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Vi ew Vi sa I nf ormat i on

Visa information for Visitor Visa for Business or Pleasure (B-1/B-2) at the Vancouver
Consulate can be found below.
General Visa Information
he Visitor Visa is a nonimmi!rant visa for "ersons desirin! to enter the #nited $tates
tem"oraril% for business (B-1)& includin! attendin! "rofessional meetin!s or conference' for
"leasure& includin! vacation or visitin! famil% or medical treatment (B-2)& or a combination of
both (B-1/B-2) "ur"oses for u" to si( months.
)ach famil% member*s a""lication is reviewed se"aratel%. )ach famil% member is
issued an individual visa based on the a""lication that famil% member submitted.
Eligibility to Work/Study
+n a""licant travelin! on a B1/B2 visa is !enerall% not allowed to wor, or attend
Exception: +n a""licant enrollin! in a school ma% be classified B-2 if the "ur"ose of
attendance is recreational or avocational. -or e(am"le& a "art-time lan!ua!e course
ma% .ualif% for a B2& if the main "ur"ose of the tri" is for "leasure. /0$ is res"onsible
for classif%in! academic "ro!rams.
Duration of Stay
+ visa is not a !uarantee of entr% into the #nited $tates. +n officer of the Customs
and Border Protection +!enc% (CBP) at the Port of )ntr% determines whether or not a
traveler ma% enter the #nited $tates and how lon! the% are "ermitted to sta%. he
validit% of the visa is not associated with the authori1ed duration of sta%' while an
a""licant ma% have a visa valid for 12 %ears& the authori1ed duration of sta% is !enerall%
no lon!er than 3 months. he visa*s validit% is sim"l% the "eriod durin! which travelers
ma% travel to and a""l% for entr% into the #nited $tates.
Specific Visa pplication !rocedures for "anada
Please be sure to arrive on time. 45)6 +""licants arrivin! earlier than 22 minutes before
their scheduled a""ointment time will be as,ed to leave and return at the s"ecified time.
Present the a""ointment confirmation and documentation to the Consular $ection u"on
arrival. If the a""licant needs a Canadian visa to enter Canada to a""l% for a visa& it is the
a""licant*s res"onsibilit% to obtain one.
he followin! items are not "ermitted in the Consular $ection6 bac,"ac,s& ba!s& lu!!a!e&
lar!e "urses or briefcases& oversi1ed strollers& cameras& ta"e recorders& "a!ers& cell "hones&
video cameras& radios& iPods& m"7 "la%ers& calculators& com"uters& bluetooth or an% wireless
device& electronic car ,e%s& food and drin,& an% sort of fire starter& tools or actual and
"otential wea"ons includin! shar" or "ointed items. his list is not all-inclusive' the Consular
$ection reserves the ri!ht to den% entr% of an% items deemed sus"icious. 8uards are
re.uired to search all a""licant*s belon!in!s "rior to entr% into the Consular $ection.
+n% visitor who declines to be screened b% #.$. Consular $ection securit% "ersonnel will be
"rohibited from enterin! the Consular $ection.
+""earin! for an interview does not !uarantee a visa will be issued. In most cases& if the
visa is issued& it will be available for "ic,-u" at the /09 location of the a""licant*s choice
within the followin! three business da%s. 0owever& in some cases& visa a""lications ma%
re.uire s"ecial "rocessin! that can ta,e several wee,s or months for a""roval. Because
"rocessin! times var%& the a""licant should re.uest a visa interview well in advance of the
"lanned de"arture for the #nited $tates and should not ma,e non-refundable travel
arran!ements until the visa has been received.
!ersonal ppearance
In !eneral& all a""licants must a""ear in "erson for the visa interview at which time& in
addition to an interview& the consular officer will di!itall% ca"ture the fin!er"rints of
a""licants a!es between 1: and ;<. #nder ver% limited circumstances the "ersonal
a""earance re.uirement ma% be waived (medical emer!encies)& but the a""licant must
still be "h%sicall% "resent in the district where the a""lication is submitted.
In the case of a""licants under 1: %ears& a "arent or !uardian must a""ear in "erson
to accom"an% them.
ccompanying !ersons
he followin! "ersons ma% accom"an% a visa a""licant durin! his or her visit to the
Consular $ection6
Inter"reters6 +n a""licant ma% brin! one inter"reter if he does not s"ea,
)n!lish (or -rench if a""l%in! in =ontreal or >uebec Cit%) well enou!h to
"artici"ate unassisted in the visa interview.
$"ecial 4eeds +ssistants6 +n a""licant ma% brin! one "erson to assist him if
he is elderl%& disabled& or a minor child.
he followin! "ersons ma% not be allowed into the #.$. Consular $ection "remises6
+ttorne%s6 +n a""licant ma% not be accom"anied b% his or her attorne%(s).
/rivers& friends& e(tra relatives& and others not s"ecificall% named above
cannot be "ermitted to enter and will be as,ed to return to meet the a""licant
after the interview is com"lete.
/ue to the limited si1e of the Consular $ection waitin! rooms& the hi!h volume
of visa a""licants& and the time re.uired to screen consular clients& other
accom"an%in! "ersons cannot and will not be admitted to the Consular
General pplication Documents
he followin! documents are re.uired of all visa a""licants6
+ll nonimmi!rant visa a""licants (re!ardless of a!e) are re.uired to submit the /$-
132 4on-Immi!rant Visa )lectronic +""lication. -orm /$-132 must be com"leted
online. +t the time of the interview& a""licants must submit the "rinted confirmation "a!e
with the bar code. o com"lete the /$-132& "lease visit #ttps://ceac$state$go%/genni%.
I=P5?+4 45)6 Chan!es to the /$-132 can onl% be made B)-5?) %ou
electronicall% si!n and submit it. Please ma,e sure that all the information %ou "rovided
on %our /$-132 form is correct B)-5?) %ou hit the $i!n and $ubmit button. o ma,e
chan!es in %our incom"lete a""lication& %ou ma% utili1e the ?etrieve Incom"lete
+""lication o"tion. #sin! this o"tion& %ou can retrieve a""lications that were initiated no
later than 72 da%s a!o. +lternativel%& %ou can use the $ave o"tion to save the
a""lication on %our com"uter or "ortable data stora!e device. In the latter case& the
C)+C s%stem will create a @./+ file& which %ou can o"en later to continue %our
he /$-132 must be com"leted before schedulin! an a""ointment. he /$-132
confirmation number (barcode number) is re.uired to com"lete the a""ointment
+ "ass"ort valid for travel to the #nited $tates and valid for at least 3 months
be%ond the a""licant*s intended "eriod of sta% in the #nited $tates unless countr%
s"ecific a!reements "rovide e(ce"tions.
Consult #ttp://&&&$state$go%/documents/organi'ation/()*++)$pdf for e(em"tions. If
more than one "erson is included in the "ass"ort& each "erson desirin! a visa must
ma,e an a""lication.
+ non-refundable a""lication fee for each a""lication.
o he visa a""lication fee is determined b% the t%"e of visa that the
a""licant is a""l%in! for. Based on the information that the a""licant has "rovided&
the fee is the e.uivalent of #$/A132. )(am"les of visas in this cate!or% are6
Visitor Visa for business/"leasure (B-1/B-2)& )(chan!e Visitor Visa (B)& $tudent
Visa (-)& 4on-+cademic $tudent Visa (=)& Bournalist Visa (I) and Crew Visa (C-
+""licants must be "re"ared to e("lain to the consular officer in their interview6
o he "ur"ose of the tri"& how lon! the% intend to remain in the #nited
$tates& and how the% will cover the costs of the tri". 5fficers will !enerall% see,
information about the a""licant*s bindin! obli!ations - such as famil% ties or
em"lo%ment - that would com"el them to return home after their tri" to the #nited
$tates. +lthou!h the officer mi!ht not re.uest documentation& a""licants ma% brin!
relevant "a"erwor, to "rovide if re.uested.
Specific pplication Documents for "anada
)(am"les of "roof of income/ties6
+ current letter of em"lo%ment (or that of the famil% member or "erson "rovidin!
the a""licant financial su""ort) showin! date hired& salar% and "osition
Pa% sli"s and ta( documents
$chool letter with "roof of tuition "a%ment and a co"% of official transcri"t
Pro"ert% deeds
Canada Immi!ration /ocuments showin! the a""licant*s current le!al status in
Canada ("ermanent resident card& student/wor, "ermit and/or visa& and/or tem"orar%
resident "ermit)
=onthl% ban, statements
Proof of sufficient funds to cover all e("enses while in #$
)vidence which shows "ur"ose of tri"
If an a""licant is self-em"lo%ed or owns a business& the a""licant should brin!6
he most recent ta( returns
=ost recent ta( returns for the business and/or business* financial statement
Certificate of incor"oration
Proof that the business is currentl% o"eratin! and !eneratin! income
If an a""licant is stud%in! in Canada& the a""licant should brin!6
$chool attendance records (school transcri"ts showin! !rades& re!istration letter&
records of tuition "a%ments& letters of acce"tance)
If wor,in! "art-time& letter from em"lo%er and "a% sli"s
-inancial documents such as recent ban, statements or statements from
investment accounts in Canada
Proof of "rior visits to the #nited $tates
)("ired "ass"orts with old visas.
I-22 forms and transcri"ts if the a""licant was a student
I-;<; forms
I-<: cards
)m"lo%ment +uthori1ation cards
Police and Court ?ecords
If the a""licant has ever been arrested or convicted of a crime an%where in the
world& brin! in associated court documents.
Proof of -amil% ?elationshi"s
If the a""licant*s s"ouse and/or children will be a""l%in! for derivative visa status
(e.!. marria!e certificate& birth certificate& ado"tion "a"ers& etc.).
he followin! documents are !enerall% not useful6
Credit or debit cards
/ocuments from countries outside Canada
9etters of su""ort from third "arties
+irline tic,ets
$tudent I/ cards
Ch% +re Dou +""l %i n!E
,on-"anadian "iti'ens:
If %ou are not a Canadian Citi1en& "lease write F4ot +""licableF in the te(t bo( below and
"anadian "iti'ens:
In !eneral& Canadian Citi1ens do not need to a""l% for a #.$. Visa.
Based on the a""licant*s Pur"ose of ravel that has been selected& a #.$. Visa should
not be re.uired. he traveler must "resent all necessar% su""ortin! documentation and/or
a""roved "etitions directl% to a #.$. Customs and Border Protection 5fficer at the Port of
)ven if the traveler has been denied entr% to the #nited $tates on a "revious occasion he
or she ma% be eli!ible to enter the #nited $tates without a visa for a future visit. -urther& if
the #.$. Customs and Border Protection 5fficer has indicated that the traveler needs to
a""l% for a waiver to enter the #nited $tates& the% must do so b% followin! the instructions
on their website& &&&$cbp$go%.
If the a""licant has not been informed that the% must a""l% for a visa& "lease do not a""l%
for a visa at this time& but instead a""l% for entr% at a #.$. Port of )ntr%. If the #.$.
Customs and Border Protection 5fficer has s"ecificall% informed the traveler that he or
she must a""l% for a visa "lease indicate below the location (cit%) and a""ro(imate date
on which this information was received& then "roceed to schedule a visa interview
Credi t Card Pa%ment I nf ormat i on
Dou will be char!ed .SD(/)$)) x 0& for a total of 10)$)& for the =?V -ee "a%ments. Please
enter the credit card information below and clic, F$ubmitF to "roceed.
W2,I,G6 Clic, on F$ubmitF onl% once. Dou will be char!ed the nonrefundable =?V fee
each time %ou clic, on F$ubmit.F If %ou have alread% made a "a%ment& "lease do not submit
%our credit card information a second time or %ou will incur another char!e. If %ou cannot
locate %our "revious "a%ment record& "lease clic, on FContact #sF above and someone will
assist %ou.
Pa%ment Conf i rmat i on
!rintable Version
Dour transaction was a""roved. han, %ou for %our "a%ment. he char!e for %our #.$. Visa
-ee will a""ear on %our credit card as FVisa -ees -or #$ /5$ =ontreal >C.F he
transaction details are listed below.
3ransaction Details
MRV Fee Receipt: 25879281 (Abbagani,Sandhya Rani)
MRV Fee Receipt: 20722980 (PODILA,PRAGNYA SPOORTI)
Payment Date: !an"a#y 22, 201$ 21%29
Amount Paid: &SD1'0(00 ) 2 * +20(0
Payment Method: ,#-di. ,a#d
Receipt Expiration Date: !an"a#y 22, 2015 21%29
Please "rint this "a!e if %ou need a recei"t of %our "a%ment transaction. 5nce %ou have
!one be%ond this "a!e& %ou will be unable to revisit this "a!e a!ain or have another
o""ortunit% to "rint a recei"t.
Please clic, on the FContinueF button below to "roceed.

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