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Legal status of polygamy

The legal status of polygamy (also known as bigamy where forbidden) varies from country to country.
A majority of the world's countries and nearly all of the world's developed nations do not permit
polygamy and there have been growing calls for the abolition of polygyny in many developing
countries. !n the countries which do not permit polygamy a person who marries a person while still
being lawfully married to another commits bigamy. !n all cases the second marriage is considered
legally null and void. "esides the second and subse#uent marriages being void the bigamist is also
liable to other penalties which also vary between jurisdictions.
$olygyny the practice of one husband taking multiple wives has been condemned as a form of human
rights abuse. %any international human rights organisations as well as women's rights groups in many
countries have called for its abolition.&'(&)( !n )*** the +nited ,ations -uman .ights /ommittee
considered polygamy (probably limited to polygyny) a violation of the internationally binding
!nternational /ovenant on /ivil and $olitical .ights (!//$.) on the grounds that it violates the dignity
of women and recommended it be made illegal in all states
$olygamous marriages are recogni0ed civilly in nearly fifty countries either dominated by %uslim
and1or in the African continent.&2(&3( !n the %iddle 4astern region polygamy is widespread with the
e5ception of !srael Turkey and Tunisia.&6( Almost a do0en countries that do not permit polygamous
civil marriages recogni0e polygamous marriages under customary law though in the eyes of the
government they are not considered to be genuine marriages. The single e5ception in ,orth American
region is the province of 7askatchewan by allowing simultaneous additional marital rights and
obligations for already married persons prior to married persons becoming divorced from e5isting
spouses.&8( All northern states in ,igeria recogni0e polygamous marriages as these states are governed
by !slamic 7haria law.
The +nited 9ingdom Australia and ,ew :ealand permit some benefits for polygamous marriages
performed in other countries. !ndia and 7ri Lanka&'*( allow polygamous marriages only among
%uslim citi0ens. %any !ndians have converted to !slam in order to bypass such legal restrictions.&''(
$redominantly /hristian nations usually do not allow polygamous unions with a handful of e5ceptions
being the .epublic of the /ongo +ganda and :ambia. %yanmar (also known as "urma) is also the
only predominately "uddhist nation to allow for civil polygamous marriages.&')(
The autonomous regions of 7omaliland and $untland in northern 7omalia also recogni0e polygamy as
does the country's Transitional ;ederal <overnment itself since the country is governed by 7haria law.
The recently independent country of 7outhern 7udan also recogni0es polygamy. The $alestinian
territories = consisting of >est "ank and <a0a 7trip = permit polygamous unions for %uslim
citi0ens of the territories.&'?( The practice continues in "hutan &'@( in various forms as it has since
ancient times. !t is also found in parts of ,epal&'A( even despite its formal illegality in the country.&'2(
Bebates of legali0ing polygamous marriages continue in ,amibia and many /entral Asian countries.
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