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Earning the title of Devil Pup is a lifetime achievement. The process began
when you made a commitment to yourself to strive for self-improvement.
Your Liaison Representative (LR) has observed many of the positive character
traits that make you a terrific candidate for the Devil Pups program. You are
to be congratulated for being noticed as a young person that possesses great
potential and a willingness to do the right things. You are encouraged to
begin a training regimen (if you have not already done so) that will enable
you to pursue your goal to earn the title of Devil Pup. In addition to your
physical training, you should include a disciplined nutritional, rest and
recovery routine, too. In order to exude the leadership qualities your LR has
observed in you, you will want to be as prepared as possible for the ten day
training schedule. The enclosed nutritional guidelines are intended to aide
your training preparation. There is no time like now to begin! Earning the
title of Devil Pup will be well worth your efforts and sacrifice. Best of luck and
stay focused on reaching your goals.
1. Develop a nutritional plan and write it down in your workout journal. Try to
craft a 7-day plan and be diligent in following your plan.
2. Provide your parent/guardian a list of foods to include in the family weekly
grocery list.
3. Plan ahead! Before retiring for the evening make your lunch and snacks for
the following day (peanut & jam sandwiches, fruit, veggies).
4. Try and eat or graze throughout the day. Eating small meals during the day
keep you energized and allow for maximum performance in both academics
and physical training. Eating every 2-3 hours is a good rule.
5. Watch your portions; dont overeat. You will want to ensure your complex
carbohydrates are the largest portion, protein next, and then sugars and fats.
6. Try and drink at least eight glasses of water per day (more if youre active
athlete). You will want to ensure you are urinating clearly. If not, you are
7. Protein shakes are okay, but follow the instructions on the label. More is not
8. Record everything you eat in your journal. Adjust your diet and training so
that it fits your progression and conditioning development. Much of what you
do will be by trial and error.
9. Remember when you start putting on muscle you will gain weight (muscle is
three times heavier than fat), but you will lose inches in fatty areas and gain
inches in muscular areas. In addition, your workout routines will become
more effective. As you become more efficient in your workouts you will burn
calories more efficiently and will actually have to increase you intake of
complex carbohydrates (rice, grains, potatoes, etc.).
Month: _________ Date of Weigh in & Current Weight: _________
DATE Snacks Breakfast & Hydration Lunch & Hydration Dinner & Hydration
1 Fruit-Veggies-
Fruit Whole Grains - Dairy Protein-Carbs-Fruit Carbs-Protein-Veggies
2 Fruit-Veggies-
Fruit Whole Grains - Dairy Protein-Carbs-Fruit Carbs-Protein-Veggies
3 Fruit-Veggies-
Fruit Whole Grains - Dairy Protein-Carbs-Fruit Carbs-Protein-Veggies
4 Fruit-Veggies-
Fruit Whole Grains - Dairy Protein-Carbs-Fruit Carbs-Protein-Veggies
5 Fruit-Veggies-
Fruit Whole Grains - Dairy Protein-Carbs-Fruit Carbs-Protein-Veggies
6 Fruit-Veggies-
Fruit Whole Grains - Dairy Protein-Carbs-Fruit Carbs-Protein-Veggies
7 Fruit-Veggies-
Fruit Whole Grains - Dairy Protein-Carbs-Fruit Carbs-Protein-Veggies
8 Fruit-Veggies-
Fruit Whole Grains - Dairy Protein-Carbs-Fruit Carbs-Protein-Veggies
9 Fruit-Veggies-
Fruit Whole Grains - Dairy Protein-Carbs-Fruit Carbs-Protein-Veggies
10 Fruit-Veggies-
Fruit Whole Grains - Dairy Protein-Carbs-Fruit Carbs-Protein-Veggies
11 Fruit-Veggies-
Fruit Whole Grains - Dairy Protein-Carbs-Fruit Carbs-Protein-Veggies
12 Fruit-Veggies-
Fruit Whole Grains - Dairy Protein-Carbs-Fruit Carbs-Protein-Veggies
13 Fruit-Veggies-
Fruit Whole Grains - Dairy Protein-Carbs-Fruit Carbs-Protein-Veggies
14 Fruit-Veggies-
Fruit Whole Grains - Dairy Protein-Carbs-Fruit Carbs-Protein-Veggies
15 Fruit-Veggies-
Fruit Whole Grains - Dairy Protein-Carbs-Fruit Carbs-Protein-Veggies
16 Fruit-Veggies-
Fruit Whole Grains - Dairy Protein-Carbs-Fruit Carbs-Protein-Veggies
17 Fruit-Veggies-
Fruit Whole Grains - Dairy Protein-Carbs-Fruit Carbs-Protein-Veggies
18 Fruit-Veggies-
Fruit Whole Grains - Dairy Protein-Carbs-Fruit Carbs-Protein-Veggies
19 Fruit-Veggies-
Fruit Whole Grains - Dairy Protein-Carbs-Fruit Carbs-Protein-Veggies
20 Fruit-Veggies-
Fruit Whole Grains - Dairy Protein-Carbs-Fruit Carbs-Protein-Veggies
21 Fruit-Veggies-
Fruit Whole Grains - Dairy Protein-Carbs-Fruit Carbs-Protein-Veggies
22 Fruit-Veggies-
Fruit Whole Grains - Dairy Protein-Carbs-Fruit Carbs-Protein-Veggies
23 Fruit-Veggies-
Fruit Whole Grains - Dairy Protein-Carbs-Fruit Carbs-Protein-Veggies
24 Fruit-Veggies-
Fruit Whole Grains - Dairy Protein-Carbs-Fruit Carbs-Protein-Veggies
25 Fruit-Veggies-
Fruit Whole Grains - Dairy Protein-Carbs-Fruit Carbs-Protein-Veggies
26 Fruit-Veggies-
Fruit Whole Grains - Dairy Protein-Carbs-Fruit Carbs-Protein-Veggies
27 Fruit-Veggies-
Fruit Whole Grains - Dairy Protein-Carbs-Fruit Carbs-Protein-Veggies
28 Fruit-Veggies-
Fruit Whole Grains - Dairy Protein-Carbs-Fruit Carbs-Protein-Veggies
29 Fruit-Veggies-
Fruit Whole Grains - Dairy Protein-Carbs-Fruit Carbs-Protein-Veggies
30 Fruit-Veggies-
Fruit Whole Grains - Dairy Protein-Carbs-Fruit Carbs-Protein-Veggies
31 Fruit-Veggies-
Fruit Whole Grains - Dairy Protein-Carbs-Fruit Carbs-Protein-Veggies
Month: _________ Date of Weigh-In & Current Weight: _________
*Core work is comprised of crunches, and stability ball training routines, etc.
Always rest 48-hours between weight routines; conduct upper body one day
and lower body the next. 3 Lifts per week is optimal rotate the routines the
following week.
Cross train cardiovascular as often as possible (bike, run, swim, etc.).
Goal: 30- minutes
Lower Body Workout
Upper Body Workout
Run Bike - Swim Squats: 3 x 10-12
Lunges: 3 x 8-10
*Core: 3 x 15-20
Bench: 3 x 10-12
Military: 3 x 10-12
Pull Ups: 3 x max
Push Ups: 3 x 10-25
Run Bike - Swim Squats: 3 x 10-12
Lunges: 3 x 8-10
*Core: 3 x 15-20
Bench: 3 x 10-12
Military: 3 x 10-12
Pull Ups: 3 x max
Push Ups: 3 x 10-25
Run Bike - Swim Squats: 3 x 10-12
Lunges: 3 x 8-10
*Core: 3 x 15-20
Bench: 3 x 10-12
Military: 3 x 10-12
Pull Ups: 3 x max
Push Ups: 3 x 10-25
Run Bike - Swim Squats: 3 x 10-12
Lunges: 3 x 8-10
*Core: 3 x 15-20
Bench: 3 x 10-12
Military: 3 x 10-12
Pull Ups: 3 x max
Push Ups: 3 x 10-25
Run Bike - Swim Squats: 3 x 10-12
Lunges: 3 x 8-10
*Core: 3 x 15-20
Bench: 3 x 10-12
Military: 3 x 10-12
Pull Ups: 3 x max
Push Ups: 3 x 10-25
Run Bike - Swim Squats: 3 x 10-12
Lunges: 3 x 8-10
*Core: 3 x 15-20
Bench: 3 x 10-12
Military: 3 x 10-12
Pull Ups: 3 x max
Push Ups: 3 x 10-25
Run Bike - Swim Squats: 3 x 10-12
Lunges: 3 x 8-10
*Core: 3 x 15-20
Bench: 3 x 10-12
Military: 3 x 10-12
Pull Ups: 3 x max
Push Ups: 3 x 10-25
Run Bike - Swim Squats: 3 x 10-12
Lunges: 3 x 8-10
*Core: 3 x 15-20
Bench: 3 x 10-12
Military: 3 x 10-12
Pull Ups: 3 x max
Push Ups: 3 x 10-25
Run Bike - Swim Squats: 3 x 10-12
Lunges: 3 x 8-10
*Core: 3 x 15-20
Bench: 3 x 10-12
Military: 3 x 10-12
Pull Ups: 3 x max
Push Ups: 3 x 10-25
Run Bike - Swim Squats: 3 x 10-12
Lunges: 3 x 8-10
*Core: 3 x 15-20
Bench: 3 x 10-12
Military: 3 x 10-12
Pull Ups: 3 x max
Push Ups: 3 x 10-25
Run Bike - Swim Squats: 3 x 10-12
Lunges: 3 x 8-10
*Core: 3 x 15-20
Bench: 3 x 10-12
Military: 3 x 10-12
Pull Ups: 3 x max
Push Ups: 3 x 10-25
Run Bike - Swim Squats: 3 x 10-12
Lunges: 3 x 8-10
*Core: 3 x 15-20
Bench: 3 x 10-12
Military: 3 x 10-12
Pull Ups: 3 x max
Push Ups: 3 x 10-25
Food nourishes the body and gives us energy to get through each day.
Healthy eating is fundamental to good health and is a key element in healthy
human development and the ability to learn. Its all about making good
choices and understanding what is good and what is not --- you should
Definition Food Groups Healthy Choices
Fruit & Vegetables Fruit & Vegetables
Having at least one vegetable or fruit at every
meal or as a snack will help you get the amount
of vegetables and fruit you need each day.
Eat at least one dark green and one orange
vegetable each day. Dark green vegetables such
as broccoli, romaine lettuce. Go for orange
vegetables such as carrots, sweet potatoes.
Grain Products Grain Products
Whole grains, are a source of fiber and are
typically low in fat. Fiber rich foods can help you
feel full and satisfied.
Make grains at least half of your diet. Choose
products that say whole grain, like: brown rice,
oats, whole wheat bread, oatmeal or whole
wheat pasta.
Milk & Alternatives Milk & Alternatives
Did you know that milk and alternatives contain
important nutrients that are good for your
bones? Having milk or fortified soy beverages
every day provides the nutrients that you need
for healthy bones and optimal health.
Drink 1%-2% (fat) milk each day for adequate
vitamin D one glass. Drink fortified soy
beverages if you do not drink milk. Select low
fat or non-fat when choosing yogurt, sour
cream, cheese, and ice cream, etc.
Meat & Alternatives Meat & Alternatives
Did you know that meat and alternatives provide
protein, fat and many other important nutrients
including zinc, iron, and magnesium and B
vitamins? You dont need to eat large amounts
from this group to satisfy your nutritional needs.
Select lean meat and alternatives prepared with
little or no added fat or salt. Trim the visible fat
from meats. Remove the skin on poultry. Eat
fish over meat whenever you have a choice.
Oils & Fats Oils & Fats
There are different types of fats in foods:
saturated, unsaturated and trans fats.
Trans fat is the key word for oils and fats. Eat
only butter that says; No Trans Fat. Also
consider: canola oil, olive oil as better choices
Beverages Beverages
Drink water regularly. The key to most other
beverage selection is to drink calorie free or
low calorie.
Water is better than anything else. When eating
out, say yes when offered water or order water
to drink with your meal.

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