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Master Of Ceremonies Welcome

'Good evening ladies and gentleman, friends and loved ones, welcome to
Winona and Derek's Nuptial Dinner Reception. My name is Robert, and
!ave been asked by our lovely bride, t!e former Miss Walker, now Mrs
Winona McGregor " !er !usband Derek, to be your #mcee tonig!t and
t!ey would like to e$tend t!eir t!anks for attending t!eir nuptial
celebrations tonig!t.'
'Dinner will commence very soon, so we ask t!at everyone make t!eir way
to t!eir seats and make your selves comfortable as we begin our
celebration wit! a wedding prayer.'
%ord, be!old our family !ere assembled.
We t!ank you for t!is place in w!ic! we dwell,
for t!e love t!at unites us,
for t!e peace accorded us t!is day,
for t!e !ope wit! w!ic! we e$pect t!e morrow,
for t!e !ealt!, t!e work, t!e food,
and t!e brig!t skies t!at make our lives delig!tful&
for our friends in all parts of t!e eart!.
Robert Louis Stevenson
Introduction of the Wedding Party
Parents of the ride
()!ank you %adies and Gentlemen. *lease be on your feet as we welcome t!e bridal party.
*ut your !ands toget!er for our !osts, t!e mot!er and fat!er of t!e bride. 's you all know,
t!e day your little girl gets married is t!e !appiest day of t!e century for every doting parent
and don+t t!ey look radiant, )!ank you -rian " %ily Walker, we can see w!ere t!e bride got
!er good looks from. +m not saying w!ic!, you bot! look wonderful tonig!t.+ (wide
Parents of the Groom
('nd now, !ere come t!e parents of t!e groom, looking !appy and proud. *lease welcome
Mic!ael " Maria McGregor. Derek+s parents .ust got back from trekking in Nepal to be !ere
for t!eir son+s wedding. ' big !and for Mic!ael " Maria McGregor, *arents of t!e Groom.+
Matron of !onor
('nd now we come to t!e Matron of /onor, Meagan McGregor. t+s been said t!at Meagan
is c!osen for !er ability to outt!ink, outrun and generally outwrestle anyt!ing wit! up to eig!t
legs t!at stands in t!e way of a smoot!0running wedding. n Meagan+s case, s!e+s also t!e
-ride+s 'untie. ' tremendous grip on t!e woman as well1 %et+s !ear it for 'untie Meagan.+
(wide applause)
est Man
(Now we come to our -est Man, %adies and Gentlemen, 2rlando 3ones by name. )!e -est
Man isn+t .ust t!ere to pass t!e ring to t!e groom. /e+s t!ere to put !is body on t!e line for !is
best friend. Greater love !at! no man, t!ey say. /e also assures us, !e really is t!e best man.
We can+t wait for !is speec! and wise counsel. %et+s !ear it for 2rlando.+ (wide applause)
"#he ridesmaids and Groomsmen$
(Now we come to t!e -ridesmaids and Groomsmen. )!ey are t!e understudies for t!e -ride
and Groom. f t!e -ride and Groom c!ickened out, it+d be two of you tying t!e knot in t!eir
place1 )!ere+s a sobering t!oug!t.+
%irst ridesmaid
(4o wit!out furt!er ado and .ust a little nepotism, we !ave Winona+s younger sister
#mmeline Walker our first bridesmaid. Gentlemen, #mmeline is single and taking a break
from !er career as a ballerina to concentrate on bringing !ome a gold medal at t!e ne$t
2lympics for gymnastics. %et+s !ear it for wee #mmeline1+ (wide applause)
&econd ridesmaid
(2ur second bridesmaid, Mary 3o 5imakowski !as known Winona since t!ey were in !ig!
sc!ool toget!er and as usual, Mary 3o says s!e !as Winona+s back. %et+s !ear it for Mary 3o.+
(more applause)
#hird ridesmaid
(2ur last bridesmaid !as watc!ed ()wenty 4even Dresses+ five times. )!is is !er twelft! time
as a bridesmaid and s!e+s running out of wardrobe space. %et+s !ear it for Daniela *avelic.
/ope you catc! t!e bou6uet Daniela.+ (wide applause)
%irst Groomsman
(2ur first groomsman is Mic!ael McGregor 3unior. Mic!ael, or 3unior as big brot!er Derek
calls !im, is seventeen. /e+s single, si$ foot four and 789 pounds. /is interests are rap music
and wrestling. Don+t anyone let !im near a microp!one tonig!t, folks. %et+s !ear it for 3unior.
: (wide applause)
&econd Groomsman
(2ur ne$t groomsman is 3im Mellor. 2ur 3immy+s a !airdresser w!o speciali;es in some of
t!e more e$otic punk rock styles you mig!t see in t!e music industry. magine a cross
between 4alvador Dali and #dward 4cissor!ands. 3immy also did our bride+s !air tonig!t.
Nice .ob, by t!e way. ' big !and for our second Groomsman1 : (applause)
#hird Groomsman
(2ur last groomsman, 'lan *eterson !as known our Groom, Derek ever since t!ey got
arrested for brawling at a football matc! over ten years ago. t+s ama;ing t!e t!ings t!at bring
people toget!er. %et+s !ave a big !and for 'lan our t!ird groomsman.+
Entrance of the ride and Groom
('nd now t!e big moment, %adies and Gentleman, our bride and groom Winona and Derek1
Doesn+t s!e look beautiful, 4!e+s been practising !er bou6uet0t!rowing and !opes to give a
good account of !erself w!en t!e moment comes. 's for t!e groom, look at !im1 /e scrubs
well for a guy w!o gets into football brawls, doesn+t !e, %adies and Gentleman, a big !and
for Winona and Derek1+. (wide applause)
%ather of the ride's &(eech and a Prayer of Grace
(%adies and Gentlemen, please take your seats as we !ear a few words a prayer of t!anks for
God+s grace from our !ost, t!e <at!er of t!e -ride = -rian Walker1+
(Dinner is served)
Cutting of the Wedding Ca)e
(Gentlemen and gentlewomen1 >ould we !ave your
attention for a moment for t!e cutting of t!e cake. <or t!ose
unfortunate souls w!o are on a diet, tonig!t+s not your nig!t.
)!e cake was baked by or Matron of /onor
Meagan McGregor wit! !er own fair and surprisingly strong
!and and s!e+ll be round your tables to make sure you all
!ave your s!are. <riends please be up and standing for t!e
cutting of t!e cake.
Now all of t!ose taking pictures, be sure you+re ready for
t!e p!oto0opportunity. Derek make sure you !ave a firm
!and on t!e cake wit! your beloved bride. : (the cake is cut)
()!ank you %adies and Gentlemen.+
est Man*s #oast to the ride and the Groom
(%adies and Gentlemen, a moment+s pause for t!e best man 2rlando
3ones. 's you all know, it is customary for t!e best man to reveal
rare insig!ts into t!e make0up of t!e groom, to s!are wit! us, t!e
inklings and foibles t!at make our beloved groom Derek, t!e man
!e is. n ot!er words, an e$pos?1 %adies and Gentlemen, t!e best
ridal Walt+ , %irst Dance
(%adies and Gentlemen, we now come to t!at very special part of
every wedding party, steeped in symbolism. )!e -ridal Walt;. )!is
is t!e moment w!en t!e groom walks !is bride to t!e dance floor
and t!ey begin a dance t!at will last t!e rest of t!eir lives. *ut your !ands toget!er for
Winona and Derek as t!ey begin t!eir special walt; as !usband and wife.+
ou-uet #hro.
(2k now it+s time for a little fun, because it+s time for t!e
traditional t!rowing of t!e -ou6uet. <or t!ose of you w!o+ve
seen t!e running of t!e bulls at *amplona, it+s a little similar.
)!ere+s always a little risk for t!e lasses determined to get t!e
bou6uet in t!eir clutc!es. t+s also t!e real reason you see so
many !ig! !eels s!oes tonig!t. 's you know, traditionally t!e
young lady w!o successfully catc!es t!e bou6uet in mid0flig!t
is a certainty to make !er own way down t!e aisle.
+d like to re6uest all t!e single ladies to step forward for t!e
bou6uet t!row. )!e married ladies w!o+ve sneaked on, don+t be
greedy. )!is is for single women only. 2ur lovely and
c!arming bride Winona !as been practising t!is t!row all
summer, so give yourselves some elbow room.+
@to t!e brideA (Winona, if you+d be so kindB..+
(INSTRUCTINS! "mcee bravel# motions all the
sin$le ladies %orward)
(%adies take your place be!ind t!e bride and be prepared to .ump !ig!. <ortune favors t!e
brave1 't t!e count of t!ree, t!e bride will t!row !er bou6uet. %adies and gentlemen, let+s all
count toget!er.
're you ready %adies, Would you .ust look at t!e concentration. )!ere+s some determined
women out t!ere. )!e countdown1 2ne, )wo, )!ree1 W!at a t!row, ladies and gentlemen.+
(&ride throws the bou'uet and it is cau$ht)
We !ave a winner1 We+ll !ave t!e -est Man cleaned and broug!t to your table later.
Garter #oss
%adies and Gentlemen, !ere+s w!ere t!ings get serious. t+s time
for t!e Garter toss. understand some of t!e guys .umping for
t!e garter !ave been in training for mont!s. Cnderneat! t!ose
tu$edos, we+re talking was!board abs, bulging biceps, nerves of
steel. We+ve got 2lympic gymnasts, !ig!0.umpers, Morris
dancers. )!ese guys are ripped and ready to rumble1 Remember
gentlemen t!is is serious business. )!e guy w!o catc!es t!e
garter is destined for t!e altar ne$t1
Now w!ile t!e groom retrieves t!e garter, don+t let any of t!ose garter .umpers melt into t!e
We !ave t!e garter. Get ready gentlemen.
((room throws the $arter and it is cau$ht)
We !ave anot!er winner1 We !ave t!e ne$t groom. !ope t!at preac!er !asn+t left t!e room.
%et+s !ear it for our winners. @wide applauseA
Message of #han)s from the Ne.ly.eds / Groom
%adies and Gentlemen, please stand by for a few words of t!anks from our new Groom,
Derek McGregor.
Closing Remar)s
Well guess t!at+s about everyt!ing ladies and gentlemen we !ave finally come to t!e end of
our program. t !as been a great day and a wonderful evening wit! you all. 'gain t!ank you
all for your presence. God bless and Goodnig!t to eac! and everyone.
NT"! Test microphone be%ore speakin$)
Good evening %adies and Gentlemen. May !ave your attention please. We are about to
begin our Dinner Reception so please find a seat and make yourself comfortable.
%et us begin t!is celebration wit! a prayer. %et us all stand, bow down our !eads and put
ourselves in t!e presence of God. n t!e name of t!e <at!er and of t!e 4on and of t!e /oly
4pirit, 'men.
Opening Prayer
/eavenly <at!er,
%ove !as been your ric!est and greatest gift to t!is world.
%ove between a man and a woman w!ic! matures into marriage.
)oday, we celebrate t!at love.
%ord for t!e .oy of t!is occasion, we t!ank Dou.
<or Dour presence !ere and now and at all times, we t!ank Dou.
*rotect, guide, and bless Wendell and vy and everyone present !ere.
4urround us wit! Dour love now and always.
n t!e name of t!e <at!er and of t!e 4on and of t!e /oly 4pirit.
Welcome Address
' very good evening to everyone and welcome to Wendell and vy+s. Dinner Reception. We
are done wit! t!e solemn part of t!e celebration and. we t!ank t!ose people w!o were wit! us
earlier at t!e Redemptorist >!urc! for t!e wedding ceremony. 'nd for t!ose w!o .ust .oin in,
Welcome1 'nd so, !ere we are on top of t!e !ills, !ere at >!ateau de -usay for t!e most
e$citing part 0 t!e Dinner Reception for our newlyweds in celebration of t!e beginning of
t!eir new life toget!er. 4o sit down, rela$ and en.oy t!e rest of t!e evening.
am Mr. Donald 4abande.a, also t!e -est Man and !ad been given t!e task by t!e bride
!erself to be your emcee for tonig!t. We t!ank you all for gracing t!is .oyful occasion
especially to t!ose w!o took a leave of absence from work or from sc!ool and to t!ose w!o
!ave traveled many miles .ust to be wit! us. n be!alf of Wendell and vy and t!eir parents,
would like to e$press t!eir !eartfelt gratitude for your presence at t!is memorable occasion. t
is indeed a pleasure to !ave you all tonig!t
Introduction and Acknowledgements
Parents of the Newlyweds
-efore anyt!ing else, we would like to acknowledge t!e key persons w!o took a great part of
t!is .oyous affair. <or wit!out t!eir support, t!is event would not be made possible. %adies
and gentlemen, it is wit! great pleasure to introduce to you t!e *arents of t!e -ride, Mr0
Ga1riel 0 Centenera and Dr0 !eidi Doncillo,Centenera0 ' big round of applause please.
Mr. >entenera is a retired C4 government employee w!ile Mrs. >entenera is a middle sc!ool
teac!er in %as Eegas. )!ey .ust arrived from %as Eegas last week. 4ir, Madam, welcome back
to t!e *!ilippines.
'nd of course, we are truly !appy to !ave !ere wit! us t!e *arents of t!e Groom, <riends, let
us give a big !and to Mr0 Nicolas &0 Auman and Mrs0 Pilar C0 Auman. -ot! Mr. and Mrs
'uman are retired government employees for t!e Department of nterior and %ocal
Government @D%GA 4ir, Madam, t!ank you so muc! for your support.
Grandmother of the Bride
We are also !appy to !ave !ere wit! us t!e Grandmot!er of t!e bride w!o came all t!e way
from t!e -icol Region of Naga >ity. <riends, lets all give a warm welcome to Mrs0 2ydia 0
Centenera3 )!ank you Ma+am for gracing t!is occasion and welcome to >ebu
Principal Sponsors
We would also like to acknowledge our *rincipal 4ponsors. %et+s start off wit! t!e ladies.
*lease make a stand as your name is called.
2ur first lady sponsor is a businesswoman. and wife of t!e late >onsolacion Mayor, Ma$imo
Malagar. and one of Mr. >enternera+s closest first degree cousins. 'lso coming all t!e way
from Naga >ity <riends, please welcome Mrs0 Rita Malagar0 )!ank you Madam for gracing
t!is occasion.
2ur ne$t principal sponsor is a lady wit! a !ealing touc!. 4!e is vy+s 'unt and is one of t!e
best pediatricians of >ebu Doctor's /ospital. <riends lets give a big !and to Dr0 Maria0 4anet
Porcia. )!ank you Dr. *orcia for sparing your precious time wit! us.
2ur ne$t lady sponsor is a retired Dietician in one of Eancouver+s nursing !omes. vy+s 'unt
coming all t!e way from Eancouver >anada. %adies and gentlemen lets give a !omecoming
welcome to Mrs0 Cecilia lahut0 )!ank you Madam, we !ope you make t!e most out of
your stay !ere in t!e *!ilippines.
)!en we !ave our fourt! lady sponsor. 4!e is Wendell+s cousin and is currently serving as one
of t!e >ouncilors of -arangay *iit0os, <riends, lets give a big !and to Mrs. 2eonila
%amador0 )!ank you Ma+am, it+s our pleasure to !ave you wit! us.
'nd t!at+s it for t!e ladies now we go over to t!e gentlemen. 4o again please make a stand as
your name is called.
2ur first gentleman is a retired >aptain of t!e C.4. 'ir <orce. >oming all t!e way from
4acramento, >alifornia, C4', ladies and gentlemen, lets all welcome Mr0 Modesto 4ordana0
)!ank you sir, we are so !appy t!at you can be wit! us
2ur ne$t gentleman, works as a tec!nical support staff for a C40based 3apanese firm in 2!io.
/e is t!e fiancee of our lovely Matron of /onor, Ms. 4ara! Eercide and vy+s soon0to0be
Cncle. )raveling all t!e way from *ortland, ndiana C4', <riends lets give a warm
FMabu!ayG welcome to Mr0 4ames Cha(man0 )!ank you sir,and Welcome to t!e
2ur ne$t gentleman sponsor is an accomplis!ed engineer and a successful businessman rolled
into one. /e is also vy's second degree Cncle. <riends, %ets give a big !and to Engr0
%rederic) Da5id Chiong0 )!ank you sir for being wit! us tonig!t.
2ur last but certainly not t!e least among our gentleman sponsors, !e is a Naval 'rc!itect for
)suneis!i /eavy ndustries, in -alamban >ebu. %ets all give a big !and to Mr0 Erlito
6elas-ue+0 )!ank you sir for taking t!e time out to be wit! us.
4o t!ere you !ave it ladies and gentlemen, our most distinguis!ed set of principal sponsors.
%et us once again give t!em a big round of applause.
Family and Friends
' wedding brings two people and t!eir families toget!er. t refres!es t!e family ties and
friends!ip t!at !ave gone stale and almost forgotten against t!e toll of time and distance. <or
t!is allow me to give a very special welcome to all w!o !ave traveled many miles to be !ere
wit! us today, We would like to acknowledge t!e presence of families and friends w!o took
t!eir time out to be !ere wit! us. 4o again would like to re6uest t!e people concerned to
please make a stand to be recogni;e as you are called.
%rom the ride's &ide
HIThe Vercide Family composed of the Calalang and Molijon Family
7IThe Centenera Family from Naga City and the Jordana Family
JIMrs. Gloria Seno & Family
KIMrs. Rosario Remedio & Family
8IMr. Maimo !orcia & Family
LIMr. Ramonito "ayao & Family
MIMrs. #ndrea Cosido Family
NIThe $ride%s Friends from &S!F'S!(" Circle headed )y Mrs. Cynthia Neis
And from the Groom's &ide
HICo*arr+)ias Family ,ho came all the ,ay from -am)oanga City
7IGregorio #+man & Family
JI!antaleon #+man & Family
KIVelas.+e/ Family
8IMr. "iosdado "oncillo & Family
LIThe Groom0s Friends from &! 1 Fine #rts
We would also like to acknowledge t!e presence of Ret. Gen. -oy 4eville, a very good friend
of t!e bride's parents w!o came all t!e way from %as Eegas.. 4ir t!ank you so muc! for being
'lso wit! us !ere tonig!t and it is wit! great pleasure to !ave Rev <r. *atrick Martin.our
officiating priest for t!e wedding ceremony. )!ank you <r. Martin for going out of your way
to be wit! us.
4o guess t!at+s about it. !ope did not miss out anyone. f did, please be so kind to
remind me.
ntrance of the Bride and Groom
't t!is point assume t!at everyone !as settled down and we are all ready to welcome t!e
newlyweds. May re6uest our lovely Matron of /onor, Ms. 4ara! Eercide to please facilitate
t!e welcoming party for our newlyweds. )onig!t calls for a grand celebration and it is my
distinct pleasure to introduce to you for t!e very first time Wendell and vy as !usband and
wife. 4o wit!out any furt!er ado, let us all rise and give our warmest welcome to Mr. and
Mrs. Wendell 'uman........ Music Maestro
(Newl#weds enters the hall)
Background Music: "Saphira's First Flight" from7 8Eragon8 mo5ie soundtracl0
>ongratulations Wendell and vy and best wis!es to bot! of you. We wis! you to be blessed
wit! a long and !appy life toget!er wit! your future c!ildren 4o t!ere you !ave it ladies and
gentlemen our new lovely couple. %et us again give t!em a big round of applause.
)!e bride wis!es to convey !er gratitude to Ms. Dornie %api; for t!e beautiful gown t!at s!e
made. Ms. %api; please stand to be recogni;ed.
(INSTRUCTIONS: "mcee waits %or *s) Lapi+ to stand up be%ore sa#in$)
%et us give !er a big !and for a .ob well done. )!e gown is an adapted design of )itania from
Rivendell -ridal. We would also like to t!ank Ms. 4!eila 'uman for sponsoring t!e bridal
entourage attire. Ms. 'uman t!ank you so muc!. %et us also give !er a big !and.
!o"e #elease
)!e bride and groom will now do t!e dove release. May re6uest t!e newly weds to please
come forward and eac! get a dove. )!e newlyweds would like to t!ank Ms. Rowena Eercide
and Mr. 'donis <ernande; for providing us wit! t!is beautiful pair of doves.
(INSTRUCTIONS: ,hile Newl#weds comes %orward and prepare %or the dove release-
&acl$round music starts pla#in$ and "mcee sa# the %ollowin$)))))))
Background Music: "Long Nu hi Sh!ng " "ro#: "R!turn o" th! Condor $!ro!s" T%
S!ri!s soundtrack.
)!e two doves signify Wendell and vy being released to start a new .ourney toget!er. %ike
t!e two pairs of dove, w!atever !appens t!ey will always try to seek t!e comfort of eac!
ot!er and t!eir !ome toget!er. )!is is w!ere t!ey know t!at t!ey will find love ' dove always
c!oose one mate for life, and signify love, fait!fulness, .oy, and !ope,
Wendell and vy are now ready so we will now release t!e doves. 't t!e count of t!ree
release t!e doves. Ready w!en you are. 2ne... )wo... )!ree... and... off t!ey go111 )!at was
really beautiful.
Bridal Walt$ First !ance
)onig!t is indeed a special nig!t and will forever be etc!ed in t!e memory of our beloved
couple. <or tonig!t marks t!e beginning of t!eir new life toget!er. <rom t!is day forward
t!ey s!all be one, and on t!is .oyful beginning w!at could be more fitting t!an to celebrate it
wit! t!eir <irst Dance. )!e <irst Dance is symbolic of t!e consummation of t!eir wedding
vows. )!is Dance is t!e wedding couples' first cooperative engagement and .oint endeavor.
's t!e saying goes, Ft takes two to tango.G %adies and gentlemen, it is once again my
privilege to present to you Mr and Mrs Wendell 'uman wit! t!eir <irst Dance.
(Newl#weds dances their .irst Dance)
Background Music: "Moon Ri&!r" instru#!ntal &!rsion "ro#: "Br!aktast at Ti""an''s"
#o&i! soundtrack.
)!ank you Wendell and vy, %et us once again give t!em a big round of applause .
Grace Before %eals
Well guess t!e food is now ready and dinner will commence s!ortly. May call on Re50 %r0
Patric) Martin to say t!e grace before meals.
(.r) *artin comes %orward to sa# $race be%ore meals)
)!ank you <r. Martin. 4o t!ere you !ave it ladies and gentleman. Dinner is served. Dou are
all !ereby invited to partake dinner. Dou may now get your food at t!e buffet table. . *lease
en.oy your meal. 'nd always, Oladies firstO
We would like to t!ank Mr0 and Mrs Amado Calalang and Mr0 and Mrs0 6ictor &e5ille for
our roasted pork and Ms0 &arah 6ercide and Mrs0 4ames Cha(man for t!e roasted calf.
Mr0 Nicolas Auman for t!e fruits. 4ir, Madam, )!ank you so muc! for your generosity.
&a'le (opping for Sou"enir Pictures
May !ave your attention please, guess by now everyone !ad t!eir fill of our sumptuous
food prepared by >!ateau de -usay. We would like to t!ank t!e 2peration Manage of
>!ateau de -usay, Mr0 6ictor Millora for t!e wonderful accommodation and service t!at
t!ey are providing us !ere. )!e newlyweds would also like to say a special t!ank you to Mr0
Arnold Arcilla for supervising in t!e p!ysical arrangement of our reception.
't t!is point t!e newlyweds would like to take t!is opportunity to t!ank everyone personally
for your presence. Wendell and vy will now go from one table to anot!er to greet eac! and
everyone and to !ave t!eir souvenir picture taking wit! t!eir guests. 4imultaneously, our
Matron of /onor assisted wit! some members of t!e bridal entourage will be distributing t!e
wedding giveaways and will be routing t!e guest book so please stand by in your seats.
Background Music: "St( )l#o's Fir!" instru#!ntal &!rsion "ro#"St( )l#o's Fir!" Mo&i!
)utting of the Wedding )ake
We will now resume wit! our program. and its time for desert. We !ave !ere a beautiful
wedding cake courtesy of Dr. Maria 3anet *orcia and Mr. " Mrs >!iong. 4ir , Madam, t!ank
you so muc!.
May mow re6uest Wendell and vy to do t!e !onors of cutting t!e wedding cake.
(Newl#weds comes %orward to cut the cake))
)!ere you !ave it ladies and gentlemen, t!e cake !as been cut. May now re6uest t!e waiters
to please serve t!e cake to our guests.
(,aiters serves the cake to the $uest))
Best %an*s &oast to the Bride and the Groom
' celebration is never complete wit!out a toast and a bottle of good wine. %et us now bring
out t!e good wine and pour t!em to our glasses. We would like to t!ank Mr. Gabriel
>entenera for providing us wit! t!e wineB t!ank you 4ir.
%adies and gentlemen, it takes a strong and intelligent man to reali;e !is dreams and ac!ieve
!is goals in life and love. ' man t!at is not afraid to live life to its fullest and embrace w!at is
truly important. 'm !ere to talk about Wendell and vy )wo people w!o !ave come toget!er
today to form a union t!at will surely last forever.
(INSTRUCTINS!&est *an raises his $lass and addresses the newl#weds as he speaks))))
vy you look wonderful. Wendell is lucky to !ave found suc! a wonderful gal to s!are !is life
wit!. Wendell and !as been a very good friend way back in college days in C* >ebu, <ine
'rts Department and once worked wit! vy in some researc! pro.ects and 'm truly !onored
t!at t!ey !ave c!osen me to be t!eir best man on t!is most important day of t!eir lives. Guys,
wis! you bot! peace and !appiness in your new life toget!er and may God bless your union.
(INSTRUCTINS!&est *an still raisin$ his $lass and addresses the $uests as he speaks))))
#veryone let us all stand and raise your glasses and .oin me in toasting Wendell and vy.
(INSTRUCTINS! &est *an waits %or ever#one to stand up and see to it that ever#one has
raised their $lasses and them sa#/)
/ere+s to good !ealt!, !appiness, good luck and prosperity to Wendell and vy. >!eers111
("ver#one makes a toasts and drinks %rom their $lasses)
)!ank you ladies and gentlemen, you may now be seated.
Well Wishes from Family and Friends
t is said t!at our parents are our first teac!ers !aving raised us patiently from c!ild!ood to
adult!ood. )!ey !ave been our source of comfort, support and inspiration. Wendell and vy
are truly blessed wit! suc! wonderful parents and +m 6uite sure w!en it comes to knowing
w!at marriage is all about, t!ey always !ave a word or two to s!are to t!eir c!ildren. We
would like to call on t!e Mother of the ride3 Dr0 !eidi Doncillo to say a few words of
wisdom and -est Wis!ed to our newlyweds
(Dr) 0eidi Doncillo1Centenera comes %orward to conve# her &est ,ishes to the newl#weds)
)!ank you so muc! Madam for t!at inspiring message. 'nd now we would like to call on t!e
%ather of the Groom3 Mr0 Nicolas Auman to say a few words of wisdom to our newlyweds.
(*r) Nicolas 2uman comes %orward to conve# his &est ,ishes to the newl#weds)
)!ank you sir. n be!alf of our male principal sponsors, we would like to call on Mr0 4ames
Cha(man to say a few words to Wendell and vy.
(*r) 3ames Chapman comes %orward to conve# his &est ,ishes to the newl#weds)
)!ank you sir. %ast but certainly not t!e least, we now call on Dr. Maria 3anet *orcia to say a
few words to Wendell and vy n be!alf of t!e female principal sponsors.
(Dr) *a) 3anet 4orcia comes %orward to conve# her &est ,ishes to the newl#weds)
)!ank you Madam, and t!ank you all...lets us again give t!em a big !and for suc! wonderful
and meaningful speec!es.
Bou+uet &hrow
2k now let us all !ave some fun and its time for t!e traditional -ou6uet )!row. 't t!is point
we would like to re6uest all t!e single ladies to please come forward for t!e bou6uet t!row.
We would also like to re6uest t!e bride to come forward and take !er place center stage.
(INSTRUCTINS! "mcee motions and waits %or all sin$le ladies to come %orward)
%adies kindly take your place be!ind t!e bride and be prepared to catc! t!e bou6uet. t is said
t!at w!oever will catc! t!e bou6uet will soon be t!e ne$t bride. 4o is everyone in, Ready
w!en you are at t!e count of t!ree t!e bride will t!row !er bou6uet. May also re6uest t!e
audience to please .oin me in t!e counting.
(INSTRUCTINS! "mcee make sure that ever#one is in place)
Ready w!en you are ladies. %et us now do t!e countdown. 2neB.)woB.)!reeBBand t!ere
it goes.
(&ride throws the bou'uet and the ladies tries to catch it))
May re6uest for t!e lady w!o was able to catc! t!e bou6uet to please come forward
>ongratulations Miss, May !ave your name please.
(INSTRUCTINS! "mcee draws the microphone to the lad# ))
2k let+s give a big !and to Miss PPPPPPPPPPP. *lease !ave a seat beside t!e bride and in a
moment we s!all find your matc! in t!e garter )oss.
#etrie"al of the Garter
-efore we go on wit! t!e Garter )oss, t!e groom is to retrieve t!e garter from !is bride. 4o
may we re6uest Wendell and vy to please come center stage and do t!e garter retrieval ritual.
(2 chair is brou$ht onsta$e %or the bride to sit) while $room kneels down at the bride5s %eet
read# to retrieve the $arter)
%adies and gentleman t!e groom will now retrieve t!e garter from t!e bride.
((room retrieves the $arter %rom the bride))
)!ere you !ave it ladies and gentlemen& t!e groom was finally able to retrieve t!e garter. %et
us give !im a big !and.
Garter &oss
2k it is now t!e gentlemen's turn and we will now do t!e garter toss. May mow re6uest all
single men to please come forward for t!e Garter )oss.
(INSTRUCTINS! "mcee motions and waits %or all sin$le men to come %orward)
Gentlemen please take you place be!ind t!e groom and be ready to catc! t!e garter. 4o is
everyone ready, 't t!e count of t!ree t!e groom will t!row t!e garter and again we re6uest
t!e audience to participate in t!e countdown.
(INSTRUCTINS! "mcee makes sure that ever#one is in place)
2k ready w!en you are guys. 2neB.. )woBB)!reeBB and .....off it Goes 1111
((room throws the bou'uet and the $entlemen tries to catch it))
%atchmaking #itual
May re6uest for t!e gentlemen wit! t!e 6uick !and w!o now !ave in !is possession t!e
garter. 4ir please come forward and take your place beside t!e lady w!o !as t!e bou6uet.
>ongratulations 4ir. May !ave your name please.
(INSTRUCTINS! "mcee draws the microphone to the $entleman))
)!ank you Mr. PPPPPPPPPPP, <riends lets give t!is gentlemen a big !and.
Now t!at we !ave already found a perfect matc!. )!e ne$t bride and groom to be in t!e
future. t it time for anot!er ritual. )!e gentlemen w!o got t!e garter is to put it on t!e lady
w!o caug!t t!e bou6uet. 't t!is point we would like to re6uest Ms. PP PPPPPPPPPto please
!ave a seat w!ile Mr. PPPPPPPPPPP will put t!e garter. %adies and gentlemen, Mr.
PPPPPPPPPP will now put on t!e garter on Ms. PPPPPPPPP.
(Lad# takes a seat while $entleman puts the $arter on her))
)!ere you !ave it ladies and gentlemen. 2ur new lovely pair and if it would not be too muc!
to ask we would like t!e gentlemen to give t!e lady a 6uick kiss.
(INSTRUCTINS! "mcee waits %or the $entlemn to $ive the kiss and thanks the pair) a%ter))
)!ank you Mr. PPPPPPP and Ms PPPPPPPP, %et us give t!em bot! a big !and
't !is point, we re6uest t!at bot! of you remain onstage for t!e picture taking. )!e
newlyweds will now pose wit! our lovely new pair.
(INSTRUCTINS! "mcee stands aside as photo$raphers take pictures o% the pair with the
'gain )!ank you Mr. PPPPPPP and Ms PPPPPPPP for your participation, you may now return
to your seats
Gi"ing of &okens
We are truly grateful not only for t!e presence but also t!e wonderful cooperation of our
principal and secondary sponsors as well as t!e members of t!e entourage. Wendell and vy
and t!eir parents would like to e$press t!eir sincerest gratitude for all t!eir !elp and support
and for making t!is memorable occasion a great success. We would like to re6uest our
Matron of /onor, Ms0 &arah 6ercide to distribute our tokens of gratitude to bot! our
*rincipal and 4econdary 4ponsors We also !ave a little somet!ing for t!e members of t!e
We t!ank Dr0 !eidi Doncillo,Centenera for t!e )okens. Madam, t!ank you for your
(*s) Sarah 6ercide distributes the tokens))
%essage of &hanks from the Newlyweds
)!e nig!t and t!is celebration !as almost come to an end but for our newlyweds it is .ust a
start of t!eir new life toget!er. 's we eac! go !ome, may t!is day be memorable for all of us
as it it to t!em. )o personally convey t!eir !eartfelt gratitude let us now lend an ear to
Wendell and vy
(,endell and Iv# delivers their messa$e o% $ratitude))
)losing #emarks
Well guess t!at+s about everyt!ing ladies and gentlemen we !ave finally come to t!e end of
our program. t !as been a great day and a wonderful evening wit! you all. 'gain t!ank you
all for your presence. God bless and Goodnig!t to eac! and everyone.

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