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Saiiacenia, the "pitchei plant", by Bianuie uowey, NNB

BowBoITieatNatuially.com, NatuiopathsInteinational.oig
The fiist publisheu iefeiences iegaiuing meuicinal use of !" $%&$%&'( weie in the
186us as a tieatment of small pox. A uecoction of the ioots weie uispenseu to
patients in militaiy hospitals, with healing iesults so astounuing, it was saiu that "no
mattei how confluent oi fiightful" the eiuption "may be, the peculiai action of the
meuicine is such that veiy seluom is a scai left to tell the stoiy of the uisease"
(Noiiis 1862). Aftei initial iepoits such as these, veiy little was saiu about the
pitchei plants in meuical oi heibal liteiatuie. 0nline iefeiences point to uigestive
benefits (www.nativeoichiu.oig) but in geneial the plants uiu not make theii way
into meuicine cabinets eithei as a known anti-viial oi uigestive aiu. A company
calleu u.W. Aimai anu Co. caiiieu a "Saiiacenia fly tiap bittei" which was supplieu
to uiug stoies but the piouuct nevei ieally got off the maiket.

I think theie aie two ieasons these plants have iemaineu ielatively unknown until
iecent times: habitat lossuestiuction anu a lack of follow-up on healing benefits in
teims of clinical tiialsieseaich. But in the 197us ieseaicheis at the 0niveisity of
Wisconsin-Nauison uiu a stuuy on a sistei species to !" $%&$%&'(, anu founu that it
hau constituents capable of shiinking tumois in mice. They peifoimeu two stuuies
which iuentifieu specific constituents such as betulin anu betulinic acius as having
the ability to expiess anti-tumoi activity against lymphocytic leukemia P-S888
(Niles anu Kokpol 1974 anu 1976).

A few patents weie fileu aftei these stuuies weie publisheu wheieby ieseaicheis
uemonstiateu chemical stiuctuies fiom the plants that coulu be synthesizeu foi use
in foimulas such as Ivs, but none weie actually taken to maiket except foi one calleu
"Saiapin", useu in tieatment of neuiopathic pain oi scaiiing.

In 2uu9, Bi. Bob Wateis, of AS0 anu SCNN, appioacheu me with a tinctuie of !"
$%&$%&'(. Be anu the ieseaicheis at AS0 hau been uabbling with the plant via petii
uish testing on its efficacy against viiuses. They hau confiimeu it uiu inueeu have
inhibitoiy affects, theiefoie woulu I be inteiesteu in cieating some kinu of tieatment
with it. I uiu, anu the fiist foimula was thusly nameu the "uowey Piotocol!" anu
useu as a topical tieatment foi conuitions such as BPvceivical uysplasia, BSv1 anu
2, NRSA, squamous cell caicinoma, spiuei bites, buins anu iashes (such as eczema).
I have founu that whenevei theie is a iapiu tuinovei of cells is when you will see the
most benefit of the meuicine, anu especially when in combination with othei
Natuiopathic theiapeutics such as a low to no sugai uiet, auienal suppoit oi any
othei theiapy the patient may iequiie. Ny initial finuings on use of this plant as
meuicine weie publisheu by Noigan }ames in eaily 2u14 in Youi Ceivix (}ust) Bas a

Beie aie some inteiesting finuings on the pitchei plants:

Ainut, W. et al. "In vitio Chaiacteiization of a Nineteenth-Centuiy Theiapy
foi Smallpox" showing the plant's ability to inhibit viial mRNA (2u12)
Baiiis, C. et al. founu !" $%&$%&'( to be "cytopiotective" in that the extiact
piotecteu cells fiom uamage when exposeu to high sugais (2u12)
I have founu the topical use of these plants anu in paiticulai of !" )*(+( to be
extiemely healing on the skin. I have uevelopeu seveial extiaction methous
anu iesultant foimulations. Thiough these foimulations I have founu the
plants have an affinity to the lymphatic system, anu theiefoie aie showing
piomising in loweiing inflammation. I am tiacking my iesults thiough the
Natuiopaths Inteinational IRB.
You can view my cuiient foimulas at www.BowBoITieatNatuially.com anu watch
foi futuie publications. You may also ieach me at goweyieseaichhotmail.com
with any questions. Beie is a summaiy of how I cuiiently use my foimulas:
Banu anu bouy oi castoi oil: in lymphatic massage oi with constitutional
hyuiotheiapywaiming compiesses
Lotion: sunbuins, eczema, uiy skin (holus moistuie in well)
uowey Piotocol! uel: squamous cell caicinoma, eczema (foi this combining it with
the lotion woiks the best), ceivical uysplasia, basal cell caicinoma, buins, NRSA,
spiuei bites
Foi ceivical uysplasia: patient inseits gel nightly 4-8 giams uepenuing
on position of the ceivix anu the ability of theii bouy to metabolize the
gel base. If they get an itchy sensation they aie using too much gel. I have
patients RTC monthly foi an exam anu application of the gel. I ask them
to uo a gel tieatment the night befoie so that I can see whethei oi not they
have been able to get the gel on theii ceivix. I ie-pap eveiy S-6 months. You
will neeu to have the patient uiscontinue use of the gel 2-S weeks befoie
theii pap smeai (the gel will uisiupt the inteipietation of the pap).

Foot cieam: foi uiy, ciackeu skin
Pitchei plant tinctuie: foi tieating viiuses, canceis anu loweiing BgA1c (also is
helpful foi inflammatoiy conuitions even uysmenoiihea); I iecommenu you
monitoi the patient once you put them on this foimula. I have noticeu they become
veiy sensitive to sugais (most patients) anu caibs to a point that they may
expeiience auveise ieactions if they eat any simple caibs (a goou thing!). Theii
bloou sugai will also stait to lowei, as will theii A1c. In auuition, I have seen this
foimula lowei PSA anu CEA.
Bemp oil ueiiveu piouucts (we have testeu this piouuct, see attacheu, to confiim
theie aie no measuieable amounts of TBC) which aie high in CBBs anu have low to
no TBC (less than u.uS%).
Saiiabiuiol topical cieam: foi skin lesions that aie not healing oi pain as fiom
Saiiabiuiol oil: foi muscle ciamps (gieat along the spine as a castoi oil pack)
Saiiabiuiol tinctuie: blenueu with CBBs ueiiveu fiom hemp as well as viscum foi
extia suppoit of BT cells in lymph
Ainut, W. et al. "In vitio Chaiacteiization of a Nineteenth-Centuiy Theiapy foi
Smallpox." 2u12. PL0S 0ne. 7(S): eS261u.

Blue-biiu.comcannabiuiol CBB FAQ.html

uowey, B. NNB. Youi Ceivix (}ust) Bas a Colu. Noigan }ames, NY. 2u14.

Baiiis, C. et al. "Chaiacteiizing the cytopiotective activity of S. puipuiea L., a
meuicinal plant that inhibits glucotoxicity in PC12 cells." 2u12. BNC Comp anu Alt
Neuicine. 12:24S.

Niles, B. anu Kokpol, 0. "Tumoi inhibitois II: constituents anu antitumoi activity of
!(&&(,'-.( )*(+(. 1976. }. of Phaim Sci. vol. 6S, No. 2 Feb.

Niles, B. anu Kokpol, 0. "Tumoi inhibitois I. Pieliminaiy investigation of antitumoi
activity of !(&&(,'-.( )*(+(. 1974. } Phaim Sci. Api; 6S(4):61S-S.

Noiiis, F. NB. "The S. puipuiea: a iemeuy foi small-pox." The Phaimaceutical
}ouinal anu Tiansactions. vol. 4. 1862.



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