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Alicia Snchez

Hormones and Enzymes

Structure Function
They both contain amino-acids.
Hormones and enzymes are made
up of many chemicals compounds
depending on their type.
Both of them are water soluble and
use this on their transportation.
Both hormones and enzymes
collaborate in the activities of digestion,
metabolism, growth and development.
Both of them can also cause damages
to the body, for instance, they can
cause diabetes.
Only small amounts are needed of each,
to complete their jobs.
Not all hormones are proteins; on
the other hand, all enzymes are
Enzymes can form an Enzyme
Substrate Complex by joining with a
substrate, Hormones cant.
Enzymes have an Active Site,
Hormones dont.

Hormones are meant to control the
activities of specific cells while Enzymes
are mainly used as catalysts to speed up
chemical reactions.
Enzymes act directly on their target
cells while hormones act indirectly.
Hormones are deteriorated during their
reactions while Enzymes arent affected
and can be recycled.
Enzymes catalyse reactions which can
be reversed while Hormone reactions
are irreversible.
Enzymes act really quickly while
hormones act slowly and on a long
Hormones are released directly to the
blood stream while Enzymes must go
through the pancreatic ducts.

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