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tWu Kaywo-ta Adtdtrayy o'f owr Swporl.,o-r Gowetwl,
Mww{.,l,,w, foUrwwry
B, 2013
Being here with you is a grace
or me:
of all because I am happy to
particip ate ... in thi s 2nd Assumption T ogether Congr ess of the
Philippines-Thailand Province, and secondly, because this is a kind of
me as I begin my mandate.
Rooted in the very heart of God,
communion is a missionfor us.
Our conviction thatwe cannot
imagine the work of
transformation in the world
alone encourages us to come
together and to make our
communities places of
communion. There, we can
experience the power of our
common search and the
possibility of coming to a more
human quality of life.
As o proverb soys:
is the
trail of brotherhood or sisterhood"...this
proverb recalls the necessity to go the distance,
to take up the route, not as a one way street
nor only once, but mony times... we need lots of
steps...we need eoch other and we need the
multiplicity of our gifts...to
ourselves more
and more a real
with a unified vision.
It might seem
strange to speak of
relationships, but
we know very well
thatmany signals
are indicating a
great lack of true
relationships in our
socieiies... an
apprenticeship in
building makes us
get out of our little
Communion is a desire hidden in the
heart of every human being. This
desire marks our way of understanding
our world, with its
and sufferings,
its opportunities and its questions. lt
also marks our woy of envisioning
When the Lord calls us to
others, it is to open
us to something greoter than ourselves and to
live service, by giving oneself . .. ln calling us to
become part of AssumptionTogether, the Lord is
inviting us to have a particular experience with
him and to share itwith others.
We cannot live our
in isolation... .This task of communion is
incumbent on the whole Church. lt is our duty.
The document " Assumption
Together" encourdges us to
em phosi ze " r ef I e cti ng togethe r,"
deepening together," laypeople and
sisters, in a double movement of
and receiving." lt is through
this " doing together" that we can
co n cr etely exp eri ence thi s Af r i can
notion of "Ubuntu: I om what I am
thanks to whatwe dre all together"
By choosing to deepen communion, you have shown your attachment to what
Saint Marie Eugenie held close to her heart. She was d woman of action
because she was a womdn of
but above oll she was a woman of
communion, a woman of the heart. That is the secret of her path to holiness...
let us
in her wake with great confidence!

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