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International J ournal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJ CTT) volume 5 number 2 Nov 2013

ISSN: 2231-2803 http://www.ijcttjournal.org Page63

Design And Implimentation Of Modified Sqrt Carry
Select Adder On FPGA
Ch. Pavan kumar
, V.Narayana Reddy,
, R.Sravanthi

#Dept. of ECE, PBR VIT, Kavali, A.P, India

Associate.Proffesor, Department of E.CE, VEC, Kavali, A.P, India

Abstract Carry Select Adder is one of the fastest adders used in
many data-processing processors to perform fast arithmetic
functions. Carry select adder(CSLA)is used to increase the speed of
a parallel adder that expands area in favour of speed.CSLA is used
in many computational systems to alleviate the problem of carry
propagation delay by independently generating multiple carriers
and then select a carry to generate the sum. The problem raised in
CSLA is not area efficient because it uses multiple pairs of Ripple
carry adders (RCA) to generate the partial sum and carry which are
selected by the multiplexer.
Square Root CSLA is constructed by
equalising the delay through two carry chains and the block
multiplexer signal from previous stage. This is an extension of
linear CSLA which improves the delay time greatly. By using SQRT
CSLA, the time can be improved, as the time waiting for carry bit is
used to calculate an extra input bit in each stage. The main
disadvantage in the SQRT CSLA is duplication of adders is done.

By this duplication the size of the adder is bigger and takes more
space than standard ripple adder. This disadvantage is overcome by
using Binary to Excess-1 convertor for RCA with cin=1 to optimise
the area and delay .This modified design will reduce area and
power as compared with regular SQRT CSLA with only a slight
increase in delay. Based on this modification 8, 16, 32, 64,128-b
SQRT CSLA architecture and simulation will be developed and
compare with regular SQRT CSLA
Key words- MIMO, Broadcast channels, and array signal
processing, feedback communication, co channel interference,
diversity methods.

Index TermsKeywords: CRC, lookup table, Fast update

In digital adders, the speed of addition is limited by the time
required to propagate a carry through the adder. The sum for
each bit position in an elementary adder is generated
sequentially only after the previous bit position has been
summed and a carry propagated into the next position. The
circuit architecture is simple and area-efficient. However,
the computation speed is slow because each full-adder can
only start operation till the previous carry-out signal is
ready. On the other hand, Carry Look-ahead Adders
(CSLAs) are the fastest adders, but they are the worst from
the area point of view. Carry Select Adders have been
considered as a compromise solution between RCAs and
CSLAs because they offer a good trade-off between the
compact area of RCAs and the short delay of CSLAs.
Reduced area and high speed data path logic systems are the
main areas of research in VLSI system design. High speed
addition and multiplication has always been a fundamental
requirement of high-performance processors and systems.
The sum for each bit position in an elementary adder is
generated sequentially only after the previous bit position
has been s ummed and a carry propagated into the next
position. There are many types of adder designs available
(Ripple Carry Adder, Carry Look Ahead Adder, Carry Save
Adder, Carry Skip Adder) which have its own advantages
and disadvantages. The major speed limitation in any adder
is in the production of carries and many authors considered
the addition problem. To solve the carry propagation delay
CSLA is developed which drastically reduces the area and
delay to a great extent.
However, the Regular CSLA is not area and speed efficient
because it uses multiple pairs of Ripple Carry Adders (RCA)
to generate partial sum and carry by considering carry input.
The final sum and carry are selected by the multiplexers
(mux). Due to the use of two independent RCA the area will
increase which leads an increase in delay. To overcome the
above problem, the basic idea of the proposed work is to use
n-bit binary to excess-1 code converters (BEC) to improve
the speed of addition. This logic can be replaced in RCA for
Cin=1 to further improves the speed and thus reduces the
delay. Using Binary to Excess -1 Converter (BEC) instead
of RCA in the regular CSLA will achieve lower area, delay
which speeds up the addition operation. The main advantage
of this BEC logic comes from the lesser number of logic
gates than the Full Adder (FA) structure because the number
of gates used will be decreased


Basic adder blocks
We elucidated how to calculate delay and area theoretically.
The AND, OR, and Inverter (AOI) implementation of an
XOR gate is shown in Fig. 1.

International J ournal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJ CTT) volume 5 number 2 Nov 2013

ISSN: 2231-2803 http://www.ijcttjournal.org Page64

Fig. 1. Delay and Area evaluation of an XOR gate

The gates as depicted in between the dotted lines are
performing the operations in parallel and the numeric
representation of each gate indicates the delay contributed
by that gate. Basic adder block considers all gates to be
made up of AND, OR, and Inverter, each having delay
equal to 1 unit and area equal to 1 unit. We then add up the
number of gates in the longest path of a logic block that
contributes to the maximum delay. The area evaluation is
done by counting the total number of AOI gates required for
each logic block. Based on this approach, the CSLA adder
blocks of 2:1 mux, Half Adder (HA), and FA are evaluated
and listed in Table I

Table 1: Delay and area evolution of CSLA
As discussed above the main idea of this work is to use BEC
instead of the RCA with Cin=1 in order to reduce the area
and power consumption of the regular CSLA. To replace the
n-bit RCA, an n + 1-bit BEC is required. A structure and the
function table of a 2-b BEC are shown in Fig. 5 and Table
II, respectively. Fig.2 illustrates how the basic function of
the CSLA is obtained by using the 4-bit BEC together with
the mux.

Fig .2 8 bit BEC with 16:8 mux

One input of the 16:8 mux gets as it input and another input
of the mux is the BEC output. This produces the two
possible partial results in parallel and the mux is used to
select either the BEC output or the direct inputs according to
the control signal Cin.
As (note the functional symbols ~ NOT, & AND, XOR).The
Boolean expression of 8 -bit BEC is X0 = ~B0
X1 = B0^B1
X2 = B2^ (B0 & B1)
X3 = B3^ (B0 & B1 & B2)
X4 = B4^ (B0 & B1 & B2 & B3)
X5 = B5^ (B0 & B1 & B2 & B3 & B4).
X6 = B6^ (B0 & B1 & B2 & B3 & B4 & B5).
X7 = B^ (B0 & B1 & B2 & B3 & B4 & B5 & B6).

B[5:0] X[5:0



Table 2: BEC functional table
Ripple Carry Adder:
The ripple carry adder is constructed by cascading full
adders (FA) blocks in series. One full adder is responsible
for the addition of two binary digits at any stage of the ripple
carry. The carryout of one stage is fed directly to the carry-
in of the next stage.4-Bit ripple carry adder.
A serious drawback of this adder is that the delay
increases linearly with the bit length.
Carry-Select Adder:
The basic idea of the carry-select adder is to use blocks of
two ripple-carry adders, one of which is fed with a constant
0 carry-in while the other is fed with a constant 1 carry-in.
Therefore, both blocks can calculate in parallel. When the
actual carry-in signal for the block arrives, multiplexers are
used to select the correct one of both pre - calculated partial
sums. Also, the resulting carry-out is selected and
propagated to the next carry-select block. The time taken to
compute the sum is then avoided which improves speed.


16-bit sqrt carry select adder

A carry-select adder is divided into sectors, each of which,
except for the least significant performs two additions in
parallel, one assuming a carry-in of zero, the other a carry-in
of one within the sector, there are two 4-bit ripples- carry
adders receiving the same data inputs but different Cin. The
upper adder has a carry-in of zero, the lower adder a carry-in
of one. The actual Cin from the preceding sector selects one
of the two adders. If the carry-in is zero, the sum and carry-
out of the upper adder are selected. If the carry-in is one, the
International J ournal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJ CTT) volume 5 number 2 Nov 2013

ISSN: 2231-2803 http://www.ijcttjournal.org Page65

sum and carry-out of the lower adder are selected. Logically,
the result is not different if a single ripple -carry adder were
used. The structure of regular 16-bit SQRT CSLA has five
groups of different size RCA as shown in figure 3.

Fig. 3. Regular 16-b SQRT CSLA



A carry-select adder achieves speeds 40% to 90% faster by
performing additions in parallel and reducing the maximum
carry path.


Fig. 4. Delay and area evaluation of regular SQRT CSLA:
(a) group2, (b) group3, (c) group4, and (d) group5. F is a
Full Adder.
The delay and area evaluation of each group are shown in
Fig. 4, in which the numerals within [] specify the delay
values, e.g., sum2 requires 10 gate delays.


Delay and area count of regular SQRT CSLA groups

Modified sqrt carry select adder:

Modified carry select adder is similar to regular 16-bit
SQRT CSLA. Only change is that in basic blocks having
two ripple-carry adders, one ripple carry adder fed with a
constant 1 carry-in is replaced by BEC.BEC has less number
of gates compared to RCA. Instead of another 2-b RCA with
cin=1 is replaced with a 3-b BEC is used which adds one
to the output from 2-b RCA.The output from the group is
selected by multiplexer.

International J ournal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJ CTT) volume 5 number 2 Nov 2013

ISSN: 2231-2803 http://www.ijcttjournal.org Page66

Fig.5. Modified 16-b SQRT CSLA. The parallel RCA with
Cin=1is replaced with BEC.

The structure of the proposed 16-b SQRT CSLA using BEC
for RCA with Cin=1 to optimize the area and power is
shown in Fig. 5. We again split the structure into five
groups. The delay and area estimation of each group are
shown in Fig.6. The steps leading to the evaluation are given
here.The modified SQRT carry select adder is also divided
into 5 groups.

The group 1 has only one 2-bit RCA, group-2 has one 2-b
RCA which has 1 FA (full adder) and 1HA (half adder) with
cin=1 a 3-b BEC is used which adds one to the output from
2-b RCA. Thus the sum3 and final c3 (output from mux) are
depending on s3 and partial c3 (input to mux) and mux
respectively. The sum2 depends on c1 and mux.



Fig. 6. Delay and area evaluation of modified SQRT CSLA:
(a) group2, (b) group3, (c) group4, and (d) group5. H is a
Half Adder.

Table IV delay and area count of modified SQRT CSLA


International J ournal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJ CTT) volume 5 number 2 Nov 2013

ISSN: 2231-2803 http://www.ijcttjournal.org Page67

Fig.7.16-bit ripple carry simulation timing diagram
The simulation of the ripple carry adder is shown in Fig 7.
As can be seen from the simulation output of ripple carry
adder, the addition operation was performed between FAC2
and ACDA with carry as 0.The sum resulted as A79C and
carry was generated as 1

Fig 8. Multiplexer Simulation Timing Diagram

The simulation of the multiplexer is shown in Fig 8. As can
be seen from the simulation output of multiplexer, the
multiplexing operation was performed between m1 and m2
which were given as 10 and 11 with selection signal s as 1
and output selected as 11

Fig 9:16-bit Carry select adder Simulation Timing Diagram

The simulation of the carry-select adder is shown in Fig 9.
As can be seen from the simulation output of carry-select
adder, the addition operation was performed between 5678
and a3b5. The sum resulted as fa2d and no carry was
generated and no carrier was generated .Then cc1, cc2, cc3
signals were used diagram. Based upon the signal cc1, the
carrier was selected from cc2 and cc3.Similarly based upon
the cc1, sum was selected from sum1 and sum2.

Fig 9: 16-bit regular SQRTCSLA Simulation Timing

The simulation of the regular SQRTCSLA is shown in Fig 9.
As can be seen from the simulation output of regular
SQRTCSLA, the addition operation was performed between
two 16-bit numbers with cin as 1 and given output as 16-bit
number without any carry generation. This model offers
more delay and more power consumption.

Fig 10: 16-bit modified SQRTCSLA Simulation Timing

The simulation of the modified SQRTCSLA is shown in Fig
10. As can be seen from the simulation output of modified
SQRTCSLA, the addition operation was performed between
two 16-bit numbers with cin as 1 and given output as 16-bit
number without any carry generation. This model offers less
delay and less power consumption.

Interchanging ripple carry adder with BEC in SQRT CSLA
was achieved. The SQRT CSLA was designed using BEC to
overcome the limitations of the ripple carry adder. The
comparison is made on the basis of delay between RCA and
BEC.This project presents an efficient implementation of
International J ournal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJ CTT) volume 5 number 2 Nov 2013

ISSN: 2231-2803 http://www.ijcttjournal.org Page68

SQRT CSLA using BEC's. We had compared the working
of the two SQRT CSLA by implementing each of them
separately using RCA and BEC's. So it is clear that BEC
performs better in the terms of delay as in this adder
technique it accomplishes the addition by adding small
portions of bits (each of equal size) then it selects the
correct outputs using multiplexer. The delay is reduced
from 17.281ns to 13.619ns (20%).

The SQRT CSLA using BEC's can be in many processing
processors in order to achieve fast performance. The Area
and Power can be reduced. We also conclude that this
addition technique can be implemented for larger higher
values of bits.


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Ch. Pavan kumar presently pursuing
M.Tech in Department of electronics and communications in
PBR VITS, Kavali, A.P, India AP, India

V.Narayana Reddy presently working
as a Associate Professor in Department of electronics and
communications in VEC, Kavali, A.P, India AP, India

Mrs. R.Sravanthi, M.tech, Assoc.Professor VEC kavali, A.P,

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