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Six steps to

The arterial blood gas (ABG)
analysis is a lab test that mea-
sures the acid-base balance (pH)
and oxygenation of an arterial
blood sample, usually obtained
by direct arterial puncture. For
the patient in critical care requir-
ing multiple blood draws, an
arterial line should be used.
Nurses can learn valuable infor-
mation about their patients by
analyzing the ABG results. For
specifically, the partial pressure
of hydrogen ions in the blood.
Too many hydrogen ions in the
blood lower the partial pressure
and decrease the pH, causing
acidosis. Conversely, too few
hydrogen ions increase the par-
tial pressure and the pH level
rises, causing the patient to
become alkalotic.1 Because the
human body is sensitive to
changes in pH, the normal range
the lungs’ ability to remove
PaCO2. The PaCO2 is the respira-
tory component of the ABG.
(See Glossary of terms used in
ABG analysis.)
The HCO3 measures the
bicarbonate content of the
blood, and it’s affected by renal
production of bicarbonate. If the
body produces more acid than
the kidneys can buffer with
bicarbonate, the patient will
example, subtle changes in the is narrow. develop acidosis. If, on the other
pH may signal hemodynamic The ABG analysis can mea- hand, too much bicarbonate is
decompensation, and improve- sure two factors that affect the produced, alkalosis develops.
ments in oxygen saturation may pH: the partial pressure of car- The HCO3 is the metabolic com-
be related to improved perfusion. bon dioxide (PaCO2) and bicar- ponent of the ABG analysis.
Like many other lab tests, the bonate (HCO3) levels.1 The The ABG measurement also
ABG analysis is a tool to help PaCO2 measures carbon dioxide assesses oxygenation, as men-
nurses provide better care for (CO2) in the blood; it’s affected tioned earlier. The partial pres-
their patients. by CO2 removal in the lungs. sure of oxygen (PaO2) measures
(Carbon dioxide is produced by the amount of oxygen dissolved
Measure for measure body tissues as a by-product of in the blood. After oxygen dis-
The blood pH is a measurement metabolism.) Respiratory disor- solves in the blood, it attaches to
of the acid content of the blood; ders like emphysema will affect hemoglobin. The number of

48 l Nursing2007Critical Care l Volume 2, Number 2 www.nursing2007criticalcare.com

hemoglobin binding sites that

have oxygen attached to them is

called the oxygen saturation
(SaO2).1 An SaO2 of 95% means
that 95% of the available hemo-
globin binding sites have oxygen
attached. The SaO2 is dependent
on the PaO2. Oxygen has to first
dissolve in the blood before it
can bind to hemoglobin. Body
temperature, hydrogen ion con-
centration, 2,3-diphosphoglycer-
readily accessible and its redun-
dant circulation comes from the
ulnar artery. Care should be
taken when drawing a blood
sample from the wrist of a
patient with carpal tunnel syn-
drome; the condition may make
him more susceptible to risk
of injury of the underlying
If, for whatever reason, the
Refresh your
of arterial blood
gas measurements
and what they
tell you about
your patient.
By David W. Woodruff,

radial artery can’t be used to

draw the blood sample, the
femoral artery is the second
choice. It, too, is readily accessi-
ble and has redundant circula-
tion. The downside is that this
site is more prone to infection.
The choice of last resort is the
brachial artery. This vessel often
lacks redundant circulation, and
damage to the brachial artery

ate, and CO2 levels can affect Glossary of terms used in ABG analysis
how easily oxygen attaches to
hemoglobin and will, therefore, pH Acid content of the blood
PaCO2 Carbon dioxide content of the blood
affect the SaO2.2 (See Oxyhemo-
PaO2 Oxygen content of the blood
globin dissociation curve.)
HCO3 Bicarbonate content of the blood
SaO2 Percentage of hemoglobin saturated with oxygen
Choosing the target Hypoxia Inadequate oxygenation of the tissue
Arterial blood gas samples must Hypoxemia Low oxygen content in the blood
be drawn from an artery that’s Hypercarbia High carbon dioxide content
close to the skin and has ade- Acidemia Too much acid in the blood
quate redundant circulation. Alkalemia Too many buffers in the blood
The radial artery is generally Compensation Ability of the body to stabilize acid-base imbalances
the preferred site because it’s

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Arterial blood gas

can result in ischemia of the smaller), and the syringe contains

forearm and hand.3 heparin to prevent clotting. Once Allen’s test
The Allen’s test is used to con-
the artery is punctured, blood
firm redundant circulation. To
Sampling refresher will start flowing into the sy-
perform it, occlude the radial and
An arterial line should be used ringe. Pressure in the arterial sys- ulnar arteries by applying firm
for obtaining ABGs in the patient tem usually provides a brisk, pressure to the inner and outer
whose condition requires multi- sometimes pulsatile, flow. Be aspects of the wrist. Maintain the
ple testing. A peripheral puncture careful not to introduce air bub- pressure until the hand turns
is performed if multiple blood bles into the sample because pale; then release the pressure
draws aren’t necessary. Drawing they’ll alter oxygen readings. on the ulnar artery. The hand
an ABG sample is similar to The sampling syringe is should “pink up.” If the hand
drawing a venous blood sample. marked to show when the re- remains pale, insufficient redun-
Follow your facility’s policy and quired amount of blood is drawn dant circulation is present and
damage to the radial artery could
procedure. Perform Allen’s test (usually 1 to 1.5 mL). Once the
result in ischemia of the hand.
prior to obtaining the ABG sam- correct amount of blood is
Another site should be con-
ple. (See Allen’s test.) Put on drawn, the needle should be sidered to draw an ABG sample.
clean gloves and then prepare the withdrawn rapidly and pressure
site using an antimicrobial solu- applied immediately. If bleeding
tion (such as 2% chlorhexidine occurs at the puncture site, it
gluconate or alcohol swab). may be quite brisk and could patient’s response.3 Follow your
Because the artery often isn’t vis- cause a hematoma or, rarely, pri- facility’s policy and procedure
ible, you’ll have to palpate it. mary compartment syndrome. regarding the use of ice for ABG
Once you locate it, you make the Maintain pressure on the punc- specimens.
puncture. ture site for a minimum of 5 min-
Syringes used for arterial sam- utes, longer if the patient has an Six-step program
ples are different from those used elevated prothrombin time/acti- An ABG result is best analyzed
for venous samples. An arterial vated partial thromboplastin time by dividing it into the two major
syringe usually has a small-bore or if he’s taking anticoagulants. components discussed at the
needle attached (22-gauge or Apply a pressure dressing to pre- beginning of this article: acid-
vent oozing or base balance and oxygenation.
Oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve rebleeding. This process can be described by
When you docu- the following six steps. (See A
100 Shift to left NL curve ment the proce- 6-step program for ABG analysis.)
↑ Hgb affinity O2 N dure, be sure to 1. Analyze the pH. Although
R include the time 7.4 is the optimal blood pH, the
the specimen body will tolerate a pH from
70 was drawn, per- 7.35 to 7.45.4 If the pH is lower
O2 Saturation (%)

60 centage of oxy- than 7.35, the patient is acidotic;

50 L=left
gen therapy, if it’s higher than 7.45, he’s alka-
N=normal arterial puncture lotic. If the pH is in the normal
40 Shift to right R=right
↓ Hgb affinity O2 NL=normal
site, results of range, look to see which side of
30 Allen’s test, any 7.4 it lies on. If the pH is 7.37,
20 difficulties it’s said to be normal lying on
encountered the acidotic side. This indicates
during the pro- that the patient may be acidotic,
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 cedure, applica- but he’s compensating to make
Partial pressure O2 (mm Hg) tion of pressure, the pH closer to normal.5
what type of 2. Analyze the PaCO2. Remem-
Adapted from: Smeltzer S, Bare B. Brunner & Suddarth’s Textbook of
Medical-Surgical Nursing. 10th ed. Philadelphia, Pa: Lippincott Williams dressing was ber, CO2 is produced in the tis-
& Wilkins; 2004.
used, and the sues of the body and eliminated

50 l Nursing2007Critical Care l Volume 2, Number 2 www.nursing2007criticalcare.com

in the lungs. Changes in the 6. Analyze the PaO2 and SaO2 of a small amount of blood.
PaCO2 level reflect lung function. for hypoxemia. If the PaO2 is less Another example could be:
Normal PaCO2 levels range from than 80 mm Hg, or the SaO2 is • pH, 7.5
35 to 45 mm Hg.4 A PaCO2 level less than 95%, the patient has • PaCO2, 36 mm Hg
below 35 mm Hg can be caused hypoxemia. A patient on supple- • PaO2, 92 mm Hg
by hyperventilation—basically mental oxygen may have a PaO2 • HCO3, 27 mEq/L
blowing off CO2—which will of more than 100 mm Hg.1 • SaO2, 97%.
make the patient alkalotic. When The pH is above 7.45, indicat-
the PaCO2 level rises above 45 Evaluating results ing alkalosis. The PaCO2 is nor-
mm Hg and the patient retains Consider three examples of ABG mal, with no compensation. The
CO2, he’s said to be acidotic. results and what they tell you HCO3 is above 26 mEq/L, which
3. Analyze the HCO3. Bicar- about your patient’s condition. is alkalotic; it matches the pH,
bonate is produced by the kid- For instance: indicating metabolic alkalosis.
neys and represents the metabol- • pH, 7.28 The PaO2 and SaO2 are normal.
ic component of the blood gas. • PaCO2, 56 mm Hg (See Normal values for ABGs.)
Normal levels are from 22 to 26 • PaO2, 70 mm Hg The full diagnosis indicated
mEq/L.4 An HCO3 level below 22 • HCO3, 25 mEq/L by this ABG analysis is uncom-
mEq/L indicates acidosis, and a • SaO2, 89%. pensated metabolic alkalosis.
level above 26 mEq/L indicates What do these numbers tell The patient is losing acid from
alkalosis. you about the patient? The pH is the body, probably from vomit-
4. Match either the PaCO2 or the less than 7.35, indicating acido- ing or loss from a nasogastric
HCO3 with the pH. If the pH is sis. The PaCO2 is higher than 45 (NG) tube. Treatment should be
low and the PaCO2 is high, the mm Hg, indi-
patient has respiratory acidosis. cating acido-
The patient has respiratory alka- sis. The PaCO2
A 6-step program for ABG analysis
losis if the pH is high and the matches the 1. Analyze the pH.
PaCO2 is low. If the pH and HCO3 pH, making it 2. Analyze the PaCO2.
are high but the PaCO2 is normal, a respiratory 3. Analyze the HCO3.
the patient has metabolic alkalo- acidosis. The 4. Match either the PaCO2 or the HCO3 with the pH.
sis. The patient has metabolic aci- HCO3 is nor- 5. Does either the PaCO2 or the HCO3 go in the opposite
dosis if the pH and HCO3 are low mal, indicat- direction of the pH?
and the PaCO2 is normal. ing there’s no 6.
6. Analyze the PaO2 and SaO2.
5. Determine whether the compensa-
PaCO2 or the HCO3 go in the tion. The PaO2
opposite direction of the pH. If and SaO2 are low, indicating aimed at limiting gastrointesti-
so, then the patient has compen- hypoxemia. nal (GI) loss and giving intra-
sation. Compensation is the abil- The full diagnosis for a venous (I.V.) fluids to replace
ity of one system to attempt to patient with these ABG results volume and restore pH
balance the pH when the other is uncompensated respiratory balance.4
system is causing an imbalance. acidosis with hypoxemia. This And lastly:
For example, when the respira- patient may be suffering from • pH, 7.37
tory system (CO2) becomes aci- pneumonia, chronic obstructive • PaCO2, 66 mm Hg
dotic, the metabolic system pulmonary disease (COPD), or • PaO2, 70 mm Hg
(HCO3) will become alkalotic to some other primary respiratory • HCO3, 37 mEq/L
attempt to bring the pH back to disorder. Treatment will consist • SaO2, 93%.
normal. The respiratory system of administering oxygen to Although the pH is normal,
can compensate within seconds, improve his oxygenation and it’s less than 7.4. So it’s on the
but it may take hours for the decrease his PaCO2 by improving acidotic side. The PaCO2 is above
metabolic system to fully com- his ventilation. That’s an ency- 45 mm Hg, which is acidotic; it
pensate.4 clopedia of knowledge to get out matches the pH, indicating res-

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Arterial blood gas

piratory acidosis. The HCO3 is slowed down, alkalosis may

above 26 mEq/L, which is alka- Normal values for resolve spontaneously. If not,
lotic; it goes the opposite direc- ABGs I.V. fluids are typically given for
tion, indicating compensation. volume replacement and correc-
Because the pH is adjusted back pH 7.35 to 7.45 tion of the imbalance. The pul-
into the normal range, it’s called PaCO2 35 to 45 mm Hg monary system compensates for
full compensation. Both the PaO2 80 to 100 mm Hg metabolic alkalosis by decreas-
HCO3 22 to 26 mEq/L
PaO2 and the oxygen saturation ing the respiratory rate and
SaO2 95 to 100%
are low, indicating hypoxemia. retaining CO2.6
The full diagnosis for the Note: These are normal values at sea
patient with this ABG analysis is Further steps
fully compensated respiratory If no compensation is found in
acidosis with hypoxemia. Com- the blood gas analysis, the prob-
pensation from the kidneys tory alkalosis is caused by blow- lem is likely to be acute; the
takes several hours, indicating ing off CO2, usually by hyper- patient’s acid-base imbalance
that this problem is probably ventilation. Encourage the may cause respiratory, cardiac,
chronic.4 Treatment will likely patient to slow his breathing. In or GI dysfunction. Treatment
include oxygen administration. some cases, it’s helpful to have goals include managing the
The PaCO2 will remain uncor- the patient breathe into a paper underlying disorder to correct
rected if the problem is in fact bag; this allows the rebreathing the pH.
chronic, such as in COPD. of CO2. If a patient on a BiPAP If, on the other hand, compen-
Trying to correct PaCO2 isn’t machine or a ventilator devel- sation is indicated by the test
advised because the patient will ops respiratory alkalosis, his results, the disorder may be
simply resume retaining CO2 respiratory rate or tidal volume chronic and the acid-base imbal-
once treatment stops. is probably set too high and ance may persist despite treat-
needs to be adjusted. In respira- ment. Instruct the patient on how
Acidosis vs. alkalosis tory alkalosis, the metabolic to manage the underlying disor-
Respiratory acidosis is caused by system compensates by lower- der so the imbalance doesn’t
the lungs’ inability to effective- ing the HCO3. become worse. ❖
ly remove the CO2 produced by Metabolic acidosis can be
metabolism.1 It’s most often brought on by a variety of con- REFERENCES
1. Guyton AC, Hall JE. Regulation of acid-
caused by a pulmonary disor- ditions, ranging from kidney base balance. In: Textbook of Medical Physi-
der, like COPD, asthma, pneu- failure, poisoning (especially ology, 10th ed. Philadelphia, Pa: W.B. Saun-
ders; 2000.
monia, or pulmonary edema. To with antifreeze or aspirin over-
2. Varjavand N, et al. The interactive oxy-
remove the excess CO2, the dose), diarrhea, or shock to dia- hemoglobin dissociation curve. Available
patient will have to move more betic ketoacidosis.4 Treatment of at: http://www.ventworld.com/resources/
oxydisso/dissoc.html. Accessed December 4,
air through his lungs. This can the underlying condition should 2006.
be accomplished by using bron- come first. If that doesn’t fully 3. Bucher L. Arterial puncture. In: Lynn-
chodilators to open up the air- resolve the acidosis, then admin- McHale Wiegand DJ, Carlson KK, eds.
AACN Procedure Manual for Critical Care,
ways or by using a bilevel posi- istration of sodium bicarbonate 5th ed. Philadelphia, Pa: Elsevier Saunders;
tive airway pressure (BiPAP) may be appropriate. The pul- 2005.
machine or mechanical ventila- monary system compensates for 4. Dufour DR. Clinical Use of Laboratory
Data. Philadelphia, Pa: Lippincott Williams
tion to increase tidal volume. metabolic acidosis by increasing & Wilkins; 1998.
The metabolic system compen- the respiratory rate, thus in- 5. Woodruff D. Take these 6 easy steps to
sates for respiratory acidosis by creasing CO2 removal. ABG analysis. Nurs Made Inc Easy! 2006;4
producing more HCO3.1 This Metabolic alkalosis can be the
6. Martin L. All You Really Need to Know
process is slow, and full com- result of loss of acid from the to Interpret Arterial Blood Gases, 2nd ed.
pensation by the kidneys indi- stomach through vomiting or Philadelphia, Pa: Lippincott Williams &
Wilkins; 1999.
cates a chronic condition. excess NG suction.4 If vomiting
David W. Woodruff is president, Ed4Nurses.com,
As mentioned above, respira- can be controlled or NG suction Macedonia, Ohio.

52 l Nursing2007Critical Care l Volume 2, Number 2 www.nursing2007criticalcare.com

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