1993
Exam Format:

1. About thirty-five 1-point multiple choice questions based upon Check Your
Progress, Understanding the Terms, Reviewing this Chapter, Thinking
Scientifically, and Testing Yourself.
2. A 15-to-20-point matching section based upon the key terms listed below.
3. Eight or nine 5-point short answer questions (in the exact same wording)
chosen from the list below. Please base your answers on completeness, not
4. Laboratory component taken from in-class labs.

Study Tips:

1. Each week, you should be spending many hours studying and

practicing the material. Please do not expect to succeed in this class
doing less.
2. Send me your essay answers for review, and I will give you feedback
and help perfect your responses.
3. Start early, handle information frequently.
4. Skim or read chapters.
5. Read your notes or outline aloud.
6. Make flashcards of terms.
7. Draw bubble diagrams or concept maps.
8. Make a contact in class as a study partner and call right away if you get

Exam Taking Tips:

1. Please write legibly. If I cannot read it, it is wrong.

2. Start by answering something you know for sure.
3. Avoid changing answers to multiple-choice questions. When uncertain, place
a checkmark in the margin and go back later.
4. There is lots of time. Check over your paper before turning it in.
5. Labeled drawings often answer a question well.
6. Relax. We are all works in progress, and one exam does not
determine your final grade; persistence and improvement will.

Potential Short Answer Questions. Please practice all:

1. Define inspiration, expiration, and ventilation.

2. Name and describe the structures in the lungs in which gas exchange occurs.
3. Understand how breathing is achieved, including inspiration and expiration.
4. List the functions of the urinary system.
5. Describe the three steps in urine formation, and relate these to parts of a
6. Describe how the kidneys maintain the water-salt balance of the blood.
7. Give four ways the urinary system interacts with other body systems to maintain
8. Draw and describe the microanatomy of a muscle fiber.
9. Describe the neuromuscular junction, and explain how impulses are transferred
to the muscle fiber.
10.List the three types of neurons. Draw a neuron and label the three parts.
11. Describe the initiation and propagation of a nerve impulse including the terms
resting potential and action potential.
12. Describe drug action at a synapse, and discuss the effects of alcohol.
13. A. Explain how gametes carry only one gene for each trait.
B. Describe two ways in which meiosis creates genetic diversity among gametes .
14. Be able to solve a one-trait autosomal genetics problems using a Punnett
15. A. Explain what is meant by multiple alleles.
B. Explain how ABO blood types are inherited, and list the possible genotypes.
16. Show how sex-linked traits are generally inherited on the X chromosome.

Terms for matching

Ch. 9 2. Aquaporin
3. Distal convoluted tubule
1. Alveolus 4. Erythropoietin
2. Bicarbonate ion 5. Excretion
3. Carbonic anhydrase 6. Glomerular capsule
4. Chemoreceptor 7. Loop of nephron
5. Epiglottis 8. Micturition
6. Oxyhemoglobin 9. Peritubular capillary network
7. Pneumonia 10.Urea
8. Reduced hemoglobin 11.Tubular secretion
9. Respiratory control center 12.Tubular reabsorption
10.Surfactant vital capacity 13.Uric acid
11.Trachea 14.Renal artery
12.Partial pressure 15.Renal vein
15.Vital capacity Ch. 12
16.Tidal volume 1. Actin
17.Residual volume 2. Myofibril
3. Myosin
4. Sarcolemma
Ch. 10
5. Sarcomere
1. Acidosis
6. Sliding filament model

7. Sarcoplasmic reticulum 2. Incomplete dominance
8. Muscle tone 3. Codominance
9. Troponin 4. Polygenic inheritance
10.Tropomyosin 5. X-inactivation
6. Autosome
11.Transverse (T) tubule
7. Carrier
12.Intercalated disk 8. Colorblindness
13.myoglobin 9. Dihybrid
14.Neuromuscular junction 10.Recessive allele
15.Oxygen debt 11.Dominant allele
Ch. 13 12.Genotype
1. Acetylcholine 13.Hemophilia
2. Acetylcholinesterase 14.Fragile x syndrome
3. Action potential 15. Huntington’s disease
4. Cell body 16. Heterozygous
5. Dendrite 17.Phenotype
6. Dopamine 18.Sex-linked
7. Interneuron 19.Familial hypercholesterolemia
8. Motor neuron
9. Neurotransmitter
10.Resting potential
11.Schwann cell

Ch. 20
1. Allele

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