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printed circuit board, or PCB, is mechanica! support and eectrica! connect

eectronic components usin" conducti#e path$a!s, trac%s or si"na traces etched &rom copper
sheets aminated onto a non'conducti#e substrate (
It is aso re&erred to as printed $irin" board (P)B) or etched $irin" board( Printed
circuit boards are used in #irtua! a but the simpest commercia! produced eectronic
de#ices( A PCB popuated $ith eectronic components is caed a printed circuit assemb!
(PCA), printed circuit board assemb! or PCB Assemb! (PCBA)( In in&orma use the term
*PCB* is used both &or bare and assembed boards, the conte+t cari&!in" the
meanin"(Aternati#es to PCBs incude $ire $rap and point'to'point construction( PCBs must
initia! be desi"ned and aid out, but become cheaper, &aster to ma%e, and potentia! more
reiabe &or hi"h'#oume production since production and soderin" o& PCBs can be
automated( To desi"ned the pcb a!out,there is a pro"ram caed pcb so&t$are,an open source
so&t$are suite &or eectronic desi"n automation (EDA) ' &or printed circuit boards (PCB)
a!out( It,s &eature-
.caabe &onts
/a!er "roups to %eep si"nas
Add on de#ice dri#ers
0erber R.'1234 and NC Dri
output support
Centroid (4'5) data output
Post.cript and Encapsuated
Post.cript output
Rats'nest "eneration &rom
simpe net ists
Automatic cearance around
pins that pierce a po!"on
6a"s &or pins and #ias
0roups o& action commands
can be undone b! a sin"e undo
.impe desi"n rue chec%er
(DRC) ' chec%s &or minimum
spacin" and o#erap rues
Dra$in" direct! on the si%
7ie$abe soder'mas% a!ers
and editin"
Netist $indo$
Netist entr! b! dra$in" rats
Auto router
.nap to pins and pads
Eement &ies and ibraries
that can contain $hoe sub'
a!outs, metric "rids
Up to 89 copper a!er desi"ns
b! de&aut
Trace optimi:er
Rats nest
Connecti#it! #eri&ication
Can interoperate $ith &ree
schematic capture toos such as
"EDA and 4Circuit
;uch o& the eectronics in,dustr!,s PCB desi"n, assemb!, and <uait! contro needs
are set b! standards pubished b! the IPCor"ani:ation(
A resistor is a passi#e t$o' termina eectrica component that impements eectrica
resistance as a circuit eement(
The current throu"h a resistor is in direct proportion to the #ota"e across the resistor,s
terminas( This reationship is represented b! Ohm,s a$ - $here I is the current throu"h the
conductor in units o& amperes, 7 is the potentia di&&erence measured across the conductor in
units o& #ots, and R is the resistance o& the conductor in units o& ohms( The ratio o& the
#ota"e appied across a resistor,s terminas to the intensit! o& current in the circuit is caed its
resistance, and this can be assumed to be a constant (independent o& the #ota"e) &or ordinar!
resistors $or%in" $ithin their ratin"s(
Resistors are common eements o& eectrica net$or%s and eectronic circuits and are
ubi<uitous in eectronic e<uipment( Practica resistors can be made o& #arious compounds and
&ims, as $e as resistance $ire ($ire made o& a hi"h'resisti#it! ao!, such as nic%e'chrome)(
Resistors are aso impemented $ithin inte"rated circuits , particuar! anao" de#ices, and can
aso be inte"rated into h!brid and printed circuits ( The eectrica &unctionait! o& a resistor is
speci&ied b! its resistance- common commercia resistors are manu&actured o#er a ran"e o&
more than nine orders o& ma"nitude( )hen speci&!in" that resistance in an eectronic desi"n,
the re<uired precision o& the resistance ma! re<uire attention to the manu&acturin" toerance o&
the chosen resistor, accordin" to its speci&ic appication( The temperature coe&&icient o& the
resistance ma! aso be o& concern in some precision appications(
Practica resistors are aso speci&ied as ha#in" a ma+imum po$er ratin" $hich must
e+ceed the anticipated po$er dissipation o& that resistor in a particuar circuit- this is main! o&
concern in po$er eectronics appications( Resistors $ith hi"her po$er ratin"s are ph!sica!
ar"er and ma! re<uire heat sin%s( In a hi"h'#ota"e circuit, attention must sometimes be paid
to the rated ma+imum $or%in" #ota"e o& the resistor( Practica resistors ha#e a series
inductance and a sma parae capacitance= these speci&ications can be important in hi"h'
&re<uenc! appications( In a o$'noise ampi&ier or pre'amp, the noise characteristics o& a
resistor ma! be an issue( The un$anted inductance, e+cess noise, and temperature coe&&icient
are main! dependent on the technoo"! used in manu&acturin" the resistor( The! are not
norma! speci&ied indi#idua! &or a particuar &ami! o& resistors manu&actured usin" a
particuar technoo"!( A &ami! o& discrete resistors is aso characteri:ed accordin" to its &orm
&actor, that is, the si:e o& the de#ice and the position o& its eads (or terminas) $hich is
ree#ant in the practica manu&acturin" o& circuits usin" them(

>o%o .uist!o

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