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Bechtel France S.A.S.

Reliance Petroleum Limited

Jamnagar Export Refinery Project
Polyuret%ane &ar 'oating( for )nderground 'ar*on
Steel Piping
1 1/08/06 Issued for Construction RS DW DH PKS
0 17/05/06 Issued for Design KJQ DW WC
Rev Date Revision By Chkd Appr Client
230240402.doc Page 1 of 1
Reliance Petroleum Limited
Jamnagar Export Refinery Project
1! Sco"e!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#
$! Reference Codes% St&nd&rds &nd S"ecific&tions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#
#! Qu&'it( )ssur&nce/Qu&'it( Contro'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*
*! Pre+Production Docu,ent&tion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*
5! H&nd'ing &nd Stor&ge of Pi"e s"oo's% -ends &nd .ittings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!5
6! H&nd'ing &nd Stor&ge of Co&ting /&teri&'s!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!7
7! Co&ting /&teri&'s!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!7
8! Co&ting )""'ic&tion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!10
0! Co&ting Ins"ection &nd 1esting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
10! Co&ting 1esting &nd Ins"ection Procedures!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1$
11! Re"&irs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1*
1$! Production Docu,ent&tion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1*
)PP23DI4 1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!15
)PP23DI4 $!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!16
)11)CH/231 1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!17
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Reliance Petroleum Limited
Jamnagar Export Refinery Project
1. Scope
1!1! 15is s"ecific&tion defines t5e ,ini,u, tec5nic&' re6uire,ents of & "o'(uret5&ne+t&r co&ting
for &""'ic&tion to t5e e7tern&' surf&ce of Pi"e s"oo's% 8ends% fittings of 9&rious di&,eters &nd fie'd
:oint co&tings for Co&' 1&r en&,e' ;r&""ed Pi"e s"oo'ss! 15e ter, fitting inc'udes &n( 8uried
e6ui",ent inc'uding 9&'9es% tees etc! 15e fin&' co&ting s(ste, s5&'' 8e suit&8'e for t5e "rotection
fro, e7tern&' corrosion of 8uried Pi"e s"oo's'ine 8ends% fittings% &nd s"oo's o"er&ting &t
te,"er&tures fro, &,8ient u" to & ,&7i,u, of 60
1!$! 15e C<31R)C1<R s5&'' furnis5 &'' ,&teri&'s% '&8our% e6ui",ent% fue'% &nd incident&'
,&teri&'s necess&r( to &cco,"'is5 t5e ;or= 5erein descri8ed in & di'igent% continuous% t5oroug5 &nd
c&refu' ;or=,&n'i=e ,&nner% consistent ;it5 good "i"ing "r&ctice &nd to t5e co,"'ete s&tisf&ction of
t5e C</P)3I2S I3SP2C1<R!
1!#! 15e C<31R)C1<R s5&'' 8e res"onsi8'e for dr( stor&ge &nd 5&nd'ing of co&ting ,&teri&'s
for "rotecti9e co&ting! /&teri&'s ;5ic5 8eco,e ;et &nd unus&8'e s5&'' 8e re"'&ced 8( t5e
C<31R)C1<R &t no e7"ense to t5e C</P)3>!
1!*! )'' o"er&tions s5&'' 8e "erfor,ed 8( suit&8'( s=i''ed% tr&ined ;or=,en &nd s5&'' 8e consistent
;it5 good "r&ctice!
2. Reference Codes, Standards and Specifications
$!1! C<31R)C1<R s5&'' 8e f&,i'i&r ;it5 t5e contents of t5e '&test editions of t5e codes &nd
st&nd&rds 'isted 8e'o; &nd s5&'' co,"'( ;it5 t5eir "ro9isions &s re'&ted to t5is s"ecific&tion!
Deutsche Institute for Normung (DIN):
DI3 #0671 15er,oset P'&stic Co&tings for -uried Stee' Pi"e s"oo'ss
DI3 500*0 Ins"ection Docu,ents for t5e De'i9er( of /et&''ic Products
American Societ for !esting "ateria#s:
)S1/ D+*5*1 /et5od for "u''+off strengt5 for co&tings using "ort&8'e
&d5esion testers!
)S1/+.+$$ St&nd&rd /et5od for H(dro"5o8ic Surf&ce .i',s 8( t5e
W&ter -re&= 1est!
Internationa# $rganisation for Standardisation:
IS< 8501+1 Pre"&r&tion of stee' su8str&te 8efore &""'ic&tion of "&int
&nd re'&ted "roducts + 9isu&' &ssess,ent of surf&ce
c'e&n'iness P&rt 1!
IS< 850#+1 Pre"&r&tion of stee' su8str&te 8efore &""'ic&tion of
"&ints &nd re'&ted "roducts + surf&ce roug5ness
230240402.doc Page 3 of 1
Reliance Petroleum Limited
Jamnagar Export Refinery Project
c5&r&cteristics of 8'&st c'e&ned stee' su8str&te P&rt 1!
$510*+#PS+?)W+008 Co&ting &nd Wr&""ing of @nderground C&r8on Stee'
$510*+#PS+?)W+0$* Qu&'it( Contro' &nd Ins"ection of P&inting% Intern&' &nd
27tern&' Co&ting% Insu'&tion% .ire"roofing &nd
Refr&ctor( ining!
%. &ua#it Assurance'&ua#it Contro#
%.1. (enera#
#!1!1! ) co"( of t5e C<31R)C1<RAS Q)/QC "rogr&, s5&'' 8e su8,itted to t5e
C</P)3> ;it5 its 6uot&tion for re9ie; &nd concurrence "rior to &;&rd! If t5e
C<31R)C1<RAS Q)/QC "rogr&, is IS< 0000 certified% t5en on'( & co"( of
t5e IS< 0000 certific&te is re6uired! In &ddition% if t5e C<31R)C1<RAS
f&ci'it( is IS< certified% Q) &udit re6uire,ents ;i'' 8e ;&i9ed in f&9our of IS<
0000 registr&r &udits% un'ess t5e C</P)3>AS trend &n&'(sis "rogr&, indic&tes
&re&s of concern! 15e C<31R)C1<R s5&'' identif( in docu,ents to its
,&nuf&cturers% su""'iers% 9endors &nd su8contr&ctors &'' &""'ic&8'e Q)/QC
re6uire,ents i,"osed 8( t5e C</P)3>% &nd s5&'' ensure co,"'i&nce! <n
re6uest% C<31R)C1<R s5&'' "ro9ide o8:ecti9e e9idence of its Q)/QC
sur9ei''&nce for &'' 'e9e's of its &cti9it(!
). *re+*roduction Documentation
).1. (enera#
*!1!1! Prior to co,,encing t5e co&ting "re6u&'ific&tion tri&'s BPQ1C &nd fu'' "roduction
t5e C<31R)C1<R s5&'' su8,it & det&i'ed ;ritten descri"tion of t5e co&ting
e6ui",ent% "rocedures &nd ,&teri&'s for C</P)3>AS re9ie;! 15e descri"tion
s5&'' 8e &cco,"&nied 8( fu'' det&i's &nd resu'ts of tests on si,i'&r co&ting% or
tri&'s "erfor,ed 8( t5e C<31R)C1<R% ;5ic5 docu,ent t5e 6u&'it( of t5e
finis5ed co&ting! Suc5 test resu'ts &nd/or tri&'s s5&'' de,onstr&te% to t5e
s&tisf&ction of t5e C</P)3>% t5&t t5e C<31R)C1<RAS e6ui",ent%
"rocedures &nd ,&teri&'s c&n su""'( & finis5ed co&ting ,eeting t5e re6uire,ents
of t5is s"ecific&tion!
*!1!$! 15e descri"tion of t5e co&ting "rocedure s5&'' inc'udeD
Ins"ection of Pi"e s"oo's% 8ends% &nd fittings on &cce"t&nce! Re"&ir%
5&nd'ing% recording/tr&c=ing &nd stor&ge "rocedures
Co&ting PQ1 "rocedures
Surf&ce "re"&r&tion of Pi"e s"oo's% 8ends &nd fittings Binc'uding c'e&ning
&nd &8r&si9e 8'&stingC
Surf&ce "re"&r&tion of ;e'ded :oints &nd s5o" &""'ied co&tings
Ins"ection of Pi"e s"oo's% 8ends &nd fittings &fter surf&ce "re"&r&tion
Po'(uret5&ne+t&r &""'ic&tion ,et5ods
1esting &nd ins"ection of co&ting
230240402.doc Page 4 of 1
Reliance Petroleum Limited
Jamnagar Export Refinery Project
Qu&'it( contro'
Co&ting re"&ir "rocedures
26ui",ent /&inten&nce Progr&,,e
15e co&ting e6ui",ent descri"tion s5&'' co9er &'' e6ui",ent to 8e used for 5&nd'ing%
c'e&ning% co&ting% testing &nd ins"ection of Pi"e s"oo's% 8ends &nd fittings!
Det&i's of &'' ,&teri&'s to 8e used for co&ting s5&'' &'so 8e "ro9ided!
*!1!#! 15e C<31R)C1<R s5&'' confir, 8( 5is e7"erience &nd test d&t&%
de,onstr&ting to t5e s&tisf&ction of C</P)3>% t5&t s"ecified t5ic=ness of t5e
co&ting ;i'' ,eet t5e re6uire,ents of t5is s"ecific&tion!
,. -and#ing and Storage of *ipe spoo#s, .ends and /ittings
,.1. Acceptance of *ipe spoo#s, .ends and /ittings
5!1!1! 15e C<31R)C1<R s5&'' record t5e recei"t% issue return or dis"os&' of &'' Pi"e
s"oo's ,&teri&'s su""'ied 8( t5e C</P)3> &nd s5&'' "er,it ins"ection of t5ose
records 8( t5e C</P)3> &t &'' re&son&8'e ti,es! In "&rticu'&r% t5e records s5&''
reference t5e nu,8er of e&c5 Pi"e s"oo's 8end or fitting!
5!1!$! 15e C<31R)C1<R s5&'' su8,it det&i's of ,&teri&' contro' recording
"rocedures to t5e C</P)3> for re9ie; "rior to co,,ence,ent of t5e ;or=s!
5!1!#! Pi"e s"oo's% 8ends% &nd fittings furnis5ed 8( t5e C</P)3> &nd recei9ed 8( t5e
C<31R)C1<R s5&'' 8e dee,ed to 8e in t5e custod( of t5e C<31R)C1<R
fro, t5e ti,e of recei"t unti' returned to t5e C</P)3>!
5!1!*! 15e C<31R)C1<R s5&'' ins"ect &nd &cce"t res"onsi8i'it( for e&c5 Pi"e s"oo's
s"oo'% 8end% &nd fitting i,,edi&te'( on recei"t! ) furt5er ins"ection of t5e ,&in
8od( of t5e Pi"e s"oo's 8end or fitting for '&,in&tions &nd ot5er stee' defects
s5&'' &'so 8e "erfor,ed &fter 8'&st c'e&ning! Defects noted s5&'' 8e recorded 8(
t5e C<31R)C1<R &nd ;itnessed 8( t5e C</P)3>AS re"resent&ti9e! 15e
C</P)3>AS re"resent&ti9e s5&'' decide ;5et5er t5e Pi"e s"oo'% 8end or fitting
is suit&8'e for re"&ir &nd if so re"&ir s5&'' 8e c&rried out in &ccord&nce ;it5
C'&use 5!*!
5!1!5! 15e ends of &'' Pi"e s"oo's% 8ends% &nd fittings s5&'' 8e c5ec=ed for 8e9e'
d&,&ge% ;e'd se&, 5eig5ts% dents% gouges% '&,in&tions% f'&t ends% corrosion% &nd
ot5er d&,&ge! Defects noted s5&'' 8e recorded 8( t5e C<31R)C1<R &nd
;itnessed 8( t5e C</P)3>AS re"resent&ti9e! 15e C</P)3>AS
re"resent&ti9e s5&'' decide ;5et5er t5e end is suit&8'e for re"&ir &nd if so re"&ir
s5&'' 8e c&rried out in &ccord&nce ;it5 C'&use 5!*!
5!1!6! -e9e' "rotectors s5&'' 8e re,o9ed fro, t5e Pi"e s"oo's% 8ends &nd fittings 8efore
co&ting &nd re"'&ced ;it5 s&,e or ne; c&"s &fter co&ting!
5!1!7! D&,&ge c&used to Pi"e s"oo's% 8ends &nd fittings ;5i'e in t5e custod( of t5e
C<31R)C1<R s5&'' 8e re"orted to t5e C</P)3> &nd re"&ired 8( t5e
C<31R)C1<R to t5e s&tisf&ction of t5e C</P)3>AS re"resent&ti9e! 15e
cost of suc5 re"&ir ;or= &nd t5e cost of &n( ,&teri&' 'ost s5&'' 8e 8orne 8( t5e
230240402.doc Page ! of 1
Reliance Petroleum Limited
Jamnagar Export Refinery Project
3o re"&ir ;or= s5&'' "roceed unti' & ;ritten "rocedure 5&s 8een "re"&red 8( t5e
C<31R)C1<R &nd &""ro9ed 8( t5e C</P)3>!
5!1!8! Identific&tion ,&r=s stenci''ed on Pi"e s"oo's% 8ends &nd fittings s5&'' 8e
recorded 8( t5e C<31R)C1<R 8efore co,,ence,ent of surf&ce "re"&r&tion!
15e C<31R)C1<R s5&'' ,&r= & uni6ue reference nu,8er on t5e inside of t5e
8ends for tr&c=ing during co&ting o"er&tions! Certific&tion docu,ents
&cco,"&n(ing t5e Pi"e s"oo's s5&'' 8e "reser9ed 8( t5e C<31R)C1<R!
,.2. -and#ing of *ipe spoo#s, .ends and /ittings
5!$!1! Pi"e s"oo's% 8ends &nd fittings s5&'' 8e 5&nd'ed in & ,&nner to "re9ent d&,&ge to
t5e ite,s t5e,se'9es or t5eir co&ted surf&ces!
5!$!$! 2nd 5oo=s suit&8'( r&diused &nd 'ined ;it5 "'&stic or si,i'&r &""ro9ed ,&teri&'%
or & for= 'ift ;it5 suit&8'( "&dded for=s s5&'' 8e used to "ic= u" Pi"e s"oo's%
8ends &nd fittings! ) s"re&der 8&r s5&'' 8e used 8et;een 'ifting 'ines! During
5&nd'ing t5e Pi"e s"oo's% 8ends &nd fittings s5&'' 8e "rotected fro, i,"&cts or
:&rs% t5e C</P)3>As re"resent&ti9e s5&'' 8e &d9ised of &n( suffering i,"&ct or
:&rs! ifting e6ui",ent s5&'' 8e C</P)3> &""ro9ed! Wire ro"es &nd c5&ins
s5&'' not 8e used in direct cont&ct to 'ift Pi"e s"oo's 8ends &nd fittings!
5!$!#! )'' e6ui",ent &nd "rocedures for 5&nd'ing Pi"e s"oo's% 8ends% &nd fittings s5&''
8e su8:ect to t5e C</P)3>AS re9ie; "rior to use!
5!$!*! ) det&i'ed /et5od St&te,ent s5o;ing 5o; &'' ite,s ;i'' 8e su""orted during
co&ting s5&'' 8e su8,itted for C</P)3> re9ie; "rior to st&rt of co&ting
,.%. Stac0ing of *ipe spoo#s, .ends and /ittings
5!#!1! Pi"e s"oo's% 8ends &nd fittings s5&'' 8e st&c=ed in suc5 & ,&nner &s to "re9ent
d&,&ge to t5e ite,s t5e,se'9es or t5eir co&ting! Prior to use t5e
C<31R)C1<R s5&'' su8,it "ro"osed st&c=ing &rr&nge,ents% inc'uding
st&c=ing 5eig5ts% to t5e C</P)3> for re9ie;!
5!#!$! )'' "i"e s"oo's% 8ends &nd fittings s5&'' 8e st&c=ed on 'e9e' ground free fro,
foreign ,&teri&'s% stones &nd 9eget&tion &nd on su""orts of & "ro9en 'o&d 8e&ring
c&"&cit(! Pi"e s"oo's% 8ends &nd fittings s5&'' 8e suit&8'( s"&ced fro, t5e soi'
B,ini,u, 150 ,,C to "re9ent &n( cont&ct ;it5 t5e ground &nd to "re9ent
surf&ce ;&ter fro, entering during t5e entire stor&ge "eriod! Pi"e s"oo's% 8ends
&nd fittings s5&'' 8e suit&8'( "rotected fro, e7"osure to s&'t s"r&(!
5!#!#! Se"&r&tion 8et;een co&ted Pi"e s"oo's% 8ends &nd fittings s5&'' 8e "ro9ided 8(
use of stri"s of soft ru88er% ro"e or ot5er ,&teri&' ;5ic5 ;i'' "re9ent d&,&ge to
t5e co&ting!
5!#!*! S'ings or non+,et&''ic str&"s s5&'' 8e used for securing 'o&ds during
tr&ns"ort&tion! 15e( s5&'' 8e suit&8'( "&dded &t cont&ct "oints ;it5 t5e Pi"e
,.). Damage to *ipe Spoo#s, .ends and /ittings
5!*!1! 3o re"&ir ;or= s5&'' 8e "roceed unti' & ;ritten "rocedure 5&s 8een "re"&red 8(
t5e C<31R)C1<R &nd &""ro9ed 8( t5e co,"&n(!
230240402.doc Page " of 1
Reliance Petroleum Limited
Jamnagar Export Refinery Project
5!*!$! /inor d&,&ge to t5e ends/8e9e's of Pi"e s"oo's% 8ends &nd fittings identified
eit5er &t ti,e of recei"t or &fter &8r&si9e 8'&sting s5&'' 8e re"&ired 8( grinding!
/inor d&,&ge s5&'' ,e&n d&,&ge t5&t is not o9er 0!0$5 inc5 in de"t5 &nd t5e
nu,8er of suc5 d&,&ges not ,ore t5&n # "er Pi"e s"oo's% 8end or fitting! Re"&ir
8( grinding on t5e ends/8e9e's of Pi"e s"oo's 8ends &nd fittings s5&'' not reduce
t5e ;&'' t5ic=ness to 'ess t5&n t5e ,ini,u, re6uire,ents of t5e Pi"e s"oo's
s"ecific&tion% ;5en ,e&sured using u'tr&sonic t5ic=ness ,e&sure,ent e6ui",ent%
&nd "ro9ided t5e 5&rdness does not e7ceed s"ecified 'i,its!
5!*!#! 15e C</P)3>AS re"resent&ti9e s5&'' 8e consu'ted for d&,&ge dee"er t5&n
0!0$5 inc5! )'' ,&:or d&,&ge to Pi"e ends/8e9e's of Pi"e s"oo's% 8ends &nd
fittings% inc'uding dents or gouges% s5&'' 8e re"&ired 8( re,o9&' of d&,&ged Pi"e
s"oo' ,&teri&' &nd re8e9e'ing! 3o ;e'ding on t5e surf&ce Pi"e s"oo's% 8ends &nd
fittings s5&'' 8e &''o;ed!
5!*!*! Identific&tion nu,8ers s5&'' 8e "reser9ed during re"&ir &nd due &''o;&nce for
cut+off ends s5&'' 8e ,&de in t5e t&''( of t5e 'engt5s of Pi"e s"oo's% 8ends &nd
fittings returned to t5e C</P)3>!
5!*!5! )n( reduction in t5e 'engt5s of Pi"e s"oo's% 8ends &nd fittings s5&'' 8e in"utted
to t5e C</P)3>AS Pi"e s"oo's tr&c=ing s(ste,!
1. -and#ing and Storage of Coating "ateria#s
1.1. (enera#
6!1!1! /&teri&'s s5&'' 8e 5&nd'ed &nd stored in &ccord&nce ;it5 &""'ic&8'e s&fet(
regu'&tions &nd t5e ,&teri&' ,&nuf&cturerAs reco,,end&tions% &nd s5&'' 8e used
&ccording to t5e ,&nuf&cturerAs 8&tc5 se6uence!
6!1!$! 15e C<31R)C1<R s5&'' su8,it det&i's of ,&teri&' contro' recording "rocedure
to t5e C</P)3> for re9ie; "rior to co,,ence,ent of t5e ;or=s!
6!1!#! 15e C<31R)C1<R s5&'' su8,it det&i's of 5is tr&ce&8i'it( "rocedure for t5e
C</P)3>AS re9ie; &nd &""ro9&'! In order to ensure co&ting &""'ic&tion
tr&ce&8i'it( t5e C<31R)C1<R s5&'' record t5e 8&tc5es of ,&teri&' used to co&t
e&c5 indi9idu&' Pi"e s"oo'% 8end or fitting &nd t5e ti,e &nd d&te of co&ting% t5e
infor,&tion s5&'' 8e "resented to t5e c'ient on co,"'etion of t5e contr&ct!
6!1!*! 15e cont&iners or "&c=&ges of ,&teri&'s s5&'' 8e "ro"er'( 5&nd'ed in order to
&9oid d&,&ge! Co&ting ,&teri&'s s5&'' 8e segreg&ted 8( t("e &nd 8&tc5 during
stor&ge &nd 5&nd'ing!
6!1!5! Stor&ge te,"er&tures for co&ting ,&teri&'s s5&'' 8e &s s"ecified 8( t5e
2. Coating "ateria#s
2.1. (enera#
7!1!1! 15e co&ting ,&teri&'s s5&'' co,"'( in &'' det&i's ;it5 t5is s"ecific&tion &nd s5&''
8e suit&8'e for t5e s"ecified co&ting &""'ic&tion "rocedure &nd c&"&8'e of ,eeting
230240402.doc Page of 1
Reliance Petroleum Limited
Jamnagar Export Refinery Project
t5e s"ecified testing &nd ins"ection re6uire,ents! 15e ,&teri&' s5&'' 5&9e t5e
fo''o;ing "5(sic&' "ro"ertiesD
Eo'u,e so'ids 100F
Densit( B/i7edC 1!*+1!6g/c,G
H&rdness H S5ore D BDI3 5#505C 75 ,ini,u,
/ini,u, "u''+off &d5esion to stee' B$#ICC 110 =g/c,J
/ini,u, "u''+off &d5esion to stee' B60ICC 70 =g/c,J
7!1!$! 15e "&c=&ging of &'' co&ting ,&teri&'s s5&'' 8e c'e&r'( ,&r=ed ;it5 t5e fo''o;ing
3&,e of ,&nuf&cturer
/&teri&' identific&tion
-&tc5 nu,8er
P'&ce &nd d&te of ,&nuf&cture
S5e'f 'ife/27"ir( d&te Bif &""ro"ri&teC
/&nuf&cturing st&nd&rd
He&'t5 &nd S&fet( &nd 2n9iron,ent&' Instructions
Stor&ge Instructions Bstor&ge s5&'' nor,&''( 8e &t & te,"er&ture not gre&ter t5&n
7!1!#! )n( ,&teri&' not '&8e''ed ;it5 t5e &8o9e infor,&tion s5&'' not 8e used
7!1!*! 15e ,&nuf&cturerAs tr&de n&,e &nd d&t& s5eets for t5e "o'(uret5&ne+t&r &nd &''
ot5er ,&teri&'s inc'uding c'e&ning &nd &8r&si9e 8'&sting consu,&8'es% "ro"osed
8( t5e C<31R)C1<R% s5&'' 8e su8,itted for t5e C</P)3>AS &""ro9&' "rior
to t5e "'&cing of &n( order for co&ting ;or=!
7!1!5! )'' ;&ter used for rinsing or c'e&ning "ur"oses s5&'' 8e "ot&8'e ;it5 'ess t5&n
$00"", tot&' disso'9ed so'ids &nd 50 "", c5'orides!
2.2. C#eaning So#3ent
7!$!1! 15e so'9ent s5&'' 8e 7('o'+,iner&' s"irit or si,i'&r% t5e fu'' c5e,ic&' &n&'(sis s5&''
8e recorded on t5e ,&nuf&cturers d&t& s5eet
2.%. A4rasi3e (rit
7!#!1! 15e &8r&si9e s5&'' 8e stee' grit to &c5ie9e t5e surf&ce "rofi'e indic&ted in C'&use
7!8!5! ) co,8in&tion of stee' grit &nd stee' s5ot ,&( 8e used initi&''( to re,o9e
,i'' sc&'e or ot5er i,"urities! 15e use of s&nd is not "er,itted!
2.). *o#urethane !ar
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Reliance Petroleum Limited
Jamnagar Export Refinery Project
7!*!1! 15e "o'(uret5&ne+t&r s5&'' 8e & t;o co,"onent 100F so'ids ,&teri&' &""'ied 8(
,e&ns of 5ot &ir'ess+s"r&(! 26ui",ent s5&'' 5&9e &n &uto,&tic cut off f&ci'it( to
ensure ,i7ing r&tio is ,&int&ined! .or fie'd :ointing of s,&'' 8ore Pi"e s"oo's i!e!
'ess t5&n 6K 3/-% tro;e' gr&de ,&teri&' ,&( 8e used! 15e "roduct s5&'' 8e
c&"&8'e of ,eeting t5e re6uire,ents of t5is s"ecific&tion!
2.,. Surface *reparation
7!5!1! Surf&ce "re"&r&tion s5&'' inc'ude c'e&ning fo''o;ed 8( &8r&si9e 8'&sting!
2.1. Inspection 4efore C#eaning
7!6!1! Pi"es"oo's% 8ends &nd fittings etc! s5&'' 8e ins"ected for corrosion in &ccord&nce
;it5 IS< 8501+ P&rt 1! Pi"e s"oo's% 8ends &nd fittings etc! in conditions ) &nd -
on'( s5&'' 8e &cce"ted for co&ting!
2.2. C#eaning *rior to A4rasi3e .#asting
7!7!1! -efore 8'&st c'e&ning% &'' surf&ce cont&,in&nts suc5 &s oi'% gre&se% t&r% s&'t% or
ot5er cont&,in&nts on Pi"e s"oo's% 8ends or fittings s5&'' 8e re,o9ed 8( so'9ent
c'e&ning B7('o'+,iner&' s"irits or si,i'&rC fo''o;ed 8( ste&, or 5ot 8&t5 c'e&ning!
.o''o;ing t5e ste&, or 5ot 8&t5 c'e&ning t5e Pi"e s"oo's s5&'' 8e tested for s&'t
&nd oi' cont&,in&tion in t5e fo''o;ing ,&nner!
7!7!$! ) C</P)3> &""ro9ed s&'t ,eter s5&'' 8e used to c&rr( out c5'oride
cont&,in&tion tests% one test s5&'' 8e c&rried out &t e&c5 end &nd one &t t5e
centre of t5e Pi"e s"oo's 8end or fitting! ) s&'t test ,eter% suc5 &s &n 2'co,eter
S&'t Cont&,in&tion /eter% s5&'' 8e used to c5ec= t5e c5'oride cont&,in&tion!
15e ,eter s5&'' 8e c&'i8r&ted &nd used in &ccord&nce ;it5 t5e ,&nuf&cturerAs
reco,,end&tion! 15e c5'oride content on t5e ,et&' surf&ce s5&'' not e7ceed $
! .or oi' cont&,in&tion% & L;&ter 8re&=K test s5&'' 8e e7ecuted &s "er
2.5. A4rasi3e .#asting
7!8!1! )fter c'e&ning &nd "rior to &8r&si9e 8'&sting t5e Pi"e s"oo's% fie'd :oints% 8ends
&nd fittings s5&'' 8e unifor,'( 5e&ted to 60C to re,o9e &'' ,oisture &nd
"rec'ude &n( condens&tion or ,oisture on t5e Pi"e s"oo's &fter 8'&st c'e&ning!
7!8!$! 2nds of t5e Pi"e s"oo's% 8ends &nd fittings s5&'' 8e fitted ;it5 "'ugs so &s to
"re9ent entr( of &8r&si9e into t5e s"oo's during t5e 8'&st c'e&ning o"er&tion!
7!8!#! @sing dr( 8'&sting tec5ni6ues on'(% t5e e7terior surf&ce of t5e Pi"e s"oo's% 8ends%
fie'd :oints% &nd fittings s5&'' 8e &8r&si9e'( c'e&ned to re,o9e &'' ,i'' sc&'e% &nd
ot5er i,"urities fro, t5e surf&ce! -'&sting &8r&si9e s5&'' 8e =e"t dr(% c'e&n &nd
free fro, cont&,in&tion! W5en reco9ered ,et&''ic grit s(ste,s &re used% &
st&8i'ised ;or=ing ,i7 of 8'&st c'e&ning ,&teri&' s5&'' 8e est&8'is5ed &nd
,&int&ined 8( fre6uent s,&'' &dditions fro, fres5 or c'e&ned stoc=% &t & r&te
sufficient to re"'enis5 consu,"tion! &rge &dditions of ne; ,&teri&' s5&'' 8e
&9oided! -'&sting &nd ot5er dust "roducing &re&s s5&'' 8e =e"t se"&r&te fro,
co&ting &""'ic&tion &re&s! 3o 8'&st c'e&ning s5&'' t&=e "'&ce ;5en t5e "re9&i'ing
re'&ti9e 5u,idit( is gre&ter t5&n 85 "ercent un'ess Pi"e s"oo's is "re5e&ted to &t
'e&st #C &8o9e t5e de; "oint!
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Jamnagar Export Refinery Project
7!8!*! 15e surf&ces of t5e Pi"e s"oo's% 8ends &nd fittings s5&'' 8e 8'&sted unti' & surf&ce
c'e&n'iness to t5e re6uire,ents of IS< 8501+1 S&$ M BStee' condition ) or -C is
7!8!5! 15e surf&ce "rofi'e B&nc5or "&tternC s5&'' 8e 8et;een 50 &nd 100 ,icrons!
Surf&ce "rofi'e s5&'' 8e ,e&sured using 1este7 Press+<+.i',% or &n &""ro9ed
e6ui9&'ent ,et5od
7!8!6! .o''o;ing &8r&si9e 8'&sting t5e surf&ce s5&'' not 8e cont&,in&ted ;it5 dirt% dust%
,et&' "&rtic'es% 5(droc&r8ons% ;&ter% c5'orides% su'"5&tes or &n( ot5er foreign
,&tter ;5ic5 ;ou'd 8e detri,ent&' to t5e co&ting! If t5e Pi"e s"oo's% 8ends &nd
fittings ;ere de'i9ered ;it5 & te,"or&r( in tr&nsit co&ting suc5 &s 9&rnis5% t5e
surf&ce s5&'' 8e c5ec=ed ;it5 & ,&gnif(ing g'&ss B4#0C to confir, no residues of
9&rnis5 re,&in in t5e &nc5or "&ttern 9&''e(s!
7!8!7! Prior to co&ting &""'ic&tion% t5e e7terior surf&ce s5&'' 8e t5oroug5'( ins"ected
under &de6u&te 'ig5ting! )n( d&,&ge suc5 &s surf&ce i,"erfections% s'i9ers%
sc&8s% 8urrs% gouges% or s5&r" edge defects% s5&'' 8e tre&ted in &ccord&nce ;it5
C'&use 5!*!
7!8!8! Pi"e s"oo's% 8ends &nd fittings ;5ic5 5&9e d&,&ged &re&s re"&ired 8( grinding
gre&ter t5&n 50,, di&,eter s5&'' 8e re+8'&sted to ,eet t5e re6uire,ents &s
s"ecified in 7!8!*! &nd 7!8!5!
7!8!0! )n( dust or 'oose residue t5&t 5&s &ccu,u'&ted during 8'&sting &nd/or grinding
o"er&tions s5&'' 8e re,o9ed 8( t5e use of c'e&n co,"ressed &ir or 8( 9&cuu,
e7tr&ction! )'tern&ti9e ,et5ods for re,o9ing dust &nd 'int s5&'' re6uire &""ro9&'
of t5e C</P)3>!
7!8!10! 15e tot&' e'&"sed ti,e 8et;een t5e st&rt of 8'&sting of &n( Pi"e s"oo's 8end or
fitting &nd t5e 5e&ting of t5&t Pi"e s"oo's to t5e s"ecified te,"er&ture s5&'' not
e7ceed t5e fo''o;ing ti,e+5u,idit( t&8'eD
*ercent Re#ati3e -umidit (6#apsed !ime -ours)
5, 7.,
57 1.7
27 1.,
17 1.2,
,7 2.7
7!8!11! )n( Pi"e s"oo' surf&ce not "rocessed ;it5in t5e &8o9e ti,e+5u,idit( t&8'e s5&''
8e co,"'ete'( re+c'e&ned &nd re+8'&sted 8efore co&ting!
5. Coating App#ication
5.1. (enera#
8!1!1! 15e &""'ic&tion of t5e co&ting s5&'' 8e in &ccord&nce ;it5 t5e ,&teri&'
,&nuf&cturer reco,,end&tions &nd t5e "rocedure out'ined 8e'o;! 15e
C<31R)C1<R s5&'' "erfor, Co&ting Procedure Qu&'ific&tion 1esting BPQ1C
"rior to co,,encing "roduction! .u'' det&i's of PQ1 &re det&i'ed in C'&use 0!$!
8!1!$! 15e co&ting s5&'' 8e &""'ied 8( &ir+'ess B"'ur&'C s"r&(ing e6ui",ent &""ro9ed 8(
t5e "o'(uret5&ne+t&r ,&nuf&cturer! Surf&ce te,"er&ture of t5e stee' s5&'' 8e
230240402.doc Page 10 of 1
Reliance Petroleum Limited
Jamnagar Export Refinery Project
8et;een $*
C &nd 65
C% ;5i'e t5e &,8ient te,"er&ture r&nge s5&'' 8e 10
C to
C! 15e ,&teri&' te,"er&ture s5&'' 8e ,&int&ined 8et;een *#
C &nd 65
during &""'ic&tion! Re'&ti9e 5u,idit( s5&'' not e7ceed 85F!
8!1!#! 15e te,"er&ture of t5e "i"e s"oo'% 8end or fitting s5&'' 8e c5ec=ed "eriodic&''(
using & recording "(ro,eter! 15e "(ro,eter s5&'' 8e c5ec=ed for error not 'ess
t5&n e9er( four 5ours &g&inst & c&'i8r&ted te,"er&ture+,e&suring instru,ent
&ccording to t5e "rocedur&' re6uire,ents of IS< 000$!
8!1!*! <7id&tion of t5e stee' "rior to co&ting in t5e for, of N8'ueingA or ot5er &""&rent
o7ide for,&tion is not &cce"t&8'e! If suc5 o7id&tion occurs% t5e "i"e s"oo's s5&''
8e set &side &nd re+c'e&ned!
8!1!5! During &""'ic&tion% t5e 8e9e''ed ends &nd 8ore of t5e Pi"e s"oo'% 8ends &nd
fittings s5&'' 8e "rotected &g&inst ,ec5&nic&' d&,&ge &nd fro, cont&,in&tion
;it5 co&ting ,&teri&'!
8!1!6! 15e co&ting s5&'' not 8e 5&nd'ed unti' t5e ti,e% reco,,ended 8( t5e
,&nuf&cturer% for t5e gi9en &,8ient te,"er&ture 5&s e'&"sed!
8!1!7! 15e co&ting cut8&c= fro, t5e ends s5&'' 8e 8et;een 100 &nd 150 ,,! .or Pi"e
s"oo's% 8ends &nd s"oo's u" to &nd inc'uding 6K 3/-% 100 ,, s5&'' 8e used! .or
&'' ot5ers% 150 ,, s5&'' &""'(!
8!1!8! I,,edi&te'( &fter t5e co&ting is fu''( cured% Pi"e s"oo' identific&tion ,&r=s s5&''
8e re+&""'ied to t5e co&ted Pi"e s"oo's using & ,et5od &""ro9ed 8( t5e
C</P)3>AS re"resent&ti9e!
8. Coating Inspection and !esting
8.1. (enera#
0!1!1! In order to de,onstr&te t5&t t5e C<31R)C1<RAS "ro"osed co&ting &""'ic&tion
"rocedure is c&"&8'e of ,eeting t5e s"ecific&tion% t5e C<31R)C1<R s5&'' 8e
re6uired to undert&=e Co&ting Procedure Qu&'ific&tion 1esting BPQ1C "rior to
co,,encing "roduction! 15e C<31R)C1<R s5&'' &'so 8e re6uired to test t5e
finis5ed co&ting during "roduction to de,onstr&te continued co,"'i&nce ;it5
t5is s"ecific&tion! Det&i's of &'' ins"ections &nd testing s5&'' 8e fu''( docu,ented
in &ccord&nce ;it5 Section 1$!0!
8.2. Coating *rocedure &ua#ification !esting (*&!)
0!$!1! 15e Procedure Qu&'ific&tion 1est BPQ1C s5&'' 8e c&rried out on Pi"e s"oo's "u"
"ieces or se'ected fie'd :oints &nd fittings of co,"&r&8'e ;&'' t5ic=ness &nd
di&,eter to t5e 8ends fitting 8eing co&ted! 15e Pi"e s"oo's "u" "ieces s5&'' 5&9e
& ,ini,u, 'engt5 of t5ree ,etres! 15e C<31R)C1<R s5&'' "roduce one
co&ted Pi"e s"oo's "u" "iece for t5e fo''o;ing Pi"e s"oo's di&,etersD 6O for
Pi"e s"oo' di&,eters P 1$O% 18O for Pi"e s"oo' di&,eters fro, 1*O to $*O% &nd
#0O for &'' di&,eters Q $6O! )'' co&ting s5&'' 8e in &ccord&nce ;it5 t5e co&ting
"rocedure s"ecific&tions &nd s5&'' 8e ;itnessed 8( t5e C</P)3>AS
re"resent&ti9e! ) section fro, e&c5 co&ted Pi"e s"oo' "u" "iece s5&'' 8e ret&ined
&fter testing &nd s5&'' 8e sent to t5e C</P)3> for stor&ge! 15is section s5ou'd
8e one ,eter 'ong &nd 5&'f t5e circu,ference of t5e Pi"e s"oo's!
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Jamnagar Export Refinery Project
0!$!$! 15e co&ted Pi"e s"oo' "u" "ieces/fittings s5&'' 8e su8:ected to co,"'ete set of
tests &s s"ecified in )""endi7 1 &nd s5&'' "&ss &'' t5e criteri& cont&ined in
)""endi7 1 8efore "roduction co,,ences!
0!$!#! 15e PQ1 s5&'' 8e &""'ic&8'e to s"ecific te&,s of co&ting "ersonne' on'(% &n(
c5&nges in co&ting "ersonne' ;i'' re6uire re+6u&'ific&tion!
8.%. *roduction !esting and Inspection
0!#!1! 1esting during "roduction ;i'' 8e c&rried out in &ccord&nce ;it5 )""endi7 $!
0!#!$! In t5e e9ent t5&t t5e co&ting on &n( of t5e Pi"e s"oo's% 8ends or fittings f&i's to
,eet t5e &cce"t&nce criteri& for & s"ecified test% or if t5e nu,8er of 5o'id&(s
detected is e7cessi9e% t5e Pi"e s"oo'% 8end or fitting co&ting s5&'' 8e re:ected!
0!#!#! 15e C</P)3> reser9es t5e rig5t to incre&se t5e nu,8er &nd t5e fre6uenc( of
t5e tests or re6uest &ddition&' test or to re+6u&'if( t5e co&ting "rocedure &t t5e
C<31R)C1<R e7"ense% s5ou'd in t5e o"inion of t5e C</P)3>% t5e nu,8er
t5e test f&i'ures 8eco,e e7cessi9e or f&i'ures in t5e Procedure/Production testing
17. Coating !esting and Inspection *rocedures
17.1. 9isua# Inspection
10!1!1! 15e co&ting s5&'' 8e of n&tur&' co'our &nd g'oss% s,oot5 &nd unifor,% &nd s5&''
8e 8'e,is5 free% ;it5 no dust or ot5er "&rticu'&te inc'usions! 15e co&ting s5&''
not s5o; &n( defects suc5 &s 8'isters% scr&tc5es% ;rin='es% engr&9ings% cuts%
s;e''ings% e7cess ,&teri&' t5ic=ness% dis8onded Rones% &ir inc'usions% te&rs% 9oids%
etc! P&rticu'&r &ttention s5&'' 8e "&id to t5e &re&s &d:&cent to t5e 'ongitudin&'
17.2. Coating !hic0ness
10!$!1! 15e t5ic=ness of t5e coo'ed "o'(uret5&ne+t&r co&ting s(ste, s5&'' 8e c5ec=ed
using &n &""ro9ed ,&gnetic or e'ectro+,&gnetic t5ic=ness g&uge!
10!$!$! /e&sure,ents s5&'' 8e ,&de &t 1$ "oints unifor,'( s"&ced o9er t5e 'engt5 &nd
circu,ference of Pi"e s"oo's! )t 'e&st # "oints s5&'' 8e on 'ongitudin&' ;e'ds!
10!$!#! 15e ,ini,u, co&ting t5ic=ness on Pi"e s"oo's surf&ce &nd 'ongitudin&' ;e'ds
s5&'' 8e 1500 ,!
10!$!*! )n( indi9idu&' re&ding 'ess t5&n t5e re6uire,ents of Section 10!$!# s5&'' 8e c&use
for t5e co&ted Pi"e s"oo's 8end or fitting to 8e re:ected! Suc5 Pi"e s"oo's ,&(
8e 5e'd for furt5er ins"ection &nd "ossi8'e &cce"t&nce 8( t5e C</P)3>AS
17.%. -o#ida Detection
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Jamnagar Export Refinery Project
10!#!1! 2&c5 8end or fitting s5&'' 8e ins"ected for 5o'id&(s o9er 100 "ercent of its co&ted
surf&ce using & 5ig5 9o't&ge DC detector!
10!#!$! .or Pi"e s"oo's 8ends t5e detector s5&'' 8e & t("e ;5ic5 ,&int&ins co,"'ete
cont&ct ;it5 t5e co&ting! It ,&( 8e eit5er const&nt or "u'sed 9o't&ge t("e! If
const&nt 9o't&ge t("e% 5o'id&( detection s5&'' 8e c&rried on & dr( co&ting! 15e
o"er&ting 9o't&ge 8et;een t5e e'ectrode &nd t5e 8end or fitting s5&'' 8e c5ec=ed
&t 'e&st t;ice "er ;or=ing s5ift% &nd s5&'' 8e ,&int&ined &t 15 =i'o9o'ts!
10!#!#! 15e C<31R)C1<R s5&'' de,onstr&te to t5e C</P)3> t5&t t5e setting of t5e
detector is s&tisf&ctor( for detecting "in 5o'es! 15is setting ;i'' 8e c5ec=ed once
e9er( t;o 5ours! 15e correct tr&9e' s"eed s5&'' 8e deter,ined 8( consistent
detection of &n &rtifici&' "in5o'e ,&de in & good co&ting s&,"'e 8ut s5&'' not
e7ceed #00 ,,/s!
10!#!*! 15e co&ting s(ste, s5&'' 8e free fro, 5o'id&(s! )'' 5o'id&(s &nd ot5er defects
s5&'' 8e ,&r=ed for su8se6uent re"&ir &nd retesting! <n retesting% no 5o'id&(s
s5&'' 8e "er,itted in t5e fin&' co&ting!
10!#!5! 15e nu,8er of 5o'id&(s for e&c5 Pi"e s"oo' 'engt5 s5&'' 8e recorded! ) co&ted
8end or fitting 5&9ing 5o'id&(s in e7cess of 1 "er $ s6u&re ,eters s5&'' 8e
stri""ed &nd reco&ted &t no &ddition&' cost to t5e C</P)3>!
10!#!6! If e7cess occurrence of 5o'id&(s on successi9e Pi"e s"oo's% t5e C<31R)C1<R
s5&'' i,,edi&te'( sto" t5e co&ting o"er&tion to deter,ine t5e c&use &nd re,ed(
17.). Impact Strength
10!*!1! 15e i,"&ct strengt5 s5&'' 8e tested in &ccord&nce ;it5 DI3 #0671 t5e co&ting
s5&'' 8e c&"&8'e of ;it5st&nding t5e Ns"eci&' dut(A i,"&ct energ( st&ted% for t5e
&ctu&' Pi"e s"oo' di&,eter% ;it5 no e'ectric&' 8re&=do;n!
17.,. Indentation Resistance
10!5!1! 15e indent&tion resist&nce s5&'' 8e tested in &ccord&nce ;it5 DI3 #0671 &t t5ree
'oc&tions &nd t5e indent&tion de"t5 &fter *8 5ours s5&'' not e7ceed #0F of t5e
origin&' co&ting t5ic=ness &nd 8et;een $* &nd *8 5ours t5e indent&tion de"t5
s5&'' not 9&r( 8( ,ore t5&n 5F of t5e initi&' co&ting t5ic=ness!
17.1. Adhesion
10!6!1! 15e &d5esion s5&'' 8e tested &nd deter,ined &t t;o 'oc&tions 8( ,&=ing t;o
str&ig5t incisions t5roug5 t5e co&ting to t5e stee'! 15e incisions s5&'' intersect &t
&n &ng'e of #0
! 15e co&ting s5&'' resist dis8ond,ent ;5en &tte,"ts &re
,&de to 'ift t5e #0
&ng'e ;it5 t5e "oint of & s5&r" =nife! .o''o;ing t5e &d5esion
test t5e stee' co&ting interf&ce s5&'' 8e 9isu&''( e7&,ined &t & 'o; ,&gnific&tion
B$0 +604C to est&8'is5 t5&t t5e co&ting 5&s re,&ined in t5e "its of t5e surf&ce
"rofi'e! In &ddition "u'' off tests "er )S1/ D+*5*1 or IS< *6$* s5&'' 8e
"erfor,ed &t $#
C &nd 60
C for PQ1 testing! 15e ,ini,u, "u''+off &d5esion
9&'ues s5&'' 8e &s "er Section 7!1!1 &8o9e! )d5esi9e testing for "roduction ite,s
s5&'' 8e c&rried out to t5e Ncross+cutA ,et5od descri8ed &8o9e!
17.2. Cathodic Dis4ondment !est
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Jamnagar Export Refinery Project
10!7!1! C&t5odic dis8ond,ent testing &nd &cce"t&nce s5&'' 8e in &ccord&nce ;it5 DI3
#0671! 15e test te,"er&ture s5&'' 8e 60
11. Repairs
11.1. (enera#.
11!1!1! 15e C<31R)C1<R s5&'' su8,it det&i'ed co&ting re"&ir "rocedures for
&""ro9&' 8( t5e C</P)3>! 15ese s5&'' det&i' ,ini,u, &nd ,&7i,u, &re&s
for ;5ic5 e&c5 t("e of re"&ir is &""'ic&8'e! )'' re"&irs ;i'' re6uire 6u&'ific&tion in
&ccord&nce ;it5 )""endi7 1! 15e ,&7i,u, nu,8er of co&ting defects
&''o;&8'e% 8efore & :oint of Pi"e s"oo' s5&'' 8e c'&ssed &s re:ect &nd reco&ted%
s5&'' not e7ceed 1 "er $ s6u&re ,etres Binc'usi9e of d&,&ge c&used 8( testingC!
3o sing'e defect s5&'' e7ceed &n &re& of 6$5 ,,
! Pi"e s"oo's ;it5 & defect
e7ceeding 6$5 ,,
s5&'' 8e c&use for re:ection! Re"&irs s5&'' "ro9ide & finis5ed
co&ting e6u&' in effecti9eness to t5&t of t5e "&rent co&ting! 2&c5 re"&ired &re&
s5&'' 8e 5o'id&( ins"ected in &ccord&nce ;it5 Section 10!# of t5is s"ecific&tion!
S5rin= s'ee9es &re not considered &n &cce"t&8'e re"&ir! 15e C<31R)C1<R
s5&'' su8,it co&ting stri""ing "rocedure for &n( Pi"e s"oo'% 8end or fitting
se'ected for re+co&ting due to &n un&cce"t&8'e co&ting 6u&'it(!
12. *roduction Documentation
12.1. (enera#.
1$!1!1! 15e C<31R)C1<R s5&'' su8,it to t5e C</P)3> t5e fo''o;ing
docu,ent&tion "rior to t5e return of co&ted Pi"e s"oo's to C</P)3>D
1r&ce&8i'it( Records
Re"&ir records &nd &n( reductions in 'engt5s due to re"&irs!
/&nuf&cturerAs Certific&tes for 2&c5 -&tc5 of Co&ting /&teri&'s
Certific&tion/C&'i8r&tion Certific&tes for &'' 1esting &nd Co&ting 26ui",ent
Ins"ection &nd 1est% Records% Resu'ts% &nd ot5er Docu,ent&tion of &'' /&teri&'
&nd Co&ting 1ests
1$!1!$! )'' re"orts s5&'' 8e signed 8( t5e C<31R)C1<R to signif( co,"'i&nce ;it5 t5e
re6uire,ents of t5is s"ecific&tion!
230240402.doc Page 14 of 1
Reliance Petroleum Limited
Jamnagar Export Refinery Project
A**6NDI: 1
INS*6C!I$N AND !6S!IN( S;""AR< /$R *R$C6D;R6 &;A=I/ICA!I$N !6S!
(*&!) !$ .6 CARRI6D $;! $N
A *I*6 S*$$=S *;* *I6C6'/I!!IN( /$R 6AC- *I*6 S*$$=S 6ND'/I!!IN(
*ropert Re#e3ant
Accepta4#e 9a#ues /re>uenc of !ests
<n )rri9&'
Pi"e s"oo's D&,&ge 5!* De"t5 < 0!0$5,, &nd <# "er Pi"e s"oo's 2&c5 "u" "iece
-efore C'e&ning
Pi"e s"oo's condition 7!6!1 Conditions )S- of IS< 8501 B"&rt IC 2&c5 "u" "iece
)fter C'e&ning
C5'oride 7!7!$ $ gr&,/c,
# "er "u" "iece
)fter )8r&si9e -'&sting
S& $M
50 + 100 ,
3o cont&,in&tion
2&c5 "u" "iece
2&c5 "u" "iece
2&c5 "u" "iece
Eisu&' ins"ection 10!1 S,oot5 ;it5 no surf&ce defects 2&c5 "u" "iece
Co&ting 15ic=ness 10!$
1500, ,in!
1$ "er "u" "iece
Ho'id&(s 10!# 3o 5o'id&(s! 100F e&c5 "u" "iece
I,"&ct Strengt5 10!* 3o e'ectric&' 8re&=do;n fo''o;ing testing 1 "er "u" "iece
Indent&tion Resist&nce 10!5 ess t5&n #0F of origin&' t5ic=ness &nd 'ess
t5&n 5F 9&ri&tion 8et;een 9&'ues 8et;een $*
&nd *85ours!
1 "er "u" "iece
)d5esion 10!6 3o dis8ond,ent ;5en 'ifted ;it5 =nife
Pu'' off strengt5 &t $5IC &nd 60IC to ,eet
/ini,u, 9&'ue in Section 7!1!1!
# "er "u" "ieceB 1 off
cross+cut &nd 1 off "u''+off
&d5esion &t e&c5
C&t5odic Dis8ond,ent 10!7

engt5 of Rone of dis8ond,ent 'ess t5&n15,,

1 "er "u" "iece
3u,8er of 1ests c&n 8e incre&sed &t t5e so'e discretion of C</P)3>!
230240402.doc Page 1! of 1
Reliance Petroleum Limited
Jamnagar Export Refinery Project
A**6NDI: 2
INS*6C!I$N AND !6S!IN( S;""AR< /$R /;== *R$D;C!I$N $/
*$=<;R6!-AN6+!AR C$A!IN( /$R *I*6 S*$$=S .6NDS AND /I!!IN(S
*ropert Re#e3ant
Accepta4#e 9a#ues "INI";"
/re>uenc ?
<n )rri9&'
Pi"e s"oo's D&,&ge 5!* De"t5 < 0!0$5,, &nd <# "er Pi"e
2&c5 8end/fitting
-efore C'e&ning
Pi"e s"oo's condition 7!6!1 Conditions )S- of IS< 8501 BP&rt
2&c5 8end/fitting
)fter C'e&ning
$ g!/c,

2&c5 8end/fitting
)fter )8r&si9e -'&sting
Pi"e s"oo's D&,&ge
IS<+S& $M
50+100 ,
3o cont&,in&tion
See C'&use 0!*
2&c5 8end/fitting
2&c5 8end/fitting
2&c5 8end/fitting
2&c5 8end/fitting
Eisu&' ins"ection 10!1 S,oot5 ;it5 no surf&ce defects 2&c5 8end/fitting
Co&ting 15ic=ness 10!$ 1500 , ,in! 1$ re&dings "er e&c5
Ho'id&(s 10!# 3o 5o'id&(s! 100F e&c5 8end/fitting
)d5esion 1esting 10!6 <ne Ncross+cutA test &nd one Pu'' off
test &t $#IC 110=g/c,J
2&c5 10
s"oo'% 8end or
? C<31R)C1<R/C</P)3> reser9es t5e rig5ts to incre&se ins"ection &nd testing
fre6uenc( if ;&rr&nted 8( t5e circu,st&nces!
230240402.doc Page 1" of 1
Reliance Petroleum Limited
Jamnagar Export Refinery Project
A!!AC-"6N! 1
PIP2 SP<<S J<I31 S21+@P @3D2R?R<@3D C<)1I3?
15e fo''o;ing t&8'e indic&tes t5e fie'd :oint co&ting re6uire,ents for 9&rious co,8in&tions of under
ground co&tingsD+
PIP2 SP<<S <R .I11I3?
C<)1I3? S>S12/
.I2D J<I31
C<)1I3? S>S12/
PIP2 SP<<S <R .I11I3?
C<)1I3? S>S12/
Co&' 1&r Wr&" B2n&,e'C Co&' 1&r Wr&" or Co'd 1&"e
Co&' 1&r Wr&" B2n&,e'C
Co&' 1&r Wr&" B2n&,e'C 1ro;e' )""'ied @ret5&ne 1&r
B3ote 1 S $C
@ret5&ne 1&r
Co&' 1&r Wr&" Co'd 1&"e Wr&" Co'd 1&"e Wr&"
@ret5&ne 1&r 1ro;e' )""'ied @ret5&ne 1&r
B3ote 1C
@ret5&ne 1&r
Co'd 1&"e Wr&" Co'd 1&"e Wr&" Co'd 1&"e Wr&"
1C .or fie'd :ointing of s,&'' 8ore Pi"e s"oo'ss i!e! 'ess t5&n 6K 3/-% tro;e' gr&de ,&teri&' ,&(
8e used! .or &'' ot5er :oints% s"r&( gr&de ,&teri&' s5&'' 8e used!
$C In inst&nces ;5ere sing'e Liso'&tedK fie'd :oints &re to 8e "rotected &nd setting u" t5e s"r&(
e6ui",ent is i,"r&ctic&'% co'd &""'ied t&"e ;r&" ,&( 8e used su8:ect to co,"&n( &""ro9&'!
#C 15e 'ine Pi"e s"oo's co&ting cut 8&c= fro, t5e fie'd ;e'd s5&'' 8e in 8et;een 100 &nd 150
,, on'(! Reference section 8!1!7!
*C It is & ,&nd&tor( re6uire,ent t5&t &'' 8uried co&ted S ;r&""ed or t&r uret5&ne co&ted Pi"e
s"oo's S fittings s5&'' 8e inst&''ed o9er "ro"er'( gr&ded 8&c= fi'' on'(! 15e 8eddings &nd
8&c=fi'' ,&teri&' s5&'' 8e 5&rd% dur&8'e% free of s5&r" edges% free of si't% c'&(% &nd gr&ded do;n
$0 ,, to 5 ,, in siRe! Refer to $510*+#PS+CD+001 for ,ore det&i'!
230240402.doc Page 1 of 1

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