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Copyright 2013 World of Subliminal 1


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Copyright 2013 World of Subliminal 2
Table of Contents
............................................................... WHAT IS THE SUBCONSCIOUS? 4
................................................................ Think About the Treasure Hunter 5
.............................................................. Identifying Your Mental Backpack 6
...................................................................... "It's Just Like Riding a Bike!" 7
................................................................................ "How Did I Get Here?" 9
............................................................................... Not Just a Coincidence 11
......................................... Analyzing Conscious vs. Subconscious Minds 14
.......................................................... Think About the Office Presentation 15
........................................................................ A List of the 10 Key Rules 17
......................................................... The Effectiveness of Subtle Strategy 26
................................................................. What is a Subliminal Message? 28
........................................................... The Value of a Subliminal Message 31
............................................................ The Danger of Habitual Behaviors 32
............................................................. The Danger of Habitual Thoughts 34
....................................................... Why Do Subliminal Messages Work? 36
....................................................................... A Tale of Two Hemispheres 40
.............................................................................. The Left Hemisphere 40
............................................................................ The Right Hemisphere 42
........................................................................ The Power of Affirmations 43
Copyright 2013 World of Subliminal 3
"Honestly, sometimes I get really fed up of
my subconsciousit's like it's got a mind
of its own." Alexei Sayle
When you hear the phrase "subconscious
mind," what exactly comes to your mind?
The overall concept of the subconscious
has been talked about for years. It's been
researched by scientists and psychologists,
talked about casually amongst friends and
relatives and even comically by comedians
and actors over the years.
However, there are not very many people
that fully understand the subconscious
mind or the power that it possesses. Taking
the time to truly get to know what it is and
how it works can change your life in a way
that you have never imagined was even
possible. How so? By the time you are
Copyright 2013 World of Subliminal 4
finished reading this book, the answer to
that question will have become crystal
clear to you.
Think About the Treasure Hunter
One of the best ways to define your
subconscious mind is to think about it like
your mental backpack. Let's say that you
were a treasure hunter that lived in a land
that was overflowing with cherished
valuables. As soon as you find your first
big treasure, you study and examine it
closely in order to get acquainted with
your new discovery. Do you stop there?
Of course not! Your objective is going to
be to find as many treasures as possible
throughout your journey regardless of
their shape, size or type. Unfortunately,
you quickly notice that your two hands can
only carry but so much at one time. What
will you do?
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Well, you can grab your backpack and use
it to store all of the treasures that you have
found as you go along. By using the
backpack wisely, you will be able to
collect many more treasures over time.
Whenever you need to take a second look
at a treasure that you already found, you
could just open the storage compartment
and dig it right out of the backpack. What
does this illustration have to do with the
subconscious mind?
Identifying Your Mental Backpack
Throughout your life, you have been able
to collect a wide variety of mental
"treasures" of all different shapes, sizes
and types. Those valuable items may
include such things as past experiences,
memories, talents, abilities and so on. You
more than likely have been able to hold
Copyright 2013 World of Subliminal 6
most of the treasures that you have found
recently within the "hands" of your
conscious mind. However, the available
space that you have within your conscious
mind is just like the space that you have
within your physical hands limited.
Just as you would not throw away actual
treasures, you cannot just throw away your
mental ones either. That is when your
subconscious mind, or your mental
backpack, comes into play. It allows you
to have a place to store all of your
discoveries as you continue to find new
ones each day. Even when you may have
forgotten that you even found, they will
always be stored within your mental
backpack ready and waiting to return to
your hands whenever necessary.
"It's Just Like Riding a Bike!"
Copyright 2013 World of Subliminal 7
You have probably heard that saying many
times before and may have even used it
yourself on occasion. Even though it may
seem just like a popular phrase that is easy
to understand, it is also one of the simplest
ye t powe r f ul r e f e r e nc e s t o t he
subconscious mind. How? Play the actual
scenario out in your mind for a moment.
Even though you may not have been on a
bicycle since you were a child, it doesnt
take long for you to get reacquainted with
how it works. Within a few minutes (at the
most) you will be back on the road
riding your bicycle as if you never stopped
riding it in the first place. This is because
you have been able to retrieve that ability
("treasure") from your subconscious mind
("mental backpack").
The same principle can be applied to
almost any scenario simply because the
basic foundation is the same. We use this
Copyright 2013 World of Subliminal 8
popular saying whenever we are referring
to something that we have not done in a
while but are now being put in a position
where we have to do it again. By trusting
in the power of the subconscious mind, we
know that it will retrieve that treasure for
us and allow us to do whatever is
necessary simply because "it's just like
riding a bike."
"How Did I Get Here?"
Have you ever been sitting in your car
even in the driveway or parking lot and
had no idea how you got there? You may
have remembered getting in the car to
head to a specific destination and clearly
can see that you have made it now but
have no idea what happened in between.
Well, you can thank your subconscious
mind for coming to your rescue and taking
care of all of the details for you.
Copyright 2013 World of Subliminal 9
In most cases, this is the exact opposite of
what took place the very first time that you
made this trip. You may have studied
every single part of the trip because it was
brand new territory for you. Even if you
had a map or followed the instructions of a
GPS device, your conscious mind paid
close attention to every turn, each traffic
light and even the different landmarks that
you passed along the way.
Once that first trip is committed to
memory, your subconscious mind takes
over to keep your conscious mind free and
clear so that you can explore other things.
Even though it's not recommended, you
are able to talk on the cell phone, listen to
a radio loudly and even eat a delicious
meal while you are driving because your
subconscious mind will kick in just like an
Copyright 2013 World of Subliminal 10
auto-pilot and walk your body through the
rest on its own.
Not Just a Coincidence
Before you proceed any further with
reading this book, it is important for you to
understand that none of these things just
happen "coincidentally." Throughout our
lives, it becomes rather simple to place
things that we simply do not understand
within the category of coincidence. Even
though there are many different things that
rightfully belong under that category,
actions that are stored within and
controlled by your subconscious mind do
not belong there.
Your subconscious mind is an extremely
powerful force that should never be taken
for granted. There is a way that you can
use this power to your advantage in order
Copyright 2013 World of Subliminal 11
to improve the quality of your life
allowing your subconscious mind to work
for you. Before you can learn how that is
possible, you must first learn exactly how
the subconscious mind works.
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"I am perfectly aware that all of my
important decisions are made for me by
my subconscious. My frontal lobes are just
kidding themselves that they decide
anything at all. All they do is think up
reasons for the decisions that are already
made." Rex Stout
Experts and critics have been debating for
years when it comes to finding out which
is more powerful an individual's
subconscious mind or their conscious one.
If you were to truly focus on the
responsibilities of each, the answer should
become clear to you immediately.
Copyright 2013 World of Subliminal 13
Analyzing Conscious vs. Subconscious
Your conscious mind is responsible for all
of the actions that are performed while you
are consciously aware of them. For
example, when you are logically working
your way through a problem, calculating a
series of figures and statistics or even
having a full-length conversation with
another person, your conscious mind is
hard at work through each of those
scenarios and many more. In each of these
situations, you literally have to think your
way through them actively which is
something that is handled efficiently by
your conscious mind.
On the other hand, your subconscious
mind is responsible primarily for all of the
feelings, emotions and thoughts that are
triggered automatically as responses to
Copyright 2013 World of Subliminal 14
different experiences and unexpected
situations. Which one is more powerful
than the other? Let's pay attention to a
simple scenario in which both minds play
a significant role.
Think About the Office Presentation
You have been asked to give a presentation
to your team at work about a specific
project that you have been developing
recently. Your conscious mind is going to
be used to prepare the actual presentation
because that is where the logical side of
the equation will come into play. However,
on the other side of the same coin, you
have the subconscious mind that is going
to kick in when you are actually giving the
presentation. The overall anxiety, fear and
sense of panic that you may experience are
all triggered by your subconscious mind.
When you fi rst heard about t hi s
Copyright 2013 World of Subliminal 15
assignment, the overwhelming weight that
you may have felt being placed on your
shoulders was a reaction that was
conducted by your subconscious mind.
How you logically act or even react is
controlled by your conscious mind, but
how your body unintentionally and even
unknowingly reacts to things is done by
your subconscious mind.
You do not even have to worry about
controlling your breathing throughout the
day or keeping your heart beating at a
regular pace because these functions are
controlled by your subconscious mind as
well. Therefore, while the things that your
conscious mind controls are clear and
concise, the extensive list of functions and
actions that are controlled by your
subconscious mind may seem to go on
endlessly forever! Clearly, when it comes
Copyright 2013 World of Subliminal 16
to the debate of overall power, it is the
subconsci ous mi nd t hat emerges
A List of the 10 Key Rules
Cont rary t o popul ar opi ni on, t he
subconscious mind can be controlled.
Even though it is much more powerful
than the conscious mind, it can still be
trained and basically manipulated to
remain under your control. Many
psychoanalysts and psychotherapists of old
would have scoffed at that statement,
arguing that there was no way that this
could be accomplished. However, modern-
day studies have been able to prove the
exact opposite.
It has been discovered that even though
the subconscious mind is not coincidental,
it is systematic. It plays by a specific set of
Copyright 2013 World of Subliminal 17
rules and does not work outside of those
boundaries on its own. However, you can
penetrate those boundaries and learn how
to bend those rules in your favor. The first
step, though, is to take the time to learn
If you are able to see it, then it is real.
The subconscious is not able to tell the
difference between a real situation that is
actually occurring and something that is
only occurring visually. Think about what
happened the last time that you saw a very
suspenseful scene from a scary, horror
movie. Your pulse will start to race as if
you were experiencing real fear and your
body starts to react as if you were really
involved in that particular scene.
You may have said quite a few times that a
particular movie "made me feel like I was
Copyright 2013 World of Subliminal 18
really there!" This saying is so popular
because that is exactly what your
subconscious mind does since it cannot tell
the difference between real life and a real
movie, especially when you are seeing the
movie on the big screen of a theater.
Time flies by because it is not clearly
Your subconscious mind has no track of
time whatsoever. As long as you are not
consciously looking at the clock every five
seconds, time is going to fly by because
your subconscious mind will completely
eclipse your conscious awareness. During
an engaging class lesson, students will
sometimes get so involved that the only
reason they will know when it is time to
leave is when either the bell rings or the
teacher dismisses them. This all because of
Copyright 2013 World of Subliminal 19
the mental ride that they have taken
courtesy of the Subconscious Express!
An accepted idea will not move until it is
You can view an idea that has been
accepted as a stubborn King that has just
stepped into his throne. Until he is
replaced by another king, the throne
belongs to him and he is simply just not
going to budge from that spot. People used
to think that the earth was flat five
centuries ago until that idea was replaced
by the current idea that the earth was
round. The current idea has been able to
maintain its "throne" since then. However,
if an idea from the future was able to
replace it, your subconscious mind will
make sure that the change was enforced.
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The longer you believe it, the harder it is
to change.
The longer that you have a specific belief
in place within your mind, the more
difficult that it will be to change it. Take,
for example, your religious beliefs (or lack
thereof). Regardless of how much proof is
presented to make you change your mind
in reference to those beliefs, completing
that change will be much more difficult
than it seems primarily because of the
at t achment t hat t hey have t o t he
If you think it, your body will react.
This rule basically picks up where the first
rule leaves off by connecting your mental
thoughts with your physical reactions, but
it completely removes the visual aspect
Copyright 2013 World of Subliminal 21
from the equation. For example, if you
never about looking at the results from a
pregnancy test, your heart rate and pulse
may go through the roof. Your physical
reaction after you have seen the results
will also respond to your mental thoughts
about it, such as being overly emotional
and overflowing with tears of either joy or
Expectations can quickly turn into
What you expect provides the blueprint
that your subconscious mind will use to
help build a realization. If you truly expect
to make a shot during a basketball game,
the odds of you making it are much higher
than if you expected not to make it. That is
because your subconscious mind wants to
do whatever it can to make your
Copyright 2013 World of Subliminal 22
expectations come true even if they are
not very positive expectations.
Evidence that proves your beliefs will
make them stronger.
This rule basically expands on the third
and fourth rules. Finding any type of
evidence that supports your beliefs will
successfully strengthen them. Think about
the substantial amount of evidence that
scientists had to present in order for people
to believe that the world was not flat after
all. More recently, think about the
abundance of evidence that needed to be
used in order to convince people that Pluto
was not an actual planet. Evidence is very
effect i ve when worki ng wi t h t he
subconscious mind.
If you increase conscious effort, you will
decrease subconscious response.
Copyright 2013 World of Subliminal 23
Trying to force something out of the
subconscious mind is only going to make
it more difficult to change or remove at all.
If you are suffering from the mental
burden of insomnia, for example, trying to
force yourself to go to sleep is guaranteed
to backfire on you. Avoid the conscious
effort that is required to force you to do
anything and focus on thinking about or
doing other things instead. This is why
counting sheep, listening to a soothing
song or watching a rather slow and boring
movie will usually work because of the
lack of conscious effort that is required.
In t he bat t l e of t he mi nds, t he
subconscious always wins.
It does not matter what you consciously
want to believe or even what seems to
make sense, your subconscious is going to
Copyright 2013 World of Subliminal 24
win any sort of conflict with your
conscious mind time after time. This
explains why there are so many children
that are afraid of monsters in their closets
regardless of how many times their parent
may open and close them to show that
there was no one in there. People that
suffer from cynophobia are not going near
a dog, for example, no matter how friendly
or cuddly they may seem because their
subconscious fear simply will not allow
them to do so.
The power of suggestions can program
the subconscious.
The world of hypnosis is based on this
specific rule. Suggestions are being sent
directly to the subconscious mind and are
easily accepted as long as the conscious
mind is not there to block it.
Copyright 2013 World of Subliminal 25
The Effectiveness of Subtle Strategy
Just like with any other rule or regulation,
the rules that govern your subconscious
mind can be bent in your favor so that you
can finally gain control over it. The final
rule about suggestions should have clued
you in on this possibility, because if
something can be changed by one thing, it
can also be changed by other things as
well. Keep in mind that even though this
journey can be traveled does not mean that
it is going to be a quick and easy trip.
Think about it this way:

To access your conscious mind, you

just have to open a door or window

To access your subconscious however,

you need to cross through a maximum
security electrical fence and force field.
Copyright 2013 World of Subliminal 26
As you have seen in many different
espionage movies, this mission is not as
impossible as it may seem. However, you
are going to need to use a subtle strategy
to get the job done.
In the movies, the subtle strategy requires
a vast collection of high-end tools,
equipment and even acrobatic acts in
extreme cases. What do you need to break
into your subconscious and gain full
control? Subliminal messages!
"Subliminal messagescan have an
impact on our emotional life and we
cannot control it because we are not even
conscious of it." Tariq Ramadan
Copyright 2013 World of Subliminal 27
Before you read any further, there is one
basic principle that you need to clearly
understand. Subliminal messages are real,
powerful and very effective! Many people
in today's society still believe that the
overall concept of these messages is based
on foolish trickery. This is not the case
whatsoever. The subtle strategy of
subliminal messages is used in a wide
variety of different ways by a wide range
of different people and even companies
today. Once you understand what they are
and how they work, you will be able to use
them effectively to break through the
security barriers that are protecting your
subconscious mind.
What is a Subliminal Message?
The word "subliminal" is derived from two
basic Latin words that can be translated as
Copyright 2013 World of Subliminal 28
"under threshold." Therefore, the literal
meaning of a subliminal message is one
that connects directly to the subconscious
"under the threshold" of a person's
conscious awareness. Through subliminal
programming, pre-arranged ideas and
t hought s a r e pl a c e d wi t hi n t he
subconscious mind.
This process can also be used to reinforce
information that is already stored within
t he subconsci ous and enhance an
individual's selective attention.
As mentioned earlier when we were
discussing the subconscious mind,
subliminal messages are not coincidental
and neither are the effects that these
messages have on a person. You are just
not responding to these strategically
placed messages coincidentally because
you were simply unaware of them. These
messages were specifically designed to
Copyright 2013 World of Subliminal 29
react to advanced forms of stimulation that
ext end much f ar t her above your
physiological boundaries and below your
thresholds of perception. How is that even
Have you ever been in the shower and
thought that you heard the phone ring,
even though it may have been on the other
side of your home? You would likely turn
the water off before realizing that the
phone was actually ringing. You have just
been a victim of subliminal programming.
How so? The sound of the running water
flowing from your showerhead was
responsible for drowning out the ringing
sound of the telephone. Your conscious
perception was not able to detect it
primarily because of the running water.
However, the ringing still reinforced your
subconscious desire to take the necessary
action and answer it.
Copyright 2013 World of Subliminal 30
The Value of a Subliminal Message
Regardless of where you come from or
where you are at in your life right now,
these minor details are not the significant
factors that will determine whether or not
you will be happy and successful or a
frustrated failure in the future. The
thoughts, beliefs, behaviors and attitudes
that are buried deep within your mind as
well as your conscious thoughts all played
important roles in where you are today.
Your own thoughts are either the stepping
stones that will take you down the road to
success or the roadblocks that prevent
you from taking that route.
Even though it might be quite easy to
blame other influences and circumstances,
we have to remember that we are all by-
products of our line of thinking. Learning
Copyright 2013 World of Subliminal 31
how to effectively use subliminal
messages will allow us to gain direct
access to our subconscious minds in order
t o f l ush out al l of t he negat i ve
programming that has become embedded
within it over the years. This negative
programming includes such things as the
doubts, fears and uncertainties that may
have been plaguing our lives for many
years, preventing us from being able to
reach our full potential.
The Danger of Habitual Behaviors
As we learned from the previous chapter
that discussed the various rules of the
subconscious mind, once something is in
there it is nearly impossible to get it out.
All of our habits (including our habitual
thoughts) are secured deeply within our
subconscious minds. Regardless of the
conscious decisions that we make, the vast
Copyright 2013 World of Subliminal 32
majority of them will never be able to
achieve the same level of depth that is
needed to reach the subconscious. This
explains why the average drug addict
struggles to stay clean, regardless of how
much he or she may think about getting
clean or even desire to remain sober. Their
minds are simply just programmed to
continue using those drugs.
It does not matter how many stories they
read or documentaries that they watch
about people that have suffered grim
consequences of habitual drug abuse.
These different things may convince them
to stop using drugs but the programming
will remain the same until it is completely
changed at a subconsci ous l evel .
Conscious thoughts and the conscious
desire to change are not going to go deep
enough to stick within their subconscious
and will eventually become flushed away
Copyright 2013 World of Subliminal 33
with all of the other thoughts that failed to
complete the same journey.
The Danger of Habitual Thoughts
This trend does not just stop at habitual
behaviors, but also includes habitual
thoughts as well the more subtle of the
two different types of habits. Unlike
habitual behaviors, you may not even
know that you have habitual thoughts that
are holding you back from achieving
success in life.
If you grew up in a low-income household
that struggled to pay bills, had an abysmal
credit rating and could barely afford basic
sustenance and covering, this habitual way
of thinking will follow you for many years
after you have already left the house and
started a family of your own. Studies have
proven that this type of subconscious
Copyright 2013 World of Subliminal 34
pattern of habitual thoughts can actually
sabotage any opportunities that you have
for financial success until you are right
back where you started -- broke.
Are you constantly bringing yourself down
with your own negativity? Even though
you may be very talented, do you seem to
always doubt your own abilities? These
are examples of habitual thoughts that will
make you believe that the ways things are
now is how they are going to be later. If
you are stuck in a deadbeat job now, you'll
be stuck in the same deadbeat job later. If
you are out of shape and overweight now,
there is really no need to even go to a gym
or work out since this is the way that you
will always look. These habitual thoughts
may seem small and insignificant at first
until you realize that many years have
passed and you are still trapped in the
same place.
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Why Do Subliminal Messages Work?
Knowing that subliminal messages work is
great, but that is just enough to continue
becoming a victim of its power. If you
truly want to gain a position of power and
control over subliminal messages when it
comes to your life and your future success,
then you need to fully understand just why
they work in the first place.
As discussed earlier in this chapter, these
messages are able to enter your brain at a
high enough point for your subconscious
mind to detect them clearly while still
remaining undetected by your conscious
mind. Otherwise, the conscious security
system would have stopped them at the
door. These messages are the key to being
able to identify, isolate and eliminate all of
the negative thoughts, attitudes, habits and
behaviors that are currently dwelling
Copyright 2013 World of Subliminal 36
within your subconscious because they
provide you with a direct route of access
that the conscious mind cannot provide.
By bypassing all of your conscious filters,
these messages can influence you and
direct your behavior, thoughts and habits
Studies have proven over the years that
subliminal programming can affect your
behavior in three key ways:

Activate healthy thoughts and wishes

t h a t a r e b u r i e d wi t h i n y o u r

Impart new information that is useful

and beneficial within the subconscious

Increase one's selective attention

wi t hi n t he subconsci ous whi l e
enhancing overall awareness
Copyright 2013 World of Subliminal 37
You have to want to make those changes
your subconscious cannot do all of the
work for you. Keep in mind that
subliminal messages are specifically
designed to reinforce and trigger motives,
values and drives that are already there
within you allowing them to finally
influence your conscious behavior through
the process of positive reinforcement.
However, you have to be able to meet it
halfway and wholeheartedly want to make
these changes.
Once you have mastered the art of
subliminal messages, you will be able to
get rid of those negative thoughts, habits,
ideas and behaviors and finally fill your
mind with positive messages and inspiring
suggestions that can change your life
forever si mpl y by changi ng your
subconscious mind. How? The concluding
chapter will discuss just how you can
Copyright 2013 World of Subliminal 38
structure these subliminal messages
effectively and how they can benefit you
by changing your life for the better.
"The realization that limitations are
imaginary will make you strong and
overpowering." Stephen Richards
"You have to open up to the world and
learn optimismContentment with the
past, happiness with the present and hope
for the future. Learned optimism."
Jennifer Crusie
You need to think of your subconscious
mind as a computer and subliminal
messages as data codes that need to be
entered into the system. These codes are
going to make your internal computer
Copyright 2013 World of Subliminal 39
system run smoothly and efficiently. How
are effective messages structured? How
can they be used to improve the quality of
your life right now?
A Tale of Two Hemispheres
Even though there are still many questions
about the brain that remain unanswered
today, scientists have been able to prove
that both hemispheres of the brain have
d i f f e r e n t c o n n e c t i o n s wi t h t h e
subconscious mind that can be accessed
and controlled through subliminal
messages. However, you need to fully
underst and t he funct i ons of bot h
hemispheres as well as how their
differences affect the overall structure of
the messages themselves.
The Left Hemisphere
Copyright 2013 World of Subliminal 40
The left hemisphere, for example, is the
more cerebral of the two sides. This is the
hemisphere that focuses on your writing,
reading, thinking and speech since it is the
control center for your logic and sense of
reason all together. All of the information
is received, analyzed and organized into a
well-structured framework of logic here.
The best way to throw off the rational
resistance to positive subliminal messages
within the left hemisphere of your brain is
to have an overall permissive approach
when structuring your messages. For
example, you need to say that "it is okay to
succeed" or "there is nothing wrong with
being successful." Direct statements may
seem to be more effective but will only
trigger negativity and destructive self-talk
such as "I have never been able to succeed
at anything before in the past. What would
Copyright 2013 World of Subliminal 41
make this time any different from all of the
The Right Hemisphere
On the other hand, the right hemisphere of
your brain is going to be more involved
with visual impressions, your feelings and
overall creativity since it is the non-
discriminatory control center for your
intuitiveness. It is willing to absorb all of
the information that you feed it without
questioning or analyzing it any further.
This is where you will find messages like,
"you will never amount to much of
anything," "you are never going to be
successful," and "you will never be able to
make your dreams come true."
These are statements that you may have
embedded within your subconscious and
not even know that they are there simply
Copyright 2013 World of Subliminal 42
because of t hei r l evel of dept h.
Consciously, you may try to reprogram
that negativity but will not be able to
succeed. You have to use strong statements
that are authoritative in nature in order to
be easily accepted by this hemisphere,
including "I am the best at what I do," "I
am always successful at everything that I
decide to do," and the simple yet effective
statement that "I will succeed."
The Power of Affirmations
Strong, powerful and positive statements
(such as the ones used in the previous
examples) are technically defined as
"affirmations." The most effective
subliminal programming that you use
when it comes to reprogramming your
subconscious is affirmations. If you are
interested in truly changing the way that
you look at yourself and the world around
Copyright 2013 World of Subliminal 43
you, then you need to use positive, simple
statements such as:

I know that I cannot control everything

in my life

I accept that I will not be able to

c o n t r o l e v e r y s i t u a t i o n a n d

I know that there are specific

circumstances that I can manage

Every single problem that I encounter

is another great learning experience

I have the power to build a much better

life not only for myself but my family
as well
These statements will allow you to
gradually rid your subconscious of all of
the negativity that is holding you down
and setting you back in life overall. Over
time, these positive thoughts will become
an integral part of your core set of beliefs
Copyright 2013 World of Subliminal 44
and standards. Once that has been
achieved, you will be able to feed off of
that positive energy and encouragement
whenever you need it turning it on just
like flicking a switch in order to get
through whatever negative experiences
may come your way at any given moment.
Make sure that you find the perfect
affirmations to use that are the most
effective for you and your specific needs.
Keep in mind that once they have reached
the depth of your subconscious, it is going
to be nearly impossible to remove them.
Finding the perfect code is, therefore, the
most important step of the process.
Copyright 2013 World of Subliminal 45
Can you imagine being able to go through
the entire day with a positive outlook on
your life past, present and future? For
many people, this may seem just like a
pipe dream that is only fulfilled in the
movies. By using subliminal messaging to
reprogram your subconscious mind,
however, you will realize that this fantasy
will become your reality. There are three
important steps that need to be followed
closely when you are reviewing your
personal affirmations each day that will
allow them to effectively hit the right spot
within your subconscious successfully.
Location & Timing Are Essential: It is
much easier for your mind to absorb your
subliminal messages when it is completely
relaxed. Find a setting that is peaceful,
quiet, tranquil and absolutely calm so that
you can create the perfect environment for
this type of daily programming. Many
Copyright 2013 World of Subliminal 46
people choose to do it in the morning
before they get started with their day-to-
day routines or late at night before they
tuck themselves into bed.
Clear Your Mind Completely: Having a
clear head is an important part of the
programming process. Do your very best
to eliminate the worries, stresses and
anxieties that you may encounter on a
daily basis. You can use positive images
and visualization to help eliminate any
signs of negative emotions. Many people
decide to picture themselves, for example,
writing out all of those worries on a sheet
of paper and then lighting that sheet on fire
until it burns to ashes. Relaxing music also
comes in handy when you want to induce a
trance state of mind that will allow the
door of your subconscious to be open wide
- ready and willing to accept incoming
subliminal visitors.
Copyright 2013 World of Subliminal 47
Recite Your Affirmations Slowly: After
you have found the perfect time and
setting as well as cleared your mind
completely of all negativity, recite each of
your affirmations slowly and repeat them
several times. It truly does not matter
whether you create your own affirmations,
purchase a book that is filled with them or
just grab some off of the Internet that
captivated your attention.
Subliminal messages can be used as an
effective weapon to eliminate the negative
thoughts, behaviors and attitudes that have
been holding you back from doing the
very best you can in every aspect of your
life. You can achieve more than you ever
thought possible simply by using these
"codes" to reprogram your "computer."
Subliminal programming can help you to
search through the contents of your mental
Copyright 2013 World of Subliminal 48
backpack to get rid of all of the garbage
and unnecessary clutter so that you can
truly cherish the treasures that remain.
Keep in mind, though, that once these
affirmations are in your subconscious that
is it! Therefore, you need to make sure that
you choose affirmations that are truly
going to allow you to create a solid
foundation for your future success as you
build a thriving, positive life for yourself
from this day forward.
Enjoy the journey!
The World of Subliminal Team
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