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PURPOSE: I did a survey for SA4. The purpose of this is to inform my thoughts,
and will be used as a source for my MP2. I did a survey for SA4 because I felt like
it was suitable to get the opinions of people who are most affected by school-
related stress.

Background information:
(19 F) (18/M) (19/M) (19/M)(24/F)(19M) (19M) (19 F) (19 M) (18 F) (19/M)

1. Are you enrolled in classes this spring quarter, what major?
history (i)
physics and biology (i)
Medical Anthropology (i)
Marketing (i)
Econ (i)
Business (ii)
German (i)
Psychology (i)
Biology (i)
Masters in educational counseling (i)
nursing (i)

2. How many7 extra hours per day do you put into work outside of class?
50 % (iiiiii) 2 -3
20% (ii) 4
20%(ii) 5
10% (i)1

3. On a level of 1-10 how stressed are you?
36% 7 (iiii)
14% 3 (ii)
10% 4 (i)
10% 1 (i)
10% 5 (i)
10% 6 (i)
10% 9 (i)

4. What percent of your stress is school-related?
18% (ii)75%
18% (ii) 20%
18% (ii) 70%
18% (ii) 80%
10% (i) 60%
10% (i) 100%
10% (i) 90%

5. Is the amount of stress from school worth the amount of work you have?
45%(iiii) it will be worth it in the end
17%(iii) yes
10% (i) yes easy quarter
10% (i) no, not worth the work classes too easy
10% (i) no, not relevant
10% (i) yeah, masters

6. What stresses you the most about school? (homework/ tests/ exams/ etc)
51% (iiiiii) tests/exams
13%(ii) planning
6% (i) gpa requirements
6% (i) pressure to succeed
6% (i) bad professors
6% (i) the future
6% (i) the workload
6% (i) homework

7. Other than school, what factors cause stress for you? (parents/bills/weather/
42% (iiiiiii) family
21% (iiii) money
21% (iiii) friends
11% (ii) work
2% (i) military training
2% (i) being healthy

8. What are some physical/mental effects of stress youve experienced?
(sleeping habits/acne/attention span/fatigue/sickness/ neglect other
38% (iiiiiiii) sleeping less
15% (iii) cant think straight
15%(iii) eating habits (junk food, caffeine)
10% (ii) grouchy/rude
4% (i) acne
4% (i) dead
4% (i) sick
4% (i) different person
4% (i) more sleep

9. Do you know anyone personally who has suffered or is suffering from
extreme stress from school?
(i) yes, stress got to her and quit
(i) yes, isolation
(i) yes, pushes away friends
(i) yes, communication problems
(i) yes, honors classes, work, no social life
(i) yes, balancing jobs, school, families
(i) yes, handful of people
(ii) yes, common for students
(i) no
(i) everyone
90% (10)YES
10% (i)NO

10. On a level of 1-10 how well do you manage your stress?
36% (iiii) 7
27% (iii) 8
18% (ii) 10
10% (i) 2
10% (i) 5

11. What are some ways you relieve your stress?
21% (iiiiii) gym
17% (iiiii) friends
14% (iiii) hobbies: photography, art, music
10% (iii) TV
10%(iii) family
7% (ii) eating
7%(ii) fun activities not related to school
6% (i) extracurricular
6% (i) sleep
6% (i) planning
6% (i) video games

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