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Form : 1 ERE S
Situer la prestation du candidat lun des cinq degrs de russite et attribuer cette
prestation le nombre de points indiqu .

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A1 Le candidat est parvenu relever des mots isols, quelques chiffres et les mettre en relation pour construire
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7 8 9
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: ; <<
=1 Les informations principales ont t releves, lessentiel a t compris, comprhension satisfaisante. Le
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+ 8 ><
=7 es dtails si!nificatifs du document ont t relevs et restitus conformment sa lo!ique interne. Le contenu
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? 8 1@
NOTE 5"r 1@ : NOTE 2$ 363A($ 5"r 7@ :
Appr6%B&tBo0 :

Looking at old photographs, Don Lee remembers how he left his village in China to join his
father in America 70 years ago . The year was 1939 and he crossed the
Pacific Ocean by ship with his grandfather. Like hundreds of thousands
of immigrants arriving in California, his first stop was the Angel
!sland !mmigration "tation in "an #rancisco $ay.
Don Lee % & The whole place was really congested and f'll of
strangers, so ! was more scared than anything else , yo' know,
intimidated. (
Lee was j'st 11 years old when he spent a month detained on Angel !sland
where he end'red long ho'rs of )'estioning by immigration officials trying to verify his
Don Lee % & *they don+t want to let yo' thro'gh . ! mean, yo' have to prove yo'rself.
,eally, that+s the key here- (
From 1910 to 1940 abo't 1 million immigrants from 90 co'ntries were processed to Angel
!sland sometimes known as the .llis !sland of the /est.
The !mmigration "tation is reopening to the p'blic in February after a more time million-
dollar restoration . "tate c'rators are restoring the detention barracks to its historical
appearance . The e0hibit feat'res clothes, l'ggage and other items from the 30 year period
when the !mmigration "tation was open.
Katherine Metraux 1state c'rator2 3 /e+re trying to create as acc'rate of an e0perience for
the visitors , so they can see what was it like to act'ally be detained here on the !sland as an
immigrant. (
1 Reportage/documentaire tlvis / AP = Associated Press
2 3 locuteurs, 2 voix masculines et une voix fminine
3 journaliste- reporter pour AP California et 2 tmoignages , celui de Don Lee( (ex-dtenu asiatique sur
Angel Island ) et celui dune femme ( at!erine "etrau# =conservatrice du muse d Angel sland)
! "a #tation dmmigration dAngel sland
$ "a station dmmigration d Angel Island est (une caserne = $arrac%s) situe en Californie , en %ordure de
l&can Pacifi'ue , dans la $aie de (an )rancisco
& elle est surnomme *llis Island de l+&uest '
( )our les immigrs arrivs en *alifornie (+rinci+alement asiatique)
, l -a (. ans, en ,-3- e#actement , /on "ee et son grand +0re ont travers l1can )acifique en %ateau '
2 +rovenance 3 un +etit village en C!ine
1. )our re4oindre son +0re en Amrique
11 *omme des centaines de milliers dimmigrs qui arrivaient en Californie 5 l+oque , Angel Island tait un
+assage o%lig (le +remier arr6t)
12 Angel Island tait 5 l+oque une station dimmigration (une caserne = $arrac%s) 7 un centre de dtention
13 o8 les agents des services de limmigration avaient +our mission dinterroger et de vrifier lidentit de tous les
candidats 5 limmigration
1! A ,, ans. /on "ee a +ass un mois dtenu sur Angel sland
1$ "endroit tait +lein dtrangers (congestionn) comme lui / ctait effra-ant +our un enfant
1& *9acun doit faire ses +reuves avant de +ouvoir 6tre acce+t sur le territoire amricain / +rouvant/ il - a la
volont de ne +as acce+ter tout le monde/ cest une +reuve
1( /e ,/,/ 0 ,-1/ environs , million dimmigrs sont +asss +ar :llis sland
1, )rovenance 3 -/ +a-s diffrents
12 :lle a t o+rationnelle +endant 3/ans
2. :n )vrier la station dimmigration r-ouvrira ses +ortes au +u%lic
21 "es co;ts de la restauration du centre de dtention sl0vent 5 un million de dollars
22 *est au4ourd9ui un muse de limmigration
23 18 sont ex+oss des o%4ets divers ( %agages, v6tement etc<) datant de l+oque
2! #elon la conservatrice du muse, le %ut est de +ermettre aux visiteurs (dex+rimenter) / davoir une ide
+rcise de ce que +ouvait vivre un immigr dtenu sur l=le 5 l+oque'

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