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Repblica Bolivariana de Venezuela

Ministerio del Poder Popular para la Educacin

Universidad Nacional Experimental Francisco de Miranda
Unidad Curricular: Lingstica General


Profesor: Antonio Jos Fernndez Berrueta

Nathaly Cerero C.I. 21667276
Rainer Bult C.I 25457622
Mara Pereira C.I 24305139
Adelys Gutirrez C.I 20600698

Santa Ana de Coro, Abril de 2014

Analyze the sentences bellow explaining and comparing descriptively the following:

A. Syntactic similarities and differences between languages: functions of noun and verb phrases (subjects and
objects), noun and verb phrases construction and order of elements in the sentence, adjuncts, etc.)

B. Morphological similarities and differences between languages: gender, tense and number.

C. Semantic roles assignment: noun phrases semantic roles identification.


The man opened the door with a key
Noun phrase verb phrase complement adjunct

The key opened the door
Noun phrase verb phrase complement

The door opened
Noun phrase verb phrase

In this language in the first sentence the noun phrase describes the role of entities that is the man and
the verb describe an action (open), in this case the verb is in past tense. The order of the elements is noun phrase,
verb phrase and complement; and the word key is an adjunct because is used for adds extra information at the
end of the sentences.

In the second one the noun phrase change into key and the action that describes is the same (open) and
complement dont have gender and is in singular form.

The last sentence just have a noun phrase that is door and verb phrase that describes the same action all
the sentence is open , is in past tense.


Lhomme a ouvert la porte avec une clef
Noun phrase verb phrase complement adjunct

La clef a ouvert la porte
Noun phrase verb phrase complement

La porte sest ouverte
Noun phrase verb phrase

In this language the first sentence contains four elements; first we have the subject Lhomme, which is
the person that performs the action, and the gender is male it is a singular word. (in French we use the pronoun
Le also L when we refers to male gender and La when we refers to female gender). Second we have the
predicate a ouvert, which indicate the action that was developed by the subject, in this case we have a verb in
past tense. Third we have the complement la porte, this refers to the entity on which the action is performed;
finally we have avec une clef, this one becomes in the adjunct of the sentence, because only add extra
information to the

The second sentence show us the words la clef which refers to the subject of the sentence that becomes
in the noun phrase, followed by this we have a ouvert which is the verb phrase (it indicates the main action of
the sentence, it is in past tense). Finally we have la porte which is the object of the sentence or the
complement, this refers to the entity on which the action is performed.
The third sentence that is the shorter involves a noun phrase la porte that is the subject of the sentence
and a verbal phrase sest ouverte which indicate the action performed by the subject, this one has neither
gender nor number, only is in past tense because it is a verb.

El hombre abri la puerta con la llave
Noun phrase verb phrase complement adjunct

La llave abri la puerta
Noun phrase verb phrase complement

La puerta se abri
Noun phrase Verb phrase

In this language, in the first sentence the noun phrase describes the role of entity that is El hombre,
whose gender is male and is in singular form, and the verb phrase, describes an action (abrir), this word has
neither gender nor number because it is a verb and is used in past tense. The last part of the sentence is the

complement and the word llave is an adjunct because add extra information at the end of the sentence. The
order of the elements in the sentences is subject + verb + complement + adjunct.
In the second one the noun phrase change into la llave, whose gender is female and is in singular form,
the verb phrase is abri, it is in past tense. The order is subject + verb + complement.
The last sentence, just has a noun phrase that is la puerta, whose gender is female, it is in singular form
and a verb phrase that is abri, this word like in the previous sentences have neither gender nor number
because its a verb and its in past tense. The order is subject + verb.

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