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How to slipstream all Intel SATA drivers into a Windows XP installation disc.
1. Extract Intel SATA drivers ( sin! 7-Zip(free) or WinRar.
2. "op# t$e contents o% #or Windows XP installation disc to a new %older on H&&.
3. 'n nLite( select #or lan!a!e and c$oose ) Next ).
4. "lic* ) r!"#e$ ) and point %older w$ere are t$e copied XP %iles. In this example: E:\WinXP.
11 +cto,er 2-12 . &aniel Pot#rala
How to slipstream all Intel SATA drivers into a Windows XP installation disc.
&etermine does an# Service Pac* (SP) $as ,een inte!rated wit$ t$e XP installation disc and i%
so( w$ic$ version. %t #&!'l( )e at lea#t *+2 li*e in t$e ,elow example. I% it/s lower version(
t$en in t$e p!int 6 #o will %ind in%ormation on $ow to meet t$e minimm re0irement.
,. "$oose ) Next ).
11 +cto,er 2-12 . &aniel Pot#rala
How to slipstream all Intel SATA drivers into a Windows XP installation disc.
6. W$en t$e XP installation disc was not inte!rated wit$ *+ or onl# wit$ *+1 t$en (ot$erwise
s*ip to t$e p!int 7)1
&ownload SP2 %rom t$e 2icroso%t we,site (set #or XP disc lan!a!e t$ere). In ) -a#.
*ele/ti!n ) c$oose ) *er0i/e +a/. )( ) 1ri0er# ) and ) !!ta)le %*2 /. "lic* ) Next ).
"$oose ) *ele/t )
11 +cto,er 2-12 . &aniel Pot#rala
How to slipstream all Intel SATA drivers into a Windows XP installation disc.
and do,le le%t3clic* t$e *+2 %ile.
n4ite will atomaticall# extract and inte!rate it wit$ #or windows %iles %older.
11 +cto,er 2-12 . &aniel Pot#rala
How to slipstream all Intel SATA drivers into a Windows XP installation disc.
*+2 is slipstreamed now. "$oose ) Next ) and s*ip to t$e p!int 8.
7. W$en #or XP installation disc is alread# inte!rated wit$ *+2 or *+33 t$en in ) -a#.
*ele/ti!n ) c$oose ) 1ri0er# )( ) !!ta)le %*2 /and clic* ) Next ).
11 +cto,er 2-12 . &aniel Pot#rala
How to slipstream all Intel SATA drivers into a Windows XP installation disc.
8. Select ) %n#ert )
and clic* ) *in4le (ri0er ).
11 +cto,er 2-12 . &aniel Pot#rala
How to slipstream all Intel SATA drivers into a Windows XP installation disc.
5. 5o to t$e %older wit$ extracted Intel SATA drivers %rom t$e p!int 1 and do,le le%t3clic*
t$e ia678% %ile.
10. "$oose ) -ext9!(e (ri0er ) and select all drivers ,# $oldin! 68-RL : 67 *e#s.
11 +cto,er 2-12 . &aniel Pot#rala
How to slipstream all Intel SATA drivers into a Windows XP installation disc.
11. "lic* ) Next ).
12. "$oose ) ;e# ). T$is will ,e!in t$e process o% slipstreamin! t$e SATA driver into %iles
w$ic$ were copied %rom t$e XP installation disc.
11 +cto,er 2-12 . &aniel Pot#rala
How to slipstream all Intel SATA drivers into a Windows XP installation disc.
13. 8o will see now pro!ressive stripes.
14. W$en n4ite will %inis$ t$is tas* #o will ,e in%ormed a,ot it li*e on t$e ,elow p$oto.
1,. In t$is %inal step 8o ma#1
9 create IS+ ima!e to ,rn it later
9 ,rn new XP cop# directl# on "&3' disc.
11 +cto,er 2-12 . &aniel Pot#rala
How to slipstream all Intel SATA drivers into a Windows XP installation disc.
Option 1. Creating ISO image:
:e%ore #o will do an#t$in! #o ma# want to c$an!e standard ) La)el ) name. ;nder ) <!(e
/ c$oose / 8reate %9a4e )( and clic* t$e ) <a.e %*2 ) ,tton. A%ter t$is action #o will need
to c$oose w$ere #o want to save t$e IS+ %ile and $ow it s$old ,e named.
At t$e ,ottom o% t$e n4ite window will s$ow p in%ormation t$at t$e process $as ended wit$
11 +cto,er 2-12 . &aniel Pot#rala
How to slipstream all Intel SATA drivers into a Windows XP installation disc.
W$en #o will want to ,rn t$is IS+ %ile( rn a!ain n4ite and in ) -a#. *ele/ti!n ) c$oose
onl# ) !!ta)le %*2 / and clic* ) Next ). T$is time nder ) <!(e / select / 'rn %9a4e ) and
c$oose ) 'rn ). :rowse to t$e pat$ w$ere t$e IS+ %ile is stored and do,le le%t3clic* it.
Option 2. Directly burning new XP CD/DVD:
:e%ore #o will do an#t$in! #o ma# want to c$an!e standard ) La)el ) name. ;nder ) <!(e
/ c$oose ) 1ire/t 'rn ) and clic* t$e ) 'rn ) ,tton.
11 +cto,er 2-12 . &aniel Pot#rala
How to slipstream all Intel SATA drivers into a Windows XP installation disc.
"$oose ) ;e# ) to ,rn it to "&3'. Wait patientl# ntil t$e process is complete.
16. "$oose ) Next )and clic* ) =ini#& ) to exit n4ite.
11 +cto,er 2-12 . &aniel Pot#rala

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