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Sue Yon Kim

B5 English
Ms. Oberg
Pledge of Allegiance
There are two different arguments still debating over in the Pledge of Allegiance. It has been
argued that the word under God should be retained or removed. The Pledge of Allegiance was
originally written in 1892-AUG by Francis Bellamy. There have been many changes to the
Pledge over the years. In its original form, it started out simply as: I Pledge Allegiance to my
Flag and the Republic for which it stands, one nation indivisible with liberty and justice for all.
Now the Pledge reads, I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to
the republic for which it stands; one Nation under God, indivisible, With Liberty and Justice for
all. In 1954 the word under God were added to the Pledge by Louis A. Bowman, who said that
the phrase came from Lincolns Gettysburg Address. After in 1954, the Congress added the
words under God. The result of it was the federal court appealed the Pledge of Allegiance in
public school is unconstitutional and the words under God violate the First Amendments
Establishment Clause. In contrast, the recitation of the words under God in the Pledge of
Allegiance are needed for school children to acknowledge of religious heritage of U.S. history
(Mr. Federer).
All previous attempts have been argued in federal court on the ground that the word under God
was an unconstitutional violation of the separation of church and state. Every attempt to
eliminate the mention of God has thus far failed.
The Pledge of the Allegiance is an expression of patriotism, national identity and simple
acknowledgement of the importance of religion in United States history. It also viewed as the
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religious aspects of our traditional and national character. Michael Newdow asserted that the
recitation of the Pledge is an unconstitutional and a religious exercise. But W. Todd Akin, the
U.S. Representative, stated that "The decision that the Pledge of Allegiance is unconstitutional
reflects a misunderstanding of our Constitution. Belief in a Creator is central to the ideas upon
which our nation was founded. To suggest that listening to the Pledge of Allegiance may harm
any child is absurd. To block schools from allowing the Pledge adds arrogance to the absurdity."
Supreme Courts supports Mr. Newdows opinion that when the public schools get supports by
the state and it violates the Constitutions Establishment Clause. Courts also said the Pledge with
recitation has a theological position and it appears at the exercise that we swear to the Pledge
such as we speak the Pledge and hand over heart. The National Jewish Commission on Law and
Public Affairs brief for the United States Supreme Court case Elk Grove Unified School District
v. Michael A. Newdow: A declaration in our Pledge of Allegiance that we are 'one nation under
God' is not a preference of one theological teaching over another, or an official endorsement of
any one faith or group of beliefs. It is, rather, the expression of what has always been
acknowledged by humankind...The text of the Pledge of Allegiance recognizes that self-evident
truth, fully confirmed by American history, on behalf of the people of the United States of
America."And also the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ), wrote the following
statements in the Jan. 12, 2004: "Recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance in public schools is fully
consistent with the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment to the United States
Constitution. The words of the Pledge echo the conviction held by the Founders of this Nation
that our freedoms come from God'One Nation under God' in the Pledge of Allegiance for the
express purpose of reaffirming America's unique understanding of this truth, and to distinguish
America from atheistic nations who recognize no higher authority than the State."
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The Pledge of Allegiance is the primary symbol of the history of religion. American history was
established with and based on the religion. If the people who oppose to the recitation of the
words under God, it is same as they are denying their history. Pledge of Allegiance is what we
can express the respect to the establishment of United States. The words under God only
describe for respect, acknowledge of the tradition of religion in American history.There is no
reason to deny the words under God even if you are atheist because it does not mean that you
have to be a believer of God. It is also not a peer pressure to believe in God, it is just necessary to
know if you are a citizen of U.S.

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Works Cited
The National Jewish Commission on Law and Public Affairs, a nonprofit "organization of
volunteer lawyers that advocates the position of the Orthodox Jewish community on legal
issues," wrote the following statements in a Dec. 2003 amicus brief for the United States
Supreme Court case Elk Grove Unified School District v. Michael A. Newdow
W. Todd Akin, MDiv, United States Representative (R-MO), stated the following in a July
The American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ), a nonprofit legal center specializing in
constitutional law, wrote the following statements in the Jan. 12, 2004 article "ACLJ Position
Paper on the Pledge of Allegiance," published on its website www.aclj.org

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