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1- Phrasal verbs: complete with the correct phrasal verb.
- Im _________ _____________ my glasses. I cant find them anywhere.
- My new CD player doesnt work. I have to ___________ it ____________ to the shop.
- These packets are empty. I am going to __________ them _____________ .
- Can you ___________ ___________ his telephone numer in the phone ook!
- Can I _________ _____________ this dress" please!
- # aysitter is a person who _________ __________ children when their parents go out.
- I _________ ___________ my shoes and _______ ________ my sleepers when I go home.
- Could you _________ __________ this insurance form" please!
- The music is too loud$ Can you _________ it _____________ !
2- Complete the seteces. !se the passive (preset or past) o" these verbs:
uild clean damage find invent make make pay show speak steal
- My edroom _____________________ everyday
- %aper ________________________ from wood.
- My friend had an accident. &is car ______________________________.
- Many different languages ________________________ in #frica.
- This uilding _______________________ a long time ago.
- My car ___________________ last week. 'esterday it __________________ y the police.
- (ohn has a very good )o. &e ________________________ * +,,, a month.
- This cake _______________________ with eggs" some utter and flour.
- The telephone ________________________ y -raham .ell.
- Many #merican programmes ________________________ on .ritish television.
3- #rite a advice to the "ollowi$ sit%atios. !se at least 3 di""eret &ids o" e'pressi$
- My car is very old. /
- I need to lose weight. /
- Its 0aturday and you are ored. /
- 'ouve got a terrile headache. /
- 'ou smoke too much. /
- I need to learn 1nglish as 2uickly as possile. /
(- )ewrite these seteces ito the passive "orm.
- The ill includes the service.
- %eople dont use this road very often.
- They cancelled all flights ecause of the fog.
- 0omeody accused me of stealing the money.
- They ask you a lot of 2uestions at the interview.
*- Complete with to or "or.
3. They went to my house ___________ a drink.
4. Im going to Madrid ___________ see my cousin.
+. &ave you got a stamp __________ a letter to (apan!
5. My mother went to the travel agency __________ ook the tickets.
6. &es got an interview __________ a )o ne7t week.
8. They took a ta7i ___________ get to the station on time.
+- Complete the ,%estios with a phrase %si$ -E..
3. &ave you ever sent a message in a ottle! Did you ___________________!
4. Do you have a good sense of direction or do you often ______________________!
+. 9hat time do you usually _______________ on 0undays!
5. I ________________ ecause of the heavy rain.
6. My sister _________________ to a doctor in 3::6 and ___________________ last year.
/- Complete these seteces with a ad0ective edi$ i 1i$ or 1de. .he "irst letters o" the
ad0ective are $ive each time.
3. I seldom visit art galleries. Im not very i;;;;;;;;. in art.
4. 9hy do you always look so b;;;;;;..! Is your life really so b;;;;;;;!
+. #t the end of the days work she is often e';;;;;;;;;;
5. #nn is going to #merica ne7t month. 0he has never een there efore. It will ver an
e';;;;;; e7perience.
6. Its sometimes em;;;;;;;;; when you have to ask people for money.
2- 3arl is $etti$ married soo. 4is best "ried 5eo is chec&i$ ever6thi$ is read6. 5oo& at
the list ad write their ,%estios ad aswers. !se 6et ad alread6.
#eddi$ 1 thi$s to do.
3 talk to the priest. 5 uy the things
4 ook the restaurant 6 order the food
+ send the invitations 8 confirm the hotel
7- Complete this chart .
A-)EE 89:A-)EE
I need a holiday
I am feeling tired.
I dont like milk
I couldnt get up this morning
Id love a cup of tea.
Ive never een to #frica.
I was ill yesterday
I should smoke less
I spent the whole evening
watching tv.
I will go to the dentist tomorrow
I didnt know that #nn was in

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