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TheAntiTerrorist & Velluminous Press would like to take this opportunity to point out that in these

litigious times it's easy to lose sight of the fact that we—as a community of kindred souls—once
valued common sense. So cast back in your memory to that long-forgotten concept and embrace the
fact that the TheAntiTerrorist & Velluminous Press stand above all for freedom and personal
responsibility. Simply stated, how you apply this information in your own life has nothing to do with
us. These transcripts are for education and entertainment purposes only.

TheAntiTerrorist on the Freeman/Strawman/Man

Broadcast on 28 February 2008

Hello friends, I am TheAntiTerrorist. Thank you once again for all your messages of support,
your emails and your questions. I’m sure you’ll agree there’s a lot going on right now that
none of us are very happy about, and I’m sure you’ll all know having watched my videos
and others possibly that you are an employee of a corporation. The United States is a
corporation. The United Kingdom is a corporation. All governments are corporations and by
virtue of your social security number you are an employee of that corporation. By signing
your social security form, you gave the corporations permission to act upon you in the way
that they do.

So when you’re talking about your constitution you’re talking about a contract between
corporations and it has nothing to do with your freedom, it has nothing to do with your
rights, your liberties or any of those things. The constitution is not going to help you when it
comes to becoming sovereign or becoming a free human being.

Let’s look at the person and rediscover what it is and what it actually means to be a person.

The man who speaks most eloquently about that in my opinion is a chap called Robert
Menard. If you haven’t already seen Bursting Bubbles of Government Deception, I would highly
recommend that you watch it.

[RM on fire]

So having shown you that little clip now, I’m wondering how many of you—some of the
sharper tools in the box—will realise that only persons will be going to the FEMA camps.
Only persons go to prison for commercial crimes.

Now those of you who are focussed on lizards taking over the planet, they’re not interested
in your person at all, they’re definitely after you.

They’re gonna get you, and there’s nothing I can do about that.

Now in certain circles, your person is also referred to as a strawman or a vassal. In this
broadcast I’m going to give you some remedy with regards to this situation—or at least I am
going to point you toward a remedy—I am certainly not going to be responsible [culpable]
for any action that you take, but I will hopefully inspire you to look for yourself.

So we have three remedies in this particular broadcast. We have what’s called the Freeman
route, then we have what’s called the ‘Capturing the Strawman’ route and the third I will
talk about a little later.

All of these options are not without risk—the Freeman route in particular is an arduous one.
It basically involves relinquishing yourself of your strawman or your person entirely. It
entails writing to the government, acknowledging the fact that you know the difference
between the two and you are not a person. It means that you have to hand over your national
insurance number and stop using it. It may well mean that you have to give up your job,
because I am pretty certain your employer will not carry on employing you without that
national insurance number. After all, he has no way of paying your taxes. Now that’s a
whole other subject entirely. Essentially it means that you can no longer carry on claiming
the benefits. Those of you who are on the dole, for instance, receiving social security benefits,
those are going to disappear when you give up your person, It means you’re going to have to
stand on your own two feet. It means you have to find a way of making money that doesn’t
involve your person and that is perfectly viable and it’s done all the time in places like
Canada now where the Freeman Movement is moving at a very fast pace and its numbers
are increasing exponentially. You would be operating entirely in the private, you would be
operating as a private contract for hire. It would be a huge life change and an incredible
undertaking, but, what is the price of freedom?

My question to you is this—and you need to think about it very carefully—how free are you,

Are you only as free as your constitution says you are? Are you only as free as some piece of
paper says you are? Are you only as free as the government tells you you are? Or the
policeman, perhaps? Or your neighbour?

Freedom is an idea. It’s an attitude, it’s a paradigm. It is something that you be.

Of course, anyone can force you to do anything at the barrel of a gun, but unless you know
what real freedom is and you understand the idea, you understand the paradigm, you have
a sense of it, and you can feel it in your bones, then you’re always going to behave like a
slave and you’re going to be treated like a slave. You have to change your mental perspective
about the word freedom. To most it is just a word that is spoken, frivolously. You have the
right to be free—man, woman or child

You are born free and then we give it all away for benefits (from) corporations who abuse
their power left, right and centre.

You need to understand that the law of the land—the common law that each country is
based (on) in substance—the common law applies to you, the flesh and blood human being,
and having a good understanding how the common law works and how the law of the land
works will give you access to the freedom you need (from the maritime admiralty

So taking the Freeman route requires claiming your rights. You see, you have rights. If you
believe in God, you have God-given rights. Even if you don’t believe in God you have

As I expressed in my previous videos, you can only have the rights that you know how to
claim. If you don’t know what rights you have, then you don’t have any rights. Period.

So Robert Menard has created what he calls a notice of understanding and intent, and a
claim of right, in which he would lay out the terms and conditions of his occupancy of this
planet. He sends it to the powers that be, and if they do not rebut it within a certain amount
of time, it becomes law. It’s as simple as that.

If you want to see how a document like that would look, then you should go to thinkfree.ca
and join the forums there. It doesn’t cost you anything, in fact it could be a life-changing
experience. There are many people there who understand these concepts very well who have
created their own notices of understanding and intent and you can get a sense of how to
write your own. You will also get an idea of who to send that document to, and how to
formulate it in such a way that it cannot be rebutted.

The Freeman route is probably the easiest to implement—to execute—because all it entails is
writing a letter and stating your claim—claiming your rights. After that, it’s a whole other

It does mean that you have embrace a particular level of responsibility. You’re not operating
in the limited liability fiction world that is commerce. You are taking full responsibility for
your actions, acting with full liability whenever you have an accident or a crash because,
after all, only a person can have limited liability insurance from an insurance corporation.
And there’s a solution to that, too. Which brings me to the second option, and that is
Capturing Your Strawman. Now what does that mean exactly?

Essentially it means using your person as a shield against the government, as opposed to the
government using it as a handle to get hold of you.

Now as you’ve seen with YouTube and other forums where the topic of discussion is the
NWO, there is a lot of disinformation out there, there are a lot of disinformation agents who
will put out the antithesis of certain theories just to put people into a state of confusion. And
the same goes for the world of redemption, or Capturing the Strawman.

There are a lot of people out there in the government who don’t want you to know these
facts about your birth certificate and the fact they are used as bonds and so on and so forth.
And you’re going to have to sort the wheat from the chaff in terms of dealing with this

I am only going to paint in broad brushstrokes here because this is not my information to
give you, and I would hate to think you would act upon any information I would give you
without exploring the source of the information first, and you might have to pay a little
money to do that, because of course this information has cost certain people a lot. There are
certain personalities within the redemption movement like Roger Elvick or Winston Shrout
or Jack Smith who have spent certain amounts of time in prison because they have taken the
time to explore certain avenues and they’ve failed, gone to prison, come back out and tried
another avenue. Over time they’ve found there are certain things that work and things that
don’t work and they’ve paid the price to learn those lessons.

As you’re looking into this redemption process you’ll find a lot of disinformation about these
(characters) men, and more often than not, these men will be made out to be criminals. They
went to prison because they tried this stuff—you see it doesn’t work, it’s all nonsense, it’s a
big scam, so don’t you try it because that’s where you’ll end up, too...

And so what I recommend is you go to certain sites and decide for yourself whether it’s
worth spending the money to find out this information. You might find some of the videos
on googlevideo. I will put a few links up here so that you can have a good look and decide
for yourself. But essentially it is going t take a lot of time and a lot of study to implement this
second option. You do not want to go into this with a frivolous attitude unless you want to
share a 6x6’ cell with Big Jake, who likes to play mummies and daddies.

So, you’re registered and a foreign situs trust is created and your birth certificate bond is
floated on the market, and it starts to accumulate money and that money goes into this
foreign situs trust. Once you reach the age of 14, 15, 16, whatever country you’re in, you will
sign a national insurance or social insurance contract, and in doing that you are handing
over your rights to the government to access that trust. The foreign situs trust is subrogated
and a new trust is created called a cesti que trust, and that is the trust the governments
accesses in order to fund wars and all of their other nefarious activities.

Now I am pretty sure that the average joe in the government knows nothing about these
trusts. But I’m pretty damn sure that the secretary of treasury knows all about them. So if
you want to ask someone some questions, he’s the one to write to. You might have to try a
little waterboarding to get the answers out of him.

We are going to take control of that trust because you are the only contributing beneficiary, in
other words, you are the only person who puts anything into that account of any substance.
Of course, when you are on the dole or you are claiming unemployment benefit, that is
where the money comes from, from this account.
Now one man I suggest you look at is a man called Winston Shrout, and he has a website
called Solutions in Commerce dot com. I’ve found his information to be very accessible and
very clear and articulate.

There is also another chap I recommend you listen to and he is Sam Kennedy, and I believe
he broadcasts on the Republican Radio Network or the We The People Radio Network. Both
of these gentlemen add the caveat to their material that it is for entertainment and
educational purposes only, for obvious reasons.

Only solicitors and lawyers are licensed by the bar to give legal advice, and they are neither,
they are just men who have discovered weak bars in the cage and they are teaching us to
bend them in order to achieve the freedom we desire.

Now if you haven’t figured it out just yet, I’m not a lawyer either. I’m not giving you legal
advice, so going to the government and telling them, “TheAntiTerrorist told me to say this,“
is only going to land you in the 6x6’ cell with Big Jake playing mummy, probably.

To make the redemption process work for you, you would need to require a basic working
knowledge of Uniform Commercial Code and create a contract between yourself and your
strawman—a security agreement, if you like. It also involves creating a bond using your
birth certificate and using the Accepted for Value process

Then you would create a private indemnity bond based on that birth certificate bond, and it
goes on from there.

It would be foolhardy of me to say much more than that at this point, but do not be put off
that we are talking about Uniform Commercial Code or financing statements, the
information is presented in a very accessible way and it is easy enough to get a grasp of once
you tune in to the subject matter.

Now if you want to do some homework, if you are living in the UK, you could look for the
British equivalent of the UCC-1 financing statement or perhaps the equivalent of the 1099
OID form they have in the States and that will lead you to further discoveries and hopefully
you’ll keep in touch with me as you make them.

I’m always open to conversations on this subject, but please don’t ask me questions about
how to go about this process. As I’ve said, I am not in the position to give that information to

Now the Freeman route and the Redemption route are not mutually exclusive—they can be
combined into a very powerful tool. Dr Sam Kennedy, for instance, operates as a sovereign,
but then comes into and plays around with commerce when he wants to. Once you get a
good understanding of both methods you can see how they could click into place and fit
together quite nicely, effectively allowing you to check in and out of the system at will, a
little like Neo in The Matrix.

And that brings me to the third remedy, and it’s one that very few people are considering,
but I believe it’s going to be the only solution possible for our survival in future. The solution
by someone called Arthur Christian. His website is called www.loveforlife.au .

What he proposes is we start creating new communities and just checking out of the system
altogether, what he terms as ‘community immunity’ would be to me what is a very plausible
and tangible solution to the corporate control we are all suffering under.

You can get a good idea of what he is trying to instigate by going to his site and reading
some of his documents. By his own admission, he is not a man of few words and there is a
lot of repetition in some of his documents, but I think it’s important that you read them and
get a sense of what he is trying to achieve, because in my humble opinion it is exactly what
we need to do; we need to break away from the system and start over. How does that grab

A fresh start. None of this police state nonsense. None of this corrupt government nonsense.
It sounds pretty good to me. If I were you I’d go have a look at the site and form your own

Is it madness? Is it really? Surely it’s got to be better than what we’re living through right
now. Leaders chosen without your consent. Being forced into massive unions by stealth
politics. Governments spending money that’s not theirs. Governments using your sweat
equity to fund wars...

We really do need a fresh start.

What I like about this solution is that it’s based in fact, it’s based in substance. The previous
two solutions are all very well, but you’re dealing in the world of fiction. Even with the
Freeman route you’re having to write letters to a legal fiction every time you want to claim a
right. Every time you have an infraction with the system, every time the copper pulls you
over, you’re going to have to write a letter to some fictional entity to complain about what
the policeman has done to you.

When you Capture your Strawman you’re going to have to fill in a UCC-1 financing
statement, you’re going to have to write out bonds, you’re going to have to send in your
receipts via the 1099 OID form to claim your money back... it’s all fiction. It’s all nonsense.
None of it exists in reality.

All that is real is people interacting with each other, contracting with each other, without the state
getting involved at every turn, licensing everything we do.

When you’re dealing in fiction you’re taking a risk because they know more about the fiction
than you do. They created the language, they created the law, and they know the rules, and
they speak with forked tongues so that you can’t understand what they’re talking about in
the courtrooms. They hold all the aces, and you’re playing with two’s and three’s and you’re
having to bluff your way through the whole card game, surviving day-to-day, living hand to
mouth...is that really freedom? Is that really what you want?

If I were you I would explore this site and think about the possibility of doing something like
that in this country, or where you are.

I’m just throwing stuff at the wall to see what sticks.

9 February 2009
© MMIX TheAntiTerrorist & Velluminous Press

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