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Research Article

Received: 17 March 2012 Revised: 12 May 2012 Accepted: 13 May 2012 Published online in Wiley Online Library

Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. 2012, 26, 1631–1638

(wileyonlinelibrary.com) DOI: 10.1002/rcm.6275

Trophic inferences of blue shark (Prionace glauca) in the Mexican

Pacific from stable isotope analysis in teeth
Carlos J. Polo-Silva1, Felipe Galván-Magaña2* and Antonio Delgado-Huertas3
Posgrado en Ciencias del Mar y Limnología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Apdo. Postal 70-305 Ciudad
Universitaria, 04510 México, D.F., México
Centro Interdisciplinario de Ciencias Marinas, Ave. IPN s/n, P.O. Box 592, 23096 La Paz, Baja California Sur, México
Instituto Andaluz de Ciencias de la Tierra (CSIC-UGR), Avda. de las Palmeras 4, 18100 Armilla, Granada, Spain

RATIONALE: Isotopic analysis of biogenic tissues such as teeth of elasmobranchs has been well recognized as an
important method to interpret present and past environmental conditions. However, few studies on shark teeth
have focused their attention on making trophic inferences or reconstruction of diet.
METHODS: We analyzed the carbon (d13C) and nitrogen (d15N) isotope composition of the tooth crown and root from
blue sharks Prionace glauca caught in southern Baja California using a continuous-flow system by means of an elemental
analyzer combined with a Delta Plus XL mass spectrometer, to describe their feeding ecology, considering sex and
maturity stage.
RESULTS: Significant differences in d13C values for tooth root were found between immature and mature males, with
depleted values of 13C in immature individuals. No statistical differences were found between maturity stages in females
for both the C and N isotopes in any part of the tooth, which suggests that females were consuming the same prey in the
same area. In addition, we observed significant differences in d15N values between the tooth crown and root.
CONCLUSIONS: Isotopic analysis in the tooth crown (dentin) and root may represent a new tool to describe the feeding
ecology of different species of elasmobranchs, showing dietary change over a short timescale. Copyright © 2012 John
Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

The use of stable isotopes of nitrogen (d15N values) and assimilated by individuals over the past months, 1–2 years
carbon (d13C values) to address ecological questions has prior to death and each year of the life, respectively.[1,12–16] In
increased, becoming one of the most widely used methodol- sharks, accretionary tissues that contain growth layers such
ogies in animal ecology.[1–3] This biogeochemical method as vertebrae can record a chronology of ecological information
allows quantitative analysis of dietary composition and over the lifetime of a single individual.[15,16] In some shark
foraging patterns on spatial and temporal scales, providing species, such as the white shark (Carcharodon carcharias) and
insight on the food webs dynamics and the energy flow in the silky shark (Carcharhinus falciformis), a single growth layer
aquatic ecosystems.[4,5] in vertebrae represents one year of growth and this can be used
The application of stable isotope analysis (SIA) by mass to accurately determine the age of individuals.[16,17]
spectrometry in ecological research is based on a constant Teeth have been used to study paleo-environmental
increase in the heavier isotopic values (15N and 13C) with conditions, because of their relative abundance in marine
progression up the food chain. Ratios of nitrogen isotopes sediments through time. Shark teeth have good crystallinity
(15N/14N) are used to infer relative trophic level, because and physical hardness which allow them to stay almost
tissues tend to become enriched on 15N at each trophic intact with little to no wear once they are lost. The isotopic
transfer.[6,7] In contrast, carbon isotopic composition (13C/12C) compositions of the fluorapatite of the enameloid are used to
is commonly used to infer basal carbon sources, or to differenti- interpret both present and past environmental conditions.[18,19]
ate between nearshore and offshore nutrient sources.[3,8,9] However, few isotopic studies in sharks have used such tissues
Shark dietary studies have been improved with the use of to describe trophic habits. Isotopic analyses in teeth of other taxa
SIA, which is routinely used to study the ecology of mammals, such as marine mammals have proven to be a useful tool that
birds, and teleosts.[3,10,11] Generally, the tissues used for trophic helps to establish trophic relationships.[19–22] Shark teeth are
studies in sharks using isotopic analyses are liver, muscle composed of two types of calcified tissue: the crown covered
and vertebrae, which provide information about the food by an enameloid matrix in the outer part and the osteodentine
occurring in the inside and tooth root.[18,23] Teeth occur in
multiple rows and are continuously replaced during the life of
* Correspondence to: F. Galván-Magaña, Centro Interdiscipli- the shark. Tooth replacement rates (from birth until exfoliation)
nario de Ciencias Marinas. Ave. IPN s/n, P.O. Box 592, 23096 for sharks are only known for some species, varying from 8
La Paz, Baja California Sur, México. to12 days for lemon shark (Negraprion brevirostris) and leopard

E-mail: galvan.felipe@gmail.com shark (Triakis semifasciata) and from about 32 to 35 days per

Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. 2012, 26, 1631–1638 Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
C. J. Polo-Silva, F. Galván-Magaña and A. Delgado-Huertas

row of teeth for silky sharks (Carcharhinus falciformis). The continuously in the tooth, was sampled from both the crown
replacement rates of mature sharks could be slower, taking and the root. Shark teeth consist largely of fluorapatite with
months to occur rather than days.[24–26] lesser amounts of hydroxyapatite, which is a primary
The blue shark (Prionace glauca) is the most abundant and component of dentin and contains about 25 to 30% organic
widespread elasmobranch and one of the most prominent matter.[19] Each part of the tooth (crown and root) was
large predatory and nektonic species of the marine world.[27] ground to a fine powder using a low-speed cutting drill with
This species is seasonally abundant and frequently caught bits ranging in size from 800 to 1000 mm. To isolate collagen,
around the world. Off the western coast of Baja California, each powdered sample was demineralized in 1 mL of 4 M
Mexico, this species numerically dominates artisanal shark- hydrochloric acid (HCl), which was then evaporated at 50 C
fisheries.[28,29] The segregation model of this species (by sex for 12 h.[23] Each sub-sample was then rinsed with distilled
and maturity stage) throughout the north Pacific exhibits a water for neutralization and freeze-dried. Approximately
broad spatial distribution.[27] In the north Pacific mating 1.0 mg of collagen from each part of tooth was weighed into
occurs in early summer between 20.0 and 30.0 N, and sex tin cups for isotopic analysis.
segregation takes place only among juveniles. This model
suggested that the distribution of the parturition area Stable isotope analysis
extended around the Subarctic Convergence zone (SAC),
between 35.0 and 45.0 N. The nursery areas of juvenile All the samples were combusted at 1020 C and their carbon
females and males would be located north and south of the (13C/12C) and nitrogen (15N/14N) isotope ratios were
SAC, respectively, while adult males and females should be determined using a continuous-flow system involving a
distributed from the breeding areas towards the equator. This 1500 NC elemental analyzer (Carlo Elba, Milan, Italy)
segregation is associated with colder and richer waters, as combined with a Delta Plus XL isotope ratio mass spec-
well as prey distribution.[27,30] Stomach content analysis trometer (ThermoQuest, Bremen, Germany) at the Stable
suggests that blue sharks feed on cephalopods, red crab and Isotope Laboratory of the Estación Experimental del Zaidin
teleosts along the Baja California Peninsula, with a higher (CSIC, Granada, Spain). The results are expressed in
dominance of squid over time.[31,32] standard delta notation (d), defined as parts per thousand,
The objectives of the present study were to examine the as follows:
isotopic relationships between sex, maturity stage and time   
across two tissues. Based on previous feeding studies of this dh X ¼ Rsample =Rstandard  1  1000;
species[31,32] in this area and published isotopic values of its
potential prey[33] and unpublished data from samples caught where X is the element, h is the mass of the heavy isotope
in the same region as the sharks, we expected that: (1) blue shark and Rsample and Rstandard are the heavy to light isotope ratios
would have isotopic differences, by sex and maturity stages, (i.e. 13C/12C and 15N/14N) of the sample and standard,
because they have different foraging areas and feed of different respectively.[7] The standards used were V-PDB (Vienna-Pee
prey, and (2) a comparison of the isotopic values of root and Dee Belemnite) and atmospheric nitrogen (AIR) for C and N,
crown of tooth would reflect different timelines. We predicted respectively. The method precision was 0.1% for both C
that root collagen would reflect a quicker timeline than crown and N stable isotopes. The weight-percent C:N ratios of each
collagen, because previous studies have shown that during sample were also measured, and these were in the expected
the tooth formation of shark the root is formed to the end.[24,26] range (2.7–3.3) for pure protein.[35]

Statistical analyses
All samples (crown and root) were separated according to
Sample collection sex and maturity stage. The normality and homogeneity of
variance were determined by using the Shapiro-Wilk and
All blue shark samples were obtained from two artisanal
Barlett test, respectively. If the data met these assumptions,
fishing camps (Punta Belcher: 24 15’N; 112 05’W; and Punta
a Student’s t-test for significant differences in the mean of
Lobos: 23 25’N; 110 15’W) located in Baja California Peninsula
d13C and d15N values was used. If the data were not normally
during January, July and December of 2009. The total length
distributed a non-parametric Mann-Whitney U-test was used.
(cm) was measured, and the sex and maturity stage (mature
To test whether a relationship existed between total length
or immature) were recorded for each shark using the criteria
(LT) of shark and stable isotope values, simple linear regres-
proposed by Pratt[34]: mature males have a completely calcified
sions were fitted to shark LT and d15N and d13C data for both
clasper with 360 rotation, an open riphiodon and the presence
tissues. Statistical analyses were conducted using Statistical
of semen; mature females showed copulation marks, a cloacal
8.0 (StatSoft Inc., Tulsa, OK, USA) software with a criterion
entrance of at least 3 cm in diameter and presence of
for significance of p <0.05. The results are expressed as mean 
vitellogenic follicles and embryos in uteri. Individuals that
standard deviation (SD).
did not meet the above characteristics were considered
Potential prey isotope values recorded in previous stomach
immature sharks.
content studies of blue shark[31,32] were taken from published
and unpublished data from samples caught in the same
Sample preparation
region as the sharks (Table 1) with the goal of comparing
The teeth were taken from the first row of the upper jaw. Each them qualitatively with the isotopic values recorded in
tooth was cleaned of tissue debris and other external material both tissues of blue shark and to try to give more support

and washed with distilled water. Collagen, which is deposited to our inferences. As the rates of dental replacement for

wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/rcm Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. 2012, 26, 1631–1638
Trophic inferences of blue shark from SIA in teeth

Table 1. Isotopic compositions of potential blue shark prey from southern Baja California compiled from published and
unpublished data used in Figs. 1 and 2

d13C  SD d15N  SD Lipid

ID Species prey (%) (%) Tissue extracted N Reference

1 Dosidicus gigas 16.7  1.0 13.5  0.8 Muscle Y 2 Ochoa-Díaz[33]

2 Octopoteuthis sicula 18.9 14.8 Beak Y 1 Ochoa-Díaz[33]
3 Ancistrocheirus lesueurii 17.5  0.3 13.6  1.0 Muscle Y 6 Polo-Silva, unpublished data
4 Onychoteuthis banksii 17.8 12.9 Muscle Y 1 Polo-Silva, unpublished data
5 Pleuroncodes planipes 17.4  0.8 14.8  1.3 Muscle Y 8 Peckham and Newsome,
unpublished data
6 Sardinops caeruleus 17.3 17.8 Muscle Y 1 Ochoa-Díaz[33]
7 Scomber japonicus 16.9 17.3 Muscle Y 1 Ochoa-Díaz[33]

the blue shark are unknown, a replacement rate of 2 weeks or 1.6% higher than crown values (Fig. 4). However, for mature
1–2 months was assumed based on studies in other species of females (Student’s t-test t = 0.45; p = 0.65) and mature males
carcharinid sharks such as silky shark and lemon shark.[24,26] (Mann-Whitney U-test U = 33; p = 0.19), no significant differ-
ences were found.

Stable isotopic values by sex and maturity
The blue shark is a species that feeds on cephalopods, fishes
A total of 42 teeth were analyzed (22 females and 20 males). The and crustaceans, changing its feeding preferences in different
isotopic comparisons (d13C and d15N values) show no signifi- regions of the world.[31,32,36] However, off the western coast of
cant differences between sexes in any part of the tooth (Table 2). Baja California, this species feeds mainly on cephalopods and
However, the d15N values in the root and crown were slightly red crab.[30,31] Contrary to information reported in other
higher in females (16.9%; 16.0%) than in males (16.3%; studies based on stomach content analyses which indicate
15.0%) (Table 2). Comparing the mean isotopic values between that P. glauca have food segregation by sex (males feed mainly
maturity stages for each sex showed no significant differences on cephalopods and females on red crab),[31] our isotopic
between immature females (IF) and mature females (MF) for comparison on both tissues (root and crown) between the
root or crown in d13C and d15N values (Table 2), while the sexes suggests that females and males are feeding on prey
comparison between immature males (IM) and mature males with similar isotopic values (Fig. 1). These observed differ-
(MM) showed significant differences in d13C values for root ences probably occur because each technique has different
(Mann-Whitney U-test, U = 6, p <0.01) and d15N values for temporal resolution (depending on the number of samples
crown (Student’s t-test, t =2.63, p = 0.01) (Table 2). The isotope and the period covered). For example, the number of stomach
values for prey samples were corrected for trophic discrimi- contents analyzed in previous studies was 300, with samples
nation of 1.7 and 3.7 for d13C and d15N values, respectively, collected between February and June of 2001 and 2006,
estimated by Kim et al.,[14] to allow a direct comparison making it possible to record dietary changes (specifically the
between isotopic data of consumer and their potential food type of prey). On the other hand, the dental collagen of
sources. The d15N and d13C values of both tissues for males elasmobranch teeth has a rapid turnover rate, which provides
and females of each maturity stage were positioned between information about the food assimilated by an individual over
three species of cephalopods Dosidicus gigas, Ancistrocheirus the last week or 1–2 months prior to death.[24–26] Although
lesueuri, Onychoteuthis banksii and red crab Pleuroncodes planipes. conceptually stomach content analyses have been criticized
The fishes Sardinops caeruleus and Scomber japonicus were by its ’snapshot’ that cannot account for seasonal variation,
N-enriched relative to blue shark teeth (Figs. 1 and 2). in this case the information provided by isotopic analyses in
No linear relationships were found between LT and the the tooth was unable to detect the differences in feeding
d15N or d13C values in the crown tooth and between LT and between sexes previously registered in stomach content.
the d15N values in the root tooth. However, the d13C values in The isotopic comparison with the potential prey of sharks
the root tooth were positively correlated with LT (R2 =0.18, showed that both sexes share some prey. It is also known that
p <0.05), where values increase (less depleted) from 200 cm the red crab (P. planipes) is one of the prey consumed by
LT (Fig. 3). females of the blue shark (Fig. 1), corroborating what has been
found in previous studies of stomach contents.[31,32]
In this study we found significant differences in the d13C
Comparison between two parts of the tooth (root and
values of the tooth root for mature and immature males,
where mature individuals had higher d13C values than immature
The comparison between the two parts of the tooth showed a individuals. Although no differences were found in the tooth
significant difference in d15N values for immature females crown for this isotope, the mature individuals still maintain
(Student’s t-test t = 2.26; p = 0.03) and immature males (Stu- higher d13C values (Fig. 2). The d13C values track productivity,

dent’s t-test t = 4.84; p <0.001); with root values on average with higher values found in productive nearshore areas, such

Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. 2012, 26, 1631–1638 Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/rcm
C. J. Polo-Silva, F. Galván-Magaña and A. Delgado-Huertas

Table 2. d13C and d15N values (mean  SD, in %) from the root and crown of teeth of blue shark collected from the western coast of Baja California Sur. Statistical result


Student’s t-test

Student’s t-test

Student’s t-test






16.0  1.6
15.0  1.2

15.9  1.7
16.0  1.0

14.3  0.7
15.6  1.3



Student’s t-test

Student’s t-test

Student’s t-test






15.5  0.8
15.3  0.7

15.4  0.8
15.5  0.7

15.4  0.7
15.0  0.5



Student’s t-test

Student’s t-test





Figure 1. d15N and d13C values of (a) root and (b) crown from
teeth of both male and female blue sharks and their potential
16.9  1.5
16.3  0.8

17.5  1.6
16.3  1.2

16.0  0.7
16.6  0.8

prey from southern Baja California. Potential prey items were


selected based on stomach content analysis from sharks

caught in this region (see Table 1). Individual prey species
between sexes and maturity stages are listed for each part of the tooth

include: (1) D. gigas, (2) O. sicula, (3) A. lesueurii, (4) O. banksii,


(5) P. planipes, (6) S. caeruleous, and (7) S. japonicas. Discrimination

factors from Kim et al.[14] (13C = 1.7 and 15N = 3.7) were added to


Student’s t-test

the prey isotopic values.


as upwelling zones, than in less productive offshore regions.


Because phytoplankton preferentially uptake 12C in regions of




high productivity during photosynthesis, the d13C values are

more negative than those present in coastal areas.[8,9] The differ-
ences in d13C values of the tooth root between mature and
15.4  0.8
15.2  1.3

15.5  1.0
15.2  0.5

16.0  0.7
14.3  0.6

immature males would indicate temporal differences in habitat


foraging. Mature individuals may temporally remain in coastal

waters, while immature individuals move frequently to more
oceanic habitats to supplement their diet. Immature individuals
could have fed on offshore cephalopods, which have been


previously reported as part of their diet,[31,32] and have d13C

values similar (16.2  0.3%)[14] to those found in sharks
caught in this region (16.0  0.7%). Some studies have
Immature females

reported that blue sharks spend half the year offshore,[14] where
Immature males
Mature females

some aggregations of immature males have been detected,[37]

Mature males

which helps to support the possibility that immature sharks

increase their travel time in searching these prey.

The differences observed in the d15N values of the root of


the tooth between males might suggest a diet of prey with


higher trophic levels in mature males than in immature males.

wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/rcm Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. 2012, 26, 1631–1638
Trophic inferences of blue shark from SIA in teeth

Figure 2. d15N and d13C values for root and crown tissues from teeth of both male
and female blue sharks by maturity stages and their potential prey from southern
Baja California. Potential prey items were selected based on stomach content
analysis from sharks caught in this region (see Table 1). Individual prey species
include: (1) D. gigas, (2) O. sicula, (3) A. lesueurii, (4) O. banksii, (5) P. planipes, (6)
S. caeruleous, and (7) S. japonicas. Discrimination factors from Kim et al.[14]
(13C = 1.7 and 15N = 3.7) were added to the prey isotopic values.

The comparison with their prey showed that mature males (16%) for small sharks could indicate recent feeding on
might be feeding on D. gigas, which is more noticeable in oceanic prey, due to differences in d13C values between
the comparison of prey with the values of the root of the tooth coastal algae and oceanic phytoplankton.[8] These patterns
(Fig. 2), while in immature males the d15N values in the crown could possibly represent male feeding patterns because as
are very low and have no relationship with any of the prey mentioned above they showed significant difference between
included in the graph (Fig. 2, crown). However, the values the respective maturity stages. The lack of relationship with
recorded in the root of the tooth suggest that this group of d15N values in both tissues and the high individual variability
sharks feeds on mesopelagic squid such as A. lesueurii. suggests that other factors such as different habitat use,[39,40] a
On the other hand, there were no significant differences wide variety of prey, body condition,[41,42] turnover rate of
between mature and immature females in any of the tissues tissues[2] and seasonal shift[43,44] may affect the diet patterns
for d13C and d15N values, which suggests that these females for the blue shark.
are feeding on the same prey and utilizing the same feeding Comparing the isotopic values between the two parts of the
area. The qualitative isotopic comparison with their potential tooth (root and crown) showed differences between maturity
prey confirms that they utilize the same feeding grounds stages for each sex, where the root d15N values (16–17.5%)
sharing the same prey (Fig. 2). Recent population studies were significantly higher than the crown values (14.4–15.9%).
(satellite tagging and fisheries) of blue sharks in this area This differential pattern in d15N values could have two
report the presence of juveniles and mature females in the explanations. First, variation in the amino acid composition
coast where the water masses are warmer, which could be and proportion among the two parts would have an influence
linked with some phases of their reproductive cycle.[37,38] This on the d15N values, because the isotopic composition of some
information could support that the females are using the same amino acids can vary by as much as 30% in a single tissue.[45]
foraging area. Unfortunately, we do not deal with that hypothesis in this
The comparison between body size (e.g. length total) and study and further research should be carried out to address this
isotopic values of both tissues only showed a relationship particular issue. The mineralization in teeth of elasmobranchs

for the d13C values of the tooth root. The lower d13C values occurs in a micro-environment involving the collagenous

Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. 2012, 26, 1631–1638 Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/rcm
C. J. Polo-Silva, F. Galván-Magaña and A. Delgado-Huertas

Figure 3. Relationships between total length (TL) and d13C and d15N values for males
and females in the root and crown from the teeth of the blue shark Prionace glauca.

matrix, proteins and fluids rich in ions.[19] Some studies have composition of these proteins that form collagen in each part of
found that amino acid compositions in the teeth of some the tooth.[46,47] The amino acid proportions in the root of the
species of sharks such as hammerhead sharks (Sphyrna sp.) tooth have not been determined in elasmobranchs. However,
and blue sharks (P. glauca) fluctuate in type and proportion. if the proportions of amino acids vary in the crown and the root
Higher proportions of proline, glutamine, leucine and histidine this could explain the differences in d15N values between these
in the outer layer of the enamel have been recorded, while other two parts of the tooth in the blue shark.
components such as lipids, peptides and proteins such as The second hypothesis that could explain the observed
glycine and serine are present in higher proportions in the den- difference between the two parts of the tooth could be a
tine of the tooth. In addition, the composition and mineralization combination of two factors. The blue shark teeth analyzed

of each region of the tooth tend to influence the formation and here probably integrate weeks or 1–2 months of dietary

wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/rcm Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. 2012, 26, 1631–1638
Trophic inferences of blue shark from SIA in teeth

commonly used as an isotopic substrate in paleoclimatic or

paleoceanographic research. Therefore, further studies using
tooth crown and root could be as useful as those involving
other tissues (liver and blood) with similar turnover rate
(15 days/months), reflecting dietary changes over a short
timescale and allowing inferences to be made about the
trophic dynamics of the species.

We would like to thank the fishermen from Punta Belcher for
helping us take samples, and Angelica Barrera-García for her
laboratory assistance. This research was funded by the Centro
Interdisciplinario de Ciencias Marinas project ’Ecology of
elasmobranch in Baja California Sur’ and by the Malaspina
Figure 4. Mean ( SD) d15N and d13C values for root and
2010 Expedition project (CSD2008-00077) of the Spanish
crown tissues of teeth of immature male and female blue
sharks. Values represent the difference in d15N values Ministry of Science and Technology. CPS would like to thank
between the root and crown for each sex. CONACyT (Concejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología) and
the Dirección General de Estudios de Posgrado, Universidad
Nacional Autónoma de México for the PhD scholarship
provided. FGM thanks Instituto Politecnico Nacional (COFAA,
information prior to death, considering that tooth replacement EDI) for fellowships Special thanks to Lucero Correa for
rates previously reported in some Carcharhinidae has been English editing.
8–12 days/row in young individuals (Negaprion brevirostris,
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