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Machinery & Machining Tools -> Gri ndi ng Machi nes -> Gri nder Fl ui ds & Chemi cal s
Grinder Fluids & Chemicals

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Cutting Fluid excels in difficult machining applications.
QualiChem Inc. Sal em, VA 24153
Jan 14, 2014 Formul ated for worki ng wi th di ffi cul t al l oys, such as ti tani um, Inconel , and stai nl ess steel ,
XTREME CUT 292 el i mi nates foami ng, stai ni ng, and resi dues. Lubri cati on technol ogy hel ps i mprove cycl e
ti mes and tool l i fe, drag-out rates reduce cool ant usage, and sump l i fe promotes producti vi ty. Oi l -based
emul si on cutti ng fl ui d i s formul ated wi th safe metal worki ng chemi stri es that mi ni mi ze toxi ci ty profi l e.
Cutting/Grinding Fluid targets aerospace manufacturing.
Fuchs Lubricants Co. Harvey, IL 60426
Mar 06, 2013 Intended for use by aerospace manufacturi ng i ndustry, ECOCOOL 7830 B water-mi sci bl e
cutti ng and gri ndi ng fl ui d i s stabl e i n hard water and l ow foami ng i n soft water wi thout use of si l i cone
defoamers. Fl ui d i s desi gned for hi gh-speed machi ni ng of aerospace al umi num and ti tani um al l oys as wel l as
ferrous materi al s. Thi s product i s formul ated wi th bi o-resi stance for extended servi ce l i fe, l ubri ci ty to protect tool s
agai nst wear, and detergency for machi ne and part cl eanl i ness.
Low Foaming Cutting Fluid boosts surface finish.
Walter USA, Inc. Waukesha, WI 53188
Aug 03, 2012 Desi gned to exceed stri ngent cool ant cri teri a i n metal worki ng, Val Cool (TM)
VPLFC Cutti ng Fl ui d provi des foam control properti es, sui ted for hi gh pressure systems rated
1,000 psi and up. Heavy-duty, non-chl ori nated, semi -syntheti c formul a opti mi zes tool l i fe
and surface fi ni sh, and hel ps boost overal l system cl eanl i ness, rej ecti ng tramp oi l s and
mai ntai ni ng stabl e pH l evel s. Product i s avai l abl e i n 5 gal pai l s to 55 gal drums.
Water-Soluble Oil Coolant resists microbials.
Rust-Lick, Inc. Gl envi ew, IL 60025
Feb 24, 2011 Hard water-stabl e and resi stant to bacteri al and fungus, ULTRACUT Pro i s effecti ve
i n l i ght, moderate, and heavy-duty appl i cati ons, i ncl udi ng machi ni ng, cutti ng, gri ndi ng, mi l l i ng,
broachi ng, threadi ng, and turni ng. Ti ght emul si on ensures consi stent l ubri cati on and cool i ng for
opti mi zed tool l i fe and surface fi ni sh. Avai l abl e i n 5 or 55 gal l on contai ners, ULTRACUT Pro
contai ns no boron, phenol , ni tri tes, tri azi nes, sul fur, copper, or SARA 313 reportabl e chemi stry.
Hybrid Metalworking Fluid offers microbial control.
CIMCOOL Ci nci nnati , OH Oh. 45209
Aug 04, 2010 Desi gned for moderate to heavy-duty operati ons, CIMTECH 609 i s
sui tabl e for use wi th most al umi num al l oys, ti tani um, exoti c al l oys, cast i ron, carbon
steel s, hi gh-speed steel , hi gh al l oy steel s, and stai nl ess steel s. Product offers drawabi l i ty
and bi ol ogi cal protecti on for use i n reci rcul ati ng systems. Wi th no smoke and mi ni mal
resi due, l ow-mi sti ng fl ui d l eaves no sl i ppery fi l m on parts, machi nery, or fl oor. Corrosi on i nhi bi tors al l ow use on
both ferrous and non-ferrous appl i cati ons.
Metal Cutting Oil performs in demanding applications.
Blaster Chemical Co. Val l ey Vi ew, OH 44125
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May 10, 2010 Contai ni ng sul fur, chl ori ne, wetti ng, and anti -wel d agents, l i ght-col ored Cut 'N Cool i s sui ted for
stai nl ess steel , carbon steel , ai rcraft steel , cast i ron, al umi num, and other hard al l oys. Product's petrol eum base
hel ps prevent rust on machi nery, tool i ng, and materi al s. Formul ated to meet stri ngent envi ronmental
regul ati ons, Cut 'N Cool comes i n recycl abl e aerosol package.
Water Soluble Metal Cutting Oil has no harmful additives.
LENOX East Longmeadow, MA 01028
Feb 24, 2010 Formul ated wi th Extreme Pressure addi ti ve, CYCLE HD i s sui ted for moderate to
heavy-duty machi ni ng of ferrous and non-ferrous metal s. Product resi sts bacteri a, extendi ng
sump l i fe and provi di ng odor control . Fl ui d i s prepared wi th smal l oi l dropl ets that prevent
separati on of oi l from water, whi ch l eads to stabl e emul si on. Low foami ng and l ow mi sti ng,
CYCLE HD offers opti mal performance i n sawi ng, dri l l i ng, mi l l i ng, tappi ng, and turni ng appl i cati ons.
Cutting Fluids come in concentrated form.
Doall Sawing Products Des Pl ai nes, IL 60016
Feb 01, 2010 Provi di ng tramp oi l rej ecti on and control of bacteri a and mol d, semi -syntheti c Kool -ALL Ul tra
extends sump l i fe. Power-Cut Ul tra sol ubl e oi l has emul si fi ers that mi x wi th water and can handl e al l oy steel s
such as 300 seri es stai nl ess steel . Featuri ng l ow foami ng tendency, Syntheti c Kl een-Kool Ul tra opti mi zes fi nes
rel ease and hard water tol erance, mi ni mi zi ng gri ndi ng swarf and mai ntai ni ng uncl ogged gri ndi ng wheel . Al l use
recycl abl e contai ners and l i ners that are tamper-resi stant.
Metal Removal Lubricants are low-foaming and bio-resistant.
Henkel Corporation Rocky Hi l l , CT 06067
Jul 30, 2009 Formul ated to generate mi ni mal foam and be used conti nuousl y for years wi th mi ni mal bi ol ogi cal
degradati on, Mul tan B 236(TM) and B 414(TM) are semi -syntheti c, water-sol ubl e sol uti ons for machi ni ng and
gri ndi ng ferrous and non-ferrous al l oys. Mul tan B 236, sui ted for most water condi ti ons and mul ti -metal
appl i cati ons, offers opti mal performance on cast i ron and steel . Wi th addi ti onal properti es, Mul tan B 414
contai ns more oi l and i s formul ated wi th addi ti onal extreme pressure addi ti ves.
Metal Cutting Fluids resist bacteria and foaming.
Henkel Corporation Rocky Hi l l , CT 06067
May 04, 2009 Sui ted for machi ni ng and gri ndi ng ferrous and non-ferrous al l oys, semi -syntheti c Mul tan B
236(TM) and B 414(TM) can be used conti nuousl y for years wi th mi ni mal bi ol ogi cal degradati on. Mul tan B
236(TM) i s i ntended for cast i ron and steel , whi ch requi re rapi d cool i ng, corrosi on protecti on, and moderate
l ubri cati on. Mul tan B 414(TM) i s si mi l ar but contai ns more oi l and addi ti onal extreme pressure addi ti ves
maki ng i t sui ted for al umi num, stai nl ess steel , ti tani um, i nconel , brass, or copper.
Metalworking Coolant has ultra low foaming formulation.
JTM Products, Inc. Sol on, OH 44139
Jan 15, 2009 Contai ni ng mi neral oi l and extreme pressure addi ti ves, semi -syntheti c Kool Ri te(TM)
2365 cool ant can be used wi th cast i ron, al l steel s, and non-ferrous metal s wi th excepti on of
magnesi um. It i s especi al l y sui ted for use on al umi num. In addi ti on to control l i ng foam from hi gh
pressure chi p removal systems, Kool Ri te 2365 wi l l not stai n non-ferrous metal s and i s formul ated
wi th JTM Bi oArmor(TM) Technol ogy, maki ng i t resi stant to bacteri al and fungal growth, yi el di ng l ong sump l i fe.
Cutting Fluid has low foaming/low mist properties.
Master Chemical Corp. Perrysburg, OH 43552
Oct 16, 2008 Effecti ve i n range of operati ons from surface and centerl ess gri ndi ng to broachi ng,
gear hobbi ng, surface, pocket, and thread mi l l i ng, TRIM E906 emul si on has bal ance of cool i ng
and l ubri cati on that extends tool l i fe and surface fi ni shes. Ti ght emul si on reduces carryoff and gets
fl ui d to poi nt of cut. E906 does not contai n phenol , i s removed wi th water, worki ng sol uti on, or
TRIM CLEAN aqueous cl eaners, and can be recycl ed or di sposed of wi th conventi onal techni ques and
equi pment.
Cutting Fluid utilizes renewable resources.
JTM Products, Inc. Sol on, OH 44139
Feb 01, 2008 Combi ni ng qual i ti es of syntheti cs wi th those of sol ubl e oi l s, Kool Ri te(TM) 2580
provi des l i ght oi l y resi dual fi l m that l ubri cates and protects machi ne components. Non-foami ng
cool ant hel ps prevent rust and wi l l not spl i t or separate. Formul ated wi th Bi o Armor(TM)
technol ogy, product i s resi stant to bacteri al and fungal growth. It i s sui ted for machi ni ng
hi gh-temperature and hi gh ni ckel al l oys, stai nl ess steel , ti tani um, al umi num, and exoti c metal s.
Metalworking Coolant is compatible with all aerospace alloys.
Master Chemical Corp. Perrysburg, OH 43552
Dec 07, 2007 Meeti ng stri ngent nucl ear and aerospace chemi cal content and machi ni ng
requi rements, TRIM C350 i s sui ted for machi ni ng and gri ndi ng of ai rcraft ai r frame and power
pl ant parts/components. Usi ng syntheti c ester technol ogy, syntheti c cool ant does not use
conventi onal sul fur or chl ori ne based EP addi ti ves. Product's pH neutral and l ess than 100 ppm
total chl ori de worki ng sol uti ons provi de corrosi on and stai n resi stance even on most sensi ti ve al l oys.
Fluid Metering Inc:
Valveless Metering
Pumps & Dispensers
Dean Pump - The
Leader in High
Temperature Industrial
Process Pumpss
Food-Grade Lubricant has environmentally safe formulation.
ITW Rocol North America Gl envi ew, IL 60025
Oct 31, 2007 Natural -/vegetabl e-based metal worki ng oi l , Accu-Lube FG-2000, i s sui ted for use i n food
and medi cal appl i cati ons requi ri ng machi ni ng, dri l l i ng, and tappi ng. It provi des l ubri ci ty to cutti ng
edge of any tool for sawi ng of sol i ds up to 6 i n. di a as wel l as tubi ng of any si ze. Consumed i n cutti ng
process, non-toxi c and bi odegradabl e product el i mi nates need for cl ean up, di sposal , and fl ood
cool ant. It i s safe for use on al l metal s and certi fi ed by NSF as safe for i nci dental food contact.
Neat Cutting and Grinding Fluids offer anti-wear properties.
Exxon Mobil Corp. Irvi ng, TX 75039 2298
Nov 16, 2006 Offered i n 3 di fferent vi scosi ty grades, Mobi l met 760 Fl ui ds are sui tabl e l ubri cants
for cutti ng stai nl ess steel , ti tani um, ni ckel al l oys, and tool steel . Anti -wear properti es hel p
mi ni mi ze unschedul ed mai ntenance and extend component servi ce l i fe. Compati bl e wi th Mobi l
hydraul i c, spi ndl e, and sl i deway oi l s, heavy-duty fl ui ds wi thstand ri gors of di ffi cul t appl i cati ons,
such as broachi ng, gear manufacturi ng, and tappi ng.
Grinding Fluids are able to run at low concentrations.
Blaser Swisslube Inc Goshen, NY 10924
Aug 14, 2006 Offered i n 2 versi ons, Gri ndex water mi sci bl e syntheti c gri ndi ng fl ui ds are sui ted for steel and i ron.
Mi neral oi l -free products provi de opti mal ri nsi ng and settl i ng behavi or requi red i n gri ndi ng operati ons. Whi l e
Gri ndex 10 i s consi dered common versi on, Gri ndex 10CO i s hi ghl y i nhi bi ted for carbi de gri ndi ng to prevent
cobal t l eachi ng. Both offer corrosi on protecti on and are engi neered to ensure good washi ng acti on and foam
protecti on.
Fluid suits magnesium machining.
Blaser Swisslube Inc Goshen, NY 10924
Jun 23, 2006 Faci l i tati ng part machi ni ng wi th mi ni mi zed waste, Bl asocut BC37MG sol ves i ssues of i nstabi l i ty,
separati ons, and short fl ui d l i fe normal l y associ ated wi th machi ni ng magnesi um. Mi neral oi l -based, chl ori ne-free
l i qui d tool i s al so sui ted for other ferrous and non-ferrous materi al s such as brass and/or bronze, as i t wi l l not form
i nsol ubl e l ead soaps.
Cutting Fluid's foaming action provides high visibility.
Tap Magic, A Div. Of The Steco Corporation Li ttl e Rock, AR 72202
Mar 30, 2005 Usabl e as stand-al one or booster fl ui d, Tap Magi c Xtra-Foamy i s sui ted for use on al l
metal s up to 45 Rockwel l hardness. Foamy consi stency provi des vi si bi l i ty so that users can gauge
appl i cati on rate and fl ui d presence. Offered i n 17 oz aerosol can, product contai ns EP-X3 propri etary
addi ti ve and el i mi nates metal hardeni ng duri ng cutti ng operati on. Si ngl e appl i cati on stays wi th tool and
workpi ece for cuts of l ong durati on.
Synthetic Cutting Fluid is formulated for hard metals.
Blaser Swisslube Inc Goshen, NY 10924
Mar 17, 2005 Mi neral oi l -free Synergy 15 cutti ng fl ui d i s sui tabl e for machi ni ng and
gri ndi ng hard metal s and copper al l oys when oi l free cool ant i s requi red. It can be used
wi th hard or soft water, provi des foam control , and achi eves l ong term sump l i fe wi thout
use of bacteri ci des.
(Showi ng headl i nes 1 - 20) more ....
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