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OFAC 1AC NoKo Advantage

Plan boosts OFAC sanctions on North Korea reallocates resources

Johnson, Spector and Lilac 10 - Andy Johnson, Director, National Security Program, Kyle Spector, Policy
Advisor, National Security Program, Kristina Lilac, National Security Program, Senior Fellows of The Third Way
Institute, (End the Embargo of Cuba, Article for The Third Way Institute, 9/16/10,
http://content.thirdway.org/publications/326/Third_Way_Memo_-_End_the_Embargo_of_Cuba.pdf, Accessed
7/02/13, AW)

Keeping the embargo in place requires that the US government devote time and resources to
fighting a Cold War -8 era threat. Senator Chris Dodd argued in a 2005 op ed that the US spends
extraordinary resources each year to enforce the sanctions instead of devoting such resources
to the fight against terrorism. 4 While the financial resources dedicated to enforcing the embargo
may be limited compared to resources dedicated to other causes, lifting the Cuban embargo could put the
US in a better position to fight terrorist organizations by freeing up resources currently enforcing
the embargo. For example, the Treasury Departments Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC), which
governs travel and trade between the US and Cuba, is also responsible for maintaining sanctions
against truly problematic countries, including Iran and North Korea.
North Korea Nuclear EMP kills Millions of Americans Instantly
Maloof 13- F. Michael Maloof, staff writer for WND and G2Bulletin, is a former senior security policy analyst in
the office of the Secretary of Defense, NORTH KOREAN EMP ATTACK 'UNSTOPPABLE, WND, April 14,
2013, http://www.wnd.com/2013/04/north-korean-emp-attack-unstoppable/, Accessed July 10, 2013, KH)

If North Korea were to launch a preemptive nuclear attack on the United States, it could use a
long-range missile to orbit a satellite over the South Pole, putting it in line to fly over Omaha,
Neb., and explode it at a 300-mile altitude where U.S. Aegis anti-ballistic missile systems cannot
reach, sources have told WND. In addition, these sources say, there is no way to determine whether a missile is
carrying a dummy or real nuclear warhead, obviating the need to shoot down any missile that is launched from
North Korea, given the public warning by Pyongyang that it intends to launch a preemptive nuclear strike against the
U.S. The U.S. has positioned Aegis ships near North Korea and Japan, but a political decision apparently has been
made not to attempt to shoot it down if it is heading for open water. Sources say, however, that a missile to be
launched toward the U.S. would take a trajectory over the South Pole, and it is questionable whether the U.S. has
Aegis assets anywhere along the southerly path such a missile would take. In addition, the missile would need to be
shot down almost after lift-off, since the missile would launch the satellite relatively quickly into an orbit of 300
miles, which was the altitude of its satellite launch last December. North Korea, meanwhile, announced in a
statement that it has drawn the arrows for merciless retaliatory strikes at the U.S. mainland, U.S. military bases
in the Pacific and all other bases where the U.S. imperialist aggression forces station. The powerful strike means
of the revolutionary armed forces of the DPRK [Democratic People's Republic of Korea] have been put in their
places and the coordinates of targets put into the warheads, a North Korean statement said. Just pressing the
button will be enough to turn the strongholds of the enemies into the sea of fire. North Korea in
December successfully orbited a satellite weighing 220 pounds so they could deliver against
the United States, or against any nation on Earth, a small nuclear warhead, said Dr. Peter Vincent
Pry, who served as staff director on the a commission that looked into the effects of an electromagnetic pulse, or
EMP, on the national electrical grid system and other critical U.S. infrastructures. THIS is how an EMP event could
bring the worlds remaining superpower to its knees. Read it in A Nation Forsaken. A nuclear weapon
designed specifically to generate a powerful electromagnetic pulse, or EMP a single such
super-EMP warhead would be able to collapse the U.S. electric grid and other critical
infrastructures, inflicting catastrophic consequences on the entire nation would probably be
deliverable by North Koreas so-called space launch vehicle over the United States, said Pry,
who also worked for the Central Intelligence Agency. North Korea orbited its satellite on a trajectory and
at an altitude ideal for making an EMP attack on the U.S. Pry pointed out that South Korean
military intelligence has warned not only their government but also the U.S. that North Korea is
developing super-EMP warheads with Russian help. In 2011, Pry pointed out, a military commentator
with the Peoples Republic of China stated that North Korea has super-EMP warheads. Data from North Koreas
nuclear tests, he said, are consistent with a super-EMP warhead. Prys comments echo those of former U.S.
Ambassador Henry Cooper, in which he said that North Korea could launch a nuclear weapon on a
satellite, similar to satellites North Korea has previously launched southward over the South Pole. After all,
Cooper said in an interview with WND, their previous satellites have been successfully placed in orbits
that are optimum for executing an electromagnetic pulse, or EMP, attack on the entire continental
U.S. with a single nuclear burst. Cooper, chairman of the board of High Frontier, which is dedicated to
warning the U.S. against a missile attack, developed the framework for President Ronald Reagans Strategic
Defense Initiative. He also pushed for a workable missile defense system for the U.S. and later became director of
the Strategic Defense Initiative Organization under President George W. Bush. Cooper pointed out that the
satellite carrying a nuclear warhead could be detonated at an altitude of 300 miles. With a
detonation over Omaha, he said, it would blanket the entire continental United States with EMP
effects, the consequences of which could, within a year, lead to the death of hundreds of millions
of Americans and end our way of life. Other sources have indicated that the 220-pound satellite would be
able to carry a 300 kiloton nuclear bomb, similar to the weight of warheads on U.S. missiles and would be sufficient
to create an EMP effect from coast to coast if exploded at 300 miles above Omaha. North Korea, Iran and everyone
else understands these points or certainly should if they have been awake, Cooper said. But have they connected
the dots? Cooper said that if the satellite with a nuclear weapon in it were to come from the southern hemisphere,
there may not be sufficient warning and tracking information to support an intercept attempt before North Korea
detonates its nuclear device over Omaha. He said North Korea could launch a nuclear weapon on a satellite, similar
to satellites North Korea has previously launched southward over the South Pole. After all, their previous satellites
have been successfully placed in orbits that are optimum for executing an electromagnetic pulse attack on the entire
continental U.S. with a single nuclear burst, Cooper said. Our current defense is focused on an attack from the
north but if the attack came from the south via satellite, it might not be capable of intercepting the satellite before
North Korea detonates its device, Cooper warned. Moreover, he added, where there are disputes about whether
North Korean ballistic missiles launched in a normal ballistic trajectory have sufficient range to reach the U.S.
mainland, there can be no dispute about whether a nuclear weapon on a satellite can be detonated on orbit above the
United States or anywhere else on the surface of the earth.

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