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November 06, 2004

CDC, Media Hype The Flu - Facts Show Different Picture

Vaccine maker Chiron had their license suspended and a year's worth of flu vaccines produced
in a British factory was not approved for sale in the U ! contamination problems" #he media
treated us to stories of seniors standin$ in line for hours to %$et the flu shot%" &hat they did not
say was that the flu is nowhere near as dan$erous as they told us previously" &ho has not heard
of the %'6,000 flu related deaths% every year that were brou$ht to our attention every time it was
time to %$et the shot%(
&ell, it appears that these deaths were so much scare mon$erin$, ar$uably planted in the
media to make people bare their arms for the poison needle" #himerosal, a mercury containin$
preservative, which is part of most vaccines, is poisonous by any standard" Unfortunately the
Centers for )isease Control and the *ood and )ru$ +dministration are denyin$ that this
neuroto,ic heavy metal has anythin$ to do with the autism epidemic that is sweepin$ the
countries where vaccines are most heavily promoted"
o maybe it was a $ood thin$ that half of the U flu vaccine went missin$ this year( -uite
possibly so, says .on /appoport who followed developments and published what he found on his
e,cellent site nomorefakenews.com 0ou can find his articles on what he calls the flu scam here"
Flu Si!e of Pro"le# $rossly %&a''erated
#he Center for )isease Control 1C)C2 says, %3very year in the United tates, on avera$e,
'6,000 people die from the flu"%
Below are the actual number of flu associated deaths from6777 to 8008 from the C)C National
Vital tatistic /eports
;9' deaths in 8008 1pa$e 66 of report2
89; deaths in 8006 1pa$e 66 of report2
6,;69 deaths in 8000
6,669 deaths in 6777
<ow does the C)C $et from ;9' flu deaths to its statement that '6,000 flu deaths occur
By combinin$ flu deaths with pneumonia deaths" #he C)C National Vital tatistic /eport for
8008 1p"=2 lists >nfluen?a and @neumonia as the ;th leadin$ cause of death in 8008" 0ou probably
already $uessed it ! ;9' of those deaths were flu associated and 69,'86 were pneumonia
associated" >f all flu associated deaths are removed, pneumonia associated deaths still ranks
number ; by itself" #he media used the false '6,000 deaths number in its covera$e ! 90 times the
actual 80085800' number"
+re the 89; to 6,;69 reported annual flu deaths from 6777 to 8008 even accurate(
No" >t is not possible to determine the actual number of deaths caused by the flu because the
C)C has no death certificate cate$ory for deaths caused only by the flu" #he C)C has three
basic cate$ories of flu deaths4
6" influen?a plus pneumonia
8" influen?a plus other respiratory manifestations5symptoms
'" influen?a plus other manifestations5symptoms 1non!respiratory2
(d)erse %)ents fro# *accination w+ 200,-2004 -nfluen!a *accine
+ccurate statistics for adverse events caused by the >nfluen?a Vaccine are even more difficult
to find than accurate data about influen?a associated deaths" <owever, the latest report from the
*)+ Center for Biolo$ics 3valuation and /esearch on >nactivated >nfluen?a Vaccines for use in
800'!800= 1http455www"fda"$ov5cber5flu5flurclAa"htm2 reports the followin$ types of adverse
%Bost adverse reactions to inactivated influen?a vaccine are related to the body's response to
the vaccine components at the site of inCection" Bost commonly, there is inflammation at the
inCection site, which may result in redness, swellin$ or pain" Dess freAuently, more $eneral
reactions occur includin$ fever, malaise 1a va$ue feelin$ of bein$ ill2, and muscle aches ! a few
serious immediate aller$ic reactions are reported with inactivated influen?a vaccine use every
year" erious immediate reactions can occur within a few minutes to a few hours in people who
likely have aller$ies to components of the vaccines, which may contain very small amounts of
residual e$$ protein" >mmediate aller$ic reactions can appear in a mild form as itchin$ and hivesE
however, in the severest form, aller$ic reactions can result in difficulty breathin$, loss of blood
pressure, and, while prompt medical treatment is usually effective, even death"%
&hat about serious non!aller$ic adverse reactions, such as to the to,icity of the vaccine's
mercury!based preservative #himerosal(
Pre)alent .ustification for Co#"inin' Flu Deaths with Pneu#onia Deaths
0ou may hear health professionals attempt to Custify the le$itimacy of combinin$ flu deaths with
pneumonia deaths with the statement that %influen?a leads to pneumonia"% #he facts do not
support this freAuent, broad misstatement by health professionals"
#he +merican Dun$ +ssociation 1+D+2 describes pneumonia as havin$ over '0 different causes
1one bein$ the influen?a virus2" Neither the C)C nor +D+ know the specific causes of the
pneumonias that resulted in death" <owever, we do know that influen?a is not the maCor cause"
Feep in mind that the influen?a vaccine provides no protection from bacterial infections" #he
National >nstitute of +ller$y G >nfectious )isease as well as other health a$encies estimate that
the sin$le bacteria ! streptococcus pneumoniae ! is responsible for 69H to 90H of all cases of
pneumonia in the U, includin$ up to =0,000 deaths annually
@neumonia is also caused by other bacteria such as taphylococcus aureus 1staph2, @ertussis
1whoopin$ cou$h2, treptococci, and Bycoplasma pneumoniae 1a common cause of walkin$
pneumonia2" #here are also many non!infectious causes of pneumonia such as asthma,
aspiration of fluids, immunodeficiency, etc"
o, it stretches credibility to assert that the flu causes pneumonia when, in fact, the data shows
that it only causes a small minority of cases"

See also:
Re-examining flu vaccines
Chiropractors and naturopaths among health professionals who claim vaccines pose threat to
immune system
Annual Numer of flu deaths: it!s a guess - "y Sherri #enpenny$ %& www.nmaseminars.com
'(ven though less than )*+ people actually died from influen,a in -../$ anticipate that
exponentially more messages regarding the 'deadly flu0 will e pushed through the news media
this year.0

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