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Case Study # 1

An Island Firestorm
As new era comes, progress in many facets takes place. Along with this
progress, it is corresponded by the increased of number of population in well improved
and developed society. As the number of population increases, problems on pollution
both in air, land and water also increase and it becomes a typical scenario in a
developed areas.
If I were in the position of official, I will ask help from the office of ational !ater
"esources #oard $!"#% and &epartment of 'nvironment and atural "esources
$&'"% to re(assess the status of waters in the island to ensure that water in the
island is safe for beach goers. )hen I will go through for the enactment of ordinance to
regulate the operation for all beach resorts within the island. )he ordinance must be
specific to provide the responsibilities of the beach resort operators*owners in the island
such as the cleanliness of sea shore, resort areas and as well as the safety of the place
must be observed. #each resort owners who failed to abide this ordinance shall have a
corresponding penalty. )hrough this initiative, the place will be restored, improve and
will be more progressive. )hen all proceeds can be use by the +,- to sustain the
implementation of its programs and pro.ects.
Case Study #/
Wanted: Dead heroes
)he cutting down of trees in the forest is strictly prohibited several years ago.
)his is due to the fact that most of the mountains are already denuded which lead to the
occurrence of natural calamities like flashfloods and landslides. And these natural
calamities destroyed many lives and properties of many people. And if these happen, it
also gives problem to the government since the government has to help the victims of
those calamities. It is the responsibility of the government to help and rescue the
If I were "ick, I will not allow Alon0o to go through because it is definitely illegal.
Aside from that, he has no permit. So it is very clear that the trees were illegally cut
down and I will e1plicate to him that what he did is strictly prohibited by the law. 2e is a
government official, therefore, he is aware of these things. In line with this, ignorance to
the law e1cuses no one. I will e1plain to him that like him I am .ust doing my .ob. I do
hope that he will understand my decision why I cannot let him pass through. It such a
big deal that I was able to prevent Alon0o from bringing the narra flitches outside
despite of his reasons. After the incident, I will report the incident to the proper
authorities. )he authorities should evaluate and respond regarding the matter.
Case Study #3
What else can I do?
!histle(blowing is an act of informing higher authorities about illegal or unethical
practices that is observed. !histle(blowing is never an easy decision for any individual.
)his will bring him both advantages and disadvantages. )his will cause to be terminated
from work or life might be in danger. In doing this, the employee has to be rigid and
should have all the necessary evidences before doing it.
In the case of ,lenda, she should in4uire to &'" first because this is the one of
the proper agency to inform and consult about the matter, if she will go either to the
media or politician5 the issue will .ust create noise and might put her life in danger.
)here is a possibility that the media or the politician will .ust use the issue for their
personal interest or misinformed the people. So instead of going to the media or to a
politician, she should rather go to the office of the &'", who has the main right to
answer about this issue because &'" has the knowledge on what is the best thing to
do regarding on the matter. #ut if ever the authorities will not act on it, then that is the
time for her to go to the trust(worthy media or to an elected national official.
Case Study #6
Pick me up
!hat happened to "onnie is a normal scenario in most but not on all of the
government offices. Clients give money to the government employees as a form of
gratitude. #ut if I was in "onnie7s shoes, I will chase 8s. Santos to return her money.
9or the reason that I know from the very beginning that accepting money is a prohibited
act by the law. :n manner side, it is very unethical for a government employee to
receive any thing or amount from its clients*customers because as a public servant, it is
our responsibility to serve the people with the best of our ability. As a public servant I
have to perform my responsibility to the clients*customers with all my heart without
e1pecting any thing or amount in return. -pon returning the money to 8s. Santos, I will
.ust enlighten her mind about my reasons why I cannot accept the money she gave to
me. I will tell her that I7m grateful that she was satisfied of my performance but despite
of that it is improper to offer money to me. In addition, I will tell her also that it is my
responsibility to serve her since I am a public servant. :n the other hand, I will thank
her for the offer anyway. I appreciate her kind act of gratitude to me. I will guarantee to
her that I will strive harder in doing my work so that other clients*customers will also
delight my work.
Case Study #;
Bring home office goodies
-sing government properties in any form for personal interest is not proper.
!hether it7s .ust a simple office supply yet it is still wrong to do so. A government
property should be utili0ed properly. )he government purchased using government
funds those supplies and not for the employees7 personal use, it shall be for official
business only. In the situation given, I would take Cynthia7s side. It is simply because
what 'my did was a form of stealing, it7s because those supplies do not belong to her.
#ringing home office supplies of the office to be used for personal interest is obviously
unethical. It is not good to see a government employee doing such thing. If ever citi0ens
discovered that some employee is doing such, it might cause of wrong perception or
might generali0e that government employees are doing mischievous deeds. As
mentioned in ".A <=13 that public officials and employees shall utmost devotion and
dedication to the duty. And lastly, as a government employee, it is our responsibility to
take care of every government property and utili0e them properly, efficiently and most of
all those things must be used for public interest and not for personal interest.
Case Study #<
More than just casinos
In my own elaboration, if something is legal it doesn7t mean that it is moral.
.)here are things that which could be legal but it is immoral. And so, there is a big
difference between legal and immoral. !hen we talk of morality, it is based on an
internal and e1ternal sense of what is right or good. And aside from that morality is
based on an individual7s beliefs and not by the law. +egality simply refers to acts of
conforming to the law.
:n the given scenario, >A,C:", +otto and sweepstakes symboli0es gambling.
It is legal because it is allowed by the government. And the truth is they are paying
ta1es to the government. )he ta1es remitted to the government help a lot in building
such as schools and other facilities that aide other pro.ects of the government. And
aside from that, it helped lots of people in terms of their medication and hospitali0ation
problem. It also e1tends help to victims of calamities and others. )hose are some of the
reasons that make it legal and that the government allowed it to operate. #ut we cannot
deny the fact that it symboli0es gambling. ,ambling destroyed many lives and causes a
broken families. It is a game of chance that people bet even the last money in their
wallet because they believe that if they won, they will get their money in many folds.
Indeed it is a social ill. ?es, lotto and sweepstakes is legal, but since the symboli0e
gambling, however it is immoral. )his is a best e1ample that tells us that if something is
legal, it does not automatically mean it7s moral.
Case Study #=
I can afford anyay
)he law states that public officials and employees and their families shall lead
modest lives appropriate to their positions and income. )hey shall not indulge in an
e1travagant display of wealth in any form. ,uided by this rule, I don7t agree with the
employee7s opinion regarding the dress code given by Civil Service Commission $CSC%.
Since she is a government employee, it is her obligation to abide with the law. )hough it
is true that she can afford to buy e1pensive .ewelries but still it is not proper to wear
them when going to work place. )his might create wrong perception on the people that
surround her. owadays, people are more vigilant of those who are working in
government offices. )hey are aware of how much the government employees are
receiving every month. And sometimes they do make .udgments on the employees
based on what they see. )his might lead to public service degradation.
So to maintain a good image as a public servant or as a government employee, it
is proper to follow the dress code as mandated by the CSC. )he .ewelries and other
e1pensive materials can be used in some other occasions anyway.
Case Study #@
!ifts galore
I do believe that giving of gifts is one of a sign of gratitude. And refusal of
accepting a gift offered or given might be an insult to someone who took effort to give it.
)here are reasons why we receive and we give gifts. ,iving gifts is a kind act which
leads happiness to the receiver regardless of the amount of the gift given. )his is also
an act that is appreciated so much by anybody.
Since gift giving is a kind act, there is nothing wrong with this, but if the gift is
given in e1change for a favor that is asked or for a task that was accomplished
especially if it is given to a government employee is no longer good. At the first place, it
can be consider as unethical. In the scenario given, Aosie is right. )hough the gifts given
to Adela were .ust minimal but if she has to combine all the gifts she have been
receiving, it7s a large amount already. )hrough this act, the people will think that the
gifts were given as payment for what she did for them. And ne1t time, if these people
will ask favor from her again, she cannot refuse because of the gifts that were given to
her. And the best reason why accepting gifts is improper it7s because the law states that
public officials and employees shall not solicit or accept directly or indirectly any gifts,
gratuity, favor, entertainment, loan or anything of monetary value. >ublic employees
should do their duties and that is to serve the people for free because they are well(paid
by the government for that.
Case Study #B
"For official use also#
If I could witness seeing a government service vehicle parked in a place where I
least e1pect a government official may transact business with, the first thing that I will do
is to think that maybe the government official using the government vehicle .ust drop by
from an official business transaction near to that place. #ut if I happen to see it twice or
more, then I will try to know the reasons behind why the vehicle is parked on that area.
Since the local government is implementing the #ilis Aksyon >artner $#A>% wherein
concerned citi0ens can drop by there comments, 4ueries and suggestions regarding the
actions of government officials or employees, I will intentionally ask and drop it on. I will
ask why the government vehicle is visible on that place. If the local government didn7t
respond on it, I will ask to the Civil Service Commission if it is righteous for an official
use only vehicle is been visible in the particular establishment. So, they will conduct an
observation and investigation on the incident reported regarding of government official
who is using the said vehicle.
8y purpose of reporting to the Civil Service Commission is not to destroy the
credibility and the reputation of the government official, but to e1ercise my right of
showing my concern to the public. Since I am aware that government vehicle should be
used for official business transactions only and not for personal business of course I
have to inform the proper authorities of it so that this wrong act of government officials
will be stopped. Aside from that, this may serve as warning also to the other
government officials who are using the government vehicles for personal interest.
,overnment vehicles are government property which is issued to government officials
to make and perform their task and to serve the people in a fast manner and not to be
used in their personal matters. Always keep in mind that these things should be used for
public interest and not for personal interest.
Case Study #1C
$e does% I do&
'ither government official or employee must always possess the spirit of
professionalism in any ways. :ne way of showing it is by reporting to work on time. A
government employee should be very conscious of the time5 they should utili0e the time
well. It is not good to see employees reporting to office late and allowing the
clients*customer to wait. Somehow, It brings discouragement for the clients*customer
who are waiting.
In the situation given, "oy is right when he said that his boss should not be
e1empted from the policy implemented for the late comers since like him, his boss
always come to work late time also. #ut he is wrong when he made the distance of his
house from his office. As an employee, it is his responsibility to report to office on time.
2e has to use his initiative and strategi0e on how he can report on time despite of the
location of his house. It is not his boss7 fault if his house is far from the office then.
:n the other hand, his boss is not right when he said that "oy should wait until
he becomes a boss. Any boss or head of agency must act as a good role model to his
subordinates. !hatever a boss does will be imitated by his*her subordinates. )o avoid
complaints like "oy7s complaints, he also should come to office on time it7s because for
the law e1cuses no one.
'eflection Paper: 'ules of (onduct and )thical Beha*ior in
the (i*il +er*ice
'ven if my current appointment status is still a .ob order worker wherein there is
no employee(employer relationship for almost two years, I consider my self as public
servant and I will strive to highly prioriti0e the public interests over my own interests. In
the process of serving the local government of ,eneral Santos City, I am also serving
for the interest of the 9ilipino people. )here are several things which can be done for the
people which will indirectly affect them. #y simply cutting the costs of the government
offices e1penditures in a way of turning off the unnecessary lights or other e4uipment
for saving electricity which funds are from my ta1es and of the people.
!ith regards to professionalism, nowadays it is a common conception that
people who had finished their studies are called professional. evertheless, I believe
that professionalism does not necessarily come from years of study in a school or
passing a licensure e1am given by the government. )here are several people who can
show professionalism even without formal schooling. I believe that speciali0ed
knowledge can be obtained from years of working out and educational achievement
that7s why I am not delimiting myself for improvement. And skills can be ac4uired
through e1perience. 2owever, set of standards are one of the hardest element to
achieve in order to gain professionalism because it re4uires much enthusiasm,
perseverance and patience.
9or .ustness and sincerity, I strongly agree that honesty is a very essential virtue
that every person not only the government employees and officials must ac4uire. )his
principle is vital on the formation of our integrity as civil servants.
In my own view to >olitical neutrality, I hope it can be put into practice by
identifying individuals as 9ilipino citi0ens not as a member of a certain political party.
8oreover, all people, regardless of party affiliation shall be treated e4ually and shall be
served with passion so that the clients*customers will leave from our offices satisfied
with the services that are provided by the government. )hrough this, a harmonious
relationship between the government and the people will also be further developed.
In relation to responsiveness to the public, I am aware that a government
employee is a servant of the people. ow, it makes sense why we are so called public
servants. As servant, it is my duty and responsibility to accommodate everyone.
Clients*customers from all walks of life shall be treated e4ually whether they are very
important personnel or those who are underprivileged $the poor%.
9or nationalism and patriotism, I will put on my mind the advocacy of D)hink
global, act localE. I will encourage my self to continue serving the public and help the
administration with all my hearts and persevere to achieve the dreams of many 9ilipinos
to improve the way of living in our country.
Since I am a public servant, my commitment to democracy is to pursue
transparency in any government transactions that I will be dealing with. I will abide with
the law, and will create harmonious relationship between clients*customers and also
with my co(worker in the government.
In line with simple living, I can say that I am contented with my life right now
despite the fact that I7m having financial problems most of the times. I will encourage my
self to live in a simple life in the future. If ever I will be hired as plantilla personnel
someday I want to be a role model to my fellow government employees and the people
themselves. In terms of the accessories when reporting to duty, I will observe the ruling
of the Civil Service Commission wherein employees shall not wear lu1urious .ewelries
upon duty because this might lead to misconception of people that surrounds you.
u!mitted !"#
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