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This shows itself in a number of ways, for instance an indiidual e!"eriencin# a hi#h
leel of stress may deelo" hi#h blood "ressure, ulcers, irritability, difficulty in ma$in#
routine decisions, loss of a""etite, accident "roneness and the li$e% &ll these can be
#rou"ed into three cate#ories' "hysiolo#ical, "sycholo#ical and behaioral sym"toms%
()*S+O,O-+C&, sym"toms
.Chan#es in an indiidual/s health as a result of stress%0
Our body "hysiolo#ically res"onds to hel" $ee" us safe, which means it mobili1es all of
our body2s resources so that we can "rotect ourseles%
One of the first thin#s that ha""en is that our breathin# increases so that we can increase
o!y#en consum"tion% Our heart rate usually increases so that it can #et blood and
nutrients to the muscle #rou"s in our body that mi#ht be needed to sort of hel" "rotect us
"hysically from this threat% Our blood essels constrict so that we can #et the blood there
3uic$er, which means that our blood "ressure #oes u"% So increased breathin#, increased
heart rate, increased blood "ressure are thin#s that should be ha""enin# when our body is
stressed out% Stress could therefore induce heart attac$, increase blood "ressure and brin#
on mi#raine .fre3uent headaches and tension headaches0 and more fre3uent asthma
4e also tend to be more susce"tible to flues and colds as the immune system becomes
wea$ened, there may worsenin# ec1ema/"soriasis, baldness or increased hair loss,
menstrual irre#ularity and "remature e5aculation or im"otence%
(S*C)O,O-+C&, sym"toms
.Chan#es in an indiidual/s attitudes and dis"osition due to stress%0
+n the main the feelin#s of an!iety, moodiness and de"ression become manifested in an
indiidual/s behaiour%
Changes in an individuals behavior6 includin# "roductiity .this may become low0,
absence may increase, and turnoer rate may be hi#her .meanin# new "ersons hae to be
constantly sou#ht for the 5ob as "eo"le tend to leae0%There may be tiredness and fati#ue
without reasons% -enerally there may be chan#es in eatin# habits .increased or
decreased0, increased smo$in# or consum"tion of alcohol, ra"id s"eech, fid#etin#, and
slee" disorders, an#er, irritability, mood swin#s, a##ression, accident "roneness,
withdrawal and hostility%
+N8+9+8U&, &((RO&C)ES
&n em"loyee can ta$e "ersonal res"onsibility for reducin# his or her stress leel%
+ndiidual strate#ies that hae "roen effectie include im"lementin# time mana#ement
techni3ues, increasin# "hysical e!ercise, rela!ation trainin#, and e!"andin# the social
su""ort networ$%
Time management
7any "eo"le mana#e time "oorly% The thin#s they hae to accom"lish in any #ien day
or wee$ are not necessarily beyond com"letion if they mana#e their time "ro"erly% The
well or#ani1ed em"loyee 5ust as the well or#ani1ed student can accom"lish twice as much
as the "erson who is "oorly or#ani1ed% & few of the more well $nown time mana#ement
"rinci"les are' .:0 ma$in# lists of actiities to be accom"lished .;0 "rioriti1in# actiities
im"ortance and ur#ency .<0 $nowin# your daily cycle and handlin# the most demandin#
"arts of your 5ob durin# the hi#h "art of your cycle when you are most alert and
Physical Exercise
Such as aerobics, race wal$in#, 5o##in#, swimmin#, and ridin# a bicycle hae been
recommended by "hysicians as a way to deal with stress leels% These forms of e!ercise
increase heart ca"acity, lower at6rest heart rate, "roide a mental diersion from wor$
"ressures and offer a means to let off steam%
Relaxation Training
+ndiiduals can teach themseles to rela! throu#h techni3ues such as meditation,
hy"nosis, and biofeedbac$% Once you hae reached a dee" state of rela!ation stress will
slowly disa""ear%
Social Support
)ain# friends, family, or wor$ collea#ues to tal$ to "roides an outlet when stress leels
become e!cessie% E!"andin# your social su""ort networ$, therefore, can be a means for
tension reduction% +t "roides someone to hear your "roblems and a more ob5ectie
"ers"ectie on the situation%
Selection and Placement
4hile certain 5obs are more stressful than others, we also learned that different
indiiduals re3uire differently to stress% Strate#ies that mana#ement mi#ht want to
consider include im"roed "ersonnel selection and 5ob "lacemen, use of realistic #oal
settin#, redesi#nin# 5obs% Obiously they shouldn/t restrict hirin# to only e!"erienced
Goal Setting
The use of #oals can reduce stress as well as "roide motiation% S"ecific #oals that are
"erceied as attainable clarify "erformance e!"ectations% &dditionally, #oal feedbac$
reduces uncertainties as to actual 5ob "erformance%
%ob Redesign
Redesi#nin# 5obs to #ie em"loyees more res"onsibility, more meanin#ful wor$, more
autonomy, and increased feedbac$ can reduce stress, because these factors #ie the
em"loyee #reater control oer wor$ actiities and lessen de"endence on others%
Participation &ecision 'a(ing
Role Stress is detrimental to a lar#e e!tent because em"loyees feel uncertain about #oals,
e!"ectations, how they be ealuated, and the li$e% =y #iin# these em"loyees a oice in
the decisions that directly affect their 5ob "erformances, mana#ement can increase
em"loyee control and reduce this role stress%
Organi)ational Communication
+ncreasin# formal communication with em"loyees reduces uncertainty by lessenin# role
ambi#uity and role conflict% -ien the im"ortance that "erce"tions "lay in moderatin# the
stress6res"onse relationshi", mana#ement can also use effectie communications as a
means to sha"e em"loyee "erce"tions%
*ellness Programmes
Our final su##estion is to offer or#ani1ationally su""orted wellness "ro#rams% These
"ro#rammers focus on em"loyee/s total "hysical and mental condition% For e!am"le, they
ty"ically "roide wor$sho"s to hel" "eo"le 3uit smo$in#, control alcohol use, lose
wei#ht, eat better and deelo" a re#ular e!ercise "ro#rammed%

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