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ERP-SAP Implementation Important points to remember

Bala Showry Raju

• Freeze the scenarios and other requirements example output
layouts , reports etc., take officially signoff and documented-
prepare the technical spec’s for reports and output details
appear in layout- Make documented officially.

• Uploading Templates will be start gathering from the 1st day of

Implementation-choose at least one person from client side who
is responsible for uploaded data in Excel templates preparation.
Make every uploaded data ready from legacy to SAP. Before
uploading take official confirmation from Client whether data is
correct or not make it documented. Minimize the Condition types
in pricing procedure, so it leads better performance /less risk in
uploading the data.

• For Minimising the condition records choose the alternate fields

selections like Material pricing group/material group/customer
pricing group/pricing group etc. Note: Try to avoid
material/customer which is having huge data. Maintain the
access Sequence clear fully and freeze it and documented
officially before realization starts.

• Take all the clients Billing documents(commercial) which is going

to give Customer and Excise departments , make them
documented signoff and officially filed.

• Discuss the Integration issues openly and clear the doubts at the
Beginning itself. Don’t keep it pending clear it at the beginning of
the Realization phase.

• Plan the Day schedule/Target schedule properly calculated and

validated. Before giving time frame or commitments to your
seniors and clients.

• Make the separated folders for maintaining the official mails

department wise and company wise , make them documented
evidence. Documented in Official book write point
• When the Goods or Articles(finished material) move from Plant
or Depo the Billing number and Excise number range should
maintain as per the rules. It may differ depends upon the Excise
department(state wise) so the number range is the most
important finalize, this will take officially confirmation and
Documented and signed off.

• Prepare the user manuals in word document(company

formatted) signed off all the user-manuals(Integrated tests
cases). Note the pending manuals—signed off.
Prepare user-manuals by own.

• After Uploaded the Data into SAP, Check the Database Tables
whether the required important fields entries are properly
uploaded or not. Examples: Customer Pricing procedure,
Customer Statistic group, Material statistic group, Account
assignment group for Customer and material.

• After Go-Live, with live data when you are using Transaction
flow- Do it with Clients login only. If required take official
authorization mail for the doing the process specially cancelation

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