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... through Bertha Dudde

Taking refuge in Jesus ....
The adversarys a!tivity ....
"y adversary seeks to e#tinguish the $ight %hi!h shines &right$y
do%n to 'arth .... (nd a$$ of you %i$$ sti$$ e#)erien!e his a!tivity*
for he does not shy a%ay fro+ anything if he &e$ieves he !an
rea!h his goa$ %ith it. (nd the $ight shines &right$y a$ready and
)$a!es those )eo)$e %ho a!!e)t it and a$$o% it to shine into their
hearts into a state of rea$isation.
The $ight* ho%ever* e#)oses "y adversary* and )eo)$e try to
deta!h the+se$ves fro+ hi+* for they see the !ross of ,hrist $ight
u) and turn to the divine Redee+er for he$) to re$ease the+ fro+
the ene+y of their sou$s .... For this reason he $eaves no stone
unturned to e#tinguish the $ight fro+ "e ....
-et he %i$$ have $itt$e su!!ess* for those %ho &e$ong to "e are
a$so !a)a&$e of offering hi+ resistan!e .... (nd they a$so re!eive
the strength fro+ "e to take their )ath as &earers of $ight* they
)rote!t the $ight the+se$ves* &e!ause they are faithfu$$y devoted
to "e and thus the adversary has no )o%er over the+.
.t is the ti+e of the end %here "y adversarys a!tivity e+erges
ever +ore fier!e$y* &ut .* too* %i$$ revea$ "yse$f re+arka&$y and
"y O%n %i$$ re!ognise "e and re+ain $oya$ to "e* )re!ise$y
&e!ause they are en$ightened* &e!ause they kno% a&out the
&att$e &et%een darkness and $ight. (nd every individua$ )erson
%i$$ have to &att$e it out %ith the adversary as %e$$* ho%ever* .
%i$$ stand &y anyones side %ho %ants to &e$ong to "e and he %i$$
&e vi!torious* he %i$$ re!ognise %here shado%s s)read a!ross the
$ight and $eave this situation as $ong as the adversary %orks in
it ....
-et a )erson !an !onsider hi+se$f fortunate if he has entered the
f$o% of $ove %hi!h !o+es to you in the for+ of "y Words .... The
darkness !an no $onger s!are hi+ and neither need he fear that
his $ight %i$$ &e taken a%ay fro+ hi+ and that he %i$$ des!end
into darkness again ....
But he +ust vo$untari$y have entered the kingdo+ of "y $ight* he
+ust a!!e)t "y Word* %hi!h is !onveyed to earth fro+ a&ove* in
his heart and thus o)en it of his o%n a!!ord* so that the $ight
fro+ a&ove !an shine in and &right$y i$$u+inate hi+ fro+
%ithin .... Then he tru$y need no $onger fear "y adversarys ga+e
of de!eit* then he %i$$ %ard off the adversary hi+se$f through the
$ight* %hi!h the $atter avoids ....
(nd if you fear that you dont have enough strength to fend hi+
off %hen he &e$eaguers you* then take the )ath to the !ross* !a$$
u)on Jesus and a))ea$ to /i+ for strength* and your desire for
Jesus %i$$ &e a !ertain +eans of defen!e against the ene+y* for
Jesus on!e fa!ed hi+ in &att$e and defeated hi+. (nd thus his
)o%er %as &roken* he %i$$ never &e a&$e to rise against Jesus* he
%i$$ never su!!eed in snat!hing a hu+an &eing &a!k fro+ Jesus
again* for /e )rote!tive$y ho$ds /is hand over the one %hose sou$
/e &ought &a!k fro+ /is adversary %ith /is &$ood ....
Jesus ,hrist is the divine Redee+er Who %as +ere$y "y she$$ in
%hi!h . e+&odied "yse$f in order to give you hu+ans your
freedo+ again if it is your %i$$ to $i&erate yourse$ves fro+ his
!ontro$ .... (nd on!e you have turned to "e in Jesus again* he
!an tru$y no $onger snat!h you fro+ "e &e!ause his )o%er %i$$
have &een &roken ....
(nd anyone %ho has taken the )ath to the !ross* to Jesus* $ives
in $ight as %e$$ .... This is %hy "y adversarys s)ends the greatest
effort to e#tinguish every $ight %hi!h +ight i$$u+inate the )ath to
the !ross for )eo)$e .... -et he is in!a)a&$e of a!hieving anything
if the hu+an &eing hi+se$f doesnt %ant it ....
-ou shou$d a$%ays &ear in +ind that you need on$y desire the
$ight for it to shine for you .... that you shou$d on$y have Jesus as
your goa$ and that you %i$$ safe$y rea!h this goa$* for on$y your
%i$$ de!ides %hether you $ive in $ight or in darkness. "y side %i$$
a$%ays kind$e a $ight for you* "y side %i$$ i+)art the truth to you
and in its &right radian!e you %i$$ a$so find the right )ath ....
. "yse$f radiate the $ight to earth &y sounding "y Word* . "yse$f
s)eak to you and that a$so signifies the i$$u+ination of your
hearts %ith "y $ight of $ove .... (nd then on$y your %i$$
deter+ines the degree of rea$isation* for "y Word is instru!tive
and infor+s you of "y %i$$. .f you !o+)$y %ith it* the $ight %i$$
&e!o+e in!reasing$y &righter and you %i$$ re!ognise "y
adversarys a!tivity and offer hi+ resistan!e .... (nd he %i$$ $eave
you a$one* &e!ause he avoids the area of $ight you o!!u)y no%
&e!ause you have &e!o+e "y O%n ....
0u&$ished &y friends of ne% reve$ations of God 1.nfor+ation*
do%n$oad of a$$ trans$ated reve$ations* the+e2&ook$ets at3
1 htt)344en.&ertha2dudde.org4

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