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WHEREAS, Article n, Section 9 of the 1987 Constitution provides that the State shall
promote a just and dyn3mic social order that will eD81n"e the prosperity and independence of the
nation and .fi-ee the people fi-om poverty tlu-ough policies that provide adequate social services,
prQmote full employment, arising standard of living, and an iIi1Pfoved quality of life for all~
WHEREAS, Section n of Republic Act No. 8435, otherwise known as the Agriculture and
Fisheries Modernization Act of 1997, declares that the State shall enable those who belong to the
agriculture and fisheries sectors to participate and share in the :fi11its of development and growth,
and that the State shall eDSm-e the availability, adequacy, accessibility and affordability of food
supplies to all at all times;
WHEREAS, by virtue of Republic Act No. 7160, otherwise known as the Local
Govermnent Code of 1991, the local government tmits (LGUs) agree to perform their roles and
responsibilities, in coordination with all National Oovermnent Agencies (N0As) concerned and the
private sector, as the principal stewards of the Agriculture and Fisheries Modernization Programs
within their respective jmisdiction in achieving the national targets necessary to attain food security
for the country, especially for the poor;
WHEREAS, in the p1n"SUit of the mandates provided by the Constitution and existing laws,
the national and local governments have committed to ensm-e the Qftuinrnent of sustainable food
security and the alleviation of poverty and the shaping of a safe, healthy and environmentally Bound
WHEREAS, a Food SeclDity Covenant '99 has been adopted unanimously by the
particip8IdB to the Oovernon;' Workshop on Food Secw-ity held fi-om Jam1ary 10-12, 1999
recommending to the President the creation of a goVenmlent body that will ad<h-ess self-fnIfficiency
in food proooction. ensure the improvement of the standard of living of fanners and fisherfolk
beyond the poverty tln-eshold, identifj adequate fimds in support of the Food Secw-ity Program. and
promote coordination mnong NOAa, LGUs and the private sector.
NOW, THEREFORE, ~ .JOSEPH E.JERCITO ESTRADA, Pre~ident of the Republic of
the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by the Constitution and the laws, do hereby
order: 1-
PJEE Hologram' 3733
--SEc.:.. ). ~~i. --of .4eNatimal COlllJai'~ FOH Se~":' The: N~91ial:
Council on Food Sec1Dity, h~m referred to as NCFS, 18 hereby constituted ~o aCt as the overall
coordinating body in the fOrImJlationofpolicy guidelines and master plans and pro~, as well as
in the iInplementation of pfojectB thm ensure die attaimIiem of the national Vision, mission, 8081s,
objectives and targets ora workable and sustainable Food Se~ty Prograin.
SEC. 2. Composition oftlle NCFS. -The NCFS shall be composed of the following:
V ice -Chai nwin
Vice -Chai nnan
Vi c e- Chainnan
Member ~
(a) President of the Republic of the Philippines
(b) Secretary of Agriculture
(c) Secretary of the Interior and Local GoVenUIlent
(d) President, Le88Ue of Provinces of the Philippines
(e) Secretary of Agrarian Reform
(f) Secretary of Trade and Industry
(g) Secretary of Budget and Management
(h) Secretary of Science and Teclmology
(i) Secretary of Health
(j) Secretary ofFnvirooment and NatID-al Resotn"ces
(k) Secretary of Public Works and Highways
(I) Chainnan ofColmnission on Higher Emlcation
(m) Chairman ofNational IJrigation Amninistration
(n) Amninistrator, National Food Authority
(0) Amninistrator, Cooperative Development Authority
(P) Lead Convenor ofNational Anti-Poverty Colmnission
(q) Governor, Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
(r) President, League ofMtmicipalities of the Philippines
(s) President, League of Cities of the Philippines
(t) President, National Ligang mgaBarnngay
(u) Two (2) Representatives, Fanners Sector
(v) Two (2) Representatives, Fisheries Sector
(w)Two (2) Representatives, Business Sector
(x) Two (2) Representatives, Consumer Sector
The ChaiImen of the Senate and House Committees on Agriculture shall be invited 88 Ex-
officio memb~ of the NCFS. The Chairman of the NCFS may designate other additional members
88 he may deem necessary.
The President of the Philippines shall appoint the sectoral representatives upon the joint
reconunendation of the Secretm-y of Agricultm-e, Secretary of Interior and Local GoVenUllent,
Secretary of Trade and IndustIy, and the President of the League of Provinces of the Philippines
SEC. 3.
Duties and Fundions of the NCFS. -The NCFS shall perfonn the following
(a) To review all existing policies, plans, programs and projects of the govermneot related
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(b) To fonnulate and'recommend natio~ policies, plans, and programs on fOod security,
pmticularly, in the agriculture and fisheries sectors; \
(c)\. To design and adopt a comprehensive Nationa1 F~od Security Plan and PrOgraln, in
.consonance with die medimn and lo~-teml Agricultm-e and Fisheries Modernization
Plan as provided for in Republic Act No. 8435, after consultations with concerned
NGAs, LOUs, non-government organizations and local agriculture and fishery co1Dlcils;
(d) To generate and mobilize resoW"ces ftom domestic and foreign soW"ces for the
implementation of the National Food SecurityPro~ as we.il as rationalize the use and
the equitable distribution of 9Uch reSOW"ces to LGUs;
(e) To foI1D11late the guidelines for the development and implementation of City /Provincial
Food Security Action Plans in accordance with the National Food Secm-ity Program;
(f) To design and implement a reward system and the appropriate mechanism specifically
granting, on an 9nm.Jal basis, the incentive(s) for provinces adjudged as excellent or
outstanding implementers of their respective Food Secw-ity Action Plan;
(g) To ensure the conwct of regular monitoring, evaluation, and validation of the Programs;
(h) To call on any govenunent agency or in8tnDIIentality as it may deem necessaly in the
exercise of its timctions.
SEC. 4. Org~ation of the PrOYindaVCit] C~d/ on FoodSeCllrit]. -The NCFS
shall coordinate the org-smization in every province/ICC/HUC of a Council on Food Secmty herein
refen-ed to as Provincial/City CFS, to ensure the attSIi--m!!ent of the vision; mission; goals,
objectives, and targets of a workable and sustainable Food Security Action Plan.
SEC. 5. Composition of the PrmincialiCit} CFS. -The Provincial/City CFS sha11 be
composed of the following:
Secretariat Head
111111111111111111111111111111 ;t:' Member
PJEE Hologram' 3736 ~~~~!~~~~~
(a) Governor/City Mayor -
(b) Provincial/City Agricultlu-ist -
(c) Provincial/City Director, Dll..G -
(d ) Provincial/City Agrarian Reform Officer, DAR -
(e) Provincial/City M8IJ88er, NF A -
(f) Provincial/City Director, Dll -
(g) Provincial/City Director, DOST -
(h) Provincial/City Fnviromnent and NatIn-al Resow-ces
Officer -
(i) Provincial/City Officer, CDA -
0) Provincial/City M8IJ88er, PCA -
(k) President, League of Cities (Provincial Chapter) -
(I) President, League ofMtmicipaiities (Provincial Chapter)-
(m) President, Liga ng mga Barangay (Provincial/City Chapter) -
(n) Representative, State Colleges and Universities -
(0) Representative, F8mlenl Sector -
(p) Representative, Fisheriea Sector 111111111111111111111111111111,-
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(q) .Represei1fative~ :BuameaSectOr .-
(r) R~sentative, ConmJlner Sector
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.The ~sentatives of the sectors concerned shall be ~oiJted by the Prov~ia1
Governor/City Mayor upon the endorsement of&e Dlln aI1d DA -',
SEC. 6. DIlties and FKndions of the ProrindaVCit] CFS. -The Provincial/City CFS
shall perfonn the following fimctions:: ..".
(a) To oversee the successful implementation of the Provincial/City Food Security Action
Plan, in cloRe coordination with concerned NGAs or their respective field offices.
component LGUs) and NGOs/POs and private and business sector within their
(b) To review) follfiUlate) and reconnnend to the NCFS md:ionally significant and locally
relevant food security policies pw-suant to the goals and objectives of the National Food
Security Pro~
(c) To assist the Local Price Coordinating Council in the monitoring of prices of major food
coUDnodities such as rice) COfnco fi~ vegetables) and other food items) and in finding
ways for regulating the prices of prime coUDnodities in the locality within its
(d) To filcilitate access to production and marketing resources and opportunities for the food
industry sector tln-ougb the initiation of agreements with govermnent and private
financing institutions;
(e) To ensure the availability and access to production inputs. post-harvest filcilities)
mmkets for the local produce) appropriate teclmology) and teclmical assistance to
farmers and fisherfOlk;
(f) To ensure the availability of adequate and affordable food supply in the market by
promoting inter-LOU coordinatio~ market linkages and trading of basic coUDnodities;
(g) To monitor and evaluate the implementation of the Provincial/City Food Security Action
Plan on a semi-ammal basis;
(h) To prepare and submit semi-amnmJ reports of Program implementation to the NCFS
tln-ougb the National Secretariat; and '
(i) To perform other functions deemed necessary for the successful implementation of the
Food Security Program at the local level.
SEC. 7. PrmtndaJ/CitJ Food Stauit] Aaion Plan. -In accordance with the guidelines
promulgated by the NCFS, every province/lCC/HUC, through the Office of the Provincial
Governor/City Mayor must develop and implement a Provincial/City Food Security Action Plan
which incorporates the respective food security action plan inputB of the component cities and/or
LGUs within its jurisdiction, taking into account the actual needs and available resources of the
province/city in relation to food security and related progn11n8 and projects ofNGAs concerned in
their respective areas.
All Provincial/City Food Secmlty Action Pl8llB shall be submitted to the NCFS ttu-Ough the
National Secretariat on the date prescribed by the NCFS.
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..-SEC.' 8~ Fiilidilig .dA~iY.e Siq'l'tR-tfw the FoOdSei'llrit]. Pi'ograt.ofthe.
~orincUCltJ. -All Governors/City Mayan, through their respectiye Ssmrewmiaog
Panlalawigao/Panl1D18Od, shall provide specific b~tary Iq)propriation tmder the loc~
develo~ent plan of the province/citY, for their Provincial/City -Food S~C1rity Action PI~
including the setting up an agricultl.-al engineering tmit to complement the extension services for the
As a co1mterpart support &om the Nation8l Government, the Department of 4iculture and
all concerned NOAs sh811 allocate fundS intended for the Food Security Program in accordance with
the criteria and guidelines to be fonmllated by the NCFS.
SEC. 9. argan;zatimt 01 the NatimtaJ Sea-etariat mt Food SealritJ. -The National
Secretariat on Food Security, herein refelTed to as National SKrdaI1at, is hereby organized to
coordinate and implement such policies, implementing rules and regulations, as may be proIm1lgated
by the NCFS and its constituent Provincial/City CFS. The National Secretariat shall likewise
perform the following functions:
(a) To provide Sldrninistrative support and technical assistance to the NCFS and the
Provincial/City ~, in collaboration with the Department of Agricultm-e and other
NGAs concerned;
(b) To coordinate with all the agencies and organizations/sectors involved in the design of
the National Food Security Plan and its implementation;
(c) To develop and implement an advocacy campaign strategy for the Program;
(d) To validate and review the LGU Action Plans on Food Secmity;
(e) To monitor and evaluate Program implementation in coordination with DJLG/DA
Regional Offices;
(f) To assist the NCFS in the implementation of the reward/incentive system;
(g) To perform other fimctions that may be assigned by the NCFS.
The Secretariat shall be attached to DILG. An Executive Director who is appointed by the
President shall head the Secretariat The Executive Director shall be assisted by two (2) Deputy
Executive Directors and an ~jnistrative staff The Depar1ment of Agriculture. DILG. and LPP
shall provide the teclmical staff complement for the National Secretariat
To supplement its manpower reBO1D"CeS, each DILG Regional Office shall serve as
extension office of the Secretariat in the region. It shall assist the National Secretariat in the
exercise of its functions at the local level, in coordination with DA Regional Office. It shall
coordinate with D~ Provincial/City Office which shall act as the secretariat of the Local CFS for
the effective discharge of its functions.
SEC. 10. Funding for the National Sea'aariat. -For the cmTent year, 1999, the
Department of Agriculnu-e shall provide fimds for the operations of the National secretariat in the
mnouot of P20 Million to be taken from the 1. a AgrikuJturang M akamasa PrograIrJ of the
Department of Agricultm"e. Thereafter, the Secretmiat shall have its own budget incorporated in the
yearly appropriation for Dll.G. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!IIIIII! j!~~~~~~~1_1 I
PJEE Hologram 13738 ..
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SEC. 11. Inter-agmq Coortination. -All concerned deparUnents and ~eir ~hed
agencies, J..GUs, goverJmlent-oWned-and-controlled corporations (GOCCs), and other
instnDnentaliti es of. the govermnent are hereby directed to cooperate and give ,their full support tothe.
NCFS and the Provincial/City CFS to ensure the effective performance of their fimCtions.
SEC. 12. AdminLvatiYI and Impllmmtlng Gllldelinu. -The NCFS shall adopt
~inistrative and implementing guidelines as may be necessary to implement this Executive Order.
El/ediYit}. -This Order shall take effect illBnediately.
DONE in the City ofMmlila, this ~ th day of. Maroh 1999.
By the President:
MAR 2 6 1999 '/I{
PJEE Hologram # 3739 ~
Executive Secretary

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