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Fatima Freeman

April 28, 2014

LSP 111
Journal #2
Non-Western, Western and Outsider art has its own characteristic differences of
definition and examples. But non-Western art and Outsider art has a similarity in the art world
for not been defined as fine art. And there is a community of museums and galleries that
showcase the different examples of their bodies of work that aids the viewers for a better
understanding of what fine art is. For example at the Field Museum in Chicago doesnt put fine
art on display but the idea of having early traditional pieces of art that once was made by people
before modern technology existed can be considered as non-Western art. The display of Native
American artifacts exhibits how they lived their lives before the discovery of America displays
the societies and cultures that once lived at peace.
To further define Non-Western art and give examples would mean not to look at
art work that we are familiar with. Just like Outsider art, Non-Western art is not considered as
fine art or art that we understand. Non-Western art is complicated and meant for us to
contemplate on the piece. For example, at the Art Institute Chicago, installations of African
masks are on display and other interesting pieces that are considered to be non-fine art. Instead
the installation is considered as what the Field Museum would install as a study of the African
culture before the African Slave Trade. But the African masks and other objects that the Art
Institute Chicago installed into a space is consider as art. Non-Western art pieces are not created
by trained artist but by a group of people that originated from that society express themselves
through the objects that were probably used for ceremonial rituals.
But Western artist are trained artist from Europe that produce the fine art works
that we are familiar with and is much easier to understand. Unlike Non-Western art, this is art
work that we dont have to contemplate on or none of the art work represents the culture and/or
societies of a group of people. For example, The Turkish Bath by Jean-Auguste-Dominique
Ingres, 1862, is considered as fine art because the figures in the painting are well formed. The
Mona Lisa by Leonardo di Vinci painted during the Renaissance, is a better example of what
Western art is because of its popularity and the great influence on what is defined as fine art.
Outsider art is complex and beyond the definition of fine art. This is art that
would not be found in an art museum but this is art that would be found in an art gallery, like the
Intuit Art Gallery. The art work that the Intuit Art Gallery has on display is from people that are
mentally challenged and they are unable to interact with other people. But they use art as a
communication device that helps them to express themselves. For example, Henry Darger, 1892-
1973, was a janitor that was abused as a child in an orphanage and never communicated with
people outside of his home. But when he died his art work was discovered by his landlady and
now is on display at the Intuit Art Gallery.
All art works that we see in art museums or galleries are not always considered as
fine art. But because of its rich appearance it can be considered in some or all cases to be fine art.
Art is what we see and not how society defines what art is. Western art, non-Western art and
Outsider art is known as art for many. But that doesnt mean that it is art.

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