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The Wondrous Amusement Park WonderLa

Located in both Bangalore and Cochin, WonderLa ranks high amongst Indias top ten
amusement parks and resorts. It is operated by WonderLa Holidays Ltd. and the parks are
considered to be the most exhilarating experience in both the cities. Filled with amaing rides !or
children, kids, and ad"lts o! all ages, there is something to please e#ery age gro"p. $ead on to
learn more abo"t the parks and resort in both the cities.
Amusement Parks
%he am"sement park in Bangalore is !illed with fun rides that boast o! #ariety and adrenaline&
charged am"sements. %here are kids rides where the designers ha#e ens"red that necessary
meas"res are taken to make the rides sa!e and sec"re ' and (oyo"s. %here is the mini&pirate
ship, a ("mping !rog, a small train called the mini express and many more rides. %here is also a
separate area !illed with n"mero"s water rides that o!!er #ariety and high thrills alike. %here is a
rain disco where people can ("mp and dance in arti!icial rain, wa#e pools that try to replicate a
beach&like en#ironment and many similar water experiences.
%he high thrill rides are a partic"lar !a#o"rite amongst people. )s the name s"ggests, these
rides o!!er a high adrenaline r"sh !or the #isitors. Insanity, h"rricane and *&+cream are !a#orites.
,ry rides incl"de Cine -agic .,, /, -ax, pirate ship and the like. WonderLa is amongst the
things that to"rists will lo#e about Cochin and Bangalore. Based on a landscaped space that
spreads .0 and 12 acres 3respecti#ely4, it ho"ses o#er eighty di!!erent rides combined.
%he WonderLa resort is the newest pro(ect that has been started by the company in Bangalore.
It attempts to combine l"x"ry with com!ort and is the #ery !irst resort that has its known
am"sement park 3located nearby4. %he ser#ices here are amongst the #ery best ones o!!ered in
the co"ntry and the location is re!reshingly green. %he resort is a per!ect place !or b"siness
deals to be organied and held at. 56"ipped with ban6"ets, halls and similar seminar rooms,
presentations and b"siness talk can easily be held. %here are l"x"ry rooms, a warm pool, a
themed&resta"rant that ser#es "p a world&class dining experience and m"ch more to look
!orward too. C"rrently, a special s"mmer o!!er is open !or the "pcoming s"mmer break that
o!!ers disco"nts and extraordinary o!!ers.
Visitors opinions
When one #ent"res on to check 7oogle re#iews to get !eedback straight !rom the riders
themsel#es, one can easily see how m"ch people ha#e en(oyed the experience. 8ne !oreign
to"rist has called WonderLa his most memorable experience in the city, calling it the best thing
about Bangalore. 8ther c"stomers ha#e stated their !a#o"rite rides with many o! the re#iewers
saying that the ,ream World joy ride being a wonder!"l experience !or them. %h"s, it sho"ld
come as no s"rprise that the am"sement park and resort has scored "p a ranking o! 9.: stars
3o"t o! : stars4 on 7oogle $e#iews with many people proclaiming that WonderLa is the place to
go when indi#id"als are looking to ha#e a great time with !amily. 8ther re#iew websites ha#e
also been genero"s.

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