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Axure Pro Important Tips and Tricks

Prepared By: Krishnakanth D P For: Business Analysts Group Page 1 of 4

1. Changing font size for the text in Page Notes
(Very important because even Axure Support team doesnt have this solution)
Page Notes font size issue:
We always see this you can select / highlight the text from Page Notes section and change the font but the
font-size will always have it fixed to 8.25 and will appear disabled. We end up using the same font size as 8.25
and when the word document is generated, we can only see a group of ants marching all over

The Trigger:
Four months back when creating spec, I had to make the font as Calibri and size as 10 for all text because
when generated with font size as 8.25, they lacked readability and got the same feedback from our customers.

Axure Support:
I googled for the same and also checked with Axure support team and they said it is a defect as of now and will
be fixed in next versions. I have upgraded to Axure Pro 6.5 and it was still not fixed to my frustration. Other
alternate way I had was to generate the word spec and change the font size manually for the whole 176 pages

Axure Support Reference:

Axure Pro Important Tips and Tricks

Prepared By: Krishnakanth D P For: Business Analysts Group Page 2 of 4
Round-about Solution:
After trying out various combinations continuously for around 6 hours of struggle (I guess it was from 09:00PM
to 3:00AM) I could figure-out an alternate solution that worked. So documented and sharing it here now (was
incomplete for all these days).

Procedure to Change Font Size:

a. Create a dummy page in Axure, pull the Text Panel wizard to the form
b. Type some text and change the font as Calibri and font-size as 10, as shown below:

c. Now click on the Format Painter as shown above with the red-arrow, you see the screen as below:

Axure Pro Important Tips and Tricks

Prepared By: Krishnakanth D P For: Business Analysts Group Page 3 of 4
d. Just uncheck everything except for [Base Style, Font, Font Size and Font Color] as shown above and make
sure the font-name and font-size are as you wanted it to be
e. Click on the Copy button (Note: on clicking all the checkboxes will get checked automatically never mind)
f. Now, open any section from your Page Notes section and highlight the text as shown below:

Note: Observe the font-name and font-size above
g. Click on the Apply button; you can see your font is updated as shown below:
Axure Pro Important Tips and Tricks

Prepared By: Krishnakanth D P For: Business Analysts Group Page 4 of 4

h. The font size will still appear disabled, but who cares.
i. Keep the Format Painter open and repeat the above steps for all the page notes sections just highlight the
text, click the Apply button.

Best Practice: When you start creating wireframes in Axure for the first time, use the above technique so that
when you proceed with copy-paste or duplicating the same page, the font remains same across the spec.

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