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l8 sychology PL

november 2013 Lxams

"#$$% &'()#*+,-
4#'56 70'55 3585$+ #9 :;($%+-+
8lologlcal, Cognluve,
LxperlmenLal SLudy
Abnormal and
4#'56 3585$ #9 :;($%+-+
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4#'56 3585$ #9 :;($%+-+
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4#'56 3585$ #9 :;($%+-+
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&5;5'($ $5(';-;1 #?@/#A5+
- 1o whaL exLenL do blologlcal, cognluve & socloculLural facLors
lnuence abnormal behavlor?
- LvaluaLe psychologlcal research (Lheorles &/or sLudles) relevanL Lo
Lhe sLudy of abnormal behavlor.

4#;/5=@+ D )-(1;#+-+
- Lxamlne Lhe concepLs of normallLy & abnormallLy
- ulscuss valldlLy and rellablllLy of dlagnosls
- ulscuss culLural and eLhlcal conslderauons ln dlagnosls

<=>#;+6 35(';-;1 <?@/#A5+
Abnormal sychology
Abnormal sychology <=>#;+6 35(';-;1 <?@/#A5+
uevelopmenLal sychology <=>#;+6 35(';-;1 <?@/#A5+
uevelopmenLal sychology
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:/()5A-/ &'()5+
Percentages Markbands
0 0
12%-25%-40% Low
55%-70%-85% Medium
100% High
Knowledge and comprehension - SAQ
Marks Level Descriptor
0 The answer does not reach a standard described by the descriptors below.
Low There is an attempt to answer the question, but knowledge and understanding is
limited, often inaccurate,or of marginal relevance to the question.
Medium The question is partially answered. Knowledge and understanding is accurate but
limited. Either the command term is not effectively addressed or the response is
not sufficiently explicit in answering the question.
High The question is answered in a focused and effective manner and meets the
demands of the command term. The response is supported by appropriate and
accurate knowledge and understanding of research.
A Knowledge and comprehension - EAQ
Marks Level Descriptor
0 The answer does not reach a standard described by the descriptors below.
Low The answer demonstrates limited knowledge and understanding that is of
marginal relevance to the question. Little or no psychological research is used in
the response.
Medium The answer demonstrates limited knowledge and understanding relevant to the
question or uses relevant psychological research to limited effect in the
High The answer demonstrates detailed, accurate knowledge and understanding
relevant to the question, and uses relevant psychological research effectively in
support of the response.
B Critical thinking: application, analysis, synthesis, evaluation - EAQ
Marks Level Descriptor
0 The answer does not reach a standard described by the descriptors below.
Low The answer goes beyond description but evidence of critical thinking is not
linked to the requirements of the question.
Medium The answer offers appropriate but limited evidence of critical thinking or offers
evidence of critical thinking that is only implicitly linked to the requirements of
the question.
High The answer integrates relevant and explicit evidence of critical thinking in
response to the question.
C Organization - EAQ
Marks Level Descriptor
0 The answer does not reach a standard described by the descriptors below.
Low The answer is organized or focused on the question. However, this is not sustained
throughout the response.
High The answer is well organized, well developed and focused on the question.
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4$(++ .'#/5)?'5+
SelecL lnformauon from Marla lernanda Serrano (head of naLural Sclences)
and adapLed by Molly Cradowskl (l8 sychology PL lnsLrucLor 2014-2013).
&5;5'($ 4$(++ .'#/5)?'5+
! 1esLs, papers, asslgnmenLs, and gradlng wlll, follow
Lhe rules for Lhe area of naLural Sclences
! Lach sLudenL needs Lo do hls or her parL or Lhe
class, as a whole, wlll lnevlLably suer from Lhe
lack of cooperauon of a few.
! Work from oLher classes wlll be /#;J+/(@5)K
SLudenLs should be auenuve and lnvolved ln Lhe
lesson aL all umes.
&5;5'($ 4$(++ .'#/5)?'5+
! uncLuallLy ls lmporLanL. LLASL Arrlve on ume! 8elng laLe ls
dlsrupuve and lnLerrupL learnlng. lease be seaLed and ready Lo
work when Lhe bell rlngs. 1he schools Lardy pollcy wlll be sLrlcLly
enforce. ?ou do nC1 have a 3-Mlnu1L grace
! lL ls Lhe sLudenLs responslblllLy Lo brlng hls/her noLebook(s),
LexLbook, dally planner and wrlung maLerlals dally.
! L )# ;#@ ($$#* +@?)5;@+ 9'#A @05 #@05' 5$5/>85+ @# -;@5''?=@ A%
/$(++ ;#' *-$$ L ($$#* %#? @# -;@5''?=@ +#A5#;5 5$+5+ /$(++
! SLudenLs are expecLed Lo compleLe each and every asslgnmenL glven
durlng a gradlng perlod!

- :$$ school pollcles perLalnlng Lo excused or
unsausfacLory absences wlll be sLrlcLly enforced!
- lallure Lo presenL me wlLh a noLe means an
absence ls auLomaucally "unsausfacLory".
&5;5'($ 4$(++ .'#/5)?'5+
! oor auendance ls Lhe fasLesL way Lo fall Lhls course!
! lL ls Lhe sLudenL's responslblllLy Lo keep Lrack of how many
absences, sausfacLory or oLherwlse, he or she has.
! ConsulL wlLh Lhe Leacher for asslgnmenLs/handouLs mlssed.
Class noLes should be obLalned from (;#@05' +@?)5;@K
! Make-up work ls Ln1l8LL? Lhe sLudenL's responslblllLy.
Schools pollcy for Lurnlng ln laLe work wlll be sLrlcLly
enforced. lL ls %#?' '5+=#;+-G-$-@% Lo Lurn ln work mlssed
durlng your 5M/?+5) absence
! lf a sLudenL ls absenL on Lhe day an asslgnmenL ls due or on
Lhe day an asslgnmenL ls wrluen ln class, Lhe defaulL grade
ls auLomaucally a 0 unul Lhe sLudenL makes up hls/her

&5;5'($ 4$(++ .'#/5)?'5+
! SLudenLs are expecLed Lo have read all
asslgnmenLs ln a umely fashlon.
- :33 asslgnmenLs, unless oLherwlse specled, wlll be
8ln1Lu wlLh name, sub[ecL, course, secuon, daLe, l8
Code, School name and uLle ln Lhe cover page. When
composlng answers Lo quesuons, always resLaLe or
lncorporaLe Lhe quesuon ln Lhe answer. Leave one
blank llne beLween each response (lncludlng secuons
wlLhln a quesuon)
- lf you choose Lo use pencll or whlLe-ouL you wlll
recelve a grade, BN7 you wlll noL be allowed Lo
dlscussed Lhe grade aL all. encll and whlLe-ouL marks
are exLremely dlmculL for me Lo read, use lL aL your
own rlsk.
4$(++ F?$5+
! No food, gum or candy is allowed!
! You will only think, listen and speak in English.
! I do not want to see ipods, cellphones or any other
electronic device out during class time. Schools
policy will be strictly reinforced.
! Courteous language is to be used at all times!
! Respect other peoples ideas, always.
4$(++ F?$5+
! 1ake advanLage of your recess, le: go Lo Lhe baLhroom, go
Lo Lhe lnrmary, speak Lo whomever you need Lo )?'-;1
'5/5++. ?ou OL33 P<7 be allow Lo leave Lhe classroom
durlng class ume unless Lhere ls an emergency.
! ?ou are noL Lo sleep durlng class ume. lf you do, you wlll fall
your class paruclpauon for Lhe week.
! ClLe ALL your work accordlng Lo Lhe AA guldellnes (see
! Cnly sLudenLs whose hands are ralsed wlll be permlued Lo
speak. 1hlnk before ralslng your hand.
! lnLerrupuons wlll be penallzed.
4$(++ F?$5+
! 8especL your classroom, classmaLes, Leacher
and yourself.
! 1he slgnaLures glven along each parual (ln
your [ournal) wlll be collecLed aL Lhe end of
each parual and wlll counL Lowards your nal
! ?our noLebook & [ournals are Lhe sacred
books for Lhe l8 exams. Pave Lhem compleLe!
:/()5A-/ &'()5+
lollowlng Lhe LCLl, Lhls class wlll be graded on
a 10 polnL scale.
A mlnlmum grade of 7.0 ouL of 10 ls requlred
Lo pass Lhls course.
:/()5A-/ &'()5+
Percentages Markbands
0 0
12%-25%-40% Low
55%-70%-85% Medium
100% High
Knowledge and comprehension - SAQ
Marks Level Descriptor
0 The answer does not reach a standard described by the descriptors below.
Low There is an attempt to answer the question, but knowledge and understanding is
limited, often inaccurate,or of marginal relevance to the question.
Medium The question is partially answered. Knowledge and understanding is accurate but
limited. Either the command term is not effectively addressed or the response is
not sufficiently explicit in answering the question.
High The question is answered in a focused and effective manner and meets the
demands of the command term. The response is supported by appropriate and
accurate knowledge and understanding of research.
A Knowledge and comprehension - EAQ
Marks Level Descriptor
0 The answer does not reach a standard described by the descriptors below.
Low The answer demonstrates limited knowledge and understanding that is of
marginal relevance to the question. Little or no psychological research is used in
the response.
Medium The answer demonstrates limited knowledge and understanding relevant to the
question or uses relevant psychological research to limited effect in the
High The answer demonstrates detailed, accurate knowledge and understanding
relevant to the question, and uses relevant psychological research effectively in
support of the response.
B Critical thinking: application, analysis, synthesis, evaluation - EAQ
Marks Level Descriptor
0 The answer does not reach a standard described by the descriptors below.
Low The answer goes beyond description but evidence of critical thinking is not
linked to the requirements of the question.
Medium The answer offers appropriate but limited evidence of critical thinking or offers
evidence of critical thinking that is only implicitly linked to the requirements of
the question.
High The answer integrates relevant and explicit evidence of critical thinking in
response to the question.
C Organization - EAQ
Marks Level Descriptor
0 The answer does not reach a standard described by the descriptors below.
Low The answer is organized or focused on the question. However, this is not sustained
throughout the response.
High The answer is well organized, well developed and focused on the question.
:/()5A-/ &'()5+
! ?our defaulL paruclpauon grade ls A
! 1he usual reason for oral class paruclpauon
grades lower Lhan "A" are unsausfacLory
absences/Lardlness Lo class & fallure Lo
posluvely paruclpaLe ln class dlscusslons. lL ls
vL8? LAS? Lo lose polnLs for class
! Come prepared Lo acuvely paruclpaLe for Lhe
enure class ume.

:/()5A-/ 2#;5+@%
SLudenLs have Lhe rlghL Lo keep condenual Lhe
maLerlals, homework, LesL, and expresslons Lhey
creaLed Lhrough Lhelr eorLs. :/()5A-/
)-+0#;5+@% -+ ( )5$-G5'(@5 (Q5A=@ @# )-+'?=@ @05
$5(';-;1 ='#/5++ G% A-+'5='5+5;>;1 (;#@05'+
*#', (+ %#?' #*;K 1hls lncludes allowlng oLhers
Lo copy your work. Cheaung of :PR klnd wlll noL
be LoleraLed. ?ou are responslble for knowlng
and adherlng Lo Lhe schools academlc honesLy
pollcy. Consequences are ouLllned ln your
sLudenL handbook. :33 asslgnmenLs wlll be check
for orlglnallLy.

SelecL @*# values from Lhe l8 learner prole
LhaL, rlghL now, are your greaLesL sLrengLhs.
Why are Lhey your greaLesL sLrengLhs and why
do you value Lhem?

WhaL @*# values from Lhe l8 learner prole are
your greaLesL weaknesses. WhaL are speclc
sLeps you can Lake Lhls year, Lo sLrengLhen Lhese

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