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1) What is aspect ratio?

Ans-The aspect ratio of the image in the ratio of the number of X pixel to the number of Y pixels.The
standard aspect ratio PCs is 4:3 and some use 5:4 .Monitors are calibrate to this standard so that
when we draw a circle it appears to be a circle and not an ellipse.
2) What is a pixel and resolution? 3 Marks
3) What is the meaning of refreshing? 3 Marks
4) What is interlacing? 3 Marks
5) What is the meaning of gd = DETECT in 'C' language? 3 Marks
6) What is File format? 3 Marks
7) What does CMYK mean? 3 Marks
8) What is Rendering? 3 Marks
9) _______ method is used to assign color values to any new pixel at the time of re
sampling. 1 Mark
5 x 15 =75 Marks
1) a) What is CG? Explain graphics hardware technology. 8 Marks
b) Name the computer languages that support computer graphics and why
'C' programming language is popular for graphics. 7 Marks
2) a) Compare Raster scanning system with random scanning. 8 Marks
b) Explain any one display device with the help of a diagram. 7 Marks
3) a) Explain various input interactive techniques. 7 Marks
b) Explain the working principle of light pen with the help of a diagram. 8 Marks
BSIT - 51 Page No..... 2

4) a) Explain text mode () operation of C' langauge. 7 Marks
b) Explain the following graphic functions
(i) getpixel() (ii) setpalette() (iii)bar() (iv) circle() 8 Marks
5) a) Write 'C' program to draw Indian flag. . 8 Marks
b) Explain the use of get image () and Put image () functions with example. 7 Marks
6) a) With illustration briefly narrate the origin and development of
multimedia technology. 7 Marks
b) With the help of a diagram explain the components of multimedia system. 8 Marks
7) Explain the following photoshop tools. 3 x 5 = 15 Marks
(i) Editing tools
(ii) Focus tools
(iii) Paint brush tools
8) a) List the steps to use the image printing utility of Photoshop. 7 Marks
b) Explain the following file formats. . 8 Marks
(i) JPEG (ii) BMP (iii) PDF (iv) TIFF

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