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. The needs of electrical energy were also increased.

Urani! contained inside large "antities of energy.
Nclear energy is non-renewa#le energy.
$-1 %E&'N'T'(N
Nclear energy is energy that is stored in the ncles or center of an ato!.
The ncles of an ato! is !ade of tiny )articles of )rotons *+ )ositi,e charge- and netrons *no
charge-. The electrons *- negati,e charge- !o,e arond the ncles.
Nclear energy is o#tained #y !ani)lating the internal strctre of ato!s.
To se this energy. it has to #e released fro! the ato! can #e o#tained #y di,ision of the core *nclear
fission- or the nion of two ato!s *nclear fsion-.
Generally. this energy is sed to generate electrical energy in nclear )ower )lants. #t also it can #e
sed in !any other a))lications.
$-$ H(/ T( (0TA'N TH'1 ENERGY
't can #e o#tained in two ways2 #y fission or fsion.
. 0Y &'11'(N2
Now. it3s the for! sed in nclear )ower )lants.
't is a nclear reaction that case the r)tre of the core of an ato! #y the i!)act of a netron.. A lot of
energy is stored in all cores *all )articles are lin4ed each other-. and when the fission is )rodced. a
)art of this energy is released and is !anifested as heat.
Ato!s fissioned are fro! rani!. thori! or )ltoni!.
Netrons e!itted in fission can case other fissions of other rani! cores. contining the )rocess.
That is called a chain reaction.
. 0Y &U1'(N2
This is the nion of two light cores to for! other hea,ier with release of energy. This way is nder
in,estigation #ecase for the !o!ent it isn3t a ,ia#le )rocess. 5ore energy is in,ested in the )rocess
than the energy o#tained.
This for! to create energy is sed #y the sn.
6- H(/ NUCLEAR 7(/ER 7LANT1 /(R8
Nclear )ower )lants se fission to !a4e electricity.
0y s)litting rani! ato!s into two s!aller ato!s. the e9tra energy is released as heat.
Urani! is a !ineral roc4. a ,ery dense !etal. that is fond in the grond and is non-renewa#le.
that !eans we can3t !a4e !ore.
't is a chea) and )lentifl fel sorce. 7ower )lants se the heat gi,en off dring fission as fel to
!a4e electricity.
&ission creates heat which is sed to #oil water into stea! inside a reactor.
The stea! then trns hge tr#ines that dri,e generators that *to- !a4e electricity.
The stea! is then changed #ac4 into water and cooled down in a cooling tower.
The water can then #e sed o,er and o,er again.
*water is renewa#le-
:-1 A%;ANTAGE1
7rodce nclear energy generates ,ery low car#ons e!issions.
7rodce less )ollting than traditional energies.
Cons!)tion of fossil fel reser,es is redced. and a lot of energy is generated with ,ery little fel
:-$ %'1A%;ANTAGE1
'n case of accident. there is a #ig ris4 of conta!ination.
The genetic da!age cased #y the radiation is ,ery i!)ortant. Radiation can )ass fro! one
generation to another.
/hen the e9)losion in Cherno#yl *in 1<=>-. thosands of )eo)le and ani!als died. 7eo)le e9)osed
who sr,i,ed de,elo)ed serios diseases. genetic !tations. etc?
The conse"ences of a nclear disaster are2 de,astation of natre and far!land left nclti,ated
cltre for hndreds of years. children with !alfor!ations. cancer and diseases in generations.
(ther #ig )ro#le! is the generation of nclear resides.
There is a high cost of installation and !aintenance of nclear )ower )lants.
'ndstries a))lications 2 the se of nclear in the !odern indstries of the de,elo)ed contries is
,ery i!)ortant.
Nclear energy in !edicine 2 the nclear nedicine is sed in !ost hos)itals. sing radioche!ical
!ethods of diagnostic and research la#oratory for a ,ariety of diseases.
En,iron!ent a))lication 2 into the nclear energy they are isoto)ic techni"es which allow wor4
to i!)ro,e the en,iron!ent in )ro#le!s sch as the greenhose effect. the conta!ination water.
control of insects and other )ests.
Nclear ar!s 2 United 1tates fired two ato!ic #o!#s. #etween > and < Agst 1<@:. on
Hiroshi!a and Nagasa4i. in Aa)an. They 4illed thosands of )eo)le and ani!als calcined. %ring
ne9t years. thosands of )eo)le died as a reslt of radiation.

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