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Report on Rural Socity of Bangladesh

Everyday, every individual has spent some
time from different households. This helped us
to find some reliability with some situation.
Individual interview was helpful to find
dissimilarity in classes and extraction. So
each member of our group had to talk with the
villagers of Koshabhanga village personally.
lso we have !uestioned them group wise.
Origin of the Report:
"hen we think about #angladesh, the very
first thing that comes into our mind is the lush
green fields and the riverside villagers going to
the fields for cultivations. $iving in %haka city
has deprived us from this typical picture of the
real #angladesh and kept us really unaware of
how is real #angladesh looks like. The $&E
program of I'# enables its students to bridge
some of the gaps and get an overall
understanding of the socio(economic
environment of the real #angladesh by
studying its villages. This report has been
prepared as part of completing the $&E
course. In this report we have analy)ed the
various findings during our survey period and
arrange it such a manner that it gives full flavor
of the study area, which for us was
Koshabhanga village in *anikgan+. The report
consists of several sections these are,
-illage mapping
Social .hange
Economics and /ender %ivision of $abor
0ealth 1 Environment
2ural *arket
Each of the part is presenting the picture of the
3ara we have assigned. "ithin 44 days each
of the group members captures an overall
knowledge of the above mentioned topics.
Purpose of the Study:
5ur broad ob+ective of this study is to look and
probe into the rural society, to get various
socio(economic concerns of the study area.
6ow if we break this broad ob+ective into more
specific and detailed ones they are as follows7
To collect !uantitative data as designed in
survey !uestionnaires from Koshabhanga
village in order to measure the level of poverty
and changes that is taking place there.
To involve the local villagers in an interactive
session where they show and talk about
themselves and help us see the situations
through their eyes by using 32 techni!ue.
To analy)e the problem areas and look for the
critical reasons behind it for recommending
valid solutions in resolving those problems.
Scope of the Study:
The key parameters for the study were7
-illage *apping and 32 transact mapping
Social .hange 3rocess 8Time $ine nalysis9
"ealth 2anking with 2esource *apping
Seasonality *apping for .apturing 3roduction
.ycle and 3ricing of .rops
0ousehold and /ender 2oles 8%aily time use
by both women and men9
2ural *arket nalysis
Economic nalysis
ll of the above resulted in outlining the scope
of the report in the following manners7
4.To identify the present socioeconomic
condition of the people of Koshabhanga
:.To provide an understanding of the day to day
problems of the rural lives.
;.To suggest recommendations to the above
<.&inally, highlight the rural market situations and
use the various economic indicators that show
us the progress of development of the rural
Limitation of the Study:
5ur field working hour was limited.
The assigned working hour conflicted with the
local farmers working time.
Students were taken to the same place several
times so as a result local people became
unwilling to talk.
%uring the haat visit too many students ask the
same person the same !uestions which make
them annoyed.
"hile rapport building the respondents often
ask if they are going to be benefited any way.
"hen they get negative answer, sometime
they were reluctant to provide information.
The household were close together so during
our !uestioner survey respondents are
influenced by other people and some case
they are influenced by previous respondents
32 83articipatory 2ural ppraisal9
32 is particular form of !ualitative and
!uantitative research used to gain and in depth
in understanding of a community or a situation.
Through assessment one can collect
information in a few days.
32 is a form of assessment based on the
participation of a range of different people
including people from the community affected by
the work.
im of 32
4.To ensure that information, the community
members own analysis and conclusion.
:.To give more power to the community.
*eaning collect information from the people,
and what analysis they give about themselves.
;.To reverse power relations and hierarchies
between communities and those perceived as
being development experts and planners form
3hilosophy of 32
5utsiders need to learn about situations from
the insiders, and insiders can analy)e their
own problem and give their own solution.
So we have followed the 32 method to know
about our assigned village.
Techni!ue of 32
To gather people 84=(:>9
To exchange whom we are, where we come
To ask them for information.
4> days were assigned for doing 32 in the
village, because it was a participatory and
!ualitative research. In our 32 we attended
in the interview and discussion as multi(
disciplinary students. The conversant, aged
people gave their ideas. nd other men and
women attended with us with their ideas and
views in the 32. -illagers themselves
explained their situations, changes, problems
and solutions, which are given in the report.
Individual interview:
Everyday, every individual has spent some
time from different households. This helped us
to find some reliability with some situation.
Individual interview was helpful to find
dissimilarity in classes and extraction. So
each member of our group had to talk with the
villagers of Koshabhanga village personally.
lso we have !uestioned them group wise.
Village Resource apping and !ransect:
#angladesh is the land of greens with a very
rich heritage of all that makes it complete.
#angladesh consists of sixty eight thousand
villages and a less number of cities. Therefore
ninety percent of the population live in the
villages where agriculture makes up close to
seventy two percent of the /%3 and sixty
percent employment. 'nfortunately this
information cannot show the real picture of the
village until and unless one does not go into
the field and see with one?s own eyes. 5ur
allotted village was K5S0#06/ and our
para was K5S0#06/(4. Even though it
was a rural area there was a significant sign of
development through the 6/5?s and /5?s that
were present there. Illustrated below are the
areas that very resourceful and we have also
tried to exhibit the image of the village by
drawing maps and proposing their analysis.
The main ob+ective of preparing maps is to
portray a mental construct of the village itself
and it also exhibits the geographical image of
the village or para and also to show the
available resources that are found in that
particular village.
Taking into consideration the fact that we are
not research experts we faced some limitations
while carrying out this research. The reason
are listed below7
@ "e faced time constraint while preparing the
map and also the fact that we had to draw it
the very day we interacted with the
@ Some of the !uestions from various topics
where not answered properly which gave us a
vague answer in the end.
Selection of the Village or Para:
5ur para was allocated in K5S0#06/ (4
which is part of the village K5S0#06/.
5ur supervisor along with members of
325S0IK choose the village and para for
each group. long with our group another
group was also assigned this particular para.
Village mapping:
-illage mapping is done primarily to exhibit a
geographical representation of the village.
"hile doing our survey we came across a
0indu local and after we re!uested him he
drew out a village map for us.
fter he drew it out on the paper we asked him to
draw it out on the ground. "e then asked him to
label the village and identify its components.
Brief Information of the Para:
K5S0#06/( 4
;.A.:. $ocation7
.ountry B #angladesh.
%ivision B %haka.
%istrict B *anikgon+.
-illage B K5S0#06/
3ara B K5S0#06/(4
;.A.;. ge7
6ot more than C> years.
$eographical %istri"ution:
6orth B tigram
South B Katigram
"est B
East( Kosha #hanga(:
Total population of our 3ara is :=>(:A>
&um"er of houses:
There were a total of <> houses present in the
Other Information:
There was a combination of both *uslim and
0indu residents living in the village. 0owever
there was no mos!ue, school, hospital or
graveyard in the para.
;.D. 2esources of the -illage or 3ara7
The resources of the village are briefly
explained below7
In the village most of the houses that we
visited and also with the information from our
survey paper suggests that they were made of
tin with an earth floor. "e found a minimal
number of houses that had concrete floor but
with tin surroundings.
6ow that the people of the village are more
aware of their health conditions the state of
their latrine as we observed are illustrated
*ost of the residents use ring slab
"e only found one household that had a septic
tank latrine.
There was no presence of any hanging latrine.
!u"e well:
*ost of the people made use of tube well and
most of the household had their own personal
tube well. Those people who did not have any
tube well took water from other?s tube well
near by. They use the tube well water for
cooking and drinking purposes.
!rees and (nimals:
/reenery and trees is what fills one?s eyes
when you visit a village. The trees that we saw
are listed below7
*ango, coconut, papaya, mehagoni, bamboo,
date, +ackfruit, star fruit, custard apple,
blackberry etc.
There were a number of domestic animals
such as oxen, cow, goat, ducks, chicken etc.. It
was told to us that there are some wild animals
like fox, mongoose, khatash, snake etc.
$and was to the fullest of resource in the
village and we observed that most of it was
used for farming or agricultural purposes and a
very minimal amount of land was used as
playing ground etc.
"e found : ponds in our para and these ponds
were primarily used for bathing or washing
items. Some villagers, particularly farmers use
the ponds to wash their crops.
"e found : small shops that were situated
within the village. 5ne was at the opening
mouth of the village and the other was the
farthest end of the village. The goods that were
available in these shops were soap, chips,
chocolates, tea, drinks or beverage, biscuits
kerosene, etcE
$eneral Information:
&rom the very first part of our course we were
given five sets of survey !uestionnaires and
our group consisted of five members, therefore
we had to investigate twenty five households.
The following tables are the analysis of the
data that we have collected from our survey.
(ge and Se) %istri"ution:
!a"le: *.+. (ge and Se) %istri"ution to
Study Population
(ge $roups ale
&o ,
>(4> 4: D.4C
4>(:> 4= C.FC
:>(;> 4: D.4C
;>(<> 4C 4>.DC
<>(=> 4: D.4C
=>(A> A ;.=F
A>(D> B B
D>(C> ; 4.C>
C>(F> B B
F>(4>>G B B
Source7 &ield Survey Spring
Sample Si)e7 := 0ouseholds
ccording to the instruction given to us we
investigated := households. In total there were
4AD people living in that village out of which there
were DC male members and CF female members.
arital Status:
!a"le: *.- arital Statuses
arital Status ale
&o ,
*arried ;= <<.CD
'nmarried <; ==.4;
"idowH "idower B B
%ivorced B B
SeparatedH bandoned B B
!otal ./ +00.00
Source7 &ield Survey
Sample Si)e7 := 0ouseholds
in the midst of these 4AD people D> of them
were married and C; of them are at present
unmarried and < people are unfortunately
1amily !ype:
!a"le: *.* 1amily !ypes
1amily !ype &o
Extended B
Ioint <
6uclear :4
!otal -2
Source7 &ield Survey
Sample Si)e7 := 0ouseholds
&rom the survey we could extract the
information that within these ;= households
only < of them were +oint families and the :=
remaining households were nuclear families.
The number of extended families were >.
Primary Occupation:
!a"le: *.3 Primary Occupations
Occupation ale
&o ,
Income Earner ;: 4F.4A
0ouse "ife B B
Student :C 4A.DD
'nemployed B B
%ependent 8.hildren9 :< D.F<
%ependent8dult9 4 >.DF
Source7 &ield Survey
Sample Si)e7 := 0ouseholds
s we surveyed the household of
Koshabhanga(4, we got thirty two male who
have income source. 2est of them was
students and dependent. 5n the other hand,
we conducted a research on the women of
Koshabhanga(4 as well and there were twenty
five percent female were housewives and rest
of them were still dependent.
1amily Income:
!a"le: *.2 1amily Incomes
Income Range &o
#elow ;>>>> ;
;>>>>(D=>>> 4C
D=>>>(4>>>>>G <
Source7 &ield Survey
Sample Si)e7 := 0ouseholds
0ere we can see from above mentioned chart
that different people have their different range
of income. #y seeing the different incomes of
different households we can state that most of
the families of Koshabhanga(4 were middle
class. $ike the families who get more than
;>>>> per year will fall under middle class
family. "e can see from the chart that around
D:J of the people of Koshabhanga(4 have this
range of income. In Koshabhanga(4 most of
the families are middle class.
4ducational Bac5ground of the mem"ers of
!a"le: *.8 4ducational Bac5grounds of the
Level of 4ducation ale
&o ,
3rimary 4: D.4CJ
Secondary D <.4FJ
SS. D <.4FJ
0S. ; 4.CJ
/raduation < :.<J
*asters B B
Source7 &ield Survey
Sample Si)e7 := 0ouseholds
In our para we found out four graduated, three
0S. passed, seven SS. passed, seven
secondary and 4: primary school passed
!ransact ap:
Transact mapping is one of the crucial part of
village mapping. It is a representation, a sketch
of a particular area of the village most
resources were found or abundant. To draw
out a transact map we had to choose a limited
area and within that boundary we had to write
down and describe what it is that we
encountered from the very first foot step to the
very last step. It shows the micro level of land
use and how the people use that land.
The first thing to do is to choose an area from
where we would begin the walk. Then we had
to draw a rough sketch of the walk and the
walking distance should be within 4(=> steps
where one step is e!ual to 4= inches. while
walking on the road one has to look at both
sides of the road and pick the road that looks
most resourceful. fter choosing the road we
had to observe and note down everything that
we saw and we often asked the villagers if we
did not understand anything. fter we note
down where everything is located and so on
we draw out the final transact map
!ransact 9al5:
The transact walk depicts the organi)ed
diagram of the outline of elements that have
been observed in the study area which is
inclusive of the land use , the type of soil,
vegetation and so on.
The main purpose of this kind of mapping is to
exemplify the relationship between the
different but important components of the
%escription of the !ransact ap:
&or our transact map we took the west side of
the village. This part was, out of our
observation, considered to be most resourceful
than any other part of the village. 5ur map
begum with bamboo trees followed by some
free landHspaces and then some houses
followed by ponds and then houses again. The
rest of the land was used for cultivation
(nalysis of the !ransact ap:
transact map is very helpful because it gives
a mental picture and a clear idea of the place.
t a glance of the map one may paint a mental
picture of the place, its surroundings and its
condition. $isted below are the issues that had
a ma+or impact on our report7
ccording to the instruction given, we took :=>
steps for our transact map.
Land :se:
"ithin the transact area most of the land was
used for cultivating purposes and the rest of
the land was occupied by residence, trees and
Soil !ype:
The total transact area?s soil was entirely
sandy loam.
In the high land we observed that the main
crop was mustard. The other crops available in
the transact area were paddy, mai)e, tobacco
and cabbage.
*any trees could be seen along the transact
road, such as coconut trees, mango trees date
trees, mehegoni, +ack fruit trees, papaya trees
and a large number of bamboo bushes.
'ouse !ype:
"e found that most of the houses were made
of tin. There was only one house that had a
concrete floor but was surrounded by tin.
Pond :se:
The people of the village mainly used the
ponds for washing their clothes or household
items and would rarely catch fishes form those
The problems that the villagers faced in the
area were of gas and another ma+or problem
that we found was arsenic.
"e did not find any primary or high school in
that area.
The total 3ara?s soil is sandy loam.
There was no mos!ue and madrasa in the
"e found that the village had electricity
The ma+or problem found in that village was of
gas and arsenic.

Social change is the evolution of culture over
time. 6ot only we change to respond with time
but also change the entire elements around us.
Everything about us changes with time. &or
example our mindsets, beliefs, norms,
attitudes and etc. s the shift in culture takes
place the society or the community changes as
well. It is slow and gradual in nature and it
causes the modifications in people?s living
patterns. Social change takes place as
humans seek improvement and !uality in living
standards. number of factors influence
Social .hange either internal or external.
Social .hange literally happens everywhere but
the rate of change differs from place to place. It is
possible that countries with a better access of
technology and information could experience
faster changes. Though Social .hange is
sometimes intentional but mostly it is unplanned.
$ike any other changes it faces controversy as
well. 6ot everyone is willing to accept changes
right away so there are barriers regarding Social
"e have tried to analy)e and examine the
Social .hange factors of Kartigram village,
Koshabhanga para (4 8*anikgan+9 . 5ur main
ob+ectives of this part of our $&E were to
what changes Koshabhanga para 4 went
through, what socio(economic reasons are
behind this
change and development, when the changes
happened, what impact these changes are
making in
rural 3eoples? life specially our para and how
the villagers are ad+usting or reacting to these
!a"le 3.+ : !imeline analysis for Social
.hanges Sheikh *u+ib
Kiaur 2ahman
0.*. Ershad
0ouse 0old
*ostly farmers*ostly
farmers*ostly farmers, rickshaw
pullers&armers, rickshaw pullers, workers,
service holder&armers, rickshaw pullers,
workers, service holders, business&armers,
rickshaw pullers, workers, service holders,
business&ood Trees

#lackberry, 6eem, *oss
8Toilets95pen field5pen
&3 8&amily 3lanning9Sanitation
&3 8&amily 3lanning9
Education *ale

%rinking water
/ender *obility
0ouse structure
*ud and clay*ud and clay*ud, clay and
tin*ud, clay, tin and brick*ud, clay, tin and
brick*ud, clay, tin and brick&estival
*arket %istance
&ar&ar&ar.lose.lose-illage grocery"ild life
$ungi, gamcha, sari,$ungi, gamcha, sari,
pai+ama, pan+abi$ungi, gamcha, sari, pai+ama,
pan+abi, shirts, trousers
$ungi, gamcha, sari, pai+ama, pan+abi, shirts,
trousers.$ungi, gamcha, sari, pai+ama, pan+abi,
t shirts, shirts, trousers,$ungi, gamcha, sari,
pai+ama, pan+abi, t shirts, shirts,
hadudu, danguli
hadudu, danguli
'ouse 'old:
%uring the Sheikh *u+ib period, Ioint families
were very common. ccording to the villagers
there were more problems in the society as the
children started growing up and got married.
The extended family did not always have a
very good understanding. "ith time, things
started changing in Koshabhanga. &rom the
Ershad period the villagers witnessed the
emergence of Semi 6uclear families but the
ma+ority of the family members lived nearby
and probably cooked inone kitchen. Than
finally they got introduced to complete 6uclear
families. "e have come across many families
who are living independently.
&rom Sheikh *u+ib period, the farmers of the
village mostly were depended on cows for
agriculture. #ut with the development of
technology and its availability, they started
using tractors more and more from Ershad
period. Since then, a lot of farmers could afford
buying tractors. #ut with time the soil !uality
went down. In the same land, production also
reduced. The farmers even started using more
and more 3esticides.
&rom the beginning the most popular
occupation was that of farmers. "ith little
education, the males had to play the role of
farmers. Then as population increased and
roads were build, people also started working
as rickshawpullers and drivers of different
vehicles during Ershad period. fter that from
the Khaleda Kia period, villagers also started
working as workers of different factories
specially garments factory and different shops.
fter that from the Sheikh 0asina period, the
villagers for attracted to business and started
running it as well. Some of them owned shops
in Kartigram and others also owned grocery
stores in the area.
1ood 'a"its:
Since the early Sheikh *u+ib period, the
villagers were always into fishes and
vegetables. &rom the Ershad period, the red
meat started becoming more common but they
still went on eating fishes and vegetables at a
large scale.
;ommunication: <!ransportation=
There were hardly any roads during Sheikh
*u+ib period so it was almost impossible to
hire or ride any vehicles to travel within the
village. ccording to the villagers, roads
started building up properly from the Ershad
period. Since then the village changed a lot.
&or better communication, factories started
building up nearby so they got the opportunity
to work and all the other marketHbusiness
expanded. /radually commercial vehicles like
trucks and lorries could also move in the area.
The villagers also claim that they first saw
mobile phone in Sheikh 0asina period.
!ree Species:
Though there were no roads early on during
the Sheikh *u+ib period but there were lot of
trees. &or example, #lackberry, 6eem, *oss
could be found in almost all the houses. #ut
with the increase of population and limited land
trees kept on decreasing. Some trees like
#lackberry are very rare in Koshabhanga para
'ealth: 8Toilets9
Early on, during the during the Sheikh *u+ib
period, the villagers were not so much aware
of sanitation. large number of people chose
open field to respond to the call of nature.
&rom the Ershad period, they started taking
sanitation seriously. It was nice to see almost
all the houses have their own toilets and the
ring latrine being the most common. They also
got introduced about &3 8&amily 3lanning9 in
Sheikh 0asina period specially through 6/5.
The villagers admit that they never had any
serious concerns about male education though
they preferred them to start assisting their
parents in farming soonest. "ith time male
education increased but the best part was the
significant increase of female education. The
villagers identify that this shift in female
education started back in Ershad period. There
are other key issues and developments in this
field which are very prominent as well. Early
marriage was very common in the village and
the females were the main victims. The
villagers now started taking education
seriously. fter in!uiring, we came to know
they deem certain level of education and age
important before getting their children married.
&or *ales, A>J of villagers think they should
be at least := years old before they get
married. :>J of villagers suggest age :; while
the other :>J say age ;>.
In terms of education F>J of villagers feel
*ales should pass # before getting married
and the rest 4>J suggest 0S..
&or &emales C>J of the villagers want them to
be at least :> years old while 4>J say age 4C
and the rest 4>J argue for age ::.
!a"le 3.-: $ender o"ility
Source7 &ield Survey Spring
Sample Si)e7 := 0ouseholds
5ne of the greatest pleasure for us during the visit
was to experience the villagers wanting the
&emales to get educated before getting married.
fter we completed our survey it was found F>J
of the villagers want the &emales to pass 0S.
.asting -ote 4>>J
Shopping D>J
-isiting relatives outside the village F>J
"atching T- =>J
"atching -.2 CJ
before getting married while the rest 4>J still think
%rin5ing 9ater:
In the first two periods of Sheikh *u+ib and
Kiaur 2ahman, mostly the villagers used pond
for drinking water but from the Ershad time, the
ma+ority is drinking water from the tube(well.
nd a large number of villagers have their own
&or this issue, the villagers responded, though
income has increased but the story is not the
same about their disposable income. &irstly
the only source of earning for the villagers was
local currency but now they are contributing in
foreign exchanges. "e came across certain
families whose members are working abroad
as labors and regularly sending money. The
villagers express the first time they got the
opportunity of going abroad was back in
Ershad period.
Though the nutrition was on the rise for the
first two periods 8Sheikh *u+ib and Kiaur
2ahman9 but it kept on declining since then.
$ender o"ility7
Till the Ershad period, the villagers were kind
of conservative in letting the females move
around. #ut since then the mobility of females
are rising at a steady rate. Some of the
activities that the female members of a family
allowed to perform are as follows7
Iust after the liberation, crimes were sky high
as there was lack of control and no proper law
enforcement. #ut gradually villagers came up
with innovative ideas to protect themselves like
lathibahini. So overall after the liberation law
and order in the village was improved specially
at the time of Ershad.
'ouse Structure:
In the first two periods, mostly the houses were
build with mud and clay. The villagers started
building houses with tin from the Ershad
period. nd after that from the Khaleda Kia
period, they are also making their houses
using bricks.
fter the liberation as the population increased
significantly and competition also rose, the
villagers got very much engaged with work.
"ith the price hike of essentials, they had to
work harder and could not en+oy festivals like
before. So the festivals kept on decreasing in
every periods and are very rare now except
some Lmela?.
ar5et %istance:
The markets were very far before as the village
lacked proper roads to move around. %uring
the Ershad period lot of roads were build. So it
was from the Khaleda Kia period that the
villagers got the availability of markets nearby.
nd in the present time we can also see
grocery stores in local areas.
9ild life:
The villagers claim it was the sound of foxes
they heard every evening +ust after the
liberation. "ith time the population in the
village increased. $ot of roads and houses
were build so wild life got affected. Throughout
all the periods wild life kept on decreasing. &or
example wild cats, fox etc.
This has always been a very unfortunate issue
for the villagers. $ot of females were being
tortured for dowry. Though it is a good sign,
dowry has been decreasing with time
throughout all the periods but the males still
accept it in the form of gifts. &or ;lothing:
In the first period after the liberation war, the
villagers usually wore Llungi?, Lgamcha? and
Lsari?. In the second period, the Lpan+abi? and
Lpai+ama? was introduced. &rom the Ershad
period, the villagers started wearing trousers
and shirts more.
The villagers stated in the first two periods of
Sheikh *u+ib and Kiaur 2ahman, they used to
entertain themselves through a lot of ways.
Some of the popular events included Lhadudu?,
Ldanguli?. #ut the entertainment sources like
the festivals kept on decreasing as well. The
villagers said now the main source of
entertainment for them is 2adio. T- and also
Satellite .hannels.
The key changes that occurred in Koshabhanga
para(4 of Kartigram village after the liberation are
as follows7
3ositive changes
*ore health conscious
3rogress in education
.ommunication development
Scientific irrigation system
Sanitation system
6egative changes
%rug abuse
3opulation increase
2educing social values
Encroachment of cultivable land
!a"le 2.-: Profession of income earning

Profession Location of the respondent
%istricts5utside The .ountrygriculture4C
8=<J9M3oultry 2earing:= 84>>J9M.attle
2earing:: 8CCJ9M3etty #usinessHShop;
8::J9M-endor(4 8<J9BTransport "orker(4
8<J9B.onstruction "orkerM(/arments
&actoryB: 8CJ9(Service(4 8<J94 8<J9:

Source: LFE Field Survey 2008

&rom the table we can see that the people of
the village Koshabhanga are involved in
almost every kind of profession from their own
village to out side the country. nd the number
and percentages of the professions are also
mentioned in the table. 5ther than the
professional works all the households 84>>J9
are involved in poultry rearing.
=.<.< #orrowing *oney
The 3eople of the Koshabhanga village borrow
money mostly for agricultural purposes and to
renovate or build houses. nd they also
borrow money for arranging marriage and
medical treatment etc.
$raph2.*: response on loan
In Koshabhanga people take loans from
different sources. "e have found that DCJ
people have taken loan from various sources.
The sources are like through 6/5s, relative
etc. ::J didn?t take any loan.
=.<.= Sources of $oan and interest rates
The people of our village mostly take loans
from the 6/5s. They also take loans from the
local money lenders and from their relatives.

!a"le 2.*: Sources of loan
Sources >(mount Borrowed <in !housand !5.=
4(: :(< <(A A(4>
$ocal money $ender ;
2elatives ; : 4
#uratangail ;
#2. :
/rameen #ank :
3roshika 4
Source7 &ield Survey Spring
:>>C Sample Si)e7 := 0ouseholds
The 6/5s that provide loans for the villagers
are 3roshika, #2., #uratangail etc. nd the
villagers also take loans from these 6/5s.
The hardly take loans from #anks. nd for
small amounts they take loans from their
relatives and friends with no interests. The
local money lenders also provide loans but
they charge very high amount of interest. Interest Rates
The interest charged by different sources is
different from one another. In the following
graph different interest rates charged by
various sources are shown
$raph 2.3: Interest Rates on the Loans
&rom the table, we can see that most 6/5s
are charging high interest rates compared to
other sources loans. $ocal money lenders also
charge high interest rate but lower than most
of the 6/5s. 2elatives don?t charge any
interest rate, but they usually are able to
provide very low amount of loan.
%omestic (nimals:
%omestic animals are also a good indicator of
evaluating economic conditions of the people.
&amilies with more domestic animals are
considered more economically capable. The
following table shows the number of different
animals owned by different families.
Table =.<7 %omestic nimals
!ype of (nimals ?es
&o. ,
;ow -- //,
$oat +- 3/,
Poultry Birds -2 +00,
Pigeon + 3,
Source7 &ield Survey Spring :>>C
Sample Si)e7 := 0ouseholds
In our village survey of := households we found
that almost all of them have domestic animals as
we found :: households with cows and 4:
households with goats. s most of the families fall
into middle class but according to their earnings
they are able to afford domestic animals. nd we
also found that all the families have poultry birds in
the village koshabhanga. Even the poor families
have at least :H; poultry birds.
'ouse !ype:
In our village survey we saw different types of
houses, which are a good indicator of the
economic condition of the family. "e saw that
most of houses are very simple except some
house of some high level income groups. "e
hardly found any house that is made of
concrete. The following table will figure
percentage of different types of houses of
different income groups
Table 5.5 : House Type
!ype Roof 9all
6o. J 6o.
:: CCJ 4C
Bamboo ; 4:J ;
Wood ( ( (
Earth :
Concrete ( ( :
Source7 &ield Survey Spring
Sample Si)e7 := 0ouseholds
As can be seen from the table- , most of the roofs in
koshabhanga are made of tin . This can be a sign of
economic status of the society. According to the
survey there is no use of wood either in roof purpose
or in making the walls or flooring. Concrete is used to
build only 8% of the house walls, !% of the house
flooring purpose. The middle class families are the
owner of those houses made by tin overall. Almost all
the floors of the houses are made up with earth or
mud. The upper class peoples" houses are made up
with concrete and tin. The walls are in concrete and
the roofs are made by tin. #nly the lower income
group people live in bamboo made houses.
"ealth and possessions has alway
'pper .lass.
*iddle .lass.
$ower .lass.
The features of these classes have been
described next7
:pper ;lass:
3eople of Koshabhanga with the income range
of above TK D=,>>>H( yearly, we classified as
the 'pper .lass. %ifferent attributes of this
group are given below7
Occupation: *ost of the people in this
segment are land owners and some are
service holders works in the city or outside the
(mount of Land Owned: 3eople of this
segment usually have around :> B A> #igha of
Pattern of 'ouse: Tin(shed, Tin build houses
with concrete floor are the typical of the
families of this segment.
(ssets: #ecause of their high income
compared to the other households they usually
own more assets than others. This class has
electricity in their houses so they also own
electronic goods like T-, -.2, and .assette
3layer etc. They also possess dining tables,
chairs, Study tables, show cases etc.
(nimal and Poultry: This segment owns :(=
.ows and 4=(:> 3oultry birds. The meat and
eggs of the poultry birds and the milk from the
cows are consumed domestically.
!oilet: lmost all the families of this segment
own slab latrines or semi pacca latrine.
Savings: This particular segment has yearly
savings between TK 4>,>>> B :=,>>>. Such
high amount is earmarked for wedding
expenditures, further investment in paddy
cultivation and education of the children.
1ood: 3eople from this segment eat meat or
fish everyday. They have different types of
vegetables in all their meals. #esides, milk
from their cows and eggs from their poultry
birds are also consumed by them.
iddle ;lass:
The middle class families have annual family
income ranging between Tk.;>,>>>(D=,>>>.
%ifferent attributes of this class are given
Occupation: The main occupation of this
segment is agriculture along with petty
business. nd also some service holder
working in the city falls in this segment.
(mount of Land owned: 3eople of this
segment have land of :(; #igha.
Pattern of 'ouse: The ma+ority of the houses
of this class are tin(shed with wall made up of
tin and floors of earth.
(ssets: In our village families from the middle
class also have electricity in their houses. The
have electric bulbs and fans but they usually
don?t have T- or -.2s. s for furniture, this
class of families has bed, a few chairs, tables
and almira.
!oilet: *ost of the families of this segment
have slab latrines and a few have pit
latrines Savings: This segment has yearly
savings ranging between Tk.=,>>>(4=,>>>.
These families are mostly members of various
6/5s working in the village and maintain their
saving with the 6/5s so that they can obtain
micro(loans later on to invest in livestock and
1ood: This class of people has vegetables
with their meals of rice everyday. They have
fish or meat twice or thrice a week.
Lower ;lass:
This segment of 3eople with their yearly
income below TK ;>,>>>H( portrays the unfold
sufferings of poverty. This segment of people
has somehow managed to find a small space
to build their dwelling hut in this village. They
cannot sustain throughout the year. Some
times of the year, they only have one meal in a
day. The features of this class have been
unfolded below.
Occupation: The occupation of this segment
of people are agri labor, who do cultivation on
others lands and get a payment for that. Some
of them are transportation workers and labors
in the districts.
(mount of Land owned: The homestead
area is less than five decimals. It would be
redundant to mention that they have no arable
Pattern of 'ouse: The wall is made up of
bamboo thatch, or tin, or both. The floor is
earth and the roof is made up of bamboo
(ssets: They don?t have any electricity in their
houses its only because they can not afford it.
They have hardly any furniture except a bed.
few were found to have small wooden seats
like tools.
!oilet: Some families of this class have pit
latrines and some families have hanging
Savings: *ost of them have no savings at the
end of the month. Some of them maintain
savings with the 6/5s through weekly
subscription and those are very small
1ood: Their meals mainly consist of
vegetables and rice. They occasionally have
fish, meat and fruits.
The village of Koshabhanga, our assigned
village during $&E, is a typical bangladeshi
village with its economy getting shaped by the
contribution of agriculture. Seventy percent of
their earning solely comes from the sector of
agriculture. It is true that with the improvement
of technology the yield of crops from the land
will also increase but the impact on
environment should also be taken into account
for the well(being of villagers. It has been
proved that chemical fertili)ers and
insecticides have harmful impact on the
environment and the living beings. In this
century along with the economy, green
accounting is also being given importance in
many countries of the world. &ollowing in the
footsteps of developed communities,
importance on education and health care
should be given to improve the village?s
economy. 5n the other hand, as the number of
educated people grows, the tendency to
migrate to the cities will also increase. This is
because, agricultural lands are being
divided among the increasing family
members from small portions to even smaller
parts and small portions of land received by
the members are not enough to suffice the
need of the members. s, a result many
people are going for other options like doing
small businesses, going to big cities and
abroad for +obs. "ith the increase of the
number of educated people in the village ,
the door of new opportunities is being
opened and people are trying their luck in
different professions other than agriculture .
lthough, agriculture is loosing its
effectiveness in the economy of Koshabhanga
village, this sector can recover its position with
the use of more moderni)ed technology and a
well planed financial support from the
0ealth and Environment
A.> Introduction
0ealth and environment are probably two of
the most important sections from where we
can visuali)e the view of the village. 0ealth is
basically dependent into environment and
some basic health related condition. "e know,
Environments means surrounding, especially
the material and spiritual influence, which
affect growth, development and existence of a
living being. There have two types of health,
one is physical health and another is mental
health. 0ealth is much more inter related with
the environment, water, sanitation, food,
nutrition state, hygiene practices, socio(
economic and demographic characteristics,
living standard and health care facility and
many other factors influence and affect the
total health status. So, health and environment
are interrelated to each other and increasingly
central to our lives. The awareness about
health and environment are increasing day by
day. $ike other countries, #angladesh has a
strong commitment to address the health and
environment issues.
3eople are become more conscious about
their health. 6ow days, there are a lot of
government, non(government organi)ations
which really help villagers very much. They
inform villagers about diseases, vaccination,
and family planning etc. *ost of the villages of
#angladesh do not have hospitals or clinics.
s a result poor people do not get the proper
services from the /ovt. hospital. few lucky
persons get the better treatment from the
private sector because they can effort. Some
of them go to abroad to get the best health
Sanitation can contribute a lot to preventing
spread of disease through transmission of
micro organism. proper sanitation system
involves arrangement to store, collect, process
and deliver human wastes and other forms of
wastes back to nature in a safe manner.
#angladesh has committed herself to
improve the health and environment condition.
In 4FCF, a new *inistry of Environment and
&orest was created. In *ay 4FF:, a national
environmental policy was formulated and a
national environmental action plan developed.
In 4FF=, the #angladesh Environment
3rotection 5rdinance was enacted. The
government efforts provide protection of health
and environment issues.
long with global initiatives, due to publicity
and awareness building, there is a declining
trend of health and environment problems in
#angladesh. #ut still there exists many such
problems which impediment national progress.
Same scenario is applicable for village Kosha
A.4 5b+ectives
To know the health conditions in our studied
NKosha vangaO
To know the health facilities the villagers
usually get.
To find out the medical facilities available in
this village.
To find out the drug abuser?s problem.
To know the /5 and 6/5?s affect(activities on
medical condition of this village.
To reali)e the vaccination situation of the
To know the health overall consciousness of
the villagers.
To know about the present environmental
condition of the village.
To know the use of insecticides and natural
and chemical fertili)er and the effect of these
on environment.
A.: *a+or 3rocedure
#y doing 32 in the first step.
.ollecting data by using !uestionnaire survey.
#y doing the cross check.
&inding the inside story of health and
environment condition.
Summari)ing the data.
A.; 3resent 0ealth .ondition In #angladesh
%uring the nineties, considerable progress
has been achieved in #angladesh in the fields
of 0ealth. The Immuni)ation 3rogram, which
has been acclaimed worldwide, now covers
D>J of children compared to ==J in 4FF>(F4.
3rimary 0ealth(care facilities have been
expanded throughout the country. Infant and
maternal mortality rates have come down
dramatically. .ontraceptive 3revalence 2ate
has increased to around => percent, as a
result of which population growth rate is now
below : percent.
The /overnment is actively involved in
providing primary health care facilities though
'nion and Thana 0ealth .omplexes,
secondary health care facilities through %istrict
level hospitals, and tertiary health(care
facilities through *edical .ollege 0ospitals,
3ost(graduate Institutes and speciali)ed
hospitals at divisional and national levels.
part from /overnment initiatives, a good
number of 6/5s and private organi)ations are
playing an important role in the health sector.
.linic facilities, health care services on
immuni)ation, *.0(&3, 6utrition, 0ealth(
education, provision of safe drinking water,
sanitation, control of epidemics and endemic
diseases, supply of essential drugs, etc.
A.< The Environment s #lessing
The environment can be easily defined. It
consists of the air, water, and land around us.
These elements can be considered as
blessings, including ecosystem in which we
can spend our lives easily and natural
resources with which we can produce
essentials to live in *other 6ature.
*anufacturing units and household
units use the blessings of the environment as
they engage in activities of various kinds.
*anufacturing units lay heavy claims on the
environmental resources, but they may also
make use of its creations and their
characteristics for the well being of their own.
s manufacturing units engage in the process
of altering raw and half(finished materials into
usable goods and services that will satisfy
human wants, there are at least three ways
found in which the environment can be
disturbed and lose its beauty.
&irstly to say, some of the
environmental stocks of exhaustible properties
may be reduced. These include coal, oil, gas
and many mineral resources. Secondly, it is
called upon for replaceable resources like
timber, grassland, oxygen, nitrogen and many
other natural gases. It is a matter of time but
soon we will see the use of these invaluable
gases around us. Thirdly and worst, it is used
as a place to dispose of the wastes of the
production and utili)ation processesM as a
massive waste removal.
A.= 3resent Environment .ondition 5f
Environmental degradation and
depletion of natural resources are often
observed in #angladesh due to poverty, over(
population and lack of awareness on the
sub+ect. It is manifested by deforestation,
destruction of wetlands, depletion of soil
nutrients, etc. 6atural calamities like floods,
cyclones and tidal(bores also result in severe
socio(economic and environmental damage.
/rowth rate of <.;J, the contribution of
forest resources to /%3 and the agriculture
sector are :.=J and D.==J respectively.
&orestations generate employment and helps
maintain environmental balance. The total
forest area of the country is :.= million hectare,
which is 4FJ of the total land area of
#angladesh. 5ut of the total forestlands, trees
exist in only <=J area. national policy has
been adopted for conservation of forests and
the environment. part from forestations,
programs include planting trees on fallow
lands, alongside roads and rail lines, on flood
protection embankments and the coastal belt
and in educational institutions.
In recent years, the government has taken
some important steps towards protection of the
environment, environmentally sound use of
natural resources and pollution control,
doption of 6ational Environment 3olicy and
formulation of 6ational .onservation Strategy
and the 6ational Environment *anagement
ction 3lan are some of the measures
undertaken by the government to integrate
environment with development in a policy
A.A Effects of 3opulation in 0ealth and
The link between population growth and the
environment, health is not simple. 3opulation
growth contributes to the depletion of natural
resources and degrades environmental !uality,
which induces poverty and reduces human
welfare. In #angladesh, both rapid population
growth and a degraded environment create
serious threats to the economic development,
and in health sectors. This leads to other
serious problems such as poverty, malnutrition
and illiteracy. 5n the other hand the
environment is extremely vulnerable to
damage and degradation as a result of factors
such as increasing population outstripping the
carrying capacity of the local resources. Since
the ma+ority of people in #angladesh derive
their livelihoods from the use and extraction of
natural resources the living condition in
#angladesh, especially of the poor, becomes
extremely vulnerable to environmental
damage. 3opulation control, migration and
poverty reduction are therefore suggested to
improve environmental !uality. 0owever, these
measures can solve the problem only partially
and temporarily as the root of these problems
lies in unfavorable policies. This emphasi)es
the need for an integrated policy, which could
control population growth, health problems and
reduce poverty as well as lead to sustainable
natural resource management.
Explore the population(environment(health
relationship in order to examine how
environmental degradation affects the
population and how the people are the agents
of degradation in the context of #angladesh.
Suggest a set of policies which will solve both
population and environmental, health problems
in #angladesh
Existing literature on population growth
in #angladesh reveals that despite the
successful lowering of total fertility and growth
rates over the past few years, the population
has shot up from CF.F million in 4FC4 to 444.<=
million in 4FF4, growing at a rate of :.4DJ per
year. ccordingly, the density of population
has increased from A>F in 4FC4 to D=A in
4FF4. The population pro+ection shows that the
absolute number of population will increase
even if the replacement level fertility rate is
achieved and that a stable growth of
population in the country remains a distant
goal to be achieved.
The degraded environment in
#angladesh is being manifested mainly in land
degradation, water pollution, water and
sanitation problem, soil erosion, air pollution,
deforestation, wetland loss, loss of biodiversity
and degradation of the coastal environment.
Increasing population, industrial and vehicular
pollution, intensive agriculture, excessive use
of chemical fertili)er and unsustainable
commercial exploitation of resources coupled
with market, institutional and policy failures are
the ma+or causes of environmental
degradation. 3overty leads to population
growth as more family members mean more
labor to perform household activities, more
economic opportunities and higher income.
Thereby, it increases the burden of
dependency, illiteracy and health problems.
3opulation growth creates pressure on the
availability of natural resources like land,
forests, fisheries and natural gas.
%eforestation and lack of drinking water can
increase the time cost to fuel wood gathering,
livestock pasturing and water logging.
A.D The health and environment condition of
Kosha -anga

Kosha -anga (4 is not a very developed
village though its health and environment
condition is average. Though the disease
caused death rate is decreasing, the average
lifetime of people is also decreasing. The most
surprising matter is that there is no doctor in
this village. &or the medical treatment, the sick
people have to go to *anikgan+ general
hospital for better treatment. &or critical
treatment they usually go to %haka. 6ormally
they go to the local pharmacy for treatment.
0ealth workers come to this village. There are
tables below related those topics to
understand the health and environment
condition of Kosha -anga(4.
A.D.4 Sources of "ater for %omestic 'se
"ater is the common name for the li!uid
state of the hydrogen(oxygen compound 0
3ure water is odorless and tasteless, and at
greater depths has a blue tint. &or domestic
use, water is needed every time. So it is
important to be careful that what the sources of
water for domestic use are. "e surveyed
Kosha -anga village to know the sources of
water for domestic use. In the table below
sources of water for domestic use are shown7
!a"le 8.+ : Sources of 9ater for %omestic :se <Positive Response Only=
5ur Sample si)e was :=. Purposes
Piped 9ater!u"e79ell9ell7
9aterPondOthers &o.,&o.,&o.,&o.,&o.
J>>>>>>Bathing>>4:<C J;4: J4><>
J>>9ashing>>44<< J;4: J=:>
J ;oo5ing>>:<FA J>>4<

Source7 &ield Survey, Ianuary :>>C
lmost every house has its own tube well.
#ut we have found tow family which use one
tube well. The villagers use the water from the
tube well for drinking and domestic purposes.
*ost villagers, irrespective of their social
classes, educational backgrounds, occupation,
gender, age, and the like use tube(well as the
main source of drinking water as it has been
long known and said that ground water is the
purest source of drinking water. "e have
found that 4>>J of the households use tube
well water for drinking, which is a very good
sign for country like #angladesh where people
hardly have access to clean drinking water.
#ut the problem of arsenic pollution
in #angladesh?s ground water has turned into
a crisis. *illions of people in rural #angladesh
have been exposed to the risk. #ut luckily our
assigned para have no arsenic have no
problem. The villagers appeared to be well
aware of this threat, yet helpless and
continued to consume the tube well water. nd
this inevitably leads them to slow poisoning.
3roshika marked the tube(well ten years ago.
5ne of the 6/5 workers told us that as it is
near the river, it is free from arsenic. #y drilling
of thousands of tube(well both for irrigation and
safe drinking, the authorities unwillingly
exposed millions of rural people to the
naturally occurring poisons in the ground
water. 6ow the authorities should act
decisively to save millions of people from this
king of poison.
"e have seen the villagers use tree(stand
bamboo filter to free the arsenic from the tube
well water. &or that villagers use tree(bamboo
stand, up there is a NmotkaO, which contain
water. In side the NmotkaO they put breaking
break 8Ita or Surki9, NchalaO and send to filter
the water properly.
!oilet 1acility of the 'ouse:
The sanitation system has an important
aspect on health and environment. To know
about the health and environmental condition
of the village, we surveyed the toilet facilities.
There are typically two type?s toilet facilities in
our studied Kosha -anga village. These are
safety tank and pit latrine 8ring(slab9. There is
no hanging latrine in the village. .ouples of
families use septic tank facilities.
The data about the toilet facilities of Kosh
-anga village are shown below7
!a"le 8.- : !oilet 1acility
Safety !an5
Pit Latrine
'anging Latrine
&rom the above table it is clear that only < J of
the households use septic tank and FAJ of them
use ring slab or pit latrine, which means more than
FCJ have access to good toilet.
The 6/5?s encouraged but not mandate to
install latrines in the households. %uring that
time, the 6/5 supported the villagers to install
the latrines with only =>>H==> taka and
promised to pay some amount of commissions
to those who encourage the local people to
install. In this way *ankgan+ is in a better
position when it comes to the point of
installation of the pit(latrines 8ring(slab9.
The local 6/5 N325S0IKO helped people
very much to increase there understanding
about health and hygiene. They provide
several free pit latrines 8ring(slab9. This could
possible by the intense help provided by
3roshika. They took all basic measures to
educate people about their health and hygiene.
The whole sanitary system of Kosha -anga
village is really good. 3eople are very much
aware of proper sanitation.
;oo5ing place:
.ooking place should be neat and clean for
better health. Irrespective of all the classes
and general knowledge about health and
environment, the villagers happen to have a
specific place or kitchen to cook. 0ere the
table shows the position of cooking places of
this village7
;oo5ing place
In the 5itchen
Inside the living room
The health awareness of the village people is
visible from the above table as DAJ of the
households cook in the kitchen, <J of the
households cook outside the room, and only :J of
the households cook inside the living room, which
is harmful for the environment of the living room.
"e asked the women about their cooking place.
*ost of them cook inside the kitchen. "e
observed that in almost every house kitchen is
separate from the house, outside it. lmost in
every season they cook inside the kitchen, but
some time they cook outside during winter or crop
harvesting season. *ost of the poor lower class
people are cooking in the outside of the dwellings.
It is good thing that only few percentage people
cook inside their living room, because the smoke
is harmful for health. If most of them cook inside
the living room, smokes will affect other people
like children. They especially cook outside the
kitchen during winter season and in rainy season
they cook in front of living room called NbarandaO
9aste disposal system of 6osha Vanga 7+
"aste disposal place is impotent for
environment because from this place diseases
can spread out. The wastes those are
disposed right outside the household may
pollute the near atmosphere and may result in
infectious diseases around the area. In
*alutia, the villagers do not have wastage,
which cannot be easily disposable. The
people of Kosha -anga (4 are also
environment conscious. *ost of them dispose
all of their waste in a selective place. The data
about the waste disposal system are shown

9aste disposal system
In the hole "eside house
&ear "y ditch
In a specific place
&o specific place
$ive domestic animals as food
Source: 1ield Survey@ Aanuary -00/
The above table clearly reflects that
ACJ of households use a hole to dump waste,
:>J of households use nearby ditch, CJ of
households use a specific place to dump
waste, but the fact is that <J of households
don?t use any specific place for dumping. *ay
be they using river to dump waste.
-illagers who are not using any specific
place for dumping wastage only because are
not really aware of the effect on health and
environment. They also made bio fertili)er from
waste to use them as fertili)er in their fields
and use as a source of energy in cooking.
1uel type of 6osha Vanga:
The use of fuel for cooking is a very
important issue for health and environment
because some fuel is very dangerous for both
health and environment. In a under developing
country like #angladesh, C>J of the total
population lives in the villages where there are
lack of natural but the people are still uses
these for cooking. This is really harmful both
for health and environment. In our studied
8Kosha -anga (49 village unfortunately people
are not very much aware of that. The bellowed
table shows the uses of different fuels in

1uel !ype
;ow dung
The figures are showed in percentage. 5f their
use, :>.A;J is firewood, :A.FCJis leaves and
twigs, ::.:<J is straw and the rest ;>.4=J is cow
*ost of the respondents collect fuels from
natural resources like fire woods, leaves, cow
dung and straw for which they do not have to
spend money. s they have many trees in their
village, it is easy for them to get firewood from
those trees. They get leaves and twigs from
those also. They store them for rainy season.
#ut since they are using firewood, there
would be a risk of deportation of forest. It can
effect environment. . lmost every people
have Nmud chullasO in their houses. So, they
use firewood, leaves and twigs, straw and cow
dung. They have another source of energy that
produce from wood. This is known as Ntush?.
In our studied := families we have not found
any use of kerosene or gas. There is also no
use of biogas plant. 'sing biogas is
comparatively less harmful to health and
environment. biogas plant is built with simple
technology and uses raw material easily
available with the rural households.
/overnment or 6/5?s should take proper
steps to install the bio(gas plants in the studied
village. 'sing fire(wood., leaves and twigs,
straw, cow(dung is very much ha)ardous to
health. It causes asma, cough, eye(problems
etc. various diseases to the villagers. .ooking
and heating with straw, cow(dung, leaves on
open fires or traditional stoves 8mud stoves9
results in high levels of indoor air pollution.
Indoor smoke contains a range of health(
damaging pollutants, such as small particles
and carbon monoxide, and particulate pollution
levels may be :> times higher than accepted
guideline values. Indoor cooking and heating
with dung, straw, wood or coal produces high
levels of indoor smoke that contains a variety
of health(damaging pollutants. There is
consistent evidence that exposure to indoor air
pollution can lead to acute lower respiratory
infections in children under five, and chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease and lung
cancer in adults.
Vaccination of ;hildren at 6osha Vanga:
%isease prevention is the key to public
health. It is always better to prevent a disease
than to treat it. -accines prevent disease in the
people who receive them and protect those
who come into contact with unvaccinated
individuals. -accines help prevent infectious
diseases and save lives. -accines can control
many infectious diseases that were once
common in this country, including polio,
measles, diphtheria, whooping cough, measles
and tetanus. -accination program of the
children against six ma+or deadly diseases are
highly successful in the village. 3reviously
people were not very much conscious about
their health in a sense that there are not so
much diseases. #ut as the literacy rate is
increasing the people are getting more and
more aware of the situation. 6ow the villagers
are much concern about the health of their
children. Talking with the people we found that
most of the children in Kosha -anda village
were vaccinated on the time after birth.
-illagers know the time and purpose to contact
the health centers for vaccination. This
became possible because of mass T- 1 2adio
advertising, and for the dedicated workers of
the health centers. The /5 workers motivated
them to vaccinate their children. 'nfortunately
there are some families who started the
vaccination program but did not complete the
whole course.
Vaccination of ;hildren <1igures Represent
only the positive Responses=
2esponse 6o
Pes =>
6o 6I$$
Source7 &ield Survey Ianuary :>>C
The table shows that the 4>>J of children
are vaccinated in Kosha -anga (4. This
happens only because for awareness of it. &or
education, media awareness /5 and 6/5
worker?s motivational activity parents become
so conscious regarding immuni)ation program
in our country. *edia played a great roll for
awareness of vaccination. The drama
encouraged families to go to and use the
services for vaccination. This table shows that
the government is successful in respect of
immuni)ation program.
"e surveyed around := families? village
NKosha -anga (4O in *anikgan+. &rom the
above table we can notice that 4>>J of
children are vaccinated. Some families have
no children, so we did not count them. *ost of
the villagers did not have I%?s 8or card9 as
proof that they have been vaccinated. The
data F>J is given according to the information
gathered. In this F>J, FFJ children are fully
vaccinated and some are not.
'ealth ;are facilities:
0ealth care facilities have very important
role regarding the health issue of human
health. It is mandatory for all human being to
remove the diseases and all sort of sickness.
Kosha -anga a does not have any health care
facilities because there are no hospitals in the
village or nearby the village. The villagers go to
public health care centre, local pharmacy,
dispensary and N0atureO doctor for their
treatment of &ever, cough, etc. The
/overnment hospitals, 3rivate hospitals and
the other health care centers are situated in
the *anikgan+ town. "henever the villagers
need any ma+or medical treatment they go to
*anikgan+ town which is not close to the
village. "aiting hours of *anikgan+ Sador
hospital are too long.
!a"le 8./: %istri"ution of the Respondents
according to the category of health care center
they visit.
3ublic health care centre
$ocal 6/5 0ealth "orker
$ocal 3harmacy8 Koita #a)ar9
$ocal 3riest
0erbal Treatment
3rivate %octor In Town
Source7 &ield Survey Spring
Sample Si)e7 := 0ouseholds
&rom the survey among := families, we have that
most of the people 8;>J9 go to the
*anikgan+Sador0ospital when they are suffering
from a ma+or disease. They also go to the hospital
to perform any test necessary for them. They go to
the public 0ealth centre only for routine checkup.
bout :>J people go to the public health care
centre. The people do not get the expected
services from *anikgan+Sador0ospital.
good number of respondents 8:>J9 go to
local pharmacy at Koitta #a)ar. They prefer
going there because the place is familiar to
them as it is their haat. lmost every day they
go there for their daily necessities.
ImmuniBation schedule
Vaccine Schedule Vaccine Schedule

#./ birth,
%Tw3 A, 4>, 4< weeks,
0ep# A, 4>, 4<
weeks, Part of

*easles F months,
53- A, 4>, 4<, ;A
TT 3regnant women
4st contact, G4, GA
months, G4, G4

F months,

Source: 9orld 'ealth OrganiBation
It?s important to mention the additional measures
taken undertaken for the era diction of polio7
chieving high routine coverage with at least
three doses of oral poliovirus vaccine 853-;9
among infants aged less than 4: months.
.onducting national immuni)ation days to
interrupt widespread circulation of polio.
Establishing sensitive systems for surveillance
of polio cases.
.arrying out Nmopping(upO campaigns to
eliminate the last foci of poliovirus
%uring our research it has been noticed that the
un(vaccination fraction mainly consists of children7
"hose fathers are mainly in a low status
occupation, like(day laborersQ
*others having a low educational status or
.areless mentality.
IndifferenceHignorance parents unaware of the
factors about of these preventable diseases.
The study proves that the govt. initiatives are
totally successful in respect of immuni)ation.
A.F 3roblem related to /overnment 0ealth
.are .enter according to respondents
5ne of the most important problems in
rural area is the health care facility. To identify
the health and environment condition of Kosha
-anga(4 we gather information related to govt.
health care center which are given below7
3roblems related to government health care

Pro"lems related to $overnment health
6ot close to the home
Transport facilities are not available
Timing of the clinic is not suitable
StaffHservices are not good
&acility is not clean
"aiting hours are too long
*edicine are not available
*edicine cost is high
5ffers no privacy

&rom our available finding and analysis we found
that the people of the villager are not satisfy with
the facility of govt. health care center.
*aximum villager?s main problem is the
distance 8:DJ9. #oth Thana 0ealth .omplex
and *anikgan+/overnment0ospital is far away
from the village.
*ost people told that the government
health care center does not provide free
medicine. It is because shortage of medicines
as corrupts officials often steal and sell them
outside instead of giving it to their patients. So,
inade!uate funding, inefficiency and corruption
are the barrier for getting free medical services
and free medicine. *ost of them told us the
transport facilities are not good 8CJ9. The
government health care center does not have
any ambulance. So any critical situation the
poor people cannot get any facility. The poor
villagers cannot effort the communication cost.
Some of them told us waiting hours are too
long 84;J9. nd second one is /overnment
0ealth care center don?t provide any medicine.
In /overnment 0ealth care center patient wait
long time. Some times, villagers went there
with their illness mother, sisters, and wife or
daughters. It is really harmful for the women to
wait there long time. There have no any sitting
arrangement for the ill people. "e also found
that the /overnment 0ealth care centers
stuffsH service providers are not friendly 844J9.
They 8staffs9 think that the 0ealth care service
is free. So if they 8patients9 need it, they
8patient9 will be waiting. They told us that they
do not get privacy from the government health
care center. ctually the female respondent
has informed this data to us because the
religious women do not like to meet with men.
A.4> &amily 3lanning
"e found in Kosha vanga (4 most of family
has < to = members. So it seems to us that
they take family planning program seriously
which affect the social economy also.
Poverty and 4nvironmental Ris5s:
3overty also influences health because it
largely determines an individual?s
environmental risks, as well as access to
resources to deal with those risks. Throughout
the developing world, the greatest
environmental health threats tend to be those
closest to home. *any people in our villages
live without ade!uate shelter or in
unacceptable housing, many of them are in
lack access to safe water, and many people
have no access to ade!uate sanitation M all of
which are essential for good hygiene. 'nable
to afford clean fuels, the poor rely instead on
biomass fuels for cooking and heating. Inside
the smoky home in rural area, air pollution is
often higher than it is outdoors in the world?s
most congested cities. mong the poor in rural
area, certain groups are more at risk than
"hy poor kosha -anga people become
The main reasons are health why poor
people become poorer. 'sually rural people in
our country are poor. They suffer a lot for
getting crops and from that they get little
amount of money. So they have to spend
these amounts for maintaining their family.
Even some times they get so little amount,
which cannot be mentionable. So they cannot
save for any unexpected situation. Income gap
increases, the health gap is also likely to grow.
So the poor rural people never get the wealth
full life.
'ow its effects of Pesticides and Insecticides
on 'ealth and 4nvironmentC
The effect of pesticides and insecticides
can cause acute or chronic effects on health.
cute 8or short(term9 effects generally occur
immediately after heavy exposure to pesticides
and insecticides. chronic effect develops
over a long period of time, and may last for
several years after initial exposure. The effect
may be related to long(term or repeated
exposure to a pesticide at a low dosage,
chronic health effects typically include cancer,
disruption of the reproductive. In Kosha
-anga(4, peasants use insecticides and
pesticides without aware, what will effect it on
environment. %uring rainy seasons these
insecticides and pesticides goes to near pond
and ditch. *any villagers use these pond and
ditch for much purpose like they wash their
domestic animal and use this water for drinking
to their cows, goats, etc. nother important
matter is there many fishes get pestilence. #ut
peasants have no other choice except use
insecticides and pesticide to save their
precious crops from the insects.
Tree 3lantation at Kosha -anga
"e found surprisingly most of the villagers
are not conscious about tree plantation. They
spend their time by gossiping and they are
very easing loving. They mainly purchase
vegetable and fruits from NKati /ram #a)aarO.
They do not use their untilled land for kitchen
gardening. They cut their trees mainly for
cooking purpose, which will bad for
D.; %efinition of *arket in a village
BaBaar: In village, villagers tell market as
#a)aar. #a)aar can be defined as a rural
market where the present and potential buyers
and sellers meet through creating and
exchanging values In order to satisfy the daily
needs and wants of the villagers.
'aat: 0aat is little bit different from the ba)aar.
In village, ba)aar stands for everyday but hut
stands for one or two days in a week. The
concept of hut is a bit different from market.
0ut is also a type of market but it is different in
a sense that it is not permanent. 0ut is specific
place where people gather once or twice in a
week to buy and sell their desired goods and
services, usually in a larger !uantity. 0aat is
located by the side of the big roads, under old
trees or by the bank of the river. These places
seem to be convenient for people to come.
/enerally price in the hut fixed through

!a"le ..+ %ifference "etween ar5et and
It is a fixed or established place. It does not a fixed or established place. fter some times it
It provides or contains fewer amounts of 3roducts and
It provides or contains 0igher amount of 3roducts and services.
0ere price is relatively high. 0ere price is relatively low or less.
It held for everyday. It held only in 4 or : days in a week.
It has less buyers and sellers. It has higher buyers and sellers.
In market most of the sellers and buyers came from the same
In 0aat sellers and buyers came from different villages.
*arket is mainly for different kinds of products. 0aat .an be held for only one or two kinds of products. e.g. B
.ow hut.
*arket is smaller than a hut. 0aat is bigger than market 84> times even9.
6o. of 2etailers is more here. It has more whole sellers than market.
In the market maximum time farmer buy the product form the
retail shops.
In the hut farmers is the seller and 3aiker or #eparis are the
D.< *arket and 0ut that we found in the

"e were in 3rashikha which is in the village
called Koittagram. 5ur working area Katigram
#a)aar was a bit far away from that area. It
took usually 4= to :> minutes to get there by
Tempo. There weren?t any other markets
except some general stores, so villagers have
to go to Katigram to buy things. #ut the
villagers don?t face any problem for having no
market in the village. 2ather, they think that
there should be some particular places for
particular product where those products would
be available and convenient. They believe that,
in this case, place plays a vital role, distance
doesn?t matter.
s there were only one market and ba)aar and
hut were held at the same place in Katigram
we didn?t have to look for another markets. "e
went there on *onday and "ednesday. I'#
and 3rashikha authority wanted to take us in
that very day when hut takes place. 'sually
hut takes place twice a week which is on
*onday and "ednesday.
Products of the village:
"hat is productQ
product could be a good or service which is
tangible and provides benefit to its consumers.
&rom our fieldwork of $&E, we found that in
Katigram each and every kind of products
essential and needed for life is obtainable. It?s
because of easy transportation and allocation and
ongoing marketing practice. "e found that some
products are produced within the villages which
are distributed to other villages and rests of the
products come from different villages or area to
Katigram. "e saw different kinds of products in
Katigram #a)aar and hut like rice, soybean oil,
lentils, tomatoes, fruits 8specially grapes9, fish,
meat, chicken, fertili)er, different types of cloths,
furnitures, watch and coffin clothes.
Services of the village:
"hat is ServiceQ
Service is a benefit that a party can offer
another party. It?s intangible and doesn?t result
in any ownership.
%octor Service:
There are two drugs store at Katigram #a)ar.
-illagers usually buy their necessary drugs
from these shops. In one drug store an *. #.
#. S passed doctor offers his service to the
local people all days except *onday. -isit fee
for every patient is Tk. =>H(
!ransportation <VanDtruc5=:
-an is used for carrying goods from one place
to another within village. The price is about Tk
D(C to carry 4< mon on average distance and
for long distance is 4=(4A taka.
Truck is used for carrying goods from %haka
and other districts of #angladesh. The price is
Tk 4=> per L%hop?.
Product ;lassification <Product atri)=:
There are two kinds of products we know
which are7
4..onsumer 3roducts 1
:.Industrial 3roducts
;onsumer Products are the products which
are used for personal consumption. $ike rice,
soap, foods etc. .onsumer products could be
classified into four categories.They are7
.onvenience /oods
Shopping /oods
Specialty /oods 1
'nsought /oods
In Katigram ba)aar we saw different kinds of
products which falls under this classification.
;onvenience $oods: .onvenience goods are
the goods which people buy in minimum
shopping efforts. In Katigram ba)aar we saw
many convenience goods such as rice 8irrie9
8price7 ;<tkHkg9, soybean oil 84>>tkHlitre9, lentils
C>tkHkg, tomatoes 84:tkHkg9, lungi 8<>(C>tkHpc9
and fruits specially grapes 84>>tkHkg9.
Shopping $oods: Shopping goods are the goods
which are not fre!uently bought by the buyers.
There were some shopping goods in Katigram
ba)aar. -illage people don?t buy these products
fre!uently as they are a bit expensive in price.
3roducts are7 &ish 8rui9 84;>tkHkg9, meat
84=>tkHkg9, chicken 8A=tkHpc9, fertili)er
Specialty $oods: In Katigram #a)aar we saw
some specialty goods which are expensive
and the villagers have to put a lot of shopping
efforts to buy these products. "e saw some
furniture shops over there which was filled with
different types of furniture like beds each of
those are worth of C>>>tkR There were some
expensive clothes as well which are
expensive. "e asked the seller about the
reason behind it. They said they all are bought
from %haka. The !uality of cloths was really
good, specially the T(Shirts 84A=tkHpc9.
:nsought $oods: The products which are not
bought usually by the consumers. t the
corner of the ba)aar we saw a shop where
they were selling coffin cloths. Each of those
was worth of ;>>tkHset.
Industrial Products are used for business
purposes. &or example7
.apital7 %eep tube well, cattle, tractor etc.
3roduction items7 It includes raw materials and
manufactured materials and parts. The farmers
of the village grow paddy, mustards and some
amount of fish and vegetables etc. 3addy is
one of the most important built(up products
and price crops. It needs to be processed to
get rice for final use. The cultivators sell paddy
to the different distributors and they switch
these paddy into rice.
Services7 These are the elusive products
provided by people, institution, place and
activities, such as carpenter, barber, rickshaw
puller, doctor, day laborer, public phone booth
5perational7 3en, light, fan, and some
intangible products like barber, day laborer etc.
Supplies7 3en, light, fan etc fall under this
Product 1low:
In Katigram ba)aar we saw many products
which are bought from outside of the village.
There were also some products which were
made in the village and sold outside of the
village means in different markets of different
villages, even in cities like %haka, .hittagong
etc. Thus, we classified these products into
two groups. They are7 Inflow of
goods 1 outflow of goods.
There are some products which come outside
of the market specially some raw materials.
They fall under inflow of goods. #ut when the
new products are produced with the help of
those raw materials then it falls under outflow
of goods.
Inflow of goods: *ost of the products that are
needed by the villagers come from %haka and
.hittagong through middleman of the various
companies. Since the distributors come to
NKatigram ba)aarO and provide their products to
the sellers the sellers do not have to incur any
transportation cost. The distributors obtain
information regarding which product is selling
more, from the shopkeepers. Thereby, they are
able to supply more of these highly demanded
products. The inward products are mainly the
parts of van, tractors, power tillers, generators,
water pumps, deep tubwell, tooth brush, soap, t(
shirts, pangas fish, hilsha fish and sandals etc.
Outflow of goods: &oodstuffs that are produced
within the village, for the most part crops and
vegetables are taken to NKatigramO by the farmers
themselves and from there the wholesaler buys
from them and takes to different places like
.omilla, %haka, and .hittagong. In case of rice,
wholesalers sometimes take the primary product
from the farmers and give them to the rice mills in
order to process and bring out the final
product. 2ice 8irri9, chicken, vegetables, bamboo
0ere we mentioned that vegetable is outflow
goods. #ut in Katigram #a)aar, "e saw some
vegetables like Indian Spice and onion which they
bought it from Sylhet border in a cheaper price.
Therefore it could fall under inflow of goods. 5n
the other hand, most of the fish are cultivated in
their village apart from 3angas and 0ilsha fish.
ccording to 3hilip Kotler 1 /ary rmstrong
price is B
NThe amount of money charged for a product
or service, or the sum of the values that
consumers exchange for the benefits of having
or using the product or service.O
83rinciples of *arketing, C
edition, 3rentice.
0all of India 3vt. $td. 4FFF. 3age B ;>:.9
-illagers understand the relation between price
and demand. They also know it very well that
when demand goes up price goes up. #ecause of
it they charge high price for different seasonal
vegetables. #ut seasonal vegetables and crops
which are cultivated in off season high price is
charged for those. #ut they said that usually they
don?t do it. -illagers mentioned it clearly that for
seasonal vegetables and crops they can?t charge
more because there are other sellers from other
villages. -illagers mentioned that if they charge
little more then customers will buy from others. "e
found that the cultivators didn?t use a single pricing
process. They applied a balance between value
based and cost based pricing. -alue(based pricing
takes place when the middleman decides the price
at which it is going to be sold and cost(based
pricing take place in the sense that when they
produce any crop, they measure the costing of
seeds, fertili)er, pesticides, labor cost and also
their own effort. They also verified the supply and
demand in the market. "hen the demand for any
crop was higher than the supply, they increase the
price. They also +ustify the customer?s preference.
$ike when they sold vegetables they tried to get
higher price for high demand in vegetables. nd
any off(season vegetables cost very high in the
hut because of the higher preference in the
market. nd the labor that did their +ob in the land
on wage basis, they change more in the time
when there were few labors in the village. The
price regarding consumer products rely mainly on
the consumer as the villagers are very much price
sensitive and thus products cannot be sold at
higher prices. The producers mainly focus on their
profit maximi)ation. #ut those product are
imported from the others in that case pricing are
not controlled by the shopkeepers such as
cosmetics, toiletries product etc.
There are different ways of setting price. t
Katigram different pricing techni!ues are used
for different products. &or rice the pricing is
done by bargaining between farmers and piker
bepari, wholesaler, retailer and end user. It
also depends on the !uality and the
competitor?s price. *ost of the time the price of
rice varies from Tk.;< to Tk.<> per Lkg?.
ccording to the farmer the pricing of rice is all
right. 5nion is priced Tk.:>HKg, Tomato is
priced Tk4:HKg, lentil is priced C>HKg and fish
is priced 4;>Hkg.
(n overview of some important products
and their pricing:
&ame of Products :nit
2ice 4 kg
$entils 4 kg
5nion 4 kg
&ertili)er 4 bag
Tomato 4 kg
&ish 82ui9 4 kg
&ruits 8grapes9 4 kg
*eat 4 kg
.hicken 4 pc
#amboo 4 pc
Value ;hain (nalysis:
-alue chain is a ma+or tool for identifying ways
to create more purchaser value. Each section
can thought of as a link in the village?s value
chain. That is, each section carries out value(
creating actions to intend, manufacture,
advertise, convey and sustain the village?s
products. The village?s achievement depends
on not only on how well each department
performs its work, but also on how well the
activities of a range of departments are
harmoni)ed. The value chain of the rice in the
village Katigram has illustrated below7
&armers are getting most of the helps from
3rashikha by using the inputs they start the
production process. In production process
farmers prepare the lands, do seedlings,
cultivate crops, take care to the crop fields and
harvest the crops. fter the processing stage
the crops are distributed by own selling, N3iker
#epariO, wholesaler and retailer. To distribute
those products they use different vehicles like
2ickshaw, van, bicycle, tractor, truck etc. fter
the distribution process the end user or the
consumers get the products in their hand.
%istri"ution ;hannel:
&rom an outfitted standpoint, a marketing
channel is the path a product or service takes
as it moves from the purchaser to its end(users
or consumer. The products or services can be
distributed directly to the consumers or they
can go via some intermediaries. These
intermediaries like wholesalers and retailers
play a vital role in distribution of the products.
They can provide service and technical
support promptly and locally. They buy in bulk
and break that bulk down to the level desired
by the end users.
In the village Katigram, different kinds of
products like rice are distributed through
different channels of distribution.
The farmers usually sell their paddy to the NratO
or to the big wholesalers. Some times 8#apariesH
retailers9 come to the village and buy finished
paddy from the farmers and sell that to the boiler
mill. &rom the boiler, the paddy becomes rice.
*any ratdars or wholesalers buy this rice and
sell it to the local market. &rom the local market,
this product reaches to the end users. &rom the
rat rice comes to %ina+pur, .hittagong and many
other places of #angladesh.
;ase Study +:
6ame7 *ohammed &orhad li
ge7 =>
-illage( Katigram
&orhad li, locally known as &orhad -ai. 0e is
a peasant, have about 4; bighas of cultivable
land. round two third of his present
possession of land was previously owned by
his father. 0is father was also a peasant came
from sam, a province of India during 4F=:.
The erstwhile government of 3akistan gifted
them nine bighas of land and Tk.4>> cash, like
it did to any other *uslim refugees from India.
*aking proper use of land, money and time
&orhad li is now one of the successful and
solvent peasants of LKatigram? village.
&orhad li does not do any thing except
cultivation. Therefore, he always tries to give
hundred percent devotion to his work. 0e
knows when to grow what, what amount of
fertili)er it re!uires to produce good yield,
when and what amount of irrigation it is
necessary. Even, he knows about the specific
types of pesticides for taming pests. 0e is
interested to grow paddy than corn. #ecause
he thinks that, by producing paddy he can at
least ensure his household rice(consumption
demand throughout the year. man and #oro
are the two types of paddy he produces
In LKatigram? village, chatal business 8paddy
processing business9 is very popular.
Therefore, &orhad li has nothing to worry
about, as chatal owners usually come to his
place and buy crops following the market rate.
&orhad also goes to 0aat to sell his crops if he
feels it necessary. 0e uses van or auto(van
8locally called vot(voty9 to take his crops to
N0aatO. 0e prefers 0aat for selling goods.
;ase Study -:
6ame7 bul 0ussain
ge7 A>
-illage7 Katigram
In LKatigram 0aat? there are people coming
from different villages. They were passing a
very busy day. 2oaming around the L0aat?, we
found bul 0ussain a villager of our assigned
village LKatigram?. 0e came here with some
bamboo to sell.
. bul 0ussain has seven bighas of cultivable
land in the north(western side of the village. 0e
cultivates paddy only, as it ensures the food
demand of his three members, family
throughout the year. In mon season, he can
produce tan maunds of paddy per bigha. nd
in #oro season it rises up to fifteen maund of
paddy per bigha. 0e always buys seeds to get
a healthy harvest. Several years back he
attended a training program organi)ed by 2%
82ural%evelopmentcademy9. So now, he
knows the proper proportion of fertili)er and
pesticides need to use during the cultivation
period of different seasonal crops. &or this
agricultural works, he uses agri(labor
especially during sowing and harvesting
season. bul 0ussain took thirtyBthousand(
taka loan one year back from Krishi #ank for
five years term for agricultural purpose. 0e
thinks that this kind of agricultural loan helps
farmers produce more crops.
#esides this business, his wife and his only
doughtier %ali have small poultry rearing
business. bul 0ussain also have a bamboo
bush by the side of his courtyard, from which
he collects bamboo and sells them during
L0aat? day.
fter selling those things, he then
;ase Study *:
6ame7 Iahangir lam
ge7 <>
-illage7 Katigram
Iahangir lam comes in LKatigram 0aat? on
every L0aat? day, to sell the rice to the
wholesaler or to know the price of the rice in
the wholesale market. t first, he was a
peasant, having around six bighas of cultivable
land. 0owever, as paddy(processing business
8chatal business9 was becoming very popular
in LKatigram?, he also turned to do this
business. 6ow he has two bighas of cultivable
land. In addition, the rest of the land area is
used for Lchatal business?.
Iahangir lam has ; sons. They all are in
Katigram0igh School. 0is monthly income is
approximately 4:>>>. 0e doesn?t have any
problem with his income as he runs is family
;ase Study 3:
6ame7 *d Saidul Islam
ge7 <<
-illage7 Katigram
Saidul Islam is a vegetable seller in LKatigram
0ut and #a)ar?. 0e has only two bighas of
land. In which he cultivates different kinds of
seasonal vegetables throughout the year.
%uring summer, he produces potato, different
greens, cucumber etc. In addition, in the
winter, he cultivates tomato, cabbage,
cauliflower, carrot, bean, radish etc. 0e
cultivates vegetable because in his point of
view, he can make maximum use of time and
place here, in this small piece of land. #esides,
it is more profitable than paddy as chatal
owners of the village tend to buy paddy at a
low price.
0e has only one son who helps him in his
business. 0is wife is a housewife. 0is income
is around D thousand a month.
;ase Study 2:
6ame7 &a)lul Karim
ge7 <=
-illage7 Katigram
&u)lul Karim is a furniture shop owner in
Katigram village. 0e Is in a very good condition
then other sellers in Katigram hut and ba)aar.
0is monthly income is above :> thousand taka
as the furnitures are very expensive. 0is father
started this business. fter his father?s death
he started to look after this shop. 0e has ;
sons and a daughter. %aughters don?t do
anything accept helping their mother. nd all
the sons study in KatigramSchool.
2 Buyers:
;ase Study +:
6ame7 Iatindra *andal
ge7 <=
-illage7 Katigram
Iatindra *andal is a farmer. 0e has a
daughter only. She helps her mother in
cooking. 0is inclome is very limited as he has
not enogh land to cultivate.
0e buys different daily necessary items like
rice, oil, salt, pulse, kerosene etc. once in a
week from LKatigram 0aat?. s his income is
very limited, he refuses to buy any luxury items
except shop. 0e collects seeds, fertili)er and
pesticides from Katigram ba)aar.
;ase Study -:
6ame7 Khairul Islam
ge7 ;F
-illage7 Katigram
Khairul Islam is a truck driver. 0is work is to
deliver the rice to .hittagong from Katigram.
0is income is =(A thousand taka a month. 0e
has two sons. They are in %haka, studying in a
high school in *alibagh.
Khairul Islam normally usually shops monthly
for his family in the beginning of every month.
Therefore, he does not need to buy different
things throughout the month. 5nly some
perishable products like fish, meat and
vegetables, he has to buy in every L0aat? day.
mong the grocery items, he buys shop,
toothpowder, oil, salt, sugar, flour, battery, bulb
etc. from the ba)ar. s the expenditure is
going high everywhere, he has to come up
against a lot of problem to run his family.
;ase Study *:
6ame7 2a+u 2am
ge7 <<
-illage7 Katigram
2a+u 2am is a small farmer in Katigram village.
0e has a very low income two run his family.
'sually he buys &ish, vegetables and rice form
katigram ba)aar.
In the past, the family members were only five
in number. 6ow 2a+u himself has four
members, family. So, the expenditure has
increased a lot. 0igh product price is another
reason of expenditure increase. part from
that, there are some people migrating in to the
village from another distant village for different
reasons. This also pushes up the product price
and forces to increase the expenditure.
;ase Study 3:
6ame7 mal *andal
ge7 <F
-illage7 Katigram
mal *andal buys daily necessary items like
Soybean oil, kerosene, salt, sugar, pulses,
spices, flour etc. 0e also buys soap, detergent,
and battery for household purpose. mong the
luxury items, he some times buys beauty shop,
cream, snow, powder etc. These luxury items
he buys for his only doughtier %ali. mal
*andal is also very much dependent on
NKatigram 0aatO for his agricultural tools,
seeds, fertili)er and insecticides.
mal *andal thinks that his expenditure has
increased a lot as price of different products
are going up. 0owever, compared to the
increase of prices of different products, his
income has increased at a very negligible
amount. So it is becoming very difficult to
maintain a middle class life style, as before.
6evertheless, he is a hopeful man waiting for a
good future.
;ase Study 2:
6ame7 Shukumar Sarker
ge7 :A
-illage7 Katigram
Shukumar Sarker is a small farmer in Katigram
village. 0e often goes to Katigram #a)aar to
buy the daily needs like soap, soybean oil. 0e
often buys fish and vegetables from Katigram
#a)aar. 0e complains that the price of fish is
getting high and so are the other products in
the market. So as he is a small farmer and has
no educational background he has to suffer a
lot for that. 0is father passed away since he
was born. 0e is the only son of the family. So
0e thinks he has lots of responsibilities in his
life. 0is monthly income is around = thousand
Pro"lems regarding mar5ets lin5ed with the
The villagers have no problem with the market.
#ut they claimed about some problems facing
regarding markets7
$ofty price of inputs
$ow cost of the crops
$ess bargaining power of the producers
$ack of wakefulness about product
diversification and some other vital aspects
"omen don?t like to go outside
'nlawful practice by the agricultural input
sellers, N3iker #apariO, "holesalers, 2etailers
5ur assigned village NKoshabhangaO in
contrast to villages across the country is lot
more urbani)ed. The main reason being the
close vicinity to %haka city and the well
connected transportation system. It provided a
glimpse of how modern village looks like which
on one side has the traditional mindset of the
older generations and on the other side the
youth segment and the new generations
breaking all the barriers and targeting new
heights by igniting their passions for the
village. There are conditions of poverty, which
is the reflection of ma+ority rural area of
#angladesh. Still, despite so much disparity,
there is unity among the villagers. 3eople of
the village has sometimes gone beyond
religion, cast, bar, race and sex in holding
hands and addressing some critical problems
that they all faced.
&ew families together in Koshabhanga form a
household and these households together help
to form the society of the village koshabhanga.
"ith massive changes taking place over the
years in different aspects which had direct
impact on the life of the villagers, still within
them they possess the simplicity, easy(going
life style, with amiability and open(hearted
attitude towards inmates as well as outsiders.
In the rural market analysis part we have seen
that there are areas were the deserved one
always does not get their pie of the earning.
That thing need to be changed in order to
improve the over all market profit situation.
ll in all, the experience that we gathered
during our stay at *anikgan+ helped us to
familiari)e with what makes the heart of this
country. Koshabhanga is a reflection of the
thousands of other villages of #angladesh,
where people do not have their spirits
dampened by any shortcomings and are ready
to accept challenges to face life. If they are
given the opportunity, they can come out of the
dark areas that they are now facing.

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