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22/ 12/ 12 m Modos de ser vicios de Television por Valet r onik

1/ 18 f ile: / / / D: / aver ias/ t v/ Modos de Ser vicio de TV_ar chivos/ modosdeser vicios. ht m
Encender el TV,Abrir el control remoto y buscar las teclas que no tienen acceso para el usuariopresionar una de ellas y
luego DISPLAYaparecer en la pantalla el men servicio.Con canal mas-menos seleccionar el tem.VOLUMEN mas-menos y DISPLAY
muestra los datos a ajustar.Para salir presionar DISPLAY y la otra tecla oculta en el control remoto,aparecern los caracteres INITIAL por
unos segundos y el tv se apagar
-Probar con la secuencia Menu y el codigo 9301. o -Probar tambien Menu-Idioma y el codigo 9301.
Debereis de probar con estos codigos V+ mas V- mas PR - mas PR +,,,,,8500,,,,,7038,,,,,4934
Con el televisor conectado presionar: DISPLAY y VIDEO STATUS en el mando a distancia.
En otros modelos:
Presionar SLEEP TIMER en el mando a distancia y ajustar el SLEEP TIMER a 0 minutos.En unos momentos
saldra en pantalla la informacion del SLEEP TIMER entonces presionar DISPLAY y VIDEO STATUS] y despues
Para salir del modo de servicio pulsar exit en el mando a distancia.
En la seccion LG publico varias formas,por lo que tendreis que probar con ellos.
Con el TVC conectado,presionamos a la vez las dos tecla de menu,una esta en el tvc y otra en el mando,con
las teclas channel Up y Down,seleccionamos el ajuste a realizar,y con las teclas volumen Up y Down,le damos
los valores deseados o recomendados por el fabricante.
Simultaneamente pulsar las teclas OK en el mando y el panel del TV.
Desde el control remoto, use la siguiente secuencia 7, 3, 9, 2 ENTER, POWER. Luego SETUP+/-
Encender el tv.pulsar la tecla de menu del panel frontal del tvc y a su vez pulsar la tecla menu del control
remoto, y entraras en le modo servicio.Para navegar por el modo servicio usa las teclas CHANNEL
UP/DOWN.Para cambiar los datos usa las teclas VOLUMEN UP/DOWN.
Desde el control remoto, presionar la siguiente secuencias de teclas,( 7 - 3 - 9 - 2 - ENTER - POWER ) luego
OTROS.-Encender el TV, pulsar "men" en el TV y al mismo tiempo "menu" del mando a distancia. Presiona
canal + - para selecionar los tems y volumen + - para cambiar los valores.
Con el televisor funcionando pulsas las teclas de mando a distacia 1 - mute - recall - mute,si no
dispones de la tecla recall tu mando a distancia,entonces utiliza la tecla Display.En algunos modelos no
incorporan la tecla recall entonces deber hacerse la secuencia con display <1 - mute - diplay - mute>

Con el TV apagado, presionar en el control remoto, la siguiente secuencia: DISPLAY,MENU,3,8,POWER, el
equipo encendera en modo de servicio. Ingresar a la opcion "Adjustment". Para salir y guardar cambios
apagar el equipo.
Desde el control remoto, presionar MENU ingresar a INSTALAR, introducir la secuencia 4, 7, 2, 5. Para
seleccionar los tem presionar CANAL +/-, para ajustar el valor presionar VOL +/-. Para guardar los cambios
oprimir el botn rojo. Para salir oprimir TV.
En el TV Presionar el botn VOL- , y en el control remoto la secuencia PROG, "-", TV. Para seleccionar los
tem presionar CANAL +/-, para ajustar el valor presionar VOL +/-. Para guardar los cambios oprimir el botn
rojo. Para salir oprimir TV.
Presionar la tecla "menu" y al mismo tiempo presionar "power".mantenerlos pulsados unos 3 segundos
para ajustar los tems de sonido.Para ajustes de imagen mantener ms de 5 segundos.Para poder modificar
los valores se debe colocar D030 para los de video y D020 para los de audio.
22/ 12/ 12 m Modos de ser vicios de Television por Valet r onik
2/ 18 f ile: / / / D: / aver ias/ t v/ Modos de Ser vicio de TV_ar chivos/ modosdeser vicios. ht m
1 Encender tv y pulsar tecla central de las 5 que tiene el aparato , mantenerla pulsada.
2Apagar de int. general y volverlo a encender,entonces apretar tecla on/off de M/D.
3 Con teclas circulares de M/D superior e inferior se ponen los ITEM,con derecha e izquierda se ajustan.
4 Los ajustes se memorizan presionando la tecla M amarilla de
-Existen varios codigos para los televisores de esta marca dependiendo del modelo,aqui teneis alguno de
ellos,debereis de probar
Pulsar Menu y despues 1257--------- Pulsar menu y despues 1259
Pulsar Menu y despues 1370---------- Pulsar Menu y despues2356
Pulsar Menu y despues 2357---------- Pulsar Menu y despues 2358
Pulsar Menu y despues 2359
Pulsar Menu y despues 8257
-Con las teclas de video y audio seleccionamos el ajuste que queremos ajustar,y con + o - ajustamos.Para
memorizar tecleamos Enter y despues pulsamos en el menu de pantalla salir del modo de servicio8exit
service mode)
-Desbloqueo de Mitsubishi.Cuando en pantalla aparece "TV Locked", deberemos presionar en el mando a
distancia a la misma vez las teclas, simultneamente las teclas QV (Quick View) y 9. Luego entrar a MENU,
buscar la opcin: Parental Lock (control de padres),una vez que nos pida la contrasea,volvemos a
presionar de nuevo a la misma vez las teclas: QV y 9 y el tvc estara desbloqueado. El cdigo de fabrica es:
El Modo de Servicio para el televisor Nokia 21" Mod: 5575 NIC tubo Black Pla y similares es el
Pulsar la teclas en el mando a distancia de I(Informacion) M(memoria) y P(tecla de programa)

Desde el control remoto presionar en secuencia los siguientes botones: -/-- , MENU, TV.
Este modo de servicio para el televisor philips,lo he recogido de foros de lengua inglesa,por eso esta en Ingles.
md1.x Service mode
To get into service mode short circuit 1s42 and 1s43
By pressing simultaneously on the keys MENU and - on the TV itself you get into the maintenance menu (SAM).
Service mode 24PW6321/01
ER 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
E2 Y AX 12 RD 34
U0 N VP 38 GD 28
LL Y VA 00 BD 19
NI Y VL 38 HD 36
TT Y VS 35 HW 40
ET N HP 12
BR Y HG 00
HT 31
Service mode 25PT5121/39
ER 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
E2 Y AX 13 RD 28
U0 N VP 27 GD 32
LL Y VA 18 BD 40
NI Y VL 31 HD 38
TT Y VS 31 HW 24
22/ 12/ 12 m Modos de ser vicios de Television por Valet r onik
3/ 18 f ile: / / / D: / aver ias/ t v/ Modos de Ser vicio de TV_ar chivos/ modosdeser vicios. ht m
ET N HP 36
HG 31
The top line list the last detected errors.
The left row are the options, the two right rows are the geometry settings.
The options are:
E2: 2nd peri
U0: Only UHF
LL: System
TT: Teletext France
ET: Teletext Easte
-Cortocircuitar en el tvc los pines M31 y M32,despues debemos de encender el tvc y a realizar los ajustes deseados.En otras versiones de
Philips se puentean los puntos M24 y M25 y por supuesto se enciende el tvc.
-Otra variante de Philips es tirar a masa la patilla N 1 de la memoria Epron,despues de entrar,para memorizar los ajustes y salir,apagar el
aparato con el mando a distancia y despues desconectarlo de la red.
-Estando el tvc funcionando,presionar con el mando a distancia las teclas 062596 y Menu,una vez realizado esto,te saldra la letra S,vuelve
a presionar Menu y te saldran los ajustes que quieres realizar,con canal + y - seleccionas y con volumen + y - ajustas,para memorizar y
salir,pulsar Power.
Desbloqueo del modo Hotel.Para salir del Modo Hotel, buscar el programa 38 y pulsar VOL- y STORE durante varios segundos.
Panasonic tx-28ld2f chasis euro-2
1.Conectas el TV
2.Poner en corto temporal el punto de prueba (FA2) y el tv se activara en modo de cambio y las teclas volumen arriba y abajo se ajustan
3.Oprime al mismo tiempo las teclas del panel del tv ACTION Y VOLUMEN ARRIBA PARA ACTIVAR EL MODO DE SERVICIO
El siguiente modo de servicio lo he sacado de una de las Web de DoubtElectronics,por lo que no estoy completamente
seguro de que sea la forma correcta de entrar,pero si no lo sabemos por intentarlo y comprobar si es valido o no es
valido,no perdemos nada,os pongo la url original,por si quereis comprobarlo por Vds mismos.la direccio es:
Para los televisores Panasonic hay dos formas de entrar en el modo de Servicio.FORMA REMOTA---OTRAS FORMAS.
Forma Remota:A)Con el televisor conectado y con el icono en Setup poner antena en Cable B)Seguidamente con el icono en
Timer,poner sleeptimer en 30 c)Salir del menu y ajustar el canal 124,poner el volumen a 0,presionar volumen Down(VD)en el panel
frontal y aparecera CHK en rojo,en la parte superior izquierda de la pantalla,ahora presionas Action y VD en el panel de control y ya
estas en el service mode.
Otra Forma:Cortocircuitar el punto de prueba FA1 a FA2,en la chasis TP pin 8 a pin 3,nos aparecera CHK en amarillo en la parte
superior izquierda,seguidamente presionar Action y VD en el panel de contro y CHK cambiara de color a rojo,y ya estamos en el
Service Mode
Una vez dentro del menu de servicio,tenemos 5 submenus que son:
'B' VCJ Sub Adjustment 'C' W.B. Adjustments 'D' Pincushion Adjustments 'S' Options Adjustments
CHK' Normal use of VU/VU and CU/CD buttons (Este menu no puede ser ajustado)
Nota:Para conocer el tipo de chasis que es el televisor,este tendremos que comprobarlo,mirando el chasis
por debajo,y lo tenemos junto al Flyback
-con el tvc desconectado,presionamos las teclas en el mando a distancia de Mute182 y Power,el televisor se
conectaa en el Service mode y en la pantalla son saldra GAMMA GAIN 1,usar los botones de Mute y Menu
para mover los valores arriba y abajo,y los de volumen+ y volumen - para realizar los cambios para
memorizar presionar la tecla ADD y no la incorpora el TVC presione power.
-Con el televisor en Stand-By presionar en el mando a distancia las teclas MUTE 1 8 2 POWER y saldra en
pantalla el menu de fabrica.
-Con el TV en stand-by pulsar las teclas siguientes con el mando a distancia: Display,Menu,Mute y Power.
Con CH +/- se selecciona el valor a ajustar,y con VOL+/- se ajustan los valores.
22/ 12/ 12 m Modos de ser vicios de Television por Valet r onik
4/ 18 f ile: / / / D: / aver ias/ t v/ Modos de Ser vicio de TV_ar chivos/ modosdeser vicios. ht m
-Con el TV en Stand-By pulsar la tecla Display----,p.std----mute----power este modo es para los chasis S15
-En la parte trasera del tvc,los modelos que llevan como una especie de conector con pines,hay que puentear
los pines 3 y 6,despues de este debemos pulsar en el mando a distancia mode,y ajustar los valores que
queramos con el mas y menos.
-Desconectar el TV de la red,con las teclas CANAL+ y VOL+,pulsadas simultaneamente conecte el TV.Para
seleccionar los valores a ajustar Canal + y -.para ajustar con volumen + y -,y para memorizar pulsar Power y
despues desconectar el tvc de la red
MODO DE SERVICIO PARA LA SERIE G.1 - Antes de todo,ahi que realizar un Reset con el mando a distancia
para que los ajustes esten en modo normal.
2 - Destapar el TV, y puentear las puntas de prueba TP2001 y TP2002, que estan al lado del IC2001. Para
entrar en el Modo de Servicio.
3 - Una vez en Modo de Servicio, pulse Canal arriba o abajo con el mando a distancia o tvc.Saldra en
pantalla una "S" con un nmero que varia de 0 a 33. As puede seleccionar el Item que quiera ajustar.
4 - Seleccionado el Item, con Volume arriba o abajo aparece "D" con un nmero en la esquina inferior
derecha. - Para salir quitar el cortocircuito de TP2001 y TP2002.
Estos ajustes es necesario hacerlos cuando se sustituye los IC201, IC 2001, IC2002, IC3001 y el trc.
Cuando se sustituya e circuito integrado IC201 utilize el Item: S26 (MTS).Si reemplaza el IC 2002 los
valores iniciales estn en el IC2001.Cuando se sustituye el IC2001 los datos estan en el IC2002.Los valores
S17, S19 y S22, su valor normal es: 0.El valor S5 debe fijarse en: 3.El valor S24 debe fijarse en: 32.
Modo de servicio para Sharp 37Et-35S
Presionar simultaneamente,las teclas de volumen menos (V-) y programa mas (P+)
Presionar a la vez las tecla de memoria del mando a distancia,y la memoria(M)que se encuentra en el panel
frontal de tvc.
Con el mando a distancia mantener presionada la tecla Menu del mando y pulsar el pulsador numero 2 del
mando a distancia
Encender el TV. Pulsar la tecla Memoria del panel frontal de televisor aproximadamente 3 segundos
.Seguidamente pulsar la tecla M del mando a distancia,y seguidamente la tecla Sonido(Sound),para ajustar
con la tecla mas/menos del volumen,con la tecla sound seleccionamos los ajustes que queramos realizar.
Con el televisor en Stand-by pulsar las teclas del mando a distancia la siguiente secuencia I+ despues el
numero 5 despues la tecla - (menos)de volumen y por ultimo la tecla pantalla,si hemos entrado en el modo
de servicio nos saldra en la pantalla TT.Sigue las indicaciones en pantalla pulsando las teclas Menu y
variando los parametros con las teclas roja y verde.Para salir del modo de servicio pulsar menu hasta que
salga de nuevo TT y pulsar posteriormente dos veces 00.
Estando el TV desconectado del interruptor, presione el botn de servicio que se esta en la parte de atras del
TV, en el modulo de conectores. Mantener presionado mientras enciendes el TV con el mando a distancia.
Con Audio y Video selecciona los menus. Con las teclas 1 y 4 elegir lo que queramos ajustar, y con las
teclas 3 y 6 ajustamos. Para memorizar los ajustes presionar Muting y despues Enter. Para salir del modo de
servicio pulsar Power.
Estando el tvc en Stand-by, En el mando a distancia,presione las teclas (Display 5 Vol y Power on) o ( power
off, Display,5 y power on). Con los teclas 1 y 4 elegimos los ajustes a realizarcon las teclas 3 y 6 ajustamos
los valores. Para memorizar los ajustes presione las teclas Muting y Enter,y para salir Power.
A continuacion una serie de codigos para probar si no logramos entrar con los 2
[PWR OFF] - [DISP], [5], [VOL+], [PWR ON] o [PWR OFF] - [DISP], [5], [PWR ON] o [PWR OFF] - [DISP],
[5], [VOL+], [PICTURE], [PWR ON]
Mientras presionas el interruptor general de encendido presionas a la vez mute en el mando a distancia.de
nuevo presiona otra vez mute pero manteniendo mas tiempo pulsada la tecla,mientras presionas mute
presionas tambien TV en el frontal del televisor,despues suelta mute,entonces te saldra una S en la parte
superior derecha en pantalla.Entonces presionas Menu y ya estas en modo de servicio,con channel up y
Down seleccionas el ajuste a cambiar,y con volumen up/down cambias los valores.
Estando el televisor conectado presionar dos veces Mute en el mando a distancia,en la segunda pulsacion
22/ 12/ 12 m Modos de ser vicios de Television por Valet r onik
5/ 18 f ile: / / / D: / aver ias/ t v/ Modos de Ser vicio de TV_ar chivos/ modosdeser vicios. ht m
debe de mantenerse presionada la tecla Menu,mientras simultaneamente presiona mute en el panel frontal
del TVC,cuando nos aparezca S en la pantalla,otra vez pulsaremos Mute,con la tecla de
programa,seleccionamos la funciona a ajustar,y con las teclas de volumen ajustamos los valores,
Estando el televisor conectado y funcionando,por el televisor en Stand-by con el mando a
distancia,seguidamente apagas el televisor con el interruptor principal,ahora pulsas la tecla Azul del mando a
distancia y conectas el interruptor pricipal hasta que te salga Setup,y ya estas en el modo se servicio de
Thonson,ahora ten cuidado con la modificacion de valores,y realiza los ajustes con sumo cuidado.
Modos de Servicios extraidos de Internet
Marca Modelo/Chasis
Modos de
Servicio y de
Repair Advice
Compact B-E2
Di gi tal chassi s
Servi ce Mode Fi rst Method - set wi th CCU11 uPC: press buttons from remote control s
"mon-stereo" - "C" - "hypersoni c" whi thi n 1 sec. Tha di spl ay shows
Compact B-E2
Di gi tal chassi s
Servi ce Mode Fi rst Method - set wi th CCU12 uPC: press the contact behi nd the smal l
borehal l on set front pannel (control s) and then button "S" whi thi n 5
sec. Tha di spl ay shows "SE".
TV/VCR chassi s Hotel Mode Acti vati on
Sel ect program 38, press "SELECT" on l ocal keyboard and
"SLEEPTIMER" on remote control for at l east 4 sec.. At acti vati on the
"H+" i s di spl ayed. To remove thi s di spl ay turn off-on the TV set.
De-Acti vati on Sel ect program 38, then press "SELECT" on l ocal
keyboard and "SLEEPTIMER" on remote control for at l east 4 sec..
When de-acti vati on i s OK, a "H-" i s di spl ayed. To remove thi s di spl ay
turn off-on the TV set.
chassi s
2 l ocal control s
Hotel Mode Fi rst Method
Acti vati on
Sel ect program 38, press "SELECT" on l ocal keyboard and
"OSD") on remote control for at l east 4 sec.. At acti vati on the "H+" i s
di spl ayed. To remove thi s di spl ay turn off-on the TV set. De-Acti vati on
Sel ect program 38, then press "SELECT" on l ocal keyboard and
"SLEEPTIMER" (or "OSD") on remote control for at l east 4 sec.. When
de- acti vati on i s OK, a "H-" i s di spl ayed. To remove thi s di spl ay turn
off-on the TV
chassi s
2 l ocal control s
Hotel Mode Thi rd Method
Acti vati on
Sel ect program 38, then press "INSTALL" on l ocal keyboard and
"SLEEPTIMER" on remote control for at l east 4 sec. When acti vated
MODE" a green "H" i s di spl ayed. To remove thi s di spl ay turn off-on the
TV set.
De-acti vati on Sel ect program 38, then press "INSTALL" on l ocal
keyboard and "SLEEPTIMER" on remote control for at l east 4 sec.
When de-acti vati on i s OK, a green "H" i s di spl ayed. To remove thi s
di spl ay , turn off-on the TV set.
chassi s
8 l ocal control s
Hotel Mode Fi rst Method
Acti vati on
Sel ect program 38, press "SELECT" on l ocal keyboard and
"OSD") on remote control for at l east 4 sec.. At acti vati on the "H+" i s
di spl ayed. To remove thi s di spl ay turn off-on the TV set. De-Acti vati on
Sel ect program 38, then press "SELECT" on l ocal keyboard and
"SLEEPTIMER" (or "OSD") on remote control for at l east 4 sec.. When
de- acti vati on i s OK, a "H-" i s di spl ayed. To remove thi s di spl ay turn
off-on the TV
chassi s
8 l ocal control s
Hotel Mode Second Method
Acti vati on
Sel ect program 38, then press si mul taneousl y "INSTALL" and
on l ocal keyboard.
De-Acti vati on Sel ect program 38, then press si mul taneousl y "INSTALL"
and "CONTROL" on
l ocal keyboard.
chassi s
8 l ocal control s
Hotel Mode Thi rd Method
Acti vati on
Sel ect program 38, then press "INSTALL" on l ocal keyboard and
"SLEEPTIMER" on remote control for at l east 4 sec. When acti vated
MODE" a green "H" i s di spl ayed. To remove thi s di spl ay turn off-on the
TV set.
22/ 12/ 12 m Modos de ser vicios de Television por Valet r onik
6/ 18 f ile: / / / D: / aver ias/ t v/ Modos de Ser vicio de TV_ar chivos/ modosdeser vicios. ht m
De-acti vati on Sel ect program 38, then press "INSTALL" on l ocal
keyboard and "SLEEPTIMER" on remote control for at l east 4 sec.
When de-acti vati on i s OK,
a green "H" i s di spl ayed. To remove thi s di spl ay , turn off-on the TV
G8 chassi s Hotel Mode Acti vati on
Sel ect "Vi deo2" mode. Press the remote control control keys
and "FEATURE" i n sequence wi thi n 1 sec. In the di spl ayed Hotel
MODE" must be set "ON"
De-acti vati on Sel ect "Vi deo2" mode. Press the remote control control
and "FEATURE" i n sequence wi thi n 1 sec. In the di spl ayed Hotel
MODE" must be set "OFF"
chassi s
Hotel Mode Acti vati on
Sel ect "Vi deo2" mode. Press the remote control control keys
"TELETEXT" and "FEATURE" i n sequence wi thi n 1 sec. In the
di spl ayed Hotel Menu "HOTEL MODE" must be set "ON"
De-acti vati on Sel ect "Vi deo2" mode. Press the remote control control
keys "TELETEXT" and "FEATURE" i n sequence wi thi n 1 sec. In the
di spl ayed Hotel Menu "HOTEL MODE" must be set "OFF"
AA5 chassi s Hotel Mode HOTEL MODE
Acti vati on
Sel ect program 38, press "MENU" on l ocal keyboard and
"OSD") on remote control for at l east 4 sec.. At acti vati on the "H+" i s
di spl ayed. To remove thi s di spl ay turn off -on the TV set.
De-Acti vati on
Sel ect program 38, then press "MENU" on l ocal keyboard and
(or "OSD") on remote control for at l east 4 sec.. When de-acti vati on i s
OK, a
"H-" i s di spl ayed. To remove thi s di spl ay turn off -on the TV set.
G8.1 chassi s Hotel Mode Acti vati on
Sel ect "Vi deo2" mode. Press the remote control control keys
and "FEATURE" i n sequence wi thi n 1 sec. In the di spl ayed Hotel
MODE" must be set "ON"
De-acti vati on Sel ect "Vi deo2" mode. Press the remote control control
and "FEATURE" i n sequence wi thi n 1 sec. In the di spl ayed Hotel
MODE" must be set "OFF"
GR1-AX (8
Hotel mode for
model s wi th
Sel ect program 38 on the TV
Si mul taneousl y press the STORE key on the TV and SLEEPTIMER on
the remote for 4 about seconds (toggl es hotel mode)
The maxi mum vol ume i n hotel mode wi l l be the vol ume present when
acti vati ng i t
STORE or INSTALL mode can not be entered
The program number i s di spl ayed on the screen for 4 seconds
A green 'H' appears i n the l eft bottom of the screen, whi ch can be
removed by poweri ng down the TV and poweri ng i t up agai n
chassi s
2 l ocal control s
Hotel Mode Second Method
Acti vati on
Sel ect program 38, then press si mul taneousl y "INSTALL" and
on l ocal keyboard. De- Acti vati on Sel ect program 38, then press
si mul taneousl y "INSTALL" and "CONTROL" on
l ocal keyboard.
L6.1 (wi thout
Tel etext)
Hotel mode Sel ect program 38 on the TV
Si mul taneousl y press the - key on the keyboard of the TV and the OSD
key of the remote control
GR2.X Servi ce Mode Short ci rcui t pi ns M33 and M34 before poweri ng up the TV. When
powered up the TV LED wi l l show as orange after whi ch the short
ci rcui t can be removed. SER wi l l be di spl ayed on screen. Now press
si mul taneousl y keys INSTALL and PROG+ on the keyboard of the TV
to acti vate the servi ce menu
GR1-AX (8
Hotel mode for
model s wi th
3414/3415, uP
Sel ect program 38 on the TV
Si mul taneousl y press the STORE key and the PROGRAM+ key on the
TV for 4 about seconds (hotel mode on)
Si mul taneousl y press the STORE key and the CONTROL- key on the
TV for 4 about seconds (hotel mode off)
The maxi mum vol ume i n hotel mode wi l l be the vol ume present when
acti vati ng i t
STORE or INSTALL mode can not be entered
The program number i s di spl ayed on the screen for 4 seconds
ANUBIS B Servi ce Mode Second method: Wi th the TV powered off (di sconnected from the
22/ 12/ 12 m Modos de ser vicios de Television por Valet r onik
7/ 18 f ile: / / / D: / aver ias/ t v/ Modos de Ser vicio de TV_ar chivos/ modosdeser vicios. ht m
mai ns!) short ci rcui t pi ns M61 and M62 (next to IC7600). Power up the
TV and remove the short ci rcui t. A 'S' wi l l be di spl ayed i ndi cati ng i t i s
i n servi ce mode
Si mul taneousl y press the P- and VOL+ keys on the TV. The screen now
shows 'servi ce menu'.
To al l ow hotel mode from bei ng set on and off you have to sel ect
Opti on 2 wi th the remote and set 'Hotel ' to 'on'.
Exi t the servi ce mode by putti ng the TV i nto standby
ANUBIS B Servi ce Mode Fi rst method: Sel ect program 38 on the TV
Si mul taneousl y press the P key and the VOLUME+ key
To enabl e hotel mode you shoul d set 'HO' to 'one'
ANUBIS AA Servi ce Mode Short ci rcui t termi nal s M28 and M29 (IC7710)
A10E chassi s Servi ce Mode Thi s model al so supports the 062596 sequence fol l owed by [i +]/[OSD].
Servi ce defaul t mode i s entered usi ng the 062596 sequence, fol l owed
by the - button on the TV set i tsel f.
Al ternati vel y you can short-ci rcui t pi ns 9261 and 9262 i nsi de the set
and then poweri ng i t up
20PV220 Servi ce Mode TV preset 38
Push STOP -button on the remote and the PLAY -button on the TV
si mul taneousl y, for 5 seconds
Youl l get the servi ce menu on screen
Cl ear EEPROM i s the onl y cure for the probl em that al l i tems i n
i nstal l ati on menu are i n non acti ve mode wi th red text
Cl ose TV from remote, and on agai n
Tune channel s agai n
21PT263A Servi ce Mode Short ci rcui t pi n 1 of the EEPROM (24C08) to ground
ANUBIS Servi ce Mode Short ci rcui t termi nal s M31 and M32 (IC7710)
20PT424A Servi ce Mode Short ci rcui t pi n 1 of the EEPROM (24C08) to ground
Servi ce Mode To enter SERVICE MODE, Unpl ug AC cord ti l l l ost actual cl ock ti me.
Then press and hol d Vol (-) button of mai n uni t and remote control key
for more than 2 seconds. The both pressi ng of set key and remote
control key wi l l not be possi bl e i f cl ock has been set. To reset cl ock,
ei ther unpl ug AC cord and al l ow at l east 30 mi nutes before Power On
or al ternati vel y, di scharge backup capaci tor.
TV8 chassi s Servi ce Mode Servi ce-Mode
Before bei ng swi tched to the servi ce mode the uni t must be set to a
wi th a test pattern. Note: The parameters are stored i n changed.
Press the red key and the bl ue key on the remote control
si mul taneousl y. Wi thi n 5 seconds, press the key P-and the key V+ on
the l ocal control panel si mul taneousl y
The ti tl e SERVICE Vxxx (xxx i s for software versi on), appears i n the
Keys P+ and P- (program) Cal l up tuni ng parameters
Keys V+ and V- (vol ume) Modi fy tuni ng parameters
Di spl ay Operati on
VP Adj ust the verti cal swi ft.
HP Adj ust the hori zontal swi ft.
VP Adj ust the verti cal pi cture hei ght. Is the setti ng range not suffi ci ent
the range must change wi th the poi nt CRT.
VL Adj ust top and button verti cal l i neari ty of screen centre.
VB Adj ust the i ntensi ty of the EHT. VB=24
PA Make verti cal l i nes paral l el wi th screen edge.
HA Adj ust the hori zontal si ze.
CC Adj ust verti cal l i nes i n corners. Basi c setti ng i s 0. Setti ng shoul d
onl y
be changed i f PA bal ance cannot be adj usted sati sfactorl i y.
PT Adj ust val ues so that pi cture has same wi th at top and bottom
edges or
other verti cal l i nes are paral l el wi th each other.
R Col our dri ve adj ustment
G Col our dri ve adj ustment
B Col our dri ve adj ustment
S-ADJ Connected a Test-pi cture wi th stereo si gnal to the tuner and
adj ust
the TV. Connected Osci l l oscope to Pi n of ST601. Adj ust to l owest
crostal k
between the channel s.
L-ADJ Connect Osci l l oscope to Pi n 1 of ST601. Connect a Test-pi cture
(antenna l evel >60dBuV/75Ohm) wi th stereo si gnal (27kHz
frequenceshi ft.54%
modul ati on factor) to the tuner and adj ust the TV.
CRT Gear to verti cal defl ecti on. In dependence of the pi cture tube 0 or
GR/G+GL Shows l i ke the Cutoff regi strati on l ocks of i n pl ace. Its
useabl e
to adj ust G2-adj ustment.
22/ 12/ 12 m Modos de ser vicios de Television por Valet r onik
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DELAY Superi mpose the l uma si gnal on the chromi nance si gnal .
51DT25H Servi ce Mode 1. Connect a test pattern to the antenna termi nal
2. Tune to thi s si gnal
3. Turn the recei ver off usi ng the mai ns button
4. Press the vol ume down and channel up buttons on the front of the
recei ver at the same ti me
5. Keepi ng these buttons pressed, turn the mai ns on
6. When the set starts up i t wi l l be i n servi ce mode
7. Rel ease the two buttons
Use the channel up and down buttons to move between the opti ons
Use the vol ume control buttons to change the data
The data i s stored automati cal l y at swi tch off
To exi t the servi ce mode, press the standby button on the remote
control .
4BS-C Chassi s Servi ce Mode 1. Connect a test pattern to the antenna termi nal
2. Tune to thi s si gnal
3. Connect a j umper wi re between termi nal s 2 (GND) and 6 (Servi ce) of
the servi ce sl ot on the Vi deo Uni t
4. SERVICE SOFTWARE wi l l appear on the screen
5. Remove the j umper wi re Use the channel up and down buttons to
move between the opti ons
Use the vol ume control buttons to change the data
Use the standby button on the remote control to store the data
Turn the recei ver off at the mai ns to exi t the servi ce mode
51AT15H Servi ce Mode 1. Connect a test pattern to the antenna termi nal
2. Tune to thi s si gnal
3. Turn the recei ver off usi ng the mai ns button
4. Press the vol ume down and channel up buttons on the front of the
recei ver at the same ti me
5. Keepi ng these buttons pressed, turn the mai ns on
6. When the set starts up i t wi l l be i n servi ce mode - 'SERV' appears on
the screen
7. Rel ease the two buttons
Use the channel up and down buttons to move between the opti ons
Use the vol ume control buttons to change the data
The data i s stored automati cal l y at swi tch off
51CS05H Servi ce Mode 1. Connect a test pattern to the antenna termi nal
2. Tune to thi s si gnal
3. Turn the recei ver off usi ng the mai ns button
4. Press the vol ume down and channel up buttons on the front of the
recei ver at the same ti me
5. Keepi ng these buttons pressed, turn the mai ns on
6. When the set starts up i t wi l l be i n servi ce mode
7. Rel ease the two buttons
Use the channel up and down buttons to move between the opti ons
Use the vol ume control buttons to change the data
Use the standby button on the remote control to store the data
Turn the set off at the mai ns to exi t the servi ce mode.
51DS02H Servi ce Mode 1. Connect a test pattern to the antenna termi nal
2. Tune to thi s si gnal
3. Turn the recei ver off usi ng the mai ns button
4. Press the vol ume down and channel up buttons on the front of the
recei ver at the same ti me
5. Keepi ng these buttons pressed, turn the mai ns on
6. When the set starts up i t wi l l be i n servi ce mode
7. Rel ease the two buttons
Use the channel up and down buttons to move between the opti ons
Use the vol ume control buttons to change the data
Use the standby button on the remote control to store the data
Turn the set off at the mai ns to exi t the servi ce mode.
51DS05H Servi ce Mode 1. Connect a test pattern to the antenna termi nal
2. Tune to thi s si gnal
3. Turn the recei ver off usi ng the mai ns button
4. Press the vol ume down and channel up buttons on the front of the
recei ver at the same ti me
5. Keepi ng these buttons pressed, turn the mai ns on
6. When the set starts up i t wi l l be i n servi ce mode
7. Rel ease the two buttons
Use the channel up and down buttons to move between the opti ons
Use the vol ume control buttons to change the data
Use the standby button on the remote control to store the data
Turn the set off at the mai ns to exi t the servi ce mode.
59CS03H Servi ce Mode 1. Connect a test pattern to the antenna termi nal
2. Tune to thi s si gnal
3. Turn the recei ver off usi ng the mai ns button
4. Press the vol ume down and channel up buttons on the front of the
recei ver at the same ti me
5. Keepi ng these buttons pressed, turn the mai ns on
6. When the set starts up i t wi l l be i n servi ce mode
7. Rel ease the two buttons
Use the channel up and down buttons to move between the opti ons
Use the vol ume control buttons to change the data
Use the standby button on the remote control to store the data
22/ 12/ 12 m Modos de ser vicios de Television por Valet r onik
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Turn the set off at the mai ns to exi t the servi ce mode.
37AT25H Servi ce Mode 1. Connect a test pattern to the antenna termi nal
2. Tune to thi s si gnal
3. Turn the recei ver off usi ng the mai ns button
4. Press the vol ume down and channel up buttons on the front of the
recei ver at the same ti me
5. Keepi ng these buttons pressed, turn the mai ns on
6. When the set starts up i t wi l l be i n servi ce mode - 'SERV' appears on
the screen
7. Rel ease the two buttons
Use the channel up and down buttons to move between the opti ons
Use the vol ume control buttons to change the data
The data i s stored automati cal l y at swi tch off
51DS03H Servi ce Mode 1. Connect a test pattern to the antenna termi nal
2. Tune to thi s si gnal
3. Turn the recei ver off usi ng the mai ns button
4. Press the vol ume down and channel up buttons on the front of the
recei ver at the same ti me
5. Keepi ng these buttons pressed, turn the mai ns on
6. When the set starts up i t wi l l be i n servi ce mode
7. Rel ease the two buttons
Use the channel up and down buttons to move between the opti ons
Use the vol ume control buttons to change the data
Use the standby button on the remote control to store the data
Turn the set off at the mai ns to exi t the servi ce mode.
4BS-B Chassi s Servi ce Mode 1. Connect a test pattern to the antenna termi nal
2. Tune to thi s si gnal
3. Turn the recei ver off usi ng the mai ns button
4. Press the vol ume down and channel up buttons on the front of the
recei ver at the same ti me
5. Keepi ng these buttons pressed, turn the mai ns on
6. When the set starts up i t wi l l be i n servi ce mode and SERVICE
SOFTWARE wi l l appear on the screen
7. Rel ease the two buttons
Use the channel up and down buttons to move between the opti ons
Use the vol ume control buttons to change the data
Use the standby button on the remote control to store the data
Turn the set off at the mai ns to exi t the servi ce mode.
4BSA Chassi s Servi ce Mode 1. Connect a test pattern to the antenna termi nal
2. Tune to thi s si gnal
3. Connect a j umper wi re between termi nal s 3 (GND) and 6 (servi ce) of
connector TB on the Mai n PWB
4. Press the MODE button on the remote control
5. 'SERV' wi l l appear on the screen
6. Remove the j umper wi re To sel ect an adj ustment use the channel
up and down buttons
To change the data press the data buttons
The changes are stored automati cal l y
Turn the set off at the mai ns to exi t the servi ce mode.
37ET35H Servi ce Mode 1. Connect a test pattern to the antenna termi nal
2. Tune to thi s si gnal
3. Turn the recei ver off usi ng the mai ns button
4. Press the vol ume down and channel up buttons on the front of the
recei ver at the same ti me
5. Keepi ng these buttons pressed, turn the mai ns on
6. When the set starts up i t wi l l be i n servi ce mode
7. Rel ease the two buttons
Use the channel up and down buttons to move between the opti ons
Use the vol ume control buttons to change the data
The data i s stored automati cal l y at swi tch off
To exi t the servi ce mode, press the standby button on the remote
control .
37EM33H Servi ce Mode 1. Connect a test pattern to the antenna termi nal
2. Tune to thi s si gnal
3. Turn the recei ver off usi ng the mai ns button
4. Press the vol ume down and channel up buttons on the front of the
recei ver at the same ti me
5. Keepi ng these buttons pressed, turn the mai ns on
6. When the set starts up i t wi l l be i n servi ce mode
7. Rel ease the two buttons
Use the channel up and down buttons to move between the opti ons
Use the vol ume control buttons to change the data
The data i s stored automati cal l y at swi tch off
To exi t the servi ce mode, press the standby button on the remote
control .
37DT25H Servi ce Mode 1. Connect a test pattern to the antenna termi nal
2. Tune to thi s si gnal
3. Turn the recei ver off usi ng the mai ns button
4. Press the vol ume down and channel up buttons on the front of the
recei ver at the same ti me
5. Keepi ng these buttons pressed, turn the mai ns on
6. When the set starts up i t wi l l be i n servi ce mode
7. Rel ease the two buttons
22/ 12/ 12 m Modos de ser vicios de Television por Valet r onik
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Use the channel up and down buttons to move between the opti ons
Use the vol ume control buttons to change the data
The data i s stored automati cal l y at swi tch off
To exi t the servi ce mode, press the standby button on the remote
control .
37AT25H Cancel chi l d
l ock
1 wi th tv swi tched off hol d i n both vol -- and prog + on tv 2 swi tch on tv
i t i s now i n servi ce mode 3 use channel + to scrol l through menu and
stop at n v m (non vol ati l e memory)
4 there wi l l al so be a 2 di gi t number i n red on the screen as wel l as
another 2 di gi t number i n green, usi ng the vol + button and at the
same ti me observe the green di spl ay change the green number unti l
C5 appears 5 At thi s poi nt the red di spl ay shol d show 00 for l ock to be
i f i t shows 01 change to 00 usi ng 0 button 6 swi tch off the set
ps the menu i s avai l abl e for many adj ustments take care !!!
66CS05H Servi ce Mode 1. Connect a test pattern to the antenna termi nal
2. Tune to thi s si gnal
3. Turn the recei ver off usi ng the mai ns button
4. Press the vol ume down and channel up buttons on the front of the
recei ver at the same ti me
5. Keepi ng these buttons pressed, turn the mai ns on
6. When the set starts up i t wi l l be i n servi ce mode
7. Rel ease the two buttons
Use the channel up and down buttons to move between the opti ons
Use the vol ume control buttons to change the data
Use the standby button on the remote control to store the data
Turn the set off at the mai ns to exi t the servi ce mode.
37AM23H Servi ce Mode 1. Connect a test pattern to the antenna termi nal
2. Tune to thi s si gnal
3. Turn the recei ver off usi ng the mai ns button
4. Press the vol ume down and channel up buttons on the front of the
recei ver at the same ti me
5. Keepi ng these buttons pressed, turn the mai ns on
6. When the set starts up i t wi l l be i n servi ce mode - 'SERV' appears on
the screen
7. Rel ease the two buttons
Use the channel up and down buttons to move between the opti ons
Use the vol ume control buttons to change the data
The data i s stored automati cal l y at swi tch off
37AM23H Chi l d Lock
removal - pi n
no not known
37AM12H Servi ce Mode 1. Connect a test pattern to the antenna termi nal
2. Tune to thi s si gnal
3. Turn the recei ver off usi ng the mai ns button
4. Press the vol ume down and channel up buttons on the front of the
recei ver at the same ti me
5. Keepi ng these buttons pressed, turn the mai ns on
6. When the set starts up i t wi l l be i n servi ce mode - 'SERV' appears on
the screen
7. Rel ease the two buttons
Use the channel up and down buttons to move between the opti ons
Use the vol ume control buttons to change the data
The data i s stored automati cal l y at swi tch off
59CS05H Servi ce Mode 1. Connect a test pattern to the antenna termi nal
2. Tune to thi s si gnal
3. Turn the recei ver off usi ng the mai ns button
4. Press the vol ume down and channel up buttons on the front of the
recei ver at the same ti me
5. Keepi ng these buttons pressed, turn the mai ns on
6. When the set starts up i t wi l l be i n servi ce mode
7. Rel ease the two buttons
Use the channel up and down buttons to move between the opti ons
Use the vol ume control buttons to change the data
Use the standby button on the remote control to store the data
Turn the set off at the mai ns to exi t the servi ce mode.
37DM23H Servi ce Mode 1. Connect a test pattern to the antenna termi nal
2. Tune to thi s si gnal
3. Turn the recei ver off usi ng the mai ns button
4. Press the vol ume down and channel up buttons on the front of the
recei ver at the same ti me
5. Keepi ng these buttons pressed, turn the mai ns on
6. When the set starts up i t wi l l be i n servi ce mode
7. Rel ease the two buttons
Use the channel up and down buttons to move between the opti ons
Use the vol ume control buttons to change the data
The data i s stored automati cal l y at swi tch off
To exi t the servi ce mode, press the standby button on the remote
control .
DV5135H Servi ce Mode 1. Connect a test pattern to the antenna termi nal
2. Tune to thi s si gnal
3. Turn the recei ver on
4. Connect a j umper wi re momentari l y between termi nal s 2 (GND) and
6 (Servi ce) of connector of CN1 on the Vi deo
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uni t. Note that the wi re i s used j ust l i ke a passi ng contact swi tch
5. 'SHARP Software Servi ce Ver' wi l l appear on the screen Use the
channel up and down buttons to move between the opti ons
Use the vol ume control buttons to change the data
Use the standby button on the remote control to store the data
Turn the recei ver off at the mai ns to exi t the servi ce mode
59CSD8H Servi ce Mode 1. Connect a test pattern to the antenna termi nal
2. Tune to thi s si gnal
3. Turn the recei ver off usi ng the mai ns button
4. Press the vol ume down and channel up buttons on the front of the
recei ver at the same ti me
5. Keepi ng these buttons pressed, turn the mai ns on
6. When the set starts up i t wi l l be i n servi ce mode
7. Rel ease the two buttons
Use the channel up and down buttons to move between the opti ons
Use the vol ume control buttons to change the data
Use the standby button on the remote control to store the data
Turn the set off at the mai ns to exi t the servi ce mode.
DV6640H Servi ce Mode 1. Connect a test pattern to the antenna termi nal
2. Tune to thi s si gnal
3. Connect a j umper wi re between termi nal s 2 (GND) and 6 (Servi ce) of
the servi ce sl ot on the Vi deo Uni t
4. SERVICE SOFTWARE wi l l appear on the screen
5. Remove the j umper wi re Use the channel up and down buttons to
move between the opti ons
Use the vol ume control buttons to change the data
Use the standby button on the remote control to store the data
Turn the recei ver off at the mai ns to exi t the servi ce mode
66AS06H Servi ce Mode 1. Connect a test pattern to the antenna termi nal
2. Tune to thi s si gnal
3. Connect a j umper wi re between termi nal s 2 (GND) and 6 (Servi ce) of
the servi ce sl ot on the Vi deo Uni t
4. SERVICE SOFTWARE wi l l appear on the screen
5. Remove the j umper wi re Use the channel up and down buttons to
move between the opti ons
Use the vol ume control buttons to change the data
Use the standby button on the remote control to store the data
Turn the recei ver off at the mai ns to exi t the servi ce mode
DV6635H Servi ce Mode 1. Connect a test pattern to the antenna termi nal
2. Tune to thi s si gnal
3. Connect a j umper wi re between termi nal s 2 (GND) and 6 (Servi ce) of
the servi ce sl ot on the Vi deo Uni t
4. SERVICE SOFTWARE wi l l appear on the screen
5. Remove the j umper wi re Use the channel up and down buttons to
move between the opti ons
Use the vol ume control buttons to change the data
Use the standby button on the remote control to store the data
Turn the recei ver off at the mai ns to exi t the servi ce mode
DV66083H Servi ce Mode 1. Connect a test pattern to the antenna termi nal
2. Tune to thi s si gnal
3. Turn the recei ver on
4. Press the servi ce swi tch (S1401) l ocated on the Vi deo PWB Use the
channel up and down buttons to move between the opti ons
Use the vol ume control buttons to change the data
Use the standby button on the remote control to store the data
Press the servi ce swi tch agai n to exi t the servi ce mode
DV6603H Servi ce Mode 1. Connect a test pattern to the antenna termi nal
2. Tune to thi s si gnal
3. Turn the recei ver on
4. Press the servi ce swi tch (S1401) l ocated on the Vi deo PWB Use the
channel up and down buttons to move between the opti ons
Use the vol ume control buttons to change the data
Use the standby button on the remote control to store the data
Press the servi ce swi tch agai n to exi t the servi ce mode
DV5105H Servi ce Mode 1. Connect a test pattern to the antenna termi nal
2. Tune to thi s si gnal
3. Turn the recei ver on
4. Connect a j umper wi re momentari l y between termi nal s 2 (GND) and
6 (Servi ce) of connector of CN1 on the Vi deo
uni t. Note that the wi re i s used j ust l i ke a passi ng contact swi tch
5. 'SHARP Software Servi ce Ver' wi l l appear on the screen Use the
channel up and down buttons to move between the opti ons
Use the vol ume control buttons to change the data
Use the standby button on the remote control to store the data
Turn the recei ver off at the mai ns to exi t the servi ce mode
DV5107H Servi ce Mode 1. Connect a test pattern to the antenna termi nal
2. Tune to thi s si gnal
3. Turn the recei ver on
4. Connect a j umper wi re momentari l y between termi nal s 2 (GND) and
6 (Servi ce) of connector of CN1 on the Vi deo
uni t. Note that the wi re i s used j ust l i ke a passi ng contact swi tch
5. 'SHARP Software Servi ce Ver' wi l l appear on the screen Use the
channel up and down buttons to move between the opti ons
22/ 12/ 12 m Modos de ser vicios de Television por Valet r onik
12/ 18 f ile: / / / D: / aver ias/ t v/ Modos de Ser vicio de TV_ar chivos/ modosdeser vicios. ht m
Use the vol ume control buttons to change the data
Use the standby button on the remote control to store the data
Turn the recei ver off at the mai ns to exi t the servi ce mode
DV5940H Servi ce Mode 1. Connect a test pattern to the antenna termi nal
2. Tune to thi s si gnal
3. Connect a j umper wi re between termi nal s 2 (GND) and 6 (Servi ce) of
the servi ce sl ot on the Vi deo Uni t
4. SERVICE SOFTWARE wi l l appear on the screen
5. Remove the j umper wi re Use the channel up and down buttons to
move between the opti ons
Use the vol ume control buttons to change the data
Use the standby button on the remote control to store the data
Turn the recei ver off at the mai ns to exi t the servi ce mode
DV5131H Servi ce Mode 1. Connect a test pattern to the antenna termi nal
2. Tune to thi s si gnal
3. Connect a j umper wi re between termi nal s 2 and 6 of the servi ce sl ot
on the vi deo PWB
4. Press the MODE button on the remote control
5. 'SERV' wi l l appear on the screen
6. Remove the j umper wi re Use the channel up and down buttons to
move between the opti ons
Use the vol ume control buttons to change the data
Use the standby button on the remote control to store the data
Turn the set off at the mai ns to exi t the servi ce mode.
DV3751H Servi ce Mode 1. Connect a test pattern to the antenna termi nal
2. Tune to thi s si gnal
3. Connect a j umper wi re between termi nal s 2 and 6 of the servi ce sl ot
on the vi deo PWB
4. Press the MODE button on the remote control
5. 'SERV' wi l l appear on the screen
6. Remove the j umper wi re Use the channel up and down buttons to
move between the opti ons
Use the vol ume control buttons to change the data
Use the standby button on the remote control to store the data
Turn the set off at the mai ns to exi t the servi ce mode.
DV5150H Servi ce Mode 1. Connect a test pattern to the antenna termi nal
2. Tune to thi s si gnal
3. Connect a j umper wi re between termi nal s 2 and 6 of the servi ce sl ot
on the vi deo PWB
4. Press the MODE button on the remote control
5. 'SERV' wi l l appear on the screen
6. Remove the j umper wi re Use the channel up and down buttons to
move between the opti ons
Use the vol ume control buttons to change the data
Use the standby button on the remote control to store the data
Turn the set off at the mai ns to exi t the servi ce mode.
DV5161H Servi ce Mode 1. Connect a test pattern to the antenna termi nal
2. Tune to thi s si gnal
3. Connect a j umper wi re between termi nal s 3 (GND) and 6 (servi ce) of
connector TB on the Mai n PWB
4. Press the MODE button on the remote control
5. 'SERV' wi l l appear on the screen
6. Remove the j umper wi re To sel ect an adj ustment use the channel
up and down buttons
To change the data press the data buttons
The changes are stored automati cal l y
Turn the set off at the mai ns to exi t the servi ce mode.
DV5165H Servi ce Mode 1. Connect a test pattern to the antenna termi nal
2. Tune to thi s si gnal
3. Turn the recei ver off usi ng the mai ns button
4. Press the vol ume down and channel up buttons on the front of the
recei ver at the same ti me
5. Keepi ng these buttons pressed, turn the mai ns on
6. When the set starts up i t wi l l be i n servi ce mode and SERVICE
SOFTWARE wi l l appear on the screen
7. Rel ease the two buttons
Use the channel up and down buttons to move between the opti ons
Use the vol ume control buttons to change the data
Use the standby button on the remote control to store the data
Turn the set off at the mai ns to exi t the servi ce mode.
DV5180H Servi ce Mode 1. Connect a test pattern to the antenna termi nal
2. Tune to thi s si gnal
3. Turn the recei ver off usi ng the mai ns button
4. Press the vol ume down and channel up buttons on the front of the
recei ver at the same ti me
5. Keepi ng these buttons pressed, turn the mai ns on
6. When the set starts up i t wi l l be i n servi ce mode and SERVICE
SOFTWARE wi l l appear on the screen
7. Rel ease the two buttons
Use the channel up and down buttons to move between the opti ons
Use the vol ume control buttons to change the data
Use the standby button on the remote control to store the data
Turn the set off at the mai ns to exi t the servi ce mode.
22/ 12/ 12 m Modos de ser vicios de Television por Valet r onik
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DV5903H Servi ce Mode 1. Connect a test pattern to the antenna termi nal
2. Tune to thi s si gnal
3. Turn the recei ver on
4. Press the servi ce swi tch (S1401) l ocated on the Vi deo PWB Use the
channel up and down buttons to move between the opti ons
Use the vol ume control buttons to change the data
Use the standby button on the remote control to store the data
Press the servi ce swi tch agai n to exi t the servi ce mode
DV59083H Servi ce Mode 1. Connect a test pattern to the antenna termi nal
2. Tune to thi s si gnal
3. Turn the recei ver on
4. Press the servi ce swi tch (S1401) l ocated on the Vi deo PWB Use the
channel up and down buttons to move between the opti ons
Use the vol ume control buttons to change the data
Use the standby button on the remote control to store the data
Press the servi ce swi tch agai n to exi t the servi ce mode
DV5932H Servi ce Mode 1. Connect a test pattern to the antenna termi nal
2. Tune to thi s si gnal
3. Connect a j umper wi re between termi nal s 2 (GND) and 6 (Servi ce) of
the servi ce sl ot on the Vi deo Uni t
4. SERVICE SOFTWARE wi l l appear on the screen
5. Remove the j umper wi re Use the channel up and down buttons to
move between the opti ons
Use the vol ume control buttons to change the data
Use the standby button on the remote control to store the data
Turn the recei ver off at the mai ns to exi t the servi ce mode
DV5935H Servi ce Mode 1. Connect a test pattern to the antenna termi nal
2. Tune to thi s si gnal
3. Connect a j umper wi re between termi nal s 2 (GND) and 6 (Servi ce) of
the servi ce sl ot on the Vi deo Uni t
4. SERVICE SOFTWARE wi l l appear on the screen
5. Remove the j umper wi re Use the channel up and down buttons to
move between the opti ons
Use the vol ume control buttons to change the data
Use the standby button on the remote control to store the data
Turn the recei ver off at the mai ns to exi t the servi ce mode
DV5937H Servi ce Mode 1. Connect a test pattern to the antenna termi nal
2. Tune to thi s si gnal
3. Connect a j umper wi re between termi nal s 2 (GND) and 6 (Servi ce) of
the servi ce sl ot on the Vi deo Uni t
4. SERVICE SOFTWARE wi l l appear on the screen
5. Remove the j umper wi re Use the channel up and down buttons to
move between the opti ons
Use the vol ume control buttons to change the data
Use the standby button on the remote control to store the data
Turn the recei ver off at the mai ns to exi t the servi ce mode
DV51083H Servi ce Mode 1. Connect a test pattern to the antenna termi nal
2. Tune to thi s si gnal
3. Turn the recei ver on
4. Press the servi ce swi tch (S1401) l ocated on the Vi deo PWB Use the
channel up and down buttons to move between the opti ons
Use the vol ume control buttons to change the data
Use the standby button on the remote control to store the data
Press the servi ce swi tch agai n to exi t the servi ce mode
66ES05H Servi ce Mode 1. Connect a test pattern to the antenna termi nal
2. Tune to thi s si gnal
3. Turn the recei ver off usi ng the mai ns button
4. Press the vol ume down and channel up buttons on the front of the
recei ver at the same ti me
5. Keepi ng these buttons pressed, turn the mai ns on
6. When the set starts up i t wi l l be i n servi ce mode
7. Rel ease the two buttons
Use the channel up and down buttons to move between the opti ons
Use the vol ume control buttons to change the data
Use the standby button on the remote control to store the data
Turn the set off at the mai ns to exi t the servi ce mode.
59DS03H Servi ce Mode 1. Connect a test pattern to the antenna termi nal
2. Tune to thi s si gnal
3. Turn the recei ver off usi ng the mai ns button
4. Press the vol ume down and channel up buttons on the front of the
recei ver at the same ti me
5. Keepi ng these buttons pressed, turn the mai ns on
6. When the set starts up i t wi l l be i n servi ce mode
7. Rel ease the two buttons
Use the channel up and down buttons to move between the opti ons
Use the vol ume control buttons to change the data
Use the standby button on the remote control to store the data
Turn the set off at the mai ns to exi t the servi ce mode.
59DS05H Servi ce Mode 1. Connect a test pattern to the antenna termi nal
2. Tune to thi s si gnal
3. Turn the recei ver off usi ng the mai ns button
4. Press the vol ume down and channel up buttons on the front of the
recei ver at the same ti me
5. Keepi ng these buttons pressed, turn the mai ns on
22/ 12/ 12 m Modos de ser vicios de Television por Valet r onik
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6. When the set starts up i t wi l l be i n servi ce mode
7. Rel ease the two buttons
Use the channel up and down buttons to move between the opti ons
Use the vol ume control buttons to change the data
Use the standby button on the remote control to store the data
Turn the set off at the mai ns to exi t the servi ce mode.
59ES03H Servi ce Mode 1. Connect a test pattern to the antenna termi nal
2. Tune to thi s si gnal
3. Turn the recei ver off usi ng the mai ns button
4. Press the vol ume down and channel up buttons on the front of the
recei ver at the same ti me
5. Keepi ng these buttons pressed, turn the mai ns on
6. When the set starts up i t wi l l be i n servi ce mode
7. Rel ease the two buttons
Use the channel up and down buttons to move between the opti ons
Use the vol ume control buttons to change the data
Use the standby button on the remote control to store the data
Turn the set off at the mai ns to exi t the servi ce mode.
59ES05H Servi ce Mode 1. Connect a test pattern to the antenna termi nal
2. Tune to thi s si gnal
3. Turn the recei ver off usi ng the mai ns button
4. Press the vol ume down and channel up buttons on the front of the
recei ver at the same ti me
5. Keepi ng these buttons pressed, turn the mai ns on
6. When the set starts up i t wi l l be i n servi ce mode
7. Rel ease the two buttons
Use the channel up and down buttons to move between the opti ons
Use the vol ume control buttons to change the data
Use the standby button on the remote control to store the data
Turn the set off at the mai ns to exi t the servi ce mode.
59ESD7H Servi ce Mode 1. Connect a test pattern to the antenna termi nal
2. Tune to thi s si gnal
3. Turn the recei ver off usi ng the mai ns button
4. Press the vol ume down and channel up buttons on the front of the
recei ver at the same ti me
5. Keepi ng these buttons pressed, turn the mai ns on
6. When the set starts up i t wi l l be i n servi ce mode
7. Rel ease the two buttons
Use the channel up and down buttons to move between the opti ons
Use the vol ume control buttons to change the data
Use the standby button on the remote control to store the data
Turn the set off at the mai ns to exi t the servi ce mode.
5BSA Chassi s Servi ce Mode 1. Connect a test pattern to the antenna termi nal
2. Tune to thi s si gnal
3. Turn the recei ver off usi ng the mai ns button
4. Press the vol ume down and channel up buttons on the front of the
recei ver at the same ti me
5. Keepi ng these buttons pressed, turn the mai ns on
6. When the set starts up i t wi l l be i n servi ce mode - 'SERV' appears on
the screen
7. Rel ease the two buttons
Use the channel up and down buttons to move between the opti ons
Use the vol ume control buttons to change the data
The data i s stored automati cal l y at swi tch off
66AS05H Servi ce Mode 1. Connect a test pattern to the antenna termi nal
2. Tune to thi s si gnal
3. Connect a j umper wi re between termi nal s 2 (GND) and 6 (Servi ce) of
the servi ce sl ot on the Vi deo Uni t
4. SERVICE SOFTWARE wi l l appear on the screen
5. Remove the j umper wi re Use the channel up and down buttons to
move between the opti ons
Use the vol ume control buttons to change the data
Use the standby button on the remote control to store the data
Turn the recei ver off at the mai ns to exi t the servi ce mode
66CS03H Servi ce Mode 1. Connect a test pattern to the antenna termi nal
2. Tune to thi s si gnal
3. Turn the recei ver off usi ng the mai ns button
4. Press the vol ume down and channel up buttons on the front of the
recei ver at the same ti me
5. Keepi ng these buttons pressed, turn the mai ns on
6. When the set starts up i t wi l l be i n servi ce mode
7. Rel ease the two buttons
Use the channel up and down buttons to move between the opti ons
Use the vol ume control buttons to change the data
Use the standby button on the remote control to store the data
Turn the set off at the mai ns to exi t the servi ce mode.
66DS03H Servi ce Mode 1. Connect a test pattern to the antenna termi nal
2. Tune to thi s si gnal
3. Turn the recei ver off usi ng the mai ns button
4. Press the vol ume down and channel up buttons on the front of the
recei ver at the same ti me
5. Keepi ng these buttons pressed, turn the mai ns on
6. When the set starts up i t wi l l be i n servi ce mode
7. Rel ease the two buttons
22/ 12/ 12 m Modos de ser vicios de Television por Valet r onik
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Use the channel up and down buttons to move between the opti ons
Use the vol ume control buttons to change the data
Use the standby button on the remote control to store the data
Turn the set off at the mai ns to exi t the servi ce mode.
66DW18H Servi ce Mode 1. Connect a test pattern to the antenna termi nal
2. Tune to thi s si gnal
3. Turn the recei ver off usi ng the mai ns button
4. Press the vol ume down and channel up buttons on the front of the
recei ver at the same ti me
5. Keepi ng these buttons pressed, turn the mai ns on
6. When the set starts up i t wi l l be i n servi ce mode
7. Rel ease the two buttons
Use the channel up and down buttons to move between the opti ons
Use the vol ume control buttons to change the data
Use the standby button on the remote control to store the data
Turn the set off at the mai ns to exi t the servi ce mode.
DV3760H Servi ce Mode 1. Connect a test pattern to the antenna termi nal
2. Tune to thi s si gnal
3. Connect a j umper wi re between termi nal s 3 (GND) and 6 (servi ce) of
connector TB on the Mai n PWB
4. Press the MODE button on the remote control
5. 'SERV' wi l l appear on the screen
6. Remove the j umper wi re To sel ect an adj ustment use the channel
up and down buttons
To change the data press the data buttons
The changes are stored automati cal l y
Turn the set off at the mai ns to exi t the servi ce mode.
66ESD7H Servi ce Mode 1. Connect a test pattern to the antenna termi nal
2. Tune to thi s si gnal
3. Turn the recei ver off usi ng the mai ns button
4. Press the vol ume down and channel up buttons on the front of the
recei ver at the same ti me
5. Keepi ng these buttons pressed, turn the mai ns on
6. When the set starts up i t wi l l be i n servi ce mode
7. Rel ease the two buttons
Use the channel up and down buttons to move between the opti ons
Use the vol ume control buttons to change the data
Use the standby button on the remote control to store the data
Turn the set off at the mai ns to exi t the servi ce mode.
76DW18H Servi ce Mode 1. Connect a test pattern to the antenna termi nal
2. Tune to thi s si gnal
3. Turn the recei ver off usi ng the mai ns button
4. Press the vol ume down and channel up buttons on the front of the
recei ver at the same ti me
5. Keepi ng these buttons pressed, turn the mai ns on
6. When the set starts up i t wi l l be i n servi ce mode
7. Rel ease the two buttons
Use the channel up and down buttons to move between the opti ons
Use the vol ume control buttons to change the data
Use the standby button on the remote control to store the data
Turn the set off at the mai ns to exi t the servi ce mode.
BCTVA Chassi s Servi ce Mode 1. Connect a test pattern to the antenna termi nal
2. Tune to thi s si gnal
3. Connect a j umper wi re between termi nal s 2 (GND) and 6 (Servi ce) of
the servi ce sl ot on the Vi deo Uni t
4. SERVICE SOFTWARE wi l l appear on the screen
5. Remove the j umper wi re Use the channel up and down buttons to
move between the opti ons
Use the vol ume control buttons to change the data
Use the standby button on the remote control to store the data
Turn the recei ver off at the mai ns to exi t the servi ce mode
D3000 Chassi s Servi ce Mode 1. Connect a test pattern to the antenna termi nal
2. Tune to thi s si gnal
3. Turn the recei ver on
4. Press the servi ce swi tch (S1401) l ocated on the Vi deo PWB Use the
channel up and down buttons to move between the opti ons
Use the vol ume control buttons to change the data
Use the standby button on the remote control to store the data
Press the servi ce swi tch agai n to exi t the servi ce mode
CW100 Chassi s Servi ce Mode 1. Connect a test pattern to the antenna termi nal
2. Tune to thi s si gnal
3. Turn the recei ver off usi ng the mai ns button
4. Press the vol ume down and channel up buttons on the front of the
recei ver at the same ti me
5. Keepi ng these buttons pressed, turn the mai ns on
6. When the set starts up i t wi l l be i n servi ce mode
7. Rel ease the two buttons
Use the channel up and down buttons to move between the opti ons
Use the vol ume control buttons to change the data
Use the standby button on the remote control to store the data
Turn the set off at the mai ns to exi t the servi ce mode.
Chassi s
Servi ce Mode 1. Connect a test pattern to the antenna termi nal
2. Tune to thi s si gnal
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3. Turn the recei ver on
4. Connect a j umper wi re momentari l y between termi nal s 2 (GND) and
6 (Servi ce) of connector of CN1 on the Vi deo
uni t. Note that the wi re i s used j ust l i ke a passi ng contact swi tch
5. 'SHARP Software Servi ce Ver' wi l l appear on the screen Use the
channel up and down buttons to move between the opti ons
Use the vol ume control buttons to change the data
Use the standby button on the remote control to store the data
Turn the recei ver off at the mai ns to exi t the servi ce mode
Deco-5 Chassi s Servi ce Mode 1. Connect a test pattern to the antenna termi nal
2. Tune to thi s si gnal
3. Turn the recei ver on
4. Connect a j umper wi re momentari l y between termi nal s 2 (GND) and
6 (Servi ce) of connector of CN1 on the Vi deo
uni t. Note that the wi re i s used j ust l i ke a passi ng contact swi tch
5. 'SHARP Software Servi ce Ver' wi l l appear on the screen Use the
channel up and down buttons to move between the opti ons
Use the vol ume control buttons to change the data
Use the standby button on the remote control to store the data
Turn the recei ver off at the mai ns to exi t the servi ce mode
S3B Chassi s Servi ce Mode 1. Connect a test pattern to the antenna termi nal
2. Tune to thi s si gnal
3. Connect a j umper wi re between termi nal s 2 and 6 of the servi ce sl ot
on the vi deo PWB
4. Press the MODE button on the remote control
5. 'SERV' wi l l appear on the screen
6. Remove the j umper wi re Use the channel up and down buttons to
move between the opti ons
Use the vol ume control buttons to change the data
Use the standby button on the remote control to store the data
Turn the set off at the mai ns to exi t the servi ce mode.
DV3770H Servi ce Mode 1. Connect a test pattern to the antenna termi nal
2. Tune to thi s si gnal
3. Connect a j umper wi re between termi nal s 3 (GND) and 6 (servi ce) of
connector TB on the Mai n PWB
4. Press the MODE button on the remote control
5. 'SERV' wi l l appear on the screen
6. Remove the j umper wi re To sel ect an adj ustment use the channel
up and down buttons
To change the data press the data buttons
The changes are stored automati cal l y
Turn the set off at the mai ns to exi t the servi ce mode.
66DS05H Servi ce Mode 1. Connect a test pattern to the antenna termi nal
2. Tune to thi s si gnal
3. Turn the recei ver off usi ng the mai ns button
4. Press the vol ume down and channel up buttons on the front of the
recei ver at the same ti me
5. Keepi ng these buttons pressed, turn the mai ns on
6. When the set starts up i t wi l l be i n servi ce mode
7. Rel ease the two buttons
Use the channel up and down buttons to move between the opti ons
Use the vol ume control buttons to change the data
Use the standby button on the remote control to store the data
Turn the set off at the mai ns to exi t the servi ce mode.
chassi s
The processor IC850 i n thi s TV recei ver i s fi tted wi th two memori es i n
whi ch the pi cture
geometry data are stored. If thi s IC fai l s or the data have been
changed, the TV recei ver must be swi tched on the emergency data set.
Emergency Data Loadi ng the Emergency Data :Press and hol d the "P-
"button on the l ocal keyboard and swi tch the TV on wi th the mai ns
button. In doi ng so, the data sets for the pi cture geometry val ues, the
defl ecti on and chromi nance data are l oaded from the keyboard control
uni t i nto the respecti ve modul es. Subsequentl y, cal l up the Info Center
Menu - Speci al Functi ons - Servi ce - Code Number 8500 - Geometry
and change the
setti ng i f requested. To store the data Cal l up "end wi thout mem." and
sel ect "End wi th
mem." usi ng the buttons < or >. Ini ti al i si ati on of the uP (IC8500) (eg.
After changi ng the uP IC 850) - Connect Pi n 1 of the processor to
chassi s and swi tch the TV on wi th the mai ns swi tch to l oad the
EEPROM i n the processor IC850
after repl ace
remote control
"VOLUME +" -
"Press" -
ID-0 153, ID-1 27, ID-2 13, ID-3 195, ID-4 31, ID-5 1, ID-6 1, ID-7 64
22/ 12/ 12 m Modos de ser vicios de Television por Valet r onik
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"Press" "8" -
after repl ace
remote control
"VOLUME +" -
"Press" -
"Press" "8" -
ID-0 25, ID-1 21, ID-2 31, ID-3 0, ID-4 27, ID-5 0, ID-6 1, ID-7 0
after repl ace
remote control
"VOLUME +" -
"Press" -
"Press" "8" -
ID-0 120, ID-1 127, ID-2 126, ID-3 52, ID-4 28, ID-5 NA, ID-6 NA, ID-7
after repl ace
remote control
"VOLUME +" -
"Press" -
"Press" "8" -
ID-0 120, ID-1 127, ID-2 72, ID-3 36, ID-4 19, ID-5 NA, ID-6 NA, ID-7 NA
after repl ace
remote control
"VOLUME +" -
"Press" -
"Press" "8" -
ID-0 89, ID-1 55, ID-2 175, ID-3 10, ID-4 27, ID-5 141, ID-6 6, ID-7 0
Servi ce Mode How to enter and exi t the SERVICE Menu:
Enter the Mai n Menu
Press the di gi ts 4, 7, 2, and 5, respecti vel y
Press MENU key to exi t
There're two sel ecti ons i n the Servi ce Menu: "ADJUST" and
"OPTIONS" ADJUST Menu: Move the sel ecti on bar on the i tem
"ADJUST" usi ng the P+ or P- keys,
Sel ect the i tem "ADJUST" usi ng the < or > keys,
The i tems bel ow wi l l be di spl ayed (one of them at one ti me),
1) AGC (Automati c Gai n Control ) 8) HSH (Hori zontal Shi ft)
2) VA1 (Verti cal Ampl i tude for 4:3, 50Hz) 9) WG (Whi te Poi nt GREEN)
3) VA2 (Verti cal Ampl i tude for 16:9, 50Hz) 10) WR (Whi te Poi nt RED)
4) VA3 (Verti cal Ampl i tude for 4:3, 60Hz) 11) WB (Whi te Poi nt BLUE)
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5) VA4 (Verti cal Ampl i tude for 16:9, 60Hz) 12) CR (Cut-off Red)
6) VSH (Verti cal Shi ft) 13) CG (Cut-off Green)
7) VL (Verti cal Li neari ty) 14) OSH (OSD Hori zontal Posi ti on)

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