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Apartado Postal 111

Matehuala, S. L. P.,
403 W. Miller St.
Blufiton, Indiana
Bill and Ruby Leamon
527 West Ohio Street
Bluffton, Indiana
First Church of Christ
Spring St., at Clark Ave.
Bluffton, Indiana
Village Evangelism In Mexico
Januaiy 1973
Dear Friends,
It hardly seems possible that another year has gone by11
But, Larry reports that they ended the year in the best possi
ble way-with another baptism!
The Cuyler family deeply appreciates your many remembrances
during the holiday season. We hope that no one was over-looked
with a personal thank-you'if we have we're sorry and it
was certainly not intentional. Your prayers and financial
support are needed and appreciated and they hope that you will
be able to continue to support them. We received many eurclies
and many were sent to the border. The border crossings are
being inspected more closely now. Larry said that some denomin
ational missionaries have left because it became so difficult
to get into the country with supplies. The Cuylers did not have
trouble this trip and they praise the Lord for thisand consider
It His showing them He still wants them there!! However, they
were not able to take everything across, so much was left stored
in Eagle Pass, Texas. It will take awhile to get these things
in, so we request that you not send any more used clothing
until we request it. There just isn't enou^ storage space.
They still will need layettes, blankets and medical supplies,
though, as they are always needed so badly. They really appreci
ate all you have sent and the love and concern that caused you
to take the time and effort to do so!
Larry is feeling very good again and is working hard. He's
very enthused about the way the Lord is using them in Matehuala,
Garnet has not been feeling well and plans to return to Mexico
City the last of January. She sent the following prayer list
and we hope you will add it to yours.
Pray for our health, strength and courage to do the Lord's
work and face the trials.
Pray more souls will be won soon.
Pray that the political situation will ease up so we can
get needed supplies across the border.
Pray for at least ;^200.00 a month more support.
Pray that we can get moved into our new house soon, so
that we can have more and better facilities for medical
work and worship services,
6. Pray especially for the Valesques family, Jose Luis
Calzada, Jesus and Jose Fransisco Sanchezthat they will
be immersed into Christ soon!
We pray God's blessing for you who serve Him so faithfully.
Thanks so much for everything!
In His Servi
Apartado Postal 111
Matehuala, S. L. P.,
403 W. Miller St.
Bluffton, Indiana
BUI and Ruby Leamon
527 West Ohio Street
Bluffton, Indiana
First Church of Chris^^'^^ .<
Spring St., at Clarfe'Ave.'v'""
Bluffton, Indiana-*^
46714 -
( .1;
Village Evangelism In Mexico
File! , 1973
Ffthruary 1973
lear Friends,
We greet you in the name of the Lord and on behalf of the Cuyler
family. They certainly thank the good Lord for you, your encour
agement, prayers, concern and support. They've probably never
needed them more i
The Lord's work is going so welli Another soul has been added to
the Kingdom and attendance at all services is very good. They are
_very.thankf.ul for His guidance throu^ -this -time -of- rich-bTeeeings
treme illness.
Gapnet-euffered so much pain that Larry took her to San Luis Potosi,
specialists advised _ST^^^ry^ for _the^rmpy^^^ in her
?,5. - She woni home to make arrangements for the
children during the time sho would be hospitalized. She was given
pre-surgery antibiotics and had an allergic reaction to them (xijent
into shock), Larry carried her to the car and took her to a doctor
in Matehuala. He gave her an anti-toxinand she reacted even more
strongly to that I Larry took her on to the hospital at S,L,P, where
the doctors showed much concern for her many allergies. Prayers
were answered she^becai]Re-.s.trQng.enou^h^^for the surgery. All went
well and in a few days she was able to go home. B^'^'boh her face
swelled badly and became very painful, so Larry took her back again
and the doctors re-opened the incision in the roof of her mouth and
removed blood clots and abcesses. She is at home now and feeling
much better, but has certainly been through a great deal of suffering.
She also has blood clots in her hand and arms and must return soon
for the other tumors.
While Garnet was in the hospital, the boys stayed in different homes,
cold and since there is no central heating, the family
C^i was staying built a fire. His pant leg cau^t on fire and
badl\ ^ned his right leg from the knee to the ankle. He's suffered
much pain, too, and the doctor just informed them that it will need
* Garnet said that he accepts his pain as a way to wit
ness his Christian faith to his friends I How's that for an 11 yr. old?
V Hospital bills (her first one
IPfUurj meaioine (i^o every other JajO and more to come I We aren't
worried though, and jgeither are they. The Lord has never failed to
provide (through the greatesrbunch of Christians there are!). Thank
you for being a part of that group and for your part in their ministry.
Please pray without ceasing.
In His Love,
Gleanings ( Mar 2^^ 1973 by W E^Mc)
Mrs. Larry Guyler had surgery for remoya1 of tumors in
Matehuala, Mexico,
her nose, face and throat* She Is now at home^^ she must return
to the hospital soon for the removal of other tumors* While
his mother was In the hospital, 11 year old K1 was badly burned
on his right leg from the knee to the ankle* K1 will need some
skin graft* Of course all of this Is very expensive* Garnet's
first hospital bill was $700 and medicine $8 per day* The
forwarding agents for Larry and Garnet Cuyler are: Bill and
Ruby Leamon, 527 West Ohio Street, Bluffton, Indiana 46714*
If II jf If II f|
fl fl'fl' IIII II
Village Evangelism In Mexico
Apartado Postal 111
Matehuala, S. L. P.,
403 W. Miller St.
Bluffton, Indiana
Bill and Ruby Leamon
527 West Ohio Street
Bluffton, Indiana
First Church of Christ
Spring St., at Clark Ave.
Bluffton, Indiana
March 1973
Dear friends in Christ,
We want to shaie with you a little of what the Lord has done
in the^^^^cj^Bgg1^^ai^I$atehuala, Mexico, as Larry and Garnet be-
gi^tHei^ 9th y^aj;..^i^the service of the Master-, We feel He
haS-^ise.d--theTTf=--i^^ way since that day, March 9, 1965,
when they arrived on the field with their 2 small sons (then aged
3 and 1), They were to have another son, adopt 2 daughters and
open their home to many homeless and sick children. Over 500
souls have been added to the Kingdom in these 8 years. We feel
that if that nuntoer was 1, it still would have been worth it alll
Thirteen congregations meet around the Lord^s table each week
and at least 11 Mexican Christian men are out preaching the Word
to their own people. We lost track of how many sick have been
treated and babies delivered 1 These are merely numbers and statis
tics to most of us, but it doesn't begin to tell the story of love
and sacrifice ^heartache and joy. Those numbers can't relate all
the efforts the Mexican preachers and American co-workers have
put into witnessing, preaching, teaching, praying and service to
the Mexican people. Larry and Garnet claim no credit, ask no praise,
but rejoice in the Victories that are Christ's.
We could list here illnesses, surgerys, heartaches, persecution,
trials, and tribulations to stagger the imagination^but we won't.
They are looking zealously forward. It's enough to say that tl-irough
all these (and this last year must rank as one of the hardest), the
Gevil was not sucessful in his attempt to destroy the work I Through
11 of these times, the Word was preached in it's entire truth, souls
were won and many look at Christianity and God's Word in a new Light,
because His hunhle servants refused to give up when things got roughJ
We're glad to tell you that Ki's leg will require only a small graft.
He's been very brave and such a good witness for Christ through all
his pain. Garnet is still being treated for blood clots in her arms
and hands. But, you know Garnet---she's busy!
Recently Larry and Garnet were invited to a reception for the State
^vernor and found themselves to be the only Americans to have been
invited. It was quite an honor for them and shows how much the Mexi
cans respect them. They count their greatest honor and most wonder
ful experience, though, to witness a sinner being born again!
Thank YOU for YOUR part in their ministry. It takes God's people to
send and support those who go with the Gospel, Your part is vital
and never forgotten nor taken for granted Please continue in prayer.
Yours in Christ Jesus,
Gleanings ( Mar 22, 73 by W.EMc)
Larry and Garnet Cuyler started their 9th year In Mexico
on March 9th. Recently they were invited to a reception for the
State Governor and found themselves to be the only Americans to
have been invited/ - quite an honorl1 The recent burn on their
son Ki*s leg will require only a small skin graft. Garnet
Is still under the Doctor's care. Their forwarding agents are:
Bill and Ruby Leamon, 527 West Ohio Street, Bluffton, Indiana 46714
Apartado Postal 111
Matehuala, S. L. P..
403 W. MiUer St.
Bluffton, Indiana
Bill and Ruby Leamon
527 West Ohio Street
Bluffton, Indiana
First Church of Christ
Spring St.. at Clark Ave.
Bluffton, Indiana
Village Evangelism In Mexico
kPR 1 8
April 1973
Dear Brethren in Christ,
We certainly thank you for your support! Missionaries learn
first-hand when prices rise here or tax time rolls around etc.
Your faithfulness in supporting the work in Mexico is very
deeply appreciated I
April is a good month for the Cuylers-there are Ubir-thdays
this month i Garnet, Ki, Ric and Lisa all have birthdays i Lisa
will be 2 years old the 21st, Ricky 10 the 30th, and Ki 12 on
the 7th. Garnet is a year older, too, but I decided last year,
when she was 30, that I wouldn't tell her age anymore* She and
Ricky share the same birthday.
We hope you are continue ing to pray for Margaro and Sebastian,
Both of these Mexican preachers have been ill and both have
families to support. They both need hospital care. They are 2
of Larry's earliest converts. I shall never forget these dedi
cated Christian ment The first time I went to Mexico to work out
legal matters for the adoption of our son, these men (and other
Christians, too) literally stood out in the crowd I It wasn't that
they were better dressed or had more gosessions, but they had a
smile and a brightness in their eyes that was so .1r-king in the
others, 3o many of the poor just shuffle aimlessly through the
day in despair and hopelessness. But, the Christians have a
purpose and the light in their eyes is Hope. And these Mexican
preachers, with the Christians there, prayed with us throu^ all
our trials and dioappointments, And they continually give thanks
for all of you who help them carry on the work! The zeal they
have and the hunger for the Word puts some of us to shame !
They packed into small, smelly, candle-lit rooms to hear the Gospel.
The preachers go on foot, bicycle, burro or any way they can to
take the message of salvation to the villages. They never know
if they will be fed while there. Often these people don't even
have enough for their own families. This hard life and lack of
proper diet for so long, has taken it's toll. I shall never for
get the joy they shared with us when our problems were finally
worked out. Their skin is darker, they speak another language,
but they know Jesus and they are brothers.
I John 3:17 says "...whoso hath this world's good, and seeth his
brother have need, and shutteth up hi^ bowels of compassion from
him, how dwelleth the love of God in h^im?" GOD BLSSS YOUthe
love of God dwells in you. It is shown by your compassion for
your brothers in Mexico !
In Christ's love.
Apartado Postal 111
Matehuala, S. L. P.,
403 W. Miller St.
Blxiffton, Indiana
Bill and Ruby Leamon
527 West Ohio Street
Bluffton, Indiana
First Church of Christ
Spring St., at Clark Ave.
Bluffton, Indiana
Village Evangelism In Mexico
May 1973
Dear Friends,
Garnet returned to San Luis Potosi for further surgery on May 2,
The doctors removed two tumors which one doctor described as being
the size of his fist. They were not malignant but were the fast-
growing and very painful kind. The doctors said they would keep a
close check (X-rays etc.) and if any more appear in the next hS yrs.
they will have to do a mastectomy. They did not remove an ovarian
tumor because-the-otfee-rs^ere too large and deeo. She's now taking
hc^mehe^^jand is .at home iKfact, the doctor told her she could work
^^a^in^^'so she alreadlynFTa&^^^deM 2 babies since she's beenhome.
f This hospital bill was 'jii^G^^lhey really feel badly about spending
V:^e money you.jiend--t!re"m. on themselves, but we reassure them that by
:..,.j^e mail we r^ceiy;.,we- know "this is what you want them to do. They
have sacrificed much to take the Gospel and I know that Garnet rarely
feels good. One doctor told her, awhile ago, that she looked remaik-
ably young for having an 80 year old body I That's a real blow, vdisn
you're 31i Please continue to remember them in your prayers. Garnet
is an exceptional help-mate in Larry's ministry. Her compassion and
care for the poor and sick have been vital in their labors for the Master:
Larry phoned after Garnet's surgery. He was very much relieved hat no
jer was presenu. They really prepared themselves for it, as it was
suspected. He was vary thankful to the Lord and grateful for your prayer*
He said they have been averaging 35-UO people at all services. They
started a young married couples class and are going to begin youth
meetings.. They also have 2 calling nites a week. Two more are born-
again Cnristians s.i.nce we wrote lastl One of these was Jose Luis Calzaco
a very infliiencial man in the community. The other was "a lady who has
been through a great deal in the short time she's been a Christian. Thou
she is expecx-ing her second child, her husband left her, came to the UoS.:
and married another woman. He sends her no money. The woman had surger.i
when her first child was born, and it was so poorly done that the doctor
said he didn't expect a normal baby this time, it's due anytime now.
The Lord willing, they will be going to the border to renew Larrys
papers before June 10 and again for Garnet's in August. Here are some
needed items;
rubbing alcohol
cotton balls
gauzg. sponges
7e Pepto bismol etc.
8c layettes
10. disposable diapers
11. sheets
12. towels
13 wash cloths
li|.. powdered milk
1^-. cough syrup
16. thermometers
17. hosp. gowns from mens
white shiri
18. Lysol spray
Thar.k you for your faithful support in money and prayers.
In His Service
Gleanings ( May 23, 73 by W.E.Mc)
Garnet(Mrs Larry) Cuyler in Matehuala, S.L.Po, Mexico
had surgery on May 2nd, this hospital bill was $450. Larry
was very much relieved after Garnet's surgery because no cancer
was present. Their forwarding agents are; Bill and Ruby Leamon,
527 West Ohio Street, Bluffton, Indiana 46714.
### ###
May - 1973
(Frintedi June^ 1973)
Dear Friends and Families,
Time flies by so quickly - it doesn't seem possible
that it could be past time to write another news
letter. Dear friends, there are not words to say,
"Thank you", for all your prayers, cards, letters and
financial help in these past months of trial and bur
dens .
We are happy to say Ki's leg is finally well. He
has gone back to school and doesn't even have a limp.
The doctor said it is amazing how well he did - we
know yoi^l^ayers made the difference.
There is so much sickness here and in
the ranches. We still have had no
rain and the dust is terrible- There
re epidemics of Typhoid, Whooping
/{V^ough, Measles, and other communicable
diseases. Now is the worst time of
ar for the people, because there is
money and no water to grow crops,
ease pray for them and us. Pray,
'oo, that enough supplies will come to
the border that we can help them with
their physical needs, as well as their
spiritual ones. We find their harden
ed hearts are much softer, if their
pains are eased and their stomachs
full. We believe this is why Christ
fed the 5,000, with loaves and fishes
as he preached to them, and why He
healed them - to show His great love
and compassion.
Apartado Posta1 111
Matehuala, S.L.P., Mexico
There have been 2 new Christians since our last letter. One was Jose
Luis Calzada, one of the men many of you have been praying for, The
other, a young woman, Maris de la Luzr We would like to share with you,
briefly, about Maria. Seven years ago, because of some bad medication
given by a "midwife", when she was in false labor, she had to have her
baby by caesarian section. The doctor who performed the operation, did
such a terrible job, she had one complication after the other. By some
freak of nature she is now expecting again. The doctor who is helping
us with her, says he has never seen such a terrible job of operating.
Because of the previous operation, there Is no room for her baby to
growt It will probably be born without arms or legs- All this in it"
self is bad enough, but shortly after she became a Christian her husband
left her, went to the States and married a woman there. He said he will
not send her any money to help her, or their 7-year old child. Because
of her condition she must be in bed a lot, and work of any kind is com
pletely out of the question. She knows and says that Christ is her only
source of strength now-. In spite of all her problems, she has remained
faithful: please remember her in your prayers, that her faith won't
waver o
In the last newsletter, we asked for help for Maxgaro and Sebastian
for their medical bills: Altho we have not seen Margaro, we understand
he la fine, and bills have been paidc Sebastian was here and preached:
His hospital bills_ _b.ave _beeD paid, .and his stomach is better, but he
still suffers from gout and arthritis- He has come in several times and
preached to the. congregation here in Matehuala- We all truly love him,
and enjoy his preaching- Also in the last letter, we asked you to make
checks out to "operation Sebastian & Margaro". Forgive us if we make a
slight change- We would like to keep a constant account in the bank to
be used only for medical expenses, operations, etc., for Christian
brethren 6 These expenses will be, only when a doctor is needed outside
the help we can give at our small cliniCs Maria de la Luz^ will have to
have her baby Caesarian also. The cost will not be less than $3,000
(pesos) or $2A0-.00 (dollars). Any money coming into this fund will go
to help her pay for her operation and medical expenses only. Since we'd
like to keep a continual fund going, we ask that you make out your
checks to "Operation Christian Medical Fund".
We are happy to say we have moved into the new house. Already it has
proved a blessing. Because of so many patients, some contagious, we
moved, even before it was finished, without inside or outside doors,
lights or water, Shortly after we moved we had 23 people, including our
family, in the house. We were privileged to have the Harland Cary's,
the Rodney Northrup family, Delbert Wilson, the Lowell Tates, and Cheryl
Jontra and Celestina Samancega with us, They were on their way to the
Missionary Reunion in Cuernavaca. We had the joy of having Bro. Carl
Ketcherside as our speaker in Cuernavaca, Later, Buck Renz and family
and Richard Atkinson, from Cuernavaca and Mexico City stopped by. Then
last week we had a group of young people from Dallas, Texas, visit. We
were so thankful to have a home big enough to sleep and feed everyone.
Thank you for helping to make it possibleJ After a lot of waiting,
pleading, political red tape and considerable money, we finally did get
both water and lights connected. Even, the d6ets~ax^7dri~now!
We would like to share'-with you some information about, the young
couple working with us - Jpnathon (Joto) and Aurelia Wilson. "Voto came
down last summer, as a summ6r---r^ecxult, He^jasrried'one ^f^.-bhe young
Christian girls that was work"l'ng"'Xpr usT~" BOTrh^JOto and Aurelia have
been a tremendous help to us in the medical work, baseball evangelism
and teaching, preaching, etc. Joto recently made , one of the "mnle,
burro mountain trips"n They both help a lot with the medical work, Joto
plays on a baseball team and uses every opportunity to witness of God's
love to the other players. He also preaches, in Spanish, and leads
singing, Aurelia helps teach a children's class on Sundays, Soon she
will be teaching a class of her own as we have so many children, we need
to divide the classes into age groups,
Joto had an experience with a woman here in town we call "the Witch",
Whenever she sees an American or very light colored Mexican, she screams
and yells obscenities and says such things as "you say God sent you here
- if there 33 a God, why did he let you Gringos kill my brother? Why-
did ycu hang him?" She also comes to our homes and says "This is my
land._g.ei_of f'" She lives behind Joto's house, so he sees her very of
ten. One day she attacked -with a long needle, screaming at him for
killing her brother- She even accused us of killing her children (she
never had any children)- Most of the missionaries here in town believe
she is demon possessed. Please pray for Joto and Aurelia, as they labor
together to serve our Lord. They really do need more support that they
might be even more effective, This would be an excellent project for a
young married class, youth group or church. They would correspond di
rectly with you.. We recommend them very highly and we encourage anyone
who is interested, to help them in any way possible, You may send a
check to:- Mr, & Mrs, Jonathon Wilson, Apartado Postal 111, Mstehuala,
ScL.P,, Mexico. Letters should be sent by registered mail. Thank you
for your help to us and to them. The Lord willing, we will be going to
the border, the last of May or first part of June, Please pray there
will be a generous amount of supplies at the border when we get there.
(On page 4 of this newsletter is a list of the most urgent needs. They
do make periodic trips to the border, so your gifts are welcome anytime)
Again we say "THANK YOU" for your part in the work here. Please con
tinue to remember us in your prayers, We hope to get out a picture bro
chure showing more of the work here in Matehuala.
Love, in Christ our Savior,
LoAKy, GoAYLiit and iairUZy
(oontinuedi haok page)
E1612 z war
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Garnet returned to the hospital at San Luis Potosi, and had surgery for
removal of more tumors, on May 2, The first tumor was so deep, and is
the fast growing type, so they did not remove the ovarian tumor, She
will still have to return to the hospital for treatment, Though the
tumor was not malignant, it is painful, and it is their hope that the
treatment will prevent them from having to do a mastectomy. Please con
tinue in your prayers for her. Your prayers can make the difference!
Rubbing Alcohol
Cotton Balls
Vitamins (for all ages)
Pepto Bismol (etc.)
Disposable diapers
Baby blankets
Sheets (twin fitted & plain
Wash cloths
Powdered milk
Soup mixes
Cake mixes, etc,
Cough syrup
Dial soap
Lysol spray
Hospital gowns made
from men's white shirts
Baseball equipment (or
money to buy it here)
3" X 5" index cards
Gauze sponges
Baby oil
Forwarding Agents are Mr, & Mrs, William Leamon, 527 W, Ohio, Bluffton,
Indiana, 46714. Regular support and gift checks should be made out to:
Village Evangelism in Mexico, and sent to the Leamons,
1. News
just received
Concerning | 1^0 UVIGPS
June 15, 1973
Word has just been received from Mrt & Mrs. William
Leamon, forwarding agents for Larry and Garnet Cuyler,
that the Cuylers are going on medical leave for approx
imately three months.
Larry and Garnet, with their family will be in Calif
ornia (location as yet not known), for a much needed &
necessary rest, as both of them are not at all well at
this time. While in California, they will attend a
Missionary Clinic, for physical examinations, and tests
for all the family.
While they are on medical leave, Sebastian will be
preaching at Matehuala, and Jonathon and Aurelia Wilson
(mentioned in the newsletter), will be carrying on the
mission work there. The Cuylers will be keeping their
house, and, they do have plans to return to the work in
Matehuala, But they badly need this time away from re
sponsibilities, to recover their strength, and rencjw
their courage to continue with the work.
THIS IS IMPORTANT after June 30th, do not send any
money, checks, or packages to Mexico. All gifts, checks
and supplies Including checks for the "Operation
Christian Medical Fund" must be sent directly to the
forwarding agents, Mr. & Mrs. William Leamon, 527 West
Ohio, Bluffton, Indiana A671^.
Please be praying for them, and your continuing fin
ancial support will be so very greatly appreciated.
Apartado Postal 111
Matehuala. S. L. P.,
403 W. MiUer St.
Bluffton, Indiana
Bill and Ruby Leamon
527 West Ohio Street
Bluffton, Indiana
First Chinch of Christ
Spring St., at Clark Ave.
Bluffton, Indiana
Village Evangelism In Mexico
June 1973
Dear Friends,
Larry, Garnet and the children are planning to take a 3 month
(approximately) medical leave. Garnet certainly needs the rest
after 2 surgical operations recently and she is still having problems
with the remi^ning tumor. They hope to avoid surgery for this one.
Larry also needs a cheekup^nd-ree^tas^ he has never completely re
gained his strength from the time he had''1^h^ fever. They plan
to go tOj a^;EisL^onjM;y;^,.,s34^^^ this time and have
tests and-exeiMfhaEions .for..the whole f^iiy. They have never taken
time off in their nearly 8|- years in Mexico and they all need these
check ups and the rest. They will be taking a camper-trailer, so we
do not have an address where they can be reached after the first of
AFTER JUNE 30th. If you will send all mail to us, we will forward it
to them as soon as they get a box number.
We want you to be sure to know that the EVANGELISM WILL CONTINUE IN
THEIR ABSENCE i Sebastian and his family will move in from the ranch
into their house' and do the preaching while they are gone. Jpnathon
Jturelia Wils-on-will also be carrying on with the classesTbalT^teams
~e^~-ir~-This is one reason that Larry and Garnet feel they can leave
for awhile now,.because they leave with all aspects of their efforts
for Christ in good hands I
your words of encouragement, they will need all the financial support
they can get in order to keep the evangelism going in Mexico and to
pay for their house, as well as meet their expenses in the U.S., and
they need your prayers as they travel, tend to their health needs and
for the work in Mexico. They have not wanted to take this time off,
but do want to do their best for the Master and know that they need
to be healthy to do this. They know, too, that the^se.Lte-sts for the
f^ily will be _expensLve,- but they NEED to be done I So, we pr ay
loryour continue financial support, with all the prayerful support
you have always given. All these plans have been made with prayer
and know they will come to pass "the Lord willing'.' Please don't for
get to send your mail here i May God bless you for your love and concern.
In His Servi
Apartado Postal 111
Matehuala, S. L. P..
403 W. Miller St.
Bluffton, Indiana
Bill and Ruby Leamon
527 West Ohio Street
Bluffton, Indiana
First Church of Christ
Spring St., at Clark Ave.
Bluffton, Indiana
Village Evangelism In Mexico
August 1973
Dear Friends in Christ,
Greetings in the name of the Lord* "**6 pray all is well with
you in the Lord's service. We are unceasingly thankful that
we can report to Larry & Garnet that He is providing for their
every need through your generous and faithful support. This
is a great source of comfort to them at all times and especially
during sickness and hard times.
We now have the results from tests they took and will do our
best to inform yo]i,sB:^arnet wrote that the neurological special
ists found thai^Cirr^nas permanent neurological damage caused
by fevers or getn'^^^'^'po^ibly both). It is not a condition that
can be cured but can be treated effectively with a new medication#
Several tests have been run to find the location of the damage
(each test ran from $^9'-$7^not including doctor fees) Surgery
is not possible. The doctors advise them that with this medication
he can return to Mexico and carry on the work the Lord has given
him to do. If they felt he couldn't, we, or they, would certainly
advise you immediately.
Of course, all of this has been a burden to them, but they have
prayed only that they may be used by God^^o9F4fiss5urpose. After
they learned the results of Larry's tes-^sV>Garnet^ent. Three
specialists (including one on cancer) examine9''Ti^result: more
SURGERY I Parasites that had caused her internal bleeding earlier
this year have left her with intestinal problems. . Surgery must
be performed to repair the damage. Since she would have to be
hospitalized for 6 days and have complete rest for 10 more, and
since the children must be there for the first day or their place
will be given to someone else, they have decided to go back to
Mexico to have it done. They have prayed about it, talked it over
with the doctor and unless they should find something more on the
next visit, they will return to Jfexico about the 1st of Sept. The
surgery will be cheaper in Mexico, too, but we told them we are
certain that you would not object to them having it done here.
They knew this, too, because you have always helped and prayed them
through their times of need. Your giving has made it possible for
them to pay all their medical expenses here (no left-over bills),
their living expenses and to keep Sebastian going in Mexico. But,
there is none left over for their return trip or Garnet's surgery.
There always seems to be just enough to get by. We know they will
appreciate your prayers in the days ahead. Thank you for all you
have done and continue to do. If ever our thanks don't seem adequate
please forgive us. We know it isn't, but trust that God will reward
you. We will do our best to keep you informed.
Yours in Christ,
Apartado Postal 111
Matehuala, S. L. P.,
403 W. Miller St.
Bluflton, Indiana
Bill and Ruby Leamon
527 West Ohio Street
Bluffton, Indiana
First Church of Christ
Spring St., at Clark Ave.
Bluffton, Indiana
Village Evangelism In Mexico
Sept,-Oct. 1973
Dear Friends & Brethren,
The Cuyler family is back in Mexico now, Larry had some car trouble
over the Labor-Day weekend. Garnet took the children on home on the
bus. He finally made it home safely. The boys are back in school
and attending the morning sessionsCthe schools have half-day sessions).
Garnet works at the clinic during the time they are in school. The
patients respect her need to be with her family. She also has 2
Mexican girls who are excellent help. She can depend on them to follow
instructions. They stay at the clinic. Since their return they've
had 2 very sick babies come in suffering from malnutrition. One has
gone home and they are still caring for the other. Baby vitamins are
badly needed. Of course Garnet uses every opportunity to tell these
parents and the sick who come in, that they came to win souls for Christ
not to perform a medical service. They do the medical work because it
opens the door to to allow them to tell others about Christ, The people
can see that they get no financial gain or profit in anyway from it.
It causes them to wonder why and what kind of love would cause these
Americans to work so hardand not be paid.
The best newsand it really pleased them^was that Sebastian had been
so faithful in the preaching and teaching of the Word that attendance
actually INCREASED in ALL service (Sun., Wed., and Sat.) during their
abscense. The Mexican people respect Sebastian and like the way he
preaches. All he lacks is a way to support his familyhe is crippled
so with arthritis, Larry is also planning evangelistic meetings in some
villages while the Lowell Tate family is in the U.S.
They are "talking about" attending the National Missionary Convention in
Oklahoma, NOV. 20-23. If so, we will try to get supplies to them then.
All this is of course, the Lord willing. Garnet needs to have the
intestinal surgery done now. She wants to wait until the money is here.
The hospitals there like to have their money when the patient leaves, too,
And they want to pay it. It will probably cost '1250-300. She will have
to stay in bed longer this time.
Your prayers and financial help are vitally needed. We're sure they
are a witness to those about you to your love for QJiristas well as
to the Mexican people you help. One of the doctors in California wrote
to us that their problems came from working too many yearstoo hard.
He also wrote that he counted it a privelege to have treated such a
strongly dedicated Christian family I
Each day brings us closer to the Lord's return. We thank you for
sharing Larry and Garnets urgent desire to have a full Harrest ready
for His reaping I
In Christ,
Apartado Postal 111
Matehuala, S. L. P.,
403 W. Miller St.
Bluffton, Indiana
BUI and Ruby Leamon
527 West Ohio Street
Bluffton, Indiana
First Church of Christ
Spring St., at Clark Ave.
Bluffton, Indiana
Village Evangelism In Mexico
Dear Friends in Christ, 7 ^973
As I write this letter, Larry &Garnet are in Kansas speaking to
the Churches there. They will go on to the Missionary Convention
in Oklahoma, the Lord willing. Garriet is feeling better andis
still puslponing Uie -surgery,Thein-Mexico-s-aiti it would have ^
tu be duiiu, buL llmo is not eritlgal,
,h.<J CUa-^.iJ V (J
We are sending the financial report this month. We want to take this
opportunity to sincerely thank you for your generous support and
prayers, knowing that not this mission, nor any, could continue with
out the love and prayers along with financial support of God^s people.
We praise God for you and for your desire to win the lost for Christ
in Mexico.
Many changes have taken place even since we prepared the financial
report. As the work grows, expenses increase, too. The cost of living
in Mexico is rising, just as it has in the U,S, For instance, bottle
gas has risen $2 a tank and meat prices are going higher! There are
now NINE CHILDREN living with them and needless to say feeding and cloth
ing that many is quite a task! They have their own 3 boys (Ki, Ric &
Timmy), Lisa and Vicki & yrs, )]J*,'Alvaro &Vincente are the
two teenage boys who've been there for some time. They are in school.
They also have the 7 yr-.old son of the lady who works (and lives) in
the clinic. The last one is a 5^ yr, old little girl they got from
JAIL-i Her mother was put in jail and because there was no one to care
for little Martha, she had to go to jail with her mother. Se received
a bowl of beans a day, and they think she was there from 3-6 weeks!
Lisa, Vicki and Martha are in the U.S. with Larry and Garnet. The 6
boys are all at home going to school.
Larry &Garnet have both been^fj^emely busy since their return to Mexico,
Garnet has been sewing school pesTd^es working at the clinic and home.
She also teaches U^50 young people on Sunday.
Larry teaches Bible classes Mon.,, Wed., &Fri. from 8-9.:30 P.M. He
is also teaching English at the High School, He uses a bi-lingual Bible
for study materials and fits in every opportunity to witness to the class.
Most of the people are 18-25 years old.
We pray that you will continue to pray for and send support to Larry &
Garnet. We have seen ourselves the lives that have been changed and
the souls won because of the unselfish, untiring efforts of this family
for Christ, Thank you for your part in this ministry.
Yours in Christ,

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