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Pastor ........................................

Andy Gans
Visitation Pastor (Ret.) ............ Tom McNeil
Music Director .......................... Rick Roberts
Executive Assistant ................... Chris Muramatsu
Nursery Attendant .................... Tammy Keeslar
Proofreaders .............................. Susan M. Jensen and
John Stewart
Contributors ............................... Members of Ft. King
Assembling ................................. Phyllis Altonn, Bobbie
Burns, Sue Chancey, Kay Dahlen, Joyce Gauntt,
Eleanor Hayesmore, Pat Merrill, Carol Primm,
Roselle Pringle, Alice Reffner, Judith Simonin,
Aileen Zimmerman
Bulk Mail Handling ................... John Stewart
Office: (352) 694 Office: (352) 694 Office: (352) 694 Office: (352) 694- -- -4121 4121 4121 4121
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Worship: Sundays 10:00 a.m. effective June 8th Worship: Sundays 10:00 a.m. effective June 8th Worship: Sundays 10:00 a.m. effective June 8th Worship: Sundays 10:00 a.m. effective June 8th
Greetings in the name of our Risen Lord,

As I reflect on the gift of Easter and our wor-
ship that day, I am reminded of something
each person said in our Reflections video
that day. Each person said Easter is like
spring, it offers new life, new beauty, and a
fresh start. How true that is! Spring has
sprung and the proof of Gods love is all
around us.

Spring not only represents a change in the
seasons but also a change in life. Spring
brings with it new flowers, fresh love,
Mothers Day, and graduations. It also means
we say good-bye to many in our church fam-
ily as they return to their summer homes up
north. This is an exciting time of year for
many, but it can also be a scary time. Life
transitions are not always easy. The newly
married couple has to adapt to a life that in-
cludes the other. The new graduate has to
figure out life out on their own, and the fam-
ily has to prepare to say good-bye to their
child who is now an independent adult. The
winter residents, also affectionately known as
snowbirds, now leave one life, one set of
friends and comfort, to return to and re-
establish their life up north. This can be a
very difficult time for many as they navigate
this new chapter in their life. As they navi-
gate there is one thing that is their life pre-
server, their one thing that gets them through
life changes and that is love.

Love is what sustains us, love is what keeps
us confident, and it is love that keeps us
rooted in whose we are. We are a child of
God. A child who is loved beyond all under-
standing. This month our scripture readings
in worship focus on the love God has for
each one of us. We will be reassured that
Gods love attends to our every need, that
Gods love through Jesus Christ shows us the
way we can make it through these life transi-
tions, and we will celebrate Gods sustaining
love with the gift of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost
in just a few days.

So this month as you try to figure out what gift
you are going to get your dad for Fathers Day, or
what to get that very special graduate, or even
what gift you may give to a departing friend,
know that God has given us all the perfect gift in
the Holy Spirit, a gift that will sustain each one
of us in all of lifes seasons.


June Birthdays
Financial Status FKPC year-to-date as of 4/30/2014

Total Offerings Actual = $96,798
Total Expenses Actual = $92,550

Total Offerings Budget = $98,711
Total Expenses Budget = $100,303

For the first time this year, our Actual Total Offerings have fallen below budget by $1913 (1.9%). This was due
to a surprisingly low Total Offerings in April that was $6,589 (26.7%) below budget. Needless to say, this cannot
become a trend. I have every faith that this most generous congregation will respond favorably in the upcoming

Our Actual Expenses are $7,753 below budget. Staff and Admin costs are approximately $4700 below budget
while our ministries comprise the rest. As previously stated in past Link articles, this $7,753 is not to be misinter-
preted as "money in the bank. The Finance Ministry fully expects these areas to come in at budget, not below,
at year's end.

We look forward to giving you better news next month!

Steve Layendecker
Chair of Finance Ministry

Greening of Fort King Presbyterian Church

Three years ago we began as a group of 8-10 interested folks who decided to explore the idea of becoming bet-
ter stewards of our resources here at Fort King Presbyterian Church. Initially, we were concerned about the use
of Styrofoam cups on Sunday mornings. We considered many alternatives from bringing our own cups, to com-
postable paper cups but finally decided to collect mugs from the congregation and wash them each Sunday.
There were concerns about washing the used cups and possible pest problems. It has worked beautifully, how-
ever, which encouraged us to explore other options.

We had heard about Earth Care, an organization dedicated to using Gods resources more responsibly and we
checked out their web site. After downloading and filling out their survey of our church campus, we went to
the Property Ministry to determine their interest and commitment. After their approval, we approached the
Session with our request. We were given support throughout the process.

An energy audit was required but since we were operating with a zero budget, we asked for an unofficial walk
through. The City of Ocala Utilities personnel were more than gracious and helpful. From their informal audit,
we determined that replacing our incandescent bulbs with fluorescents in high use areas would be our first step.
Secondly, we looked at our Exit lights and have replaced them with LEDs. Currently, Property Mission has ap-
proved 9 new LED emergency lights, with rechargeable batteries. They cost less than the batteries for the old
lights and will be installed soon. We replaced an air conditioner with a new energy efficient unit. In addition,
we requested and received a proposal for a solar grid for our tin roof, but have found that we were financially
limited without some help through federal or state grants.

We have also quit using disposable plates, cups and silverware for our congregational gatherings, and are actu-
ally washing dishes! Our pastor, Andy Gans, often washes the dishes. Having a pastor who is committed to this
effort is essential, and we are grateful. Our plan for this year will be to purchase glass communion cups to re-
place the plastic ones we are currently using. We find that they can be placed in a zippered lingerie bag on the
top shelf of the dishwasher, and are easily cleaned and sterilized.

Our thermostats in the Sanctuary and Fellowship Hall have been replaced with digital ones, and turn off the
lights signs placed prominently in all the rooms. Last year the theme of summer Bible School focused on a
Presbyterian program called Living Water for the World. It focused on making us better stewards of the gifts
we have. Utility managers, water experts and folks interested in recycling were invited to speak. It was well at-
tended, and an offering was sent to fund clean water in a third world county.

In addition to that effort, our congregation requested a recycling bin be placed on the grounds for our mem-
bers. It has been well used. Finally we looked at our landscape and planted more than 15 live oaks to shade our
Sanctuary and parking lots.

Thank You

Colleen Livingston thanks you for the thoughts and prayers, flowers, phone calls, and cards during her recent hos-
pital stay.
A Sweet Piece of Fort King

Did you know the Congregational Care Ministry oversees many programs for Ft. King Church? One of these
programs is the monthly sharing of a birthday cake for the Florida Department of Juvenile Justice residents. Jean
and Melvin Winkler bake and decorate a special cake each month to be shared with individuals at the center.
Those recognized are anyone who has had, or will have, their birthday during the month. According to Christie
Stua, Detention Supervisor, the youth really enjoy this opportunity and some have said they have never received
a birthday cake before.

The cakes have been decorated with letters identifying Fort King Presbyterian Church or have been delivered
along with a card with the churchs picture and a birthday message. The cake gifts are really appreciated by the
residents and staff of the Juvenile Detention Center. Ft. King has received many letters of appreciation from
Christine Stua on behalf of the Juvenile Detention Center.

If you would like to substitute for the Winklers, contact Jean Winkler. This wonderful opportunity has been
conducted by congregation members of Ft. King for many years, and now the Winklers.

God bless Jean and Melvin and the youth and staff of the Juvenile Justice Center and our congregation members.

Blast Off! Vacation Bible School 2014

This is the theme for our 2014 VBS. The theme centers on the events when Jesus taught us to help each
other. Please mark your calendars now for this awesome event that will take place June 22-26, 2014, right here
at Fort King. Our directors this year are Rick Roberts and Cate Martin. Everyone is invited, this is an inter-
generational VBS, with classes and activities for all ages. The format for VBS will be a little different from
what we have done for the past 22 years. On the first evening (Sunday starting at 6:00 p.m.) we will have a
covered dish dinner, followed by music, classes and activities. On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, we will
begin at 6:00 with music, classes and activities, concluding the evening with dessert and beverages. The last
evening (Thursday), we will begin at 6:00 with the traditional baked potato and salad bar meal. The cost for
the entire week is $5.00 for grade 6 through adults; $2.50 for children in Kindergarten through 5
grade; and
for children under Kindergarten there is no cost.

Adult Discipleship Ministry

Beginning June 1st when the worship service moves to 10:00 a.m., the adult class will adjust accordingly and
begin at 9:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. every Sunday morning for the months of June, July and August. The Adult Discipleship
Ministry team will be taking a summer holiday so the format for the summer classes (June, July, August) will be
a bit different. There will not be a formal teacher/leader/ facilitator for an ongoing series of classes.

Instead the classes will be of a more informal nature and revolve around a discussion of The God Squad col-
umn that appears in each Saturdays issue of the Ocala Star-Bulletin. The God Squad column is written by
Rabbi Marc Gellman who has a great appreciation for Christianity and writes from an ecumenical point of
view. He deals with issues all of us face as we walk our lifes journey. Each Sunday a member of the Adult Dis-
cipleship Ministry will prompt class participation with comments/questions/etc. The column to be discussed
each Sunday will have a one weeks lag from its publication. For example, the column that appeared on May
24 will be discussed on June 1. For those of you who may not subscribe to the newspaper, copies of the column
for the day will be available in the classroom.

One thing will not change. As always coffee, both regular and decaf, will be available. Come join us in the
Session Room at 9:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. each Sunday morning for coffee and lively discussion.

DISCIPLESHIP (continued)
Poetry from the Final Retreat of the Faith Leaders Course
2013-2014, held on April 26, 2014

In the lyrical lake setting, at the MacKays retreat cottage, we enjoyed a glorious spring day, good food and fellow-
ship: inspiration that cannot be put into words. Everyone composed poetry, encouraged by Lena Lewin, which we

Within the circle of the lake
Small circles rise to dot the surface
Wind, like change, erases them clean.
More circles rise, God making all things new.

God, We give you praise for all you do
Our gratitude to you is endless
In the beauty surrounding the lake
We make our commitment to continue our jour-

Faith Leaders! I call you faith builders
There is no way I could lead
Becky, Judith, Susan all
They have answered their call.

The joy of walking down this road
With everyone here,
The joy of laughter
The joy of seeing each person here
The joy of Gods love that rains down
On this group is love. Amen!

I have gratitude for the commitment
Of Gods beauty on this earth.
God, shows us mercy
We show our gratitude
For the beauty of your earth
Journeys need guides three were called
Faith needs hope and support we had eight
Leaders emerged with situations and spiritual practice
The goal reached, we look forward still.

Growth in
Led by

Solitude, the peace of nature
Mercy, the gift of forgiveness
God, my spiritual center,
Beauty, solitude, mercy and God.

Community within eight seekers of God
Peace from shared trust
Spirituality through shared challenges
Faith built on honesty, study and love.

DISCIPLESHIP (continued)
Library Corner Library Corner Library Corner Library Corner

Now that the lazy days of summer are about to arrive, you are probably wondering if you have enough books
to get you through the long days ahead. Whether you plan to sit out by the pool or curl up in your favorite
chair in the air-conditioned comfort of your home, rest assured that two thousand books await your eager
eyes and inquiring minds. These books are in your church library and may be checked out free of charge.
You just have to be a member, or regular attendee, of FKPC in order to check items out. We have books for
all age groups, both non-fiction and fiction. We even have DVDs, CDs, VHS tapes and audio cassette tapes.
Additional shelf labels are being added to help you find a particular subject you may be interested in. The
gray metal file boxes on the counter above the "Item Return Basket" may be used to search for authors, titles
or subjects. Or, ask the church librarian, Louise Olivarez, for assistance. She is usually in the library before
and after Sunday School and Sunday Worship.

Those of you who are fans of Barbara Brown Taylor will be glad to know the library has a copy of her latest
book "Learning To Walk In The Dark. "Learning To Walk In The Dark. "Learning To Walk In The Dark. "Learning To Walk In The Dark. This book made the front cover of the April 28th issue of Time
Magazine with a four-page article inside. Check out this book and see what all the talk is about.

Another new 2014 book in the library is Walter Brueggemann's "Sabbath As Resistance: Saying No To The "Sabbath As Resistance: Saying No To The "Sabbath As Resistance: Saying No To The "Sabbath As Resistance: Saying No To The
Culture of Now. Culture of Now. Culture of Now. Culture of Now. The author shows us how keeping the Sabbath allows us to break the restless cycle of al-
ways wanting more, using more, eating more, etc., and focus on what is truly important: God, other people,
all life.

Our thanks to Jorine Robinson for donating a 12-volume set of New Testament commentaries by R.C.H.
Lenski. According to one reviewer, Lenski "provides linguistic and textual analysis, historical background
such as information on the author, date, time of writings, authorial intent, chief themes, and much more."

Hope to see each of you in the church library soon and often.

Louise Olivarez, FKPC Librarian

Sassy Seniors

All widows and single ladies are welcome to join Sassy Seniors on Wednesday, June 11th at
1:00 p.m. Junes luncheon location will be posted on the bulletin board outside of the
Church Office..
Card Making Ministry

Card Making Ministry meets on the 2nd Friday of every month at 10:00 a.m. until about
Noon. We will meet off-site. Please contact Prudence Pritz if you are interested in joining
this group.

Crafty Ladies

Crafty Ladies meet on Thursdays from 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. We hope to see
all of you there. If you would like to join our group, come for a visit some Thursday and see
what we are doing and how you can help. We welcome new people and new talents!
Mens Night Out

Mens Night Out will be taking the summer off. There will be no meetings June, July, and August.
The next Mens Night Out will be on Monday, September 8th at 6:30 p.m. Your host will be an-
nounced in the September Link.

Presbyterian Women Circles

All women of Fort King are Presbyterian Women and are invited to participate in all activities of Presbyterian
Women. The Presbyterian Womens Coordinating Team as well as the Circles will be taking the summer
months off. Join us in September. You are cordially invited to attend one of the Circle meetings. Deborah Deborah Deborah Deborah
Circle Circle Circle Circle meets at the church, in the Session Room, on the third Tuesday of each month at 10:00 a.m. The meet-
ing in September will be September 16th. Esther Circle Esther Circle Esther Circle Esther Circle meets on the second Monday of each month in the
evening at members homes. The meeting in September will be September 8th. The location will be an-
nounced in the September Link.
Domestic Violence

The Presbyterian Women will continue to collect items left in the white basket in the Narthex for the Domes-
tic Violence Center. Please remember to continue this effort during the summer months. Check the basket in
the Narthex for a list of needed items.


Session Notes May 20, 2014

Due to the early printing of the June Link, the May 20th Session Meeting has
not taken place. Session Notes will be posted on the bulletin board across from
the Church Office.
Time Alert!

June 8th - August 31st
New Summer Hours:

Adult Class - 9:00 a.m.

Worship - 10:00 a.m.
Usher Captains Needed

Do you go to church every Sunday? Are you willing to help things go smoothly? We need Usher Captains for
September, October and November. Usher Captains line up ushers for the months Sundays. Please call Kathy
Kuhns if you would be willing to help with this ministry. Maybe you could "partner up" with a friend and share a
month? Thanks so much! kuhnskathy@yahoo.com

WORSHIP (continued)
Something To Think About
Let The Children Come To Me
Mark 9:35-36; 10:13, 14, 16

These sayings of Jesus have been preserved first in the Gospel of Mark, Gospel of Mark, Gospel of Mark, Gospel of Mark, and independently in the Gospel of Gospel of Gospel of Gospel of
Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas. They are intense and heavy with meaning. Lets begin with Mark 9:35 Mark 9:35 Mark 9:35 Mark 9:35- -- -36: 36: 36: 36:
If anyone would be first, he must be last of all and a servant servant servant servant of all! And he took a child child child child and put
him (or her) in the midst of them
Note the words servant servant servant servant and child child child child are in bold print; that is because in Aramaic, the language of Jesus, both
meanings come from one word: talya talya talya talya. That is to say that the word cannot mean child without at the same
time meaning servant. The point is that for that patriarchal and pyramidic society, child/servant child/servant child/servant child/servant refers to
those at the very bottom of the social pecking-order. In Mark 9:35 and 10:43, the Greek text used the word
diakonos diakonos diakonos diakonos, from which we get deacon, that is, a servant (see M. Black 1954 An Aramaic Approach
A child/servant child/servant child/servant child/servant is the model for Jesus of Nazareths community? the model for Jesus of Nazareths community? the model for Jesus of Nazareths community? the model for Jesus of Nazareths community? Such a concept cuts across and
deeply into both the Greco-Roman and Jewish societies and cultures. As an example, the Damascus Docu-
ment of the Dead Sea Scrolls Dead Sea Scrolls Dead Sea Scrolls Dead Sea Scrolls (see G. Vermes 1997 The Complete Dead Sea Scrolls in English 144ff) states
that adults who enter the Covenant relationship of that community shall make their children swear with
the oath of the Covenant (op cit. 41). This meant strict instruction in the laws and theology of the
Qumran community, which included an emphasis on individual election and predestination, a clear de-
marcation between those who are righteous, the children of the light, versus the damned, the
children of darkness- the latter will be decisively rejected by God! Vermes comment: such teaching can
lead to self-righteousness and arrogant intolerance (Op cit. 74)!
Finally, it has been noted that any reference at all to children, apart from what Jesus himself said, in
early Christian literature early Christian literature early Christian literature early Christian literature is virtually non-existent (see V. Taylor 1953 The Gospel According to Mark 423).
When we add to the above sayings of Jesus Mark 3:33 Mark 3:33 Mark 3:33 Mark 3:33- -- -35, 35, 35, 35, we hear something quite distinctive in
Jesus teachings:
Who are my mother and my brothers?
Here are my mother and my brothers!
Whoever does the will of God is my brother and sister and mother!
(See Matthew 12:48-50, The will of my Father,Luke 8:20-21, The Word of God; and Gospel of Thomas
99:2, What my Father wants: note these small changes from Marks text). The point is quite clear: rela- : rela- : rela- : rela-
tionships are no longer determined or controlled by family and/or parental authority. Jesus has clearly un- tionships are no longer determined or controlled by family and/or parental authority. Jesus has clearly un- tionships are no longer determined or controlled by family and/or parental authority. Jesus has clearly un- tionships are no longer determined or controlled by family and/or parental authority. Jesus has clearly un-
dermined Greco dermined Greco dermined Greco dermined Greco- -- -Roman and Jewish control of a child by a parent Roman and Jewish control of a child by a parent Roman and Jewish control of a child by a parent Roman and Jewish control of a child by a parent in his perspective of human community in his perspective of human community in his perspective of human community in his perspective of human community
before God. before God. before God. before God.

And what is the perspective of pyramidal, patriarchal or matriarchal society?
Though the patterns of mans lives have been changed greatly by the social and technological
revolutions of modern times, egoism, selfishness, and cruelty continue to loom large (see G.E. Len-
ski 1984 Power and Privilege: a Theory of Social Stratification 26).
Recent research reveals the human infant as extremely self-centered creatures, motivated solely by
his own needs and desires (Ibid; note l984 l984 l984 l984 for this perspective).

Social cooperation, said Lenski, is doable only if there is a framework of a system of rules which not only
protects the cooperative activity, but a child gets what the child wants for him/herself (op cit. 27). This is
called enlightened self enlightened self enlightened self enlightened self- -- -interest, interest, interest, interest, or, how to get people to work together in any social context! To which Donald
W. Pfaff (2007 The Neuroscience of Fair Play) adds that our brains may be predisposed may be predisposed may be predisposed may be predisposed (op cit. 12) to make
us behave and relate to others in certain ways because of the chemical, genetic and structural mechanisms in
the brain (op cit. 126). This includes aggressive behaviors as well as religious (op cit. 204).

Joshua Greene makes the distinction between a personal personal personal personal moral decision (stopping to help a person in-
jured in accident) over against an impersonal impersonal impersonal impersonal moral decision (receiving a letter for a donation), and he states:
Natural selection has outfitted us with mechanisms for making intuitive, emotion-based moral judg-
ments (See Joshua Greenes article in W. Glannon 2007 Defining Right and Wrong in Brain
He concluded with this:
Moral convictions of personal values rather than reflections of an objective moral truth might
be a happier and more peaceful place than the world we currently inhabit (op cit. 228).
But the best is this: Michael Schermer (The Genesis of JusticeScientific American May 2014, vol. 310, #5, p.
78) cites Paul Blooms research (Harvard) with infants between the ages of three (3) to ten (10) months as
quite arresting; he commented:
* The moral sense of right and wrong emerges significantly in infants before before before before socio-cultural
learning and imprinting occurs; and,
* Societys laws and customs can turn the moral dials up or down, of course, but nature endowed
us with the dials in the first place. This is why the constitutions of our nations should be grounded in This is why the constitutions of our nations should be grounded in This is why the constitutions of our nations should be grounded in This is why the constitutions of our nations should be grounded in
the constitution of our nature the constitution of our nature the constitution of our nature the constitution of our nature (my emphasis).
Bingo! Bingo! Bingo! Bingo!
Let the children come to me, do not hinder them; for to such belongs the kingdom of God! Let the children come to me, do not hinder them; for to such belongs the kingdom of God! Let the children come to me, do not hinder them; for to such belongs the kingdom of God! Let the children come to me, do not hinder them; for to such belongs the kingdom of God! (Mark
Jesus child/servant as also a mother/woman as participants in and models for life in Gods Kingdom
means precisely this: They represent the power power power power to overcome the fatal egocentricity of the power that is recog-
nized by society (Erhard S. Gersternberger 2002 Theologies in the Old Testament 249). Or, God works bot-
tom-up, not top-down, from weakness, not strength.
Jesus community community community community cannot be put into a strait strait strait strait- -- -jacket jacket jacket jacket. . . . His community is one that recognizes the Ethic of
the other other other other (op cit. 269), not an artificially constructed legal system.
The patriarchalism, matriarchalism, and monarchism of the old world are outmoded and are unus-
able as models for our world. Human claims to domination are totally outmoded because they will cause
catastrophe of our planet (op cit. 272).
Its taken 2000 years for us to begin to get the point Jesus made; these insights come from scientists, not reli-
gious teachers. Whoops!!!! Something to think about

Shalom, Tom
WOSHIP (continued)

WORSHIP (continued)
Oh, to Have A Faith Like His

As I write today, I am preparing for a trip that will include a few days in New Orleans, the city of my birth. I
love New Orleans because of my Dad. There are several dates that have special meaning to me. One is April
and the other Fathers Day. April 25
was my Dads birthday. If he had not entered the beautiful city that
shines with the glorious light of the Father in 1999 at the age of 85, he would have been 100 years old this year.
How I do miss him, and I especially miss him on his birthday and Fathers Day. My Dad was a big man, 69
tall, hands the size of hams, a heart full of love and a gentle giant. I would have liked to have been his size, but
I guess I took after Mothers side of the family. What was truly memorable about Dad was he was a staunch
Christian. He did not use foul language, never had an unkind word about anyone and had a spirit that was full
of love and kindness. His size really was a faade that contained a heart that would melt for Mother and me
and others he loved. He was a man of faith.

My Dad sacrificed a lot for Mother and me. He wanted to make sure we had all that we needed. Sometimes,
that was a difficult task to accomplish. But I know he did without for himself for us. I owe my education to my
Dad. I owe my success in life to my Dad. I owe all those piano lessons and organ training to my Dad. He
bought my first piano when I was 5. It was a used upright that he paid $25 for in 1955. To me, it was the most
beautiful grand piano ever made. Now, $25 doesnt sound like a lot, but at that time, my Dad was earning
about $80 a week. As time went by, my Dad started his steel erection business and with years of hard work, it
was successful, flourished and very financially sound. The last contract my Dad completed before he retired
was the steel erection for the New Orleans Superdome. Another project he completed was the steel erection
for the tallest building in Louisiana, Number 1 Shell Square. Around the city are other buildings that my Dad
was a part of. As a result of his good fortune, he not only saw to it that we had what we needed, but also what
we wanted. . . . I love to go to all the places in the city and look at the buildings he left his mark on. I can never
repay all he did for me. I can only continue to be the son that proudly carries his name. He was a man of faith.

WORSHIP (continued)
I especially recall his goodness, generosity and love on Fathers Day. And I love to hear Faith of Our Fathers
sung on this day of recollection. There is an interesting story of this hymn with a twist. Ill bet you didnt
know that it was written by a Roman Catholic.

Faith of Our Fathers was written by Frederick William Faber. Faber, who lived from June 28, 1814 to Septem-
ber 26, 1863 was a British hymn writer and theologian. He was the son of an Anglican priest and was raised in
Calverly, Yorkshire, in England. Faber was educated at Oxford University, and entered into the Anglican min-
istry after graduation. While at Oxford, he became friends with John Henry Newman, a Roman Catholic.
Through Newmans influence and while feeling drawn to the historic, reverent liturgy of the Catholic Church,
Faber left the Church of England to become a Roman Catholic.

Faith of Our Fathers was written to remind church members of the faith of the martyred leaders in the Roman
Catholic Church during the sixteenth century. Many were tortured for saying Mass, who honored the Pope or
harbored a priest. The text first appeared in 1849 in Fabers collection, Jesus and Mary; or Catholic Hymns for
Singing and Reading. One of the omitted verses from his original text expresses this thought:

Faith of our fathers! Marys prayers
Shall win our country back to thee;
And through the truth that comes from God,
England shall then indeed be free.
Faith of our fathers, holy faith!
We would be true to Thee till death.

Although this verse is not in the Protestant hymnals, it shows his focus on the faith of the leaders and the
faithful that have walked before us. The sacrifices made by the forefathers of the church were made for Christi-
anity as a whole. Frederick William Faber understood the actions of the church forefathers who have provided
the background for the church today. Years from now others may look back upon the actions of the church to-
day the way Faber looked upon the church of the 16
century. His goal was to safeguard the faith during his
generation, as those did in prior generations. This understanding is a lesson for the church today.

When I hear this beautiful hymn, waves of emotion swell within me. I think of my Dad and his faith. I think
of the ones before our time who sacrificed to spread the gospel and lift the name of Jesus. I think of our true
Father and the sacrifice he made by giving his only Son for me, for you, for all the world.

I especially love the phrase in the hymn, Faith of our fathers living still. You see my earthly father still lives
in my heart, my fond memories, and his love for me. And without a doubt, without fear of contradiction, my
Heavenly Father is alive, seeing to it that I have all I need, bestowing blessings everyday that are beyond meas-
ure. How I look forward to seeing them both in the New Jerusalem!

With a Song in My Heart,


WORSHIP (continued)
Flower Calendar

Please note: Please note: Please note: Please note: I am trying to work ahead on the flowers, so if you would like to provide flowers to commemorate a
special event/occasion/memory etc. for a specific date, please call me as soon as possible. Thank you.

Please also note: Please also note: Please also note: Please also note: It is never too early to call me to select your chosen date. Dates in late late late late 2014 are already being
selected, so please dont hesitate to call me if there is a Sunday you would like to commemorate by sharing with
the church some type of flowers or plant of your choice. (It could be fresh, silk, dried, etc. from your yard, a su-
permarket, a florist, etc.)

As of this mailing, the following people will be providing flowers in June, July , August and September 2014. If
you would like to provide flowers on a date of your choice, please call Nancy Hall at 694-3221. Thank you.

Thank you to these people as they share in donating the flowers for the following worship services:

June 1, 2014---From Nancy Stephenson in loving memory of her parents, Ted and Violet Wikary
June 8, 2014---In memory of our parents, Aleta, Max, and Robert, from the Repp family
June 15, 2014---From Bernice and Bob Henry in celebration of their 54
wedding anniversary
June 22, 2014---In memory of Joyce Lee from Sue
June 29, 2014---In honor of our 52
wedding anniversary from Charles and Mary Ellen Vowinkel

July 6, 2014---In loving memory of my mother, Ann Patnode, and my brother, Edward, from Kay Dahlen
July 13, 2014---OPEN
July 20, 2014---OPEN
July 27, 2014---In honor of our 40
wedding anniversary from Thom and Kathy Kuhns

August 3, 2014---from the Ruarks
August 10, 2014---OPEN
August 17, 2014---In honor of my mother Ruths 94
birthday today from Cash and Gwynn Pealer
August 24, 2014---From the Clegornes in honor of the Clegorne family birthdays, sons Nicholas and
Patrick, and Anthonys mother and father
August 31, 2014---In celebration of our 35
wedding anniversary from Frank and Heidi Lawson

September 7, 2014---OPEN
September 14, 2014---In celebration of our 67
wedding anniversary from Glendon and Mildred Shank
September 21, 2014---OPEN
September 28, 2014---From Dorothy Roth in loving memory of Merl on their wedding date

June 2014
Italicized items are non-FKPC activities using FKPC facilities
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
9:00 - 11:45 Library
9:15 Adult Ed &
10:00 Choir Practice
10:30 Worship
11:30 Discipleship
Youth Ministry
5:00 PYC

7:30 Mens Bible

5:00 TOPS (FH)
5:30 Mission Ministry
5:30 Property
6:00 - 8:00 Marions
United (CE)
10:00 Prayer
Shawl Ministry

5:30 Connections

7:00 Boy Scouts

5:30 Worship


11:00 Adult

1:00 Crafts

7:00 AA (FH)

Set-up (FH)


Point (FH)


9:00 - 11:45 Library
9:00 Adult Ed. &
9:30 Choir Practice
10:00 Worship
11:30 Congrega-
tional Care Ministry
5:00 PYC
5:00 High Tide
7:30 Mens Bible
9:30 Small Group

5:00 TOPS (FH)
6:00 - 8:00 Marions
United (CE)


6:00 Finance

7:00 Discipleship

7:00 Boy Scouts

1:00 Sassy Seniors


1:00 Crafts

7:00 AA (FH)
10:00 Card



9:00 - 11:45 Library
9:00 Adult Ed. &
9:30 Choir Practice
10:00 Worship
5:00 PYC


7:30 Mens Bible

5:00 TOPS (FH)
6:00 - 8:00 Marions
United (CE)

7:00 Boy Scouts

3:00 Pastoral Care


1:00 Crafts

7:00 AA (FH)

VBS Set up

Food4Kids &
2 Cents A Meal

9:00 - 11:45 Library
9:00 Adult Ed. &
9:30 Choir Practice
10:00 Worship


7:30 Mens Bible


7:00 Boy Scouts


1:00 Crafts




9:00 - 11:45 Library
9:00 Adult Ed. &
9:30 Choir Practice
10:00 Worship
5:00 PYC

7:30 Mens Bible
9:30 Small Group
5:00 TOPS (FH)
6:00 - 8:00 Marions
United (CE)

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Ocala, Florida 34470
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