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1.1 Background
Traumatic injuries to the teeth and supporting structures are commonly seen in the
injured patient. These injuries can be isolated, as can occur in childhood falls, or can be in
associated with multisystem injuries, as seen in automobile accident victims. Dentoalveolar
trauma ordinarily occurs from falls, playground accidents, bicycle accidents, motor vehicle
accidents, and athletic injuries. Injuries to the dentoalveolar structures can result from direct
trauma to the teeth or from indirect trauma.

Direct trauma usually causes injury to the maxillary central incisors because of their
relatively exposed position.

Protruding incisors with incompetent lip cover age, as seen
iduviduals with Class II Division I type of malocclusions or as a result of oral habits such as
thumb sucking, are predisporing factors to maxillary incisor trauma.
Indirect trauma to
the teeth and supporting structures usually results from a blow to the chin, and if the teeth are
out of occlusion or not protected by a mounthguard, they are forced into occlusion, resulting
in damage to the posterior teeth or anterior soft tissues.

Injuries to the dentoalveolar structures increase in frequency substantially as a toddler
begins to attempt to walk and run, around 1 year of age. The incidence of injury to the
dentoalveolar structure in school-age children has been reported to be approximately 5%,
usually resulting from falls on playgrounds and from bicycle accidents. Lacerations to the
chin and vermilion border of the lip, as well as crown fractures, are commonly seen in this
age grup. Mukosa and ginggiva lacerations and mobile incisors are seen in oral injuries as a
result of child abuse.


A 10 year old boy came to the clinic of Denstistry, University of Baiturrahmah
Padang on March 9, 2014 accompanied with his mother. The patient came with complaints of
injury found in the labial mukosa of upper lip and crown fracture of the anterior teeth. The
examination showed that the patient falls from bicycle and feels pain in his lip.
In intraoral examination on his labial mukosa of upper lip appeared red colour, and
irregular margin. It is also known the anterior teeth crown-root fracture. In ekstraoral
examination, facial asymmetry was not found, and his right and right and left submandibular
lymph nodes was palpable, soft, and painless.

1.2 Formulation of the Problem
1. What the mean traumatic injuries ?
2. What the causes traumatic injuries of the case ?
3. What the diagnosic of the case ?
4. What the treatment of the case ?
5. How the prognosis of the case ?
6. How way the prevention of the traumatic injuries happen ?

1.3 The Benefits of Writing
The purpose of this writing is to learn mean, causes, diagnosis, treatment, prognosis
of the case, and way the prevention of the traumatic injuries happen.

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