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School of Performing and Screen Arts

Bachelor in Performing and

Screen Arts
Course No. Course Name Semester Year
PASA6261 Film & Television Projects 2a 1 2009
Lecturer (s) Course Co-ordinator
All TFTV Tutors Dan Wagner
Marker(s) Moderator(s)
All TFTV Tutors Athina Tsoulis
Assignment No. & Title Course grade % Due Dates Return Date
1 Professional Practice / Documentary 60% 8 May & 26 June 17 July
Learning outcome(s):
2. Employ discipline specific professional behaviour and practices.

PROFESSIONAL BEHAVIOUR AND PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE are qualities that have to do with how (well) you work together toward a
common goal (TEAMWORK), and how your level of respect for and commitment to your craft and your colleagues is reflected
in your behaviour and in your work (WORK ETHIC and SELF MANAGEMENT skills). This assessment also examines ATTENDANCE &
PUNCTUALITY; your level of PARTICIPATION in every aspect of the projects including preparatory classes and meetings; and the
clarity and quality of your pre-production, on-set and post-production COMMUNICATION.

Assessment Methodology:
This assessment has 2 sections: The first section concerns the quality of your contributions to a specific project; the
second section looks at your work over the entire semester.

• Online Self Assessment form via Blackboard. The ability to reflect on your own work is a fundamental
component of learning and growth. You will be critiquing your own professionalism on the Year 2 Documentary

• Online Peer Assessment form via Blackboard. You are required to give two of your colleagues constructive
feedback about their collaborative qualities.
DUE DATE for your feedback/critique: Friday 8th May
Both the Self and the Peer Assessment forms will contain the same four questions (#’s 1-4 below).

• Tutor Panel. Soon after the project’s screening/feedback session, all FTV tutors will convene to discuss each
student’s professional behaviour and practices, using criteria 1-4 as a guide.

• Specialist Tutor. Finally, your tutor will combine all these sources of input (the Self Assessment, the Peer
Assessments and the Tutor Panel), along with their own perspective, to render the final comments and marks
concerning these four criteria (1-4). Your specialist tutor will also assess your ability to self-critique (#5) as well
as the quality of the feedback you gave to your peers (#6)
Criteria 7-9 look at your level of professionalism throughout the semester. This includes your work on all other projects
(besides Year 2 Documentaries), as well as your participation as a professional student.

Marking Criteria:

1. Demonstrate a collaborative and communicative attitude when working in a team (10%)

This includes (but is not limited to):
• Keep the team up-to-date by actively communicating in an appropriate and timely manner
• Engage in constructive dialogue to advance the project
• Listen to and interpreting instruction, advice and criticism
• Give others a helping hand if you have one to spare
• Engage in proactive approaches to conflict resolution
• Balance your loyalty to (standing up for / representing the interests of / defending the quality of) your own department with
the overall needs of the project.
PASA 6261 - Assignment 1 – Professional Practice/Documentary – BRIEF – p. 2

2. Employ a professional work ethic at all times. (10%)

This includes (but is not limited to):
• Attend all classes, meetings and projects for which you have been scheduled
• Arrive adequately prepared for work or class
• Show respect for one another, for Unitec Tutors and Staff, and for the public (when shooting on location)
• Treat all locations and shared school space, equipment and facilities with conscious care and respect
• Follow all Health & Safety guidelines and instruction for self and others.

3. Demonstrate effective time management. (5%)

This includes (but is not limited to):
• Manage own time including;
o Observe schedules and meeting deadlines
o Apply oneself to a task at an appropriate time
o Complete all allocated work in a timely manner
• Help meet the project team’s deadlines/milestones

4. Demonstrate leadership and responsibility in a specialist role. (10%)

• Understand the similarities, differences and boundaries between your role and others’ roles
• Initiate/facilitate/contribute to meetings/recces/viewings as is applicable to your role
• Apply suitable booking procedures for equipment/facilities/personnel;
• Prepare equipment/facilities/work places effectively
• Show initiative in your specialist area
• Use effective problem-solving techniques if and when required
• Commit to each task or responsibility from concept to completion

5. Evaluate own professional practices by completing a Self Assessment form. (10%)

• Self-critique your attitude, behaviour and performance as a collaborator
• Address the bullet-pointed qualities with honesty and open-mindedness
• Discuss where you feel you fell short and how you feel you might improve
• Conclude each criterion (1-4) with a plan of action for growth and strengthening in your weak areas

6. Evaluate the professional practices of two colleagues by completing Peer Assessment forms. (10%)
• Critique peers’ attitude, behaviour and performance as a collaborator
• Address the bullet-pointed qualities with honesty and open-mindedness
• Discuss where you feel s/he fell short and how you feel s/he might improve
• Conclude each criterion (1-4) with at least one suggestion for how they might grow and strengthen in their
weak areas
7. Demonstrate professionalism and commitment to excellence in other screen projects throughout the
semester. (15%)
You will be marked on your overall level of participation and on your demonstration of the following qualities
throughout the semester on all projects other than Year 2 Documentaries:
• Demonstrate a collaborative and communicative attitude when working in a team (see #1 above);
• Employ a professional work ethic at all times (see #2 above);
• Demonstrate effective time management (see #3 above);
• Demonstrate leadership and responsibility in a specialist role (see #4 above).

8. Demonstrate focus, enthusiasm and commitment in all specialist class work. (10%)
You will be marked on your overall level of participation and on your demonstration of the following qualities
throughout the semester:
• Respect for and engagement with the material
• Respect for fellow students’ learning
• Respect for Tutor and/or Speaker
• Paying attention during class-time
• Not engaging in distractions (such as texting, eating, sending notes, talking out of turn, etc.)
• Contribution to discussions
• Asking pertinent questions
• Sharing the airtime (not dominating class-time/attention)

9. Attend all classes, meetings and projects for which you have been scheduled. (20%)
100%=A; 90%=B; 85%=C; 80%=D; below 80%=0 marks.
This pertains to unacceptable/unexcused absences (or cumulative ‘late’ shows – below).
Arrived on-time for each and every scheduled session.
2 Lates = 1 x non attendance


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