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Characteristics of Epithelia
1. Cellularity - lots of cells with very little extra cellular material and/or space
2. Specialised cotact !etwee cells - cell junctions
3. Polarity - apical, lateral and basal domains
4. "asal la#ia basement membrane! " all epithelia sit on a basement membrane
#. Supported by underlyin$ connective tissue lamina propria!.
%. $%ascular - receives nutrition from underlyin$ connective tissue
&. Ier%ated - responds to stimuli touch, pain, heat etc.!
'. &e'eeratio - can repair itself
(. Cell #e#!rae specialisatios - microvilli, cilia.
Si#ple s(ua#ous epitheliu#
)in$le layer
*lattened interloc+in$ cells/nucelei
,ocation- )urfaces where passive transport of $asses/fluids occurs - .lveoli of
lun$s, $lomerulus of +idneys, capillaries
/xternal surfaces of many or$ans " 012, heart, lun$s
,ine luminal surfaces " heart chambers, blood 3 lymphatic vessels
*unctions- provide smooth frictionless surface, $ood diffusion, not abrasion
Si#ple cu!odial epitheliu#
)in$le layer
)4uare cells
.ll cells in contact with basement
,inin$ ducts, renal tubes, thyroid follicles 3 parenchyma of most exocrine
*unctions- excretory, secretory, absorptive
.pical layer " microvilli
Si#ple colu#ar epitheliu#
)in$le layer
5ells taller than wide
.ll cells contactin$ basement membrane
/lon$ated nuclei in basal position
,inin$ $astro intestinal tract, reproductive system 3 lar$er ducts
*unction- absorptive 3/or secretory role because of microvilli!
1f ciliated " transport of surface fluids and structures e.$. uterine tube!
Pseudostratified colu#ar ciliated epitheliu#
)in$le layer, seems as if multiple layers
6uclei irre$ular arran$ed, not 4uite round
.ll cells touchin$ basement membrane, not all cells reach surface
,inin$ upper respiratory tract
6on-celiated type in male reproductive ducts
*unction- movement of surface fluids, absorption 3 secretion
5iliated with $oblet cells except for in m. reproductive ducts!
Stratified s(ua#ous epitheliu#
7ultiple layers of nuclei
6uclei and cell! - pro$ressive chan$e of shape " basal layer cuboidal, flatter
towards apical "s4uamous
6ot all cells touch basement membrane
areas that need protection e.$.- s+in, va$ina, anal canal, mouth
*unctions - protection
)urface cells may be +eratinised dead cell layer, no nuclei!
Stratified cu!oidal epitheliu#
2-3 layers of cuboidal/columnar cells
,inind lar$er excretory ducts of endocrine $lands e.$.- salivary $lands, female
reproductive system
*unctions- robust structure
Stratified colu#ar
2-3 layers
9arts of pharynx, larynx, conjunctiva of eyelids, lar$e exocrine ducts, male
Trasitioal epitheliu#
7ultiple layers
)tratified with dome shaped cuboidal cells
1rre$ular shaped nuclei
/xclusively in excretory passa$es of urinary system e.$.- renal calyces 3
pelvis, uterus and bladder
*unction- allow expansion of or$an cell shapes show that!
7icroscopy " expect to see lots of obli4ue sections, loo+a rather li+e stratisfied
cuboidal/columnar, scan slide for narrowest width of epithelium
,inin$ " inner surface of hollow cavity
5overin$ " outer surface
)hape/type of epithelium always identified by apical layer top/surface layer!
:eratinised " layer of dead cells
7icroscopy " expect to see lots of obli4ue sections. ,oo+ rather li+e stratisfied
cuboidal/columnar, scan slide for narrowest width of epithelium

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