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- Help > Documentation menu: open the hypertext help,

- Help > Search online docs with Google menu: search
www. sat image-sof t ware. com with google,
- Contextual menu (ctrl click or right click) on text selection:
show help entries relative to the selected word,
- !"E when selection is a command name: autocomplete
command parameters,
- !"F when selection is a command name: find definition in
dictionnaries and script libraries.
"O Open file
"Q Quit Smile
"W Close window
"S !"S Save / Save as...
"P Print (except for dialogs)
"< or "> Cycle through windows
!"B Send window to back
!"W Close without saving
Title bar buttons:
Red Close
Yellow Minimize
Green Zoom
Right button Show / Hide toolbar
Dialog windows
"Y Toggle between Edit mode / User mode
- In Edit mode, a Dialogs menu shows in the menu bar. The
following shortcuts are available:
"A Select all elements
"Z Cancel
"C "X "V Cut / Copy / Paste
"# Clear
"D Duplicate selection / window
Mouse actions (in Edit mode):
click Select elements or move selection
! click Add to selection
ctrl click Contextual menu, depends on selection (align and
resize on multiple selection)
Smile's keyboard shortcuts
Text windows
$ Run the current line (or selection)
"N Open a new text window
"Z !"Z Undo / Redo
"A Select all
"C "X "V Cut / Copy / Paste
"D Duplicate
"E Enter selection as text to search
"F "G Find / Find again
!"F Find definition (of text selection)
!"E Balance (close parentheses, etc.)
"%L Output to console / to current window
"%C Clear console
"" Make an AppleScript string
"K Compare texts in two windows
"L Go to line...
"[ "] Shift left / right
!"C !"V Copy / Paste style
!"T Count text
"- "= Smaller / Larger text size
"T Plain text style
"B "I "U Text style: bold / italic / underline
!"H !"X Dcimal>Hexa / Hexa>Dcimal
!"J !"G String>Hexa / Hexa>String
Toolbar buttons:
Handlers Show AppleScript handlers defined in window
Drop icon from Finder:
drop Insert file path as alias
!drop Insert file path as UNIX path
"drop Insert contents of the file (when possible)
Mouse actions:
click Select text or move selection
ctrl click Contextual menu (Help, Find)
double-click Select current word
triple-click Select current paragraph
Graphic windows
"Y Toggle between Edit mode / User mode
- In User mode, the following shortcuts are available:
click Show mouse coordinates in the window's
message bar.
ctrl click Contextual menu (Settings, Help)
" click Zoom in view, or rotate in 3D view
" Double-click Zoom back in view (except 3D view)
- In Edit mode, frames of graphical objects show. The following
shortcuts are available:
click Move graphical objects, or resize them (when
selecting right bottom corner of the frame)
# click Move as a block all the graphical objects
Script windows
Shortcuts for text windows apply to script windows. The following
shortcuts are available:
!"N New script window
$ Check script syntax
"R Run script
Unicode windows
Shortcuts for text windows apply to Unicode windows. The following
shortcuts are available:
$ Check XML syntax
"$ Check validity of XML with respect to its DTD
Toolbar buttons:
UTF-8 / Unicode / Text File format for saving
&=CR/LF Select the character inserted by the $ key
(CR=carriage return, LF=line feed)
Others Depending on file extension, provide access to
XML nodes
Mouse actions:
click Select text or move selection
double-click Select the current word
triple-click Select the current line
quadruple-clickSelect the current paragraph

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