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Religious issues:

Protesting against the U.S-led attack on Iraq, wide sections of society in Pakistan's KPK
Province have banned American multinationals Coke and Pepsi, amongst others,
spawning a slew of new, local soft drinks.
Soon after the attack, Pakistan's ulemas (religious leaders) launched a campaign against
foreign products, particularly beverages, appealing to the faithful in their Friday sermons,
to stop using these products. Their speeches inflamed the passions of the Pakistani public
outraged by the bombing of Iraq, striking a chord even among liberals in Pakistani
society. Large numbers of Muslims especially those in the NWFP believed America
would launch similar attacks on other Muslim countries. So Pakistanis scratched Pepsi,
Coke, Pizza Hut, McDonalds, others from their shopping lists.
The idea of boycotting U.S. products was floated in the Pakistani Senate (upper house of
Parliament) last month. Even the high court bar association of Peshawar, NWFP's capital,
banned the sale of Coca-Cola and Pepsi in the court cafeteria.
President of the Peshawar University Teachers Association (PUTA) Arbab Khan Afridi,
said, "Pepsi was my favorite cold drink but this year I did not have it even once."
Afridi said PUTA had banned the use of Pepsi in their meetings and functions to register
their protest against the "atrocities against Muslims" around the world.

Pepsi spelled backwards is 666 which is a Jewish( Number of the Beast) Number.(WP:CP)

Alcohol Pepsi hits religion (A case in France with Muslims)
According to tests carried by NIC Paris (National Institute of Consumption) they have proved
that more than half of leading colas contain the traces of alcohol. This includes the brand leader
Pepsi Cola also. They suggest that the alcohol levels are as low as 10mg in every liter, and this
works out at around 0.001 per cent alcohol. But as according to Islam this figures is still enough
to upset the thousands of Muslims who regularly drink Cola because their religion forbids them
from drinking Alcohol. To elaborate this problem the scientific director of PepsiCo France
(Pepin) said that the Paris Mosque has provided us with a certificate stating that our products can
be consumed by the Muslim community in line with the religious opinions of the Committee of
the Mosque of Paris.
Pepin added that "Some soft drinks can contain minute traces of alcohol because of the
ingredients used," although "the Pepsi Cola recipe does not contain alcohol."Further they
suggested that natural fruit can ferment and produce minute traces of alcohol. (Express India)

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