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What is Ubuntu Linux?

Ubuntu has its roots in the Debian GNU/Linux distribution. It was initially planned as a
simple fork from the main distribution.
Debian tends to be more conservative in how often it releases new versions. The new
fork was set to be a snapshot released every six months. It was originally released
under the name "no-name-yet.com." This domain now redirects to the main Ubuntu
The six month release schedule held, but the simple snapshot idea did not. Unlike other
Debian-based forks (e.g., Xandros, Linspire, and Libranet), the new version remains
freely available and uses predominantly free software (some of the hardware drivers are
It has, however, grown beyond its Debian roots and become a distribution in its own
right. Whereas one used to be able to mix and match software from the two, now one
must be more careful about compatibility.

No-name-yet.com eventually became Ubuntu, and the first publically released version
(4.10) was released in October of 2004. It quickly became very popular among Linux
users for its ease of use and advanced hardware support. It remains the most popular
version of Linux at Distrowatch.
Development of the distribution is currently funded by Canonical Ltd, a company owned
and run by Mark Shuttleworth. In July of 2005, Canonical created the Ubuntu
Foundation with an initial endowment of $10 million (USD). The purpose of the
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foundation is to support development and to keep the operating system free of charge
should anything happen to Shuttleworth or the parent company, Canonical.
You can hear Mark Shuttleworth describe what Ubuntu (the operating system) is in the
following interview:
Find out more about Ubuntu and Linux:
What is Ubuntu?
History of Ubuntu
Ubuntu's African Roots
History of Linux


A Brief History of Linux
The Linux kernel is the basic programming foundation for the entire Ubuntu operating
system. Here is how it started and why it is called GNU/Linux.

Ubuntu's African Roots
Ubuntu comes from an African word that suggests humanity and community.

Ubuntu, Comparatively Speaking
Ubuntu compares well against any operating system in use today, including Windows,
Mac, and other Linux versions.

Get Ubuntu Linux: Download, Request, or Order Ubuntu
Ubuntu can be downloaded or ordered and is available in a couple of versions: 6.06
(Dapper Drake) and 7.04 (Feisty Fawn). Which you use depends on the software you
need. This page shows you from where you can download, request, or buy Ubuntu.

Ubuntu vs Windows Vista
Ubuntu had many Windows Vista features almost a year before Microsoft released it.
Here is how Ubuntu compares to Windows Vista.

Windows Vista vs Mac OS X
Windows Vista looks curiously like Mac OS X. NY Times' David Pogue says there is no

How to Install Ubuntu Linux (6.06 LTS)
Ubuntu is the easiest Linux version to install. Here is a guide to installing Ubuntu Linux

Updating Ubuntu: How to Update a New Installation of Ubuntu Linux - 2
Ubuntu Linux checks for updates by default. If you need to update your installation of
Ubuntu for the first time, here is how to do it.

Resizing a Windows Installation
Resizing a Windows installation is easy with the Ubuntu installer. Installing Ubuntu in
parallel to a Windows installation is called 'dual booting' and is a good idea. Here is how
to do it.

A Brief History of Ubuntu
Ubuntu's history started with Debian GNU/Linux but has since outgrown it. Here is a
brief look at Ubuntu's past and how things stand today.

Adding Ubuntu Software and Other Linux Software to Ubuntu
Adding Ubuntu software, non-Ubuntu Linux software, or even proprietary software to
your new installation is easy with Synaptic. Here's how.

Adding Ubuntu Repositories
Adding Ubuntu repositories to download more Linux software is not very complicated. It
is a simple matter of telling Ubuntu where to find more software.

Additional Ubuntu Repositories
Ubuntu software is available in more repositories than the default Ubuntu installation
gives you. Here is a listing of more Ubuntu repositories for your software needs.

How to Install Ubuntu Linux 7.04 (Feisty Fawn)
Ubuntu Feisty was released in April 2007. It is the easiest Ubuntu to install yet. Here is
how the installation of Ubuntu Feisty is different from 6.06 LTS.

Booting Windows Instead of Ubuntu by Default
Grub boots Ubuntu by default. But if you want to make Windows your default operating
system without losing Ubuntu, all you need do is change a number in Grub's
configuration file. Here is how.

Setting Grub Timeout When Dual Booting Ubuntu
Grub's menu is hidden by default. Making it visible at startup is a matter of editing
grub's configuration file. Here is how.

Dual Boot Ubuntu With Windows
Dual booting Ubuntu with Windows or another operating system is not particularly
difficult. This guide shows you how to dual boot Ubuntu and Windows.

Make Grub's Menu Visible At Startup
Grub's menu is hidden by default. Making it visible at startup is a matter of editing
grub's configuration file. Here is how.

Parts of the Ubuntu Desktop: Top Left
Ubuntu uses GNOME as a default desktop. Here are the top left parts of the Ubuntu
desktop and what each does.

Parts of the Ubuntu Desktop: Top Right
Ubuntu uses GNOME as a default desktop. Here are the top right parts of the Ubuntu
desktop and what each does.

Parts of the Ubuntu Desktop: Bottom Components
Ubuntu uses GNOME as a default desktop. Here are the bottom parts of the Ubuntu
desktop and what each does.

A Primer for Installing Ubuntu
Installing Ubuntu should be as easy as possible, and the best guides for this are
provided here at Easy Ubuntu Linux. But all the online resources in the world do not
help you offline. For this reason, we are providing this PDF primer to help you install

Setup Your E-mail On Ubuntu: Part 1
Sending e-mail under Linux is easy. Here is how to setup your email identity under
Ubuntu Linux.

Receiving E-mail
Sending e-mail under Linux is easy. Here is how to receive email under Ubuntu Linux.

Sending E-mail On Ubuntu
Sending e-mail under Linux is simple. Here is how to setup Evolution to send email
under Ubuntu Linux.

Office Suites for Ubuntu
Choosing an office suite for your Ubuntu installation is like choosing the first among
equals. Here is a comparison of the best office suites available for Ubuntu Linux.

Upgrading Ubuntu
Ubuntu upgrades are easy to affect. As usual with Ubuntu, you get to choose how to

Install Ubuntu Upgrades By Updating Your Installation
Ubuntu Upgrades are a choice of two straightforward processes. Here is how to upgrade
and update all of your programs at once.

Affect an Ubuntu Upgrade With An Install CD
Ubuntu Upgrades are as easy as the installation. Here is how to upgrade and save your

Receiving Email via IMAP
Sending e-mail under Linux is easy. Here is how to receive email under Ubuntu Linux.

Image Handling With Ubuntu
Ubuntu's image handling surpasses those of other operating systems. Whether you just
need to look at your pictures or create first-rate graphics, Ubuntu offers a program to
meet your needs.

Photo Editing With the GIMP
Ubuntu comes with the GIMP already installed. Here is a brief tutorial on how to edit
photos with the GIMP.

Photo Previewing and Slideshows With GQView
GQView is an additional photo previewing program for Ubuntu. Here is a brief tutorial
on how to preview and edit photos with GQView on Ubuntu.

Install Ubuntu
Install Ubuntu with minimal fuss. Some choices in the installation process are better
than others, and this section will help you to install Ubuntu with ease.

Configure Ubuntu
The default Ubuntu configuration is good for most users. However, you will inevitably
want to configure Ubuntu to suit your tastes better.

How to Use Ubuntu
Once Ubuntu is setup, you may still wonder about how to use Ubuntu. This section will
show you how to setup and use software such as email, office suites, and photo editing

Installing Apache on Ubuntu
Apache is the main Ubuntu web server. It allows you to serve web pages from your
computer. Here is how to use Ubuntu to serve web pages with Apache.

Apache Modules on Ubuntu - Ubuntu's Apache Modules - Apache Modules on Ubuntu -
Part 1
Apache is the default web server on your Ubuntu system. With Ubuntu's Apache
modules, you can enable Apache to do a lot more than serve web pages. Here is how to
configure Apache modules on Ubuntu.

Apache on Ubuntu - Ubuntu's Apache Modules - Apache Modules on Ubuntu - Part 2
Apache lets you serve web pages from your Ubuntu server. Which of Ubuntu's Apache
modules are installed determines what you can do with your web server. Here is how to
configure Apache modules on Ubuntu.

Configure Apache Web Server on Ubuntu
Apache is a web server available for Ubuntu. With it you can serve web pages from a
computer. Here is how to setup Apache as a web server on Ubuntu.

Apache Web Server Configuration on Ubuntu
Apache on Ubuntu is a web server that enables you to serve web pages. How well those
web pages are served depends on the configuration you use. Here is detailed
information on the default configuration of the Apache web server on Ubuntu.

Installing a MySQL Database Server
MySQL is the most common database server in the world. Here is how to install MySQL
on Ubuntu Linux.

MySQL Database Configuration
MySQL is the world's most common database server. Here is how simple configuring
MySQL can be on Ubuntu Linux.

MySQL Database Configuration in Detail
MySQL is the most common database server. Here is the basic MySQL configuration in

Installing PHP on Ubuntu
PHP is one of the main languages used in developing for the Web. It allows you to create
web pages dynamically on Ubuntu.

Configuring PHP on Ubuntu
PHP is a programming language used with the Apache web server. Configuring PHP well
allows you to serve web pages dynamically on Ubuntu.

Configuring PHP on Ubuntu In-Depth
PHP is one of the main languages used in developing for the Web. Here is an in-depth
look at configuring it on on Ubuntu.

Reading the php.ini File from Ubuntu
PHP is one of the web's main languages for development. Understanding how to
configure PHP allows you to create web pages dynamically on Apache.

The Easy Ubuntu Blog
Ubuntu is not always easy. But Easy Ubuntu Linux helps make it that way. Keep it easy
with the Easy Ubuntu blog.

Installing a LAMP Server on Ubuntu
A LAMP server is one of the most pervasive types of servers on the Internet, but many
people find installing LAMP servers difficult. Here is how to install a LAMP server on

Installing Samba on Ubuntu
Samba is the main Ubuntu file sharing server. It allows you to share files with others
from your computer. Here is how to use Ubuntu to share files with Samba.

Configuring Samba on Ubuntu I
Samba is a file sharing server for Ubuntu Linux. It allows filesharing with others from
your computer. This guide shows how to configure Samba on Ubuntu.

Configuring Samba on Ubuntu II
Samba is a file sharing server for Ubuntu Linux. It allows filesharing with others from
your computer. This is the second page of a guide that shows how to configure Samba
on Ubuntu.

Configuring Samba on Ubuntu III: [globals]
Samba is a file sharing server for Ubuntu Linux. The [globals] header is part of the
Samba configuration file. This guide shows how to configure the [globals] section of the
Samba configuration on Ubuntu.

Configuring Samba on Ubuntu IV: [homes]
Samba is a file sharing server for Ubuntu Linux. The [homes] header is part of the
Samba configuration file. This guide shows how to configure the [homes] section of the
Samba configuration on Ubuntu.

Configuring Samba on Ubuntu V: [printers]
Samba also functions as a printer managing server for Ubuntu Linux. The [printers]
header is part of the Samba configuration file. This guide shows how to configure the
[printers] section of the Samba configuration.

Resizing a Windows Installation: A Caution
Resizing a Windows installation is easy with the Ubuntu installer. Installing Ubuntu in
parallel to a Windows installation is called 'dual booting' and is a good idea. Here is how
to do it.

Computer Programming on Ubuntu - Use Ubuntu to Program Your Computer
Ubuntu's open source nature allows you to program your computer yourself. Here is an
introduction to the ways to do computer programming on Ubuntu.

Computer Programming on Ubuntu - Functional Programming on Ubuntu
Functional programming is not hard to do on Ubuntu. Here is an introduction to what
functional programming is and why this programming paradigm is widely used.

Computer Programming on Ubuntu - Object-Oriented Programming on Ubuntu
Object-oriented programming is one of the most powerful programming paradigms and
the hardest to control. Here is an introduction to how to use object-oriented
programming on Ubuntu..

Learn PHP with Ubuntu - PHP Tutorial for Ubuntu
Learning PHP is not difficult with Ubuntu. This PHP tutorial helps you begin to learn PHP
for Ubuntu.

Learn PHP with Ubuntu - PHP Tutorial for Ubuntu - PHP Keywords
Learning PHP is not difficult with Ubuntu. This PHP tutorial helps you begin to learn PHP
for Ubuntu, starting with PHP's keywords.

Installing Wine on Ubuntu
Wine is an emulation layer for Ubuntu. It allows you to run Windows applications like
native Ubuntu software. Here is how to use Wine to run Windows applications on

Learn PHP with Ubuntu - PHP Tutorial for Ubuntu - PHP Variables and Datatypes
To Learn PHP is not difficult with Ubuntu. In this PHP tutorial, we look at variables and

Learn PHP with Ubuntu - PHP Tutorial on Datatypes - PHP Datatypes
To Learn PHP is not difficult with Ubuntu. In this PHP tutorial, we look the importance of
PHP's datatypes.

Installing Business::Credit Card for Perl on Ubuntu
Perl's Credit Card module is an effective way to check card numbers on Ubuntu. Here is
how to install the Credit Card module on Ubuntu in the fastest and most painless way

Credit Card Validation Before Processing
Processing credit cards is a fundamental process when you do ecommerce on Apache.
Here we walk through some of the more common options for credit card processing on

Credit Card Processing Choices
Processing credit cards is a fundamental process when you do ecommerce on Apache.
Here we walk through some of the more common options for credit card processing on

Ubuntu Netbook - Get Ubuntu on a Netbook - Netbooks Running Ubuntu
An Ubuntu netbook gives you the facility of a netbook with the advantages of Ubuntu.
Here we see the beauty of running an Ubuntu netbook.

Linux Netbook - Get Linux on a Netbook - Netbooks Running Linux
A netbook is a very small laptop that has lower specifications than the usual lap top.
This makes it perfect for Linux. Here we look at the advantages of a Linux netbook.

Netbook - Ubuntu Netbook - Netbooks Running Ubuntu Linux
A netbook is a very small laptop that has lower specifications than the usual lap top.
Here we look at the netbook and the value of running Ubuntu Linux on one.

Learn PHP with Ubuntu - PHP Tutorial for Ubuntu - PHP Syntax
Learning PHP is not difficult with Ubuntu. This PHP tutorial helps you begin to learn PHP
and PHP syntax.

Learn PHP Syntax with Ubuntu - PHP Tutorial on Loops - PHP Loop Syntax
PHP loops are not difficult to learn. It is simply a matter of remembering each formula.
This PHP tutorial shows you how PHP loops work on Ubuntu.

Learn PHP Constants - PHP Tutorial on Constants - PHP Constants on Ubuntu
To learn PHP is not difficult with Ubuntu. In this PHP tutorial, we look at PHP constants.

PHP Tutorial on the Value of Constants - Learn PHP - PHP Constants on Ubuntu
To learn PHP is not difficult with Ubuntu. In this PHP tutorial, we look at the value of

PHP Tutorial on Defined Constants - Learn PHP - PHP Constants on Ubuntu
To learn PHP is not difficult with Ubuntu. This PHP tutorial shows how to test for defined
constants and then to define them if they are not a PHP constant.

Learn PHP Expressions - PHP Tutorial on Expressions
To Learn PHP is not difficult with Ubuntu. In this PHP tutorial, we look at the importance
of understanding PHP's expressions.

Apache Web Hosting
Apache is the main web server provided by web hosting companies. Here are
recommendations on which Apache web hosting company to use for your Apache web

Linux Notebooks
Linux notebooks are not as rare as they once were. It is nonetheless possible to buy a
notebook and find that you cannot install Linux on it. Here is a series of guides for how
to install Linux on different notebooks.

Learn PHP in HTML - How To Embed PHP in HTML
We usually learn PHP as a standalone language, but it can be used in a HTML page. Here
is how to embed PHP in HTML for dynamic web pages.

Affect PHP Hosting - Configure Apache to Host PHP
To affect PHP hosting requires you to configure Apache to Host PHP. Here we see how
to do that.

PCI DSS is one of the most important elements of e-commerce. Even if you run your
own credit card processing business, you would be forgiven for wondering 'What is PCI
DSS?'. This cryptic abbreviation is explained here.

Sudoers - Registering Users in the Sudoers File
Sudoers are those users who can gain administrative access to the system. Their names
are listed in the sudoers file. Here is how to be so registered if your username is not in
the sudoers file.

PCI DSS Requirements - What are the PCI DSS Requirements
The PCI DSS requirements cover the salient aspects of data security set by the payment
card industry. Here we look at the requirements of the PCI DSS.

PCI DSS Network Security- Secure Your Network According to the PCI DSS
The PCI DSS requires network security in the first instance. Here are the two
requirements of the PCI DSS that focus on network security.

PCI DSS Network Security- Checklist for Securing Your Firewall According to the PCI DSS
The PCI DSS requires a secure firewall in the first instance. Here is the PCI checklist for
securing your network.

PCI DSS Network Security - Secure Your Systems According to the PCI DSS
The PCI DSS requires network security down to the system level. Here is what to look for
when evaluating your systems for network security according to PCI DSS requirements.

PCI DSS Network Security Checklist 2 - Checklist for Securing Your Network According
to the PCI DSS
The PCI DSS requirements for network security are not self-explanatory. Here is the PCI
checklist for securing your network according to PCI DSS requirements.

Credit Card Data - Protect Credit Card Data According to the PCI DSS
The PCI DSS requires protection of credit card data in multiple ways. Here is how to
protect credit card data according to PCI DSS requirements.

Credit Card Data 2 - Checklist for Credit Card Data Protection According to the PCI DSS
Credit card data protection is the second set of PCI DSS requirements. This checklist
helps you to ensure you are compliant with the PCI DSS requirements on credit card
data security.

Credit Card Data 3 - Credit Card Data Protection in Transit According to the PCI DSS
Credit card data protection is the second major set of PCI DSS requirements. This
second component deals with how to protect credit card data in transit according to PCI
DSS requirements.

Credit Card Data 4 - Checklist for Credit Card Data Protection in Transit
Credit card data protection is the second major set of PCI DSS requirements. This
checklist will help you to ensure your are compliant with PCI DSS requirements for credit
card data protection.

Sign Up for Gmail
Sign up for Gmail and get several benefits for free. Here is how to sign up for Gmail for

Email Solutions on Ubuntu Linux
Email solution on Linux vary according to how much control and accessibility you want
to have. Here we see what is available for email solutions under Ubuntu Linux.

Install Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx)
Install Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) with minimal fuss. Some choices in the installation
process are better than others, and this installation guide will help you to install Ubuntu
10.04 (Lucid Lynx) with ease.

OpenOffice Writer
OpenOffice Writer is the wordprocessing application of the OpenOffice office suite of
productivity applications. Here are the basics of using OpenOffice Writer.

Easy Ubuntu Manuals
Manuals for all things Linux provided by Easy Ubuntu Linux

Ubuntu Reset Password
To reset password in Ubuntu is used with root access and without. Here is how to reset
password in Ubuntu.

Ubuntu Add User
To add users in Ubuntu allows for a true multi-user system. Here is how to add user in

PCI DSS Vulnerability Management - Secure Your Network Against Vulnerabilities per
The PCI DSS vulnerability management addresses all forms of malware - viruses,
worms, and Trojans. Here are the stipulations of the PCI DSS with regard to
management of known vulnerabilities.

PCI DSS Vulnerability Management Checklist - Check Your Network For Vulnerabilities
per the PCI DSS
This PCI DSS vulnerability management checklist addresses the same kinds of malware
that the PCI DSS requires. Here the stipulations of PCI DSS vulnerability management are
put in practical terms.

Ubuntu, Comparatively Speaking
When you buy anything (even Ubuntu), it is always good to shop around. Deciding which
software to use can be like buying a car. Sure it looks nice, but how does it drive?

To help you answer this, the Ubuntu
installation disk functions as a live CD. This
means that your computer can boot from it
without affecting your current setup.
To give you some further help on this, this
section contains several comparisons
against other popular offerings.
As Microsoft controls a large portion of the
operating system market, I start with Windows. Ubuntu compares very favourably with
both Windows XP and Windows Vista. Not only does it offer more features that are
useful for the general computer user, it does so for free.
In recent years, a number of users have jumped the Microsoft ship for the world of
Apple's MacIntosh. Somewhat based on a version of Unix, Mac OS X is a distant cousin
to our favourite operating system. While the features of OS X are certainly more
compatible than Windows with the needs of most computer users, Ubuntu compares
more favourably - even for Mac software.
Ubuntu remains the most popular version of Linux at Distrowatch.com. Here you can
find more detailed comparisons with Fedora, OpenSUSE, Mandriva, and Mepis.
Finally, one might ask the question: "Which should I use?" In addition to the regular
version, the following are also available (the links lead to more detailed comparisons):
Compare Ubuntu to other operating systems:
Compare Ubuntu
Ubuntu vs XP
Ubuntu vs Vista
Ubuntu vs Mac OS X


A Brief History of Linux
The Linux kernel is the basic programming foundation for the entire Ubuntu operating
system. Here is how it started and why it is called GNU/Linux.

Ubuntu's African Roots
Ubuntu comes from an African word that suggests humanity and community.

Ubuntu, Comparatively Speaking
Ubuntu compares well against any operating system in use today, including Windows,
Mac, and other Linux versions.

Get Ubuntu Linux: Download, Request, or Order Ubuntu
Ubuntu can be downloaded or ordered and is available in a couple of versions: 6.06
(Dapper Drake) and 7.04 (Feisty Fawn). Which you use depends on the software you
need. This page shows you from where you can download, request, or buy Ubuntu.

Ubuntu vs Windows Vista
Ubuntu had many Windows Vista features almost a year before Microsoft released it.
Here is how Ubuntu compares to Windows Vista.

Windows Vista vs Mac OS X
Windows Vista looks curiously like Mac OS X. NY Times' David Pogue says there is no

How to Install Ubuntu Linux (6.06 LTS)
Ubuntu is the easiest Linux version to install. Here is a guide to installing Ubuntu Linux

Updating Ubuntu: How to Update a New Installation of Ubuntu Linux - 2
Ubuntu Linux checks for updates by default. If you need to update your installation of
Ubuntu for the first time, here is how to do it.

Resizing a Windows Installation
Resizing a Windows installation is easy with the Ubuntu installer. Installing Ubuntu in
parallel to a Windows installation is called 'dual booting' and is a good idea. Here is how
to do it.

A Brief History of Ubuntu
Ubuntu's history started with Debian GNU/Linux but has since outgrown it. Here is a
brief look at Ubuntu's past and how things stand today.

Adding Ubuntu Software and Other Linux Software to Ubuntu
Adding Ubuntu software, non-Ubuntu Linux software, or even proprietary software to
your new installation is easy with Synaptic. Here's how.

Adding Ubuntu Repositories
Adding Ubuntu repositories to download more Linux software is not very complicated. It
is a simple matter of telling Ubuntu where to find more software.

Additional Ubuntu Repositories
Ubuntu software is available in more repositories than the default Ubuntu installation
gives you. Here is a listing of more Ubuntu repositories for your software needs.

How to Install Ubuntu Linux 7.04 (Feisty Fawn)
Ubuntu Feisty was released in April 2007. It is the easiest Ubuntu to install yet. Here is
how the installation of Ubuntu Feisty is different from 6.06 LTS.

Booting Windows Instead of Ubuntu by Default
Grub boots Ubuntu by default. But if you want to make Windows your default operating
system without losing Ubuntu, all you need do is change a number in Grub's
configuration file. Here is how.

Setting Grub Timeout When Dual Booting Ubuntu
Grub's menu is hidden by default. Making it visible at startup is a matter of editing
grub's configuration file. Here is how.

Dual Boot Ubuntu With Windows
Dual booting Ubuntu with Windows or another operating system is not particularly
difficult. This guide shows you how to dual boot Ubuntu and Windows.

Make Grub's Menu Visible At Startup
Grub's menu is hidden by default. Making it visible at startup is a matter of editing
grub's configuration file. Here is how.

Parts of the Ubuntu Desktop: Top Left
Ubuntu uses GNOME as a default desktop. Here are the top left parts of the Ubuntu
desktop and what each does.

Parts of the Ubuntu Desktop: Top Right
Ubuntu uses GNOME as a default desktop. Here are the top right parts of the Ubuntu
desktop and what each does.

Parts of the Ubuntu Desktop: Bottom Components
Ubuntu uses GNOME as a default desktop. Here are the bottom parts of the Ubuntu
desktop and what each does.

A Primer for Installing Ubuntu
Installing Ubuntu should be as easy as possible, and the best guides for this are
provided here at Easy Ubuntu Linux. But all the online resources in the world do not
help you offline. For this reason, we are providing this PDF primer to help you install

Setup Your E-mail On Ubuntu: Part 1
Sending e-mail under Linux is easy. Here is how to setup your email identity under
Ubuntu Linux.

Receiving E-mail
Sending e-mail under Linux is easy. Here is how to receive email under Ubuntu Linux.

Sending E-mail On Ubuntu
Sending e-mail under Linux is simple. Here is how to setup Evolution to send email
under Ubuntu Linux.

Office Suites for Ubuntu
Choosing an office suite for your Ubuntu installation is like choosing the first among
equals. Here is a comparison of the best office suites available for Ubuntu Linux.

Upgrading Ubuntu
Ubuntu upgrades are easy to affect. As usual with Ubuntu, you get to choose how to

Install Ubuntu Upgrades By Updating Your Installation
Ubuntu Upgrades are a choice of two straightforward processes. Here is how to upgrade
and update all of your programs at once.

Affect an Ubuntu Upgrade With An Install CD
Ubuntu Upgrades are as easy as the installation. Here is how to upgrade and save your

Receiving Email via IMAP
Sending e-mail under Linux is easy. Here is how to receive email under Ubuntu Linux.

Image Handling With Ubuntu
Ubuntu's image handling surpasses those of other operating systems. Whether you just
need to look at your pictures or create first-rate graphics, Ubuntu offers a program to
meet your needs.

Photo Editing With the GIMP
Ubuntu comes with the GIMP already installed. Here is a brief tutorial on how to edit
photos with the GIMP.

Photo Previewing and Slideshows With GQView
GQView is an additional photo previewing program for Ubuntu. Here is a brief tutorial
on how to preview and edit photos with GQView on Ubuntu.

Install Ubuntu
Install Ubuntu with minimal fuss. Some choices in the installation process are better
than others, and this section will help you to install Ubuntu with ease.

Configure Ubuntu
The default Ubuntu configuration is good for most users. However, you will inevitably
want to configure Ubuntu to suit your tastes better.

How to Use Ubuntu
Once Ubuntu is setup, you may still wonder about how to use Ubuntu. This section will
show you how to setup and use software such as email, office suites, and photo editing

Installing Apache on Ubuntu
Apache is the main Ubuntu web server. It allows you to serve web pages from your
computer. Here is how to use Ubuntu to serve web pages with Apache.

Apache Modules on Ubuntu - Ubuntu's Apache Modules - Apache Modules on Ubuntu -
Part 1
Apache is the default web server on your Ubuntu system. With Ubuntu's Apache
modules, you can enable Apache to do a lot more than serve web pages. Here is how to
configure Apache modules on Ubuntu.

Apache on Ubuntu - Ubuntu's Apache Modules - Apache Modules on Ubuntu - Part 2
Apache lets you serve web pages from your Ubuntu server. Which of Ubuntu's Apache
modules are installed determines what you can do with your web server. Here is how to
configure Apache modules on Ubuntu.

Configure Apache Web Server on Ubuntu
Apache is a web server available for Ubuntu. With it you can serve web pages from a
computer. Here is how to setup Apache as a web server on Ubuntu.

Apache Web Server Configuration on Ubuntu
Apache on Ubuntu is a web server that enables you to serve web pages. How well those
web pages are served depends on the configuration you use. Here is detailed
information on the default configuration of the Apache web server on Ubuntu.

Installing a MySQL Database Server
MySQL is the most common database server in the world. Here is how to install MySQL
on Ubuntu Linux.

MySQL Database Configuration
MySQL is the world's most common database server. Here is how simple configuring
MySQL can be on Ubuntu Linux.

MySQL Database Configuration in Detail
MySQL is the most common database server. Here is the basic MySQL configuration in

Installing PHP on Ubuntu
PHP is one of the main languages used in developing for the Web. It allows you to create
web pages dynamically on Ubuntu.

Configuring PHP on Ubuntu
PHP is a programming language used with the Apache web server. Configuring PHP well
allows you to serve web pages dynamically on Ubuntu.

Configuring PHP on Ubuntu In-Depth
PHP is one of the main languages used in developing for the Web. Here is an in-depth
look at configuring it on on Ubuntu.

Reading the php.ini File from Ubuntu
PHP is one of the web's main languages for development. Understanding how to
configure PHP allows you to create web pages dynamically on Apache.

The Easy Ubuntu Blog
Ubuntu is not always easy. But Easy Ubuntu Linux helps make it that way. Keep it easy
with the Easy Ubuntu blog.

Installing a LAMP Server on Ubuntu
A LAMP server is one of the most pervasive types of servers on the Internet, but many
people find installing LAMP servers difficult. Here is how to install a LAMP server on

Installing Samba on Ubuntu
Samba is the main Ubuntu file sharing server. It allows you to share files with others
from your computer. Here is how to use Ubuntu to share files with Samba.

Configuring Samba on Ubuntu I
Samba is a file sharing server for Ubuntu Linux. It allows filesharing with others from
your computer. This guide shows how to configure Samba on Ubuntu.

Configuring Samba on Ubuntu II
Samba is a file sharing server for Ubuntu Linux. It allows filesharing with others from
your computer. This is the second page of a guide that shows how to configure Samba
on Ubuntu.

Configuring Samba on Ubuntu III: [globals]
Samba is a file sharing server for Ubuntu Linux. The [globals] header is part of the
Samba configuration file. This guide shows how to configure the [globals] section of the
Samba configuration on Ubuntu.

Configuring Samba on Ubuntu IV: [homes]
Samba is a file sharing server for Ubuntu Linux. The [homes] header is part of the
Samba configuration file. This guide shows how to configure the [homes] section of the
Samba configuration on Ubuntu.

Configuring Samba on Ubuntu V: [printers]
Samba also functions as a printer managing server for Ubuntu Linux. The [printers]
header is part of the Samba configuration file. This guide shows how to configure the
[printers] section of the Samba configuration.

Resizing a Windows Installation: A Caution
Resizing a Windows installation is easy with the Ubuntu installer. Installing Ubuntu in
parallel to a Windows installation is called 'dual booting' and is a good idea. Here is how
to do it.

Computer Programming on Ubuntu - Use Ubuntu to Program Your Computer
Ubuntu's open source nature allows you to program your computer yourself. Here is an
introduction to the ways to do computer programming on Ubuntu.

Computer Programming on Ubuntu - Functional Programming on Ubuntu
Functional programming is not hard to do on Ubuntu. Here is an introduction to what
functional programming is and why this programming paradigm is widely used.

Computer Programming on Ubuntu - Object-Oriented Programming on Ubuntu
Object-oriented programming is one of the most powerful programming paradigms and
the hardest to control. Here is an introduction to how to use object-oriented
programming on Ubuntu..

Learn PHP with Ubuntu - PHP Tutorial for Ubuntu
Learning PHP is not difficult with Ubuntu. This PHP tutorial helps you begin to learn PHP
for Ubuntu.

Learn PHP with Ubuntu - PHP Tutorial for Ubuntu - PHP Keywords
Learning PHP is not difficult with Ubuntu. This PHP tutorial helps you begin to learn PHP
for Ubuntu, starting with PHP's keywords.

Installing Wine on Ubuntu
Wine is an emulation layer for Ubuntu. It allows you to run Windows applications like
native Ubuntu software. Here is how to use Wine to run Windows applications on

Learn PHP with Ubuntu - PHP Tutorial for Ubuntu - PHP Variables and Datatypes
To Learn PHP is not difficult with Ubuntu. In this PHP tutorial, we look at variables and

Learn PHP with Ubuntu - PHP Tutorial on Datatypes - PHP Datatypes
To Learn PHP is not difficult with Ubuntu. In this PHP tutorial, we look the importance of
PHP's datatypes.

Installing Business::Credit Card for Perl on Ubuntu
Perl's Credit Card module is an effective way to check card numbers on Ubuntu. Here is
how to install the Credit Card module on Ubuntu in the fastest and most painless way

Credit Card Validation Before Processing
Processing credit cards is a fundamental process when you do ecommerce on Apache.
Here we walk through some of the more common options for credit card processing on

Credit Card Processing Choices
Processing credit cards is a fundamental process when you do ecommerce on Apache.
Here we walk through some of the more common options for credit card processing on

Ubuntu Netbook - Get Ubuntu on a Netbook - Netbooks Running Ubuntu
An Ubuntu netbook gives you the facility of a netbook with the advantages of Ubuntu.
Here we see the beauty of running an Ubuntu netbook.

Linux Netbook - Get Linux on a Netbook - Netbooks Running Linux
A netbook is a very small laptop that has lower specifications than the usual lap top.
This makes it perfect for Linux. Here we look at the advantages of a Linux netbook.

Netbook - Ubuntu Netbook - Netbooks Running Ubuntu Linux
A netbook is a very small laptop that has lower specifications than the usual lap top.
Here we look at the netbook and the value of running Ubuntu Linux on one.

Learn PHP with Ubuntu - PHP Tutorial for Ubuntu - PHP Syntax
Learning PHP is not difficult with Ubuntu. This PHP tutorial helps you begin to learn PHP
and PHP syntax.

Learn PHP Syntax with Ubuntu - PHP Tutorial on Loops - PHP Loop Syntax
PHP loops are not difficult to learn. It is simply a matter of remembering each formula.
This PHP tutorial shows you how PHP loops work on Ubuntu.

Learn PHP Constants - PHP Tutorial on Constants - PHP Constants on Ubuntu
To learn PHP is not difficult with Ubuntu. In this PHP tutorial, we look at PHP constants.

PHP Tutorial on the Value of Constants - Learn PHP - PHP Constants on Ubuntu
To learn PHP is not difficult with Ubuntu. In this PHP tutorial, we look at the value of

PHP Tutorial on Defined Constants - Learn PHP - PHP Constants on Ubuntu
To learn PHP is not difficult with Ubuntu. This PHP tutorial shows how to test for defined
constants and then to define them if they are not a PHP constant.

Learn PHP Expressions - PHP Tutorial on Expressions
To Learn PHP is not difficult with Ubuntu. In this PHP tutorial, we look at the importance
of understanding PHP's expressions.

Apache Web Hosting
Apache is the main web server provided by web hosting companies. Here are
recommendations on which Apache web hosting company to use for your Apache web

Linux Notebooks
Linux notebooks are not as rare as they once were. It is nonetheless possible to buy a
notebook and find that you cannot install Linux on it. Here is a series of guides for how
to install Linux on different notebooks.

Learn PHP in HTML - How To Embed PHP in HTML
We usually learn PHP as a standalone language, but it can be used in a HTML page. Here
is how to embed PHP in HTML for dynamic web pages.

Affect PHP Hosting - Configure Apache to Host PHP
To affect PHP hosting requires you to configure Apache to Host PHP. Here we see how
to do that.

PCI DSS is one of the most important elements of e-commerce. Even if you run your
own credit card processing business, you would be forgiven for wondering 'What is PCI
DSS?'. This cryptic abbreviation is explained here.

Sudoers - Registering Users in the Sudoers File
Sudoers are those users who can gain administrative access to the system. Their names
are listed in the sudoers file. Here is how to be so registered if your username is not in
the sudoers file.

PCI DSS Requirements - What are the PCI DSS Requirements
The PCI DSS requirements cover the salient aspects of data security set by the payment
card industry. Here we look at the requirements of the PCI DSS.

PCI DSS Network Security- Secure Your Network According to the PCI DSS
The PCI DSS requires network security in the first instance. Here are the two
requirements of the PCI DSS that focus on network security.

PCI DSS Network Security- Checklist for Securing Your Firewall According to the PCI DSS
The PCI DSS requires a secure firewall in the first instance. Here is the PCI checklist for
securing your network.

PCI DSS Network Security - Secure Your Systems According to the PCI DSS
The PCI DSS requires network security down to the system level. Here is what to look for
when evaluating your systems for network security according to PCI DSS requirements.

PCI DSS Network Security Checklist 2 - Checklist for Securing Your Network According
to the PCI DSS
The PCI DSS requirements for network security are not self-explanatory. Here is the PCI
checklist for securing your network according to PCI DSS requirements.

Credit Card Data - Protect Credit Card Data According to the PCI DSS
The PCI DSS requires protection of credit card data in multiple ways. Here is how to
protect credit card data according to PCI DSS requirements.

Credit Card Data 2 - Checklist for Credit Card Data Protection According to the PCI DSS
Credit card data protection is the second set of PCI DSS requirements. This checklist
helps you to ensure you are compliant with the PCI DSS requirements on credit card
data security.

Credit Card Data 3 - Credit Card Data Protection in Transit According to the PCI DSS
Credit card data protection is the second major set of PCI DSS requirements. This
second component deals with how to protect credit card data in transit according to PCI
DSS requirements.

Credit Card Data 4 - Checklist for Credit Card Data Protection in Transit
Credit card data protection is the second major set of PCI DSS requirements. This
checklist will help you to ensure your are compliant with PCI DSS requirements for credit
card data protection.

Sign Up for Gmail
Sign up for Gmail and get several benefits for free. Here is how to sign up for Gmail for

Email Solutions on Ubuntu Linux
Email solution on Linux vary according to how much control and accessibility you want
to have. Here we see what is available for email solutions under Ubuntu Linux.

Install Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx)
Install Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) with minimal fuss. Some choices in the installation
process are better than others, and this installation guide will help you to install Ubuntu
10.04 (Lucid Lynx) with ease.

OpenOffice Writer
OpenOffice Writer is the wordprocessing application of the OpenOffice office suite of
productivity applications. Here are the basics of using OpenOffice Writer.

Easy Ubuntu Manuals
Manuals for all things Linux provided by Easy Ubuntu Linux

Ubuntu Reset Password
To reset password in Ubuntu is used with root access and without. Here is how to reset
password in Ubuntu.

Ubuntu Add User
To add users in Ubuntu allows for a true multi-user system. Here is how to add user in

PCI DSS Vulnerability Management - Secure Your Network Against Vulnerabilities per
The PCI DSS vulnerability management addresses all forms of malware - viruses,
worms, and Trojans. Here are the stipulations of the PCI DSS with regard to
management of known vulnerabilities.

PCI DSS Vulnerability Management Checklist - Check Your Network For Vulnerabilities
per the PCI DSS
This PCI DSS vulnerability management checklist addresses the same kinds of malware
that the PCI DSS requires. Here the stipulations of PCI DSS vulnerability management are
put in practical terms.

Other Versions of Ubuntu

Unlike other Linuxes, Ubuntu does not differentiate between its home and professional
editions. The version homemakers use for recipe collection or children use for games is
the same version used by programmers in large businesses like Google. The focus of
professional or enterprise editions - security and stability - is equally available to the
non-professional user.
Ubuntu is officially available in four editions:
Beyond Ubuntu, there are a few specialist packages. Edubuntu is specifically oriented
toward schools and teaching. It includes educational games for children as young as
three. But it also includes key applications for students in higher levels, including high
school or college. At its core, however, it remains the same as regular Ubuntu.
Kubuntu and Xubuntu
In addition to these, two other editions of Ubuntu are available for different graphic
interfaces and pre-packaged programs. Kubuntu is oriented to those who prefer to use
the KDE graphic interface instead of Ubuntu's default, GNOME. Xubuntu is for those who
prefer the xfce graphic interface.
Formatted: Font: (Default) Lucida Sans
Unicode, 10.5 pt, Font color: Gray-80%

Ubuntu comes with high quality, industrial-strength applications on the installation CD.
These include a full office suite, a graphics package that has around 80% of the
functionality of Adobe Photoshop, a full personal information manager that functions
similarly to Outlook, instant messaging, and Skype-like Internet phoning.
Using Ubuntu's built-in installation utility, one can select applications which the
program will then find on the Internet, download, install, and configure at the click of a
button. Ubuntu also supports fast user switching as well as nested user switching,
allowing you to start another login inside of a nested window like starting another
program. ACPI power management is also supported.
Further, if you want to save or copy your bookmarks, background, and other options
from your Windows installation and use them in Ubuntu, you can. With Ubuntu 7.04, the
installer preserves those options and implements them in the new installation. They are
ready for use as soon as you login the first time.
One of the great frustrations endured for some time by Linux users and Windows users
alike was incompatability issues between the software and the operating system.
Ubuntu solves this by checking the dependencies of a program before it is installed. If a
required package is not installed and needs to be, Ubuntu will offer to find it and install
it first, and then continue installing the previously selected program.
While Ubuntu offers significantly more functionality immediately upon installation than
other operating systems, the starkest point of comparison is price. As I write this, the
entry-level Windows Vista Basic retails for $143.00 (USD). The Media Center Edition of
XP sells for $139.95 (USD). RedHat Enterprise Linux sells for $110.00. Novell's SUSEsells
for around $50 USD. Ubuntu, on the other hand, remains free of charge. You
candownload it or even request a free installation CD, sent to you wherever you live for
free (no charge for the postage, even!).
Formatted: Font: (Default) Lucida Sans
Unicode, 10.5 pt, Font color: Violet


A Brief History of Linux
The Linux kernel is the basic programming foundation for the entire Ubuntu operating
system. Here is how it started and why it is called GNU/Linux.

Ubuntu's African Roots
Ubuntu comes from an African word that suggests humanity and community.

Ubuntu, Comparatively Speaking
Ubuntu compares well against any operating system in use today, including Windows,
Mac, and other Linux versions.

Get Ubuntu Linux: Download, Request, or Order Ubuntu
Ubuntu can be downloaded or ordered and is available in a couple of versions: 6.06
(Dapper Drake) and 7.04 (Feisty Fawn). Which you use depends on the software you
need. This page shows you from where you can download, request, or buy Ubuntu.

Ubuntu vs Windows Vista
Ubuntu had many Windows Vista features almost a year before Microsoft released it.
Here is how Ubuntu compares to Windows Vista.

Windows Vista vs Mac OS X
Windows Vista looks curiously like Mac OS X. NY Times' David Pogue says there is no

How to Install Ubuntu Linux (6.06 LTS)
Ubuntu is the easiest Linux version to install. Here is a guide to installing Ubuntu Linux

Updating Ubuntu: How to Update a New Installation of Ubuntu Linux - 2
Ubuntu Linux checks for updates by default. If you need to update your installation of
Ubuntu for the first time, here is how to do it.

Resizing a Windows Installation
Resizing a Windows installation is easy with the Ubuntu installer. Installing Ubuntu in
parallel to a Windows installation is called 'dual booting' and is a good idea. Here is how
to do it.

A Brief History of Ubuntu
Ubuntu's history started with Debian GNU/Linux but has since outgrown it. Here is a
brief look at Ubuntu's past and how things stand today.

Adding Ubuntu Software and Other Linux Software to Ubuntu
Adding Ubuntu software, non-Ubuntu Linux software, or even proprietary software to
your new installation is easy with Synaptic. Here's how.

Adding Ubuntu Repositories
Adding Ubuntu repositories to download more Linux software is not very complicated. It
is a simple matter of telling Ubuntu where to find more software.

Additional Ubuntu Repositories
Ubuntu software is available in more repositories than the default Ubuntu installation
gives you. Here is a listing of more Ubuntu repositories for your software needs.

How to Install Ubuntu Linux 7.04 (Feisty Fawn)
Ubuntu Feisty was released in April 2007. It is the easiest Ubuntu to install yet. Here is
how the installation of Ubuntu Feisty is different from 6.06 LTS.

Booting Windows Instead of Ubuntu by Default
Grub boots Ubuntu by default. But if you want to make Windows your default operating
system without losing Ubuntu, all you need do is change a number in Grub's
configuration file. Here is how.

Setting Grub Timeout When Dual Booting Ubuntu
Grub's menu is hidden by default. Making it visible at startup is a matter of editing
grub's configuration file. Here is how.

Dual Boot Ubuntu With Windows
Dual booting Ubuntu with Windows or another operating system is not particularly
difficult. This guide shows you how to dual boot Ubuntu and Windows.

Make Grub's Menu Visible At Startup
Grub's menu is hidden by default. Making it visible at startup is a matter of editing
grub's configuration file. Here is how.

Parts of the Ubuntu Desktop: Top Left
Ubuntu uses GNOME as a default desktop. Here are the top left parts of the Ubuntu
desktop and what each does.

Parts of the Ubuntu Desktop: Top Right
Ubuntu uses GNOME as a default desktop. Here are the top right parts of the Ubuntu
desktop and what each does.

Parts of the Ubuntu Desktop: Bottom Components
Ubuntu uses GNOME as a default desktop. Here are the bottom parts of the Ubuntu
desktop and what each does.

A Primer for Installing Ubuntu
Installing Ubuntu should be as easy as possible, and the best guides for this are
provided here at Easy Ubuntu Linux. But all the online resources in the world do not
help you offline. For this reason, we are providing this PDF primer to help you install

Setup Your E-mail On Ubuntu: Part 1
Sending e-mail under Linux is easy. Here is how to setup your email identity under
Ubuntu Linux.

Receiving E-mail
Sending e-mail under Linux is easy. Here is how to receive email under Ubuntu Linux.

Sending E-mail On Ubuntu
Sending e-mail under Linux is simple. Here is how to setup Evolution to send email
under Ubuntu Linux.

Office Suites for Ubuntu
Choosing an office suite for your Ubuntu installation is like choosing the first among
equals. Here is a comparison of the best office suites available for Ubuntu Linux.

Upgrading Ubuntu
Ubuntu upgrades are easy to affect. As usual with Ubuntu, you get to choose how to

Install Ubuntu Upgrades By Updating Your Installation
Ubuntu Upgrades are a choice of two straightforward processes. Here is how to upgrade
and update all of your programs at once.

Affect an Ubuntu Upgrade With An Install CD
Ubuntu Upgrades are as easy as the installation. Here is how to upgrade and save your

Receiving Email via IMAP
Sending e-mail under Linux is easy. Here is how to receive email under Ubuntu Linux.

Image Handling With Ubuntu
Ubuntu's image handling surpasses those of other operating systems. Whether you just
need to look at your pictures or create first-rate graphics, Ubuntu offers a program to
meet your needs.

Photo Editing With the GIMP
Ubuntu comes with the GIMP already installed. Here is a brief tutorial on how to edit
photos with the GIMP.

Photo Previewing and Slideshows With GQView
GQView is an additional photo previewing program for Ubuntu. Here is a brief tutorial
on how to preview and edit photos with GQView on Ubuntu.

Install Ubuntu
Install Ubuntu with minimal fuss. Some choices in the installation process are better
than others, and this section will help you to install Ubuntu with ease.

Configure Ubuntu
The default Ubuntu configuration is good for most users. However, you will inevitably
want to configure Ubuntu to suit your tastes better.

How to Use Ubuntu
Once Ubuntu is setup, you may still wonder about how to use Ubuntu. This section will
show you how to setup and use software such as email, office suites, and photo editing

Installing Apache on Ubuntu
Apache is the main Ubuntu web server. It allows you to serve web pages from your
computer. Here is how to use Ubuntu to serve web pages with Apache.

Apache Modules on Ubuntu - Ubuntu's Apache Modules - Apache Modules on Ubuntu -
Part 1
Apache is the default web server on your Ubuntu system. With Ubuntu's Apache
modules, you can enable Apache to do a lot more than serve web pages. Here is how to
configure Apache modules on Ubuntu.

Apache on Ubuntu - Ubuntu's Apache Modules - Apache Modules on Ubuntu - Part 2
Apache lets you serve web pages from your Ubuntu server. Which of Ubuntu's Apache
modules are installed determines what you can do with your web server. Here is how to
configure Apache modules on Ubuntu.

Configure Apache Web Server on Ubuntu
Apache is a web server available for Ubuntu. With it you can serve web pages from a
computer. Here is how to setup Apache as a web server on Ubuntu.

Apache Web Server Configuration on Ubuntu
Apache on Ubuntu is a web server that enables you to serve web pages. How well those
web pages are served depends on the configuration you use. Here is detailed
information on the default configuration of the Apache web server on Ubuntu.

Installing a MySQL Database Server
MySQL is the most common database server in the world. Here is how to install MySQL
on Ubuntu Linux.

MySQL Database Configuration
MySQL is the world's most common database server. Here is how simple configuring
MySQL can be on Ubuntu Linux.

MySQL Database Configuration in Detail
MySQL is the most common database server. Here is the basic MySQL configuration in

Installing PHP on Ubuntu
PHP is one of the main languages used in developing for the Web. It allows you to create
web pages dynamically on Ubuntu.

Configuring PHP on Ubuntu
PHP is a programming language used with the Apache web server. Configuring PHP well
allows you to serve web pages dynamically on Ubuntu.

Configuring PHP on Ubuntu In-Depth
PHP is one of the main languages used in developing for the Web. Here is an in-depth
look at configuring it on on Ubuntu.

Reading the php.ini File from Ubuntu
PHP is one of the web's main languages for development. Understanding how to
configure PHP allows you to create web pages dynamically on Apache.

The Easy Ubuntu Blog
Ubuntu is not always easy. But Easy Ubuntu Linux helps make it that way. Keep it easy
with the Easy Ubuntu blog.

Installing a LAMP Server on Ubuntu
A LAMP server is one of the most pervasive types of servers on the Internet, but many
people find installing LAMP servers difficult. Here is how to install a LAMP server on

Installing Samba on Ubuntu
Samba is the main Ubuntu file sharing server. It allows you to share files with others
from your computer. Here is how to use Ubuntu to share files with Samba.

Configuring Samba on Ubuntu I
Samba is a file sharing server for Ubuntu Linux. It allows filesharing with others from
your computer. This guide shows how to configure Samba on Ubuntu.

Configuring Samba on Ubuntu II
Samba is a file sharing server for Ubuntu Linux. It allows filesharing with others from
your computer. This is the second page of a guide that shows how to configure Samba
on Ubuntu.

Configuring Samba on Ubuntu III: [globals]
Samba is a file sharing server for Ubuntu Linux. The [globals] header is part of the
Samba configuration file. This guide shows how to configure the [globals] section of the
Samba configuration on Ubuntu.

Configuring Samba on Ubuntu IV: [homes]
Samba is a file sharing server for Ubuntu Linux. The [homes] header is part of the
Samba configuration file. This guide shows how to configure the [homes] section of the
Samba configuration on Ubuntu.

Configuring Samba on Ubuntu V: [printers]
Samba also functions as a printer managing server for Ubuntu Linux. The [printers]
header is part of the Samba configuration file. This guide shows how to configure the
[printers] section of the Samba configuration.

Resizing a Windows Installation: A Caution
Resizing a Windows installation is easy with the Ubuntu installer. Installing Ubuntu in
parallel to a Windows installation is called 'dual booting' and is a good idea. Here is how
to do it.

Computer Programming on Ubuntu - Use Ubuntu to Program Your Computer
Ubuntu's open source nature allows you to program your computer yourself. Here is an
introduction to the ways to do computer programming on Ubuntu.

Computer Programming on Ubuntu - Functional Programming on Ubuntu
Functional programming is not hard to do on Ubuntu. Here is an introduction to what
functional programming is and why this programming paradigm is widely used.

Computer Programming on Ubuntu - Object-Oriented Programming on Ubuntu
Object-oriented programming is one of the most powerful programming paradigms and
the hardest to control. Here is an introduction to how to use object-oriented
programming on Ubuntu..

Learn PHP with Ubuntu - PHP Tutorial for Ubuntu
Learning PHP is not difficult with Ubuntu. This PHP tutorial helps you begin to learn PHP
for Ubuntu.

Learn PHP with Ubuntu - PHP Tutorial for Ubuntu - PHP Keywords
Learning PHP is not difficult with Ubuntu. This PHP tutorial helps you begin to learn PHP
for Ubuntu, starting with PHP's keywords.

Installing Wine on Ubuntu
Wine is an emulation layer for Ubuntu. It allows you to run Windows applications like
native Ubuntu software. Here is how to use Wine to run Windows applications on

Learn PHP with Ubuntu - PHP Tutorial for Ubuntu - PHP Variables and Datatypes
To Learn PHP is not difficult with Ubuntu. In this PHP tutorial, we look at variables and

Learn PHP with Ubuntu - PHP Tutorial on Datatypes - PHP Datatypes
To Learn PHP is not difficult with Ubuntu. In this PHP tutorial, we look the importance of
PHP's datatypes.

Installing Business::Credit Card for Perl on Ubuntu
Perl's Credit Card module is an effective way to check card numbers on Ubuntu. Here is
how to install the Credit Card module on Ubuntu in the fastest and most painless way

Credit Card Validation Before Processing
Processing credit cards is a fundamental process when you do ecommerce on Apache.
Here we walk through some of the more common options for credit card processing on

Credit Card Processing Choices
Processing credit cards is a fundamental process when you do ecommerce on Apache.
Here we walk through some of the more common options for credit card processing on

Ubuntu Netbook - Get Ubuntu on a Netbook - Netbooks Running Ubuntu
An Ubuntu netbook gives you the facility of a netbook with the advantages of Ubuntu.
Here we see the beauty of running an Ubuntu netbook.

Linux Netbook - Get Linux on a Netbook - Netbooks Running Linux
A netbook is a very small laptop that has lower specifications than the usual lap top.
This makes it perfect for Linux. Here we look at the advantages of a Linux netbook.

Netbook - Ubuntu Netbook - Netbooks Running Ubuntu Linux
A netbook is a very small laptop that has lower specifications than the usual lap top.
Here we look at the netbook and the value of running Ubuntu Linux on one.

Learn PHP with Ubuntu - PHP Tutorial for Ubuntu - PHP Syntax
Learning PHP is not difficult with Ubuntu. This PHP tutorial helps you begin to learn PHP
and PHP syntax.

Learn PHP Syntax with Ubuntu - PHP Tutorial on Loops - PHP Loop Syntax
PHP loops are not difficult to learn. It is simply a matter of remembering each formula.
This PHP tutorial shows you how PHP loops work on Ubuntu.

Learn PHP Constants - PHP Tutorial on Constants - PHP Constants on Ubuntu
To learn PHP is not difficult with Ubuntu. In this PHP tutorial, we look at PHP constants.

PHP Tutorial on the Value of Constants - Learn PHP - PHP Constants on Ubuntu
To learn PHP is not difficult with Ubuntu. In this PHP tutorial, we look at the value of

PHP Tutorial on Defined Constants - Learn PHP - PHP Constants on Ubuntu
To learn PHP is not difficult with Ubuntu. This PHP tutorial shows how to test for defined
constants and then to define them if they are not a PHP constant.

Learn PHP Expressions - PHP Tutorial on Expressions
To Learn PHP is not difficult with Ubuntu. In this PHP tutorial, we look at the importance
of understanding PHP's expressions.

Apache Web Hosting
Apache is the main web server provided by web hosting companies. Here are
recommendations on which Apache web hosting company to use for your Apache web

Linux Notebooks
Linux notebooks are not as rare as they once were. It is nonetheless possible to buy a
notebook and find that you cannot install Linux on it. Here is a series of guides for how
to install Linux on different notebooks.

Learn PHP in HTML - How To Embed PHP in HTML
We usually learn PHP as a standalone language, but it can be used in a HTML page. Here
is how to embed PHP in HTML for dynamic web pages.

Affect PHP Hosting - Configure Apache to Host PHP
To affect PHP hosting requires you to configure Apache to Host PHP. Here we see how
to do that.

PCI DSS is one of the most important elements of e-commerce. Even if you run your
own credit card processing business, you would be forgiven for wondering 'What is PCI
DSS?'. This cryptic abbreviation is explained here.

Sudoers - Registering Users in the Sudoers File
Sudoers are those users who can gain administrative access to the system. Their names
are listed in the sudoers file. Here is how to be so registered if your username is not in
the sudoers file.

PCI DSS Requirements - What are the PCI DSS Requirements
The PCI DSS requirements cover the salient aspects of data security set by the payment
card industry. Here we look at the requirements of the PCI DSS.

PCI DSS Network Security- Secure Your Network According to the PCI DSS
The PCI DSS requires network security in the first instance. Here are the two
requirements of the PCI DSS that focus on network security.

PCI DSS Network Security- Checklist for Securing Your Firewall According to the PCI DSS
The PCI DSS requires a secure firewall in the first instance. Here is the PCI checklist for
securing your network.

PCI DSS Network Security - Secure Your Systems According to the PCI DSS
The PCI DSS requires network security down to the system level. Here is what to look for
when evaluating your systems for network security according to PCI DSS requirements.

PCI DSS Network Security Checklist 2 - Checklist for Securing Your Network According
to the PCI DSS
The PCI DSS requirements for network security are not self-explanatory. Here is the PCI
checklist for securing your network according to PCI DSS requirements.

Credit Card Data - Protect Credit Card Data According to the PCI DSS
The PCI DSS requires protection of credit card data in multiple ways. Here is how to
protect credit card data according to PCI DSS requirements.

Credit Card Data 2 - Checklist for Credit Card Data Protection According to the PCI DSS
Credit card data protection is the second set of PCI DSS requirements. This checklist
helps you to ensure you are compliant with the PCI DSS requirements on credit card
data security.

Credit Card Data 3 - Credit Card Data Protection in Transit According to the PCI DSS
Credit card data protection is the second major set of PCI DSS requirements. This
second component deals with how to protect credit card data in transit according to PCI
DSS requirements.

Credit Card Data 4 - Checklist for Credit Card Data Protection in Transit
Credit card data protection is the second major set of PCI DSS requirements. This
checklist will help you to ensure your are compliant with PCI DSS requirements for credit
card data protection.

Sign Up for Gmail
Sign up for Gmail and get several benefits for free. Here is how to sign up for Gmail for

Email Solutions on Ubuntu Linux
Email solution on Linux vary according to how much control and accessibility you want
to have. Here we see what is available for email solutions under Ubuntu Linux.

Install Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx)
Install Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) with minimal fuss. Some choices in the installation
process are better than others, and this installation guide will help you to install Ubuntu
10.04 (Lucid Lynx) with ease.

OpenOffice Writer
OpenOffice Writer is the wordprocessing application of the OpenOffice office suite of
productivity applications. Here are the basics of using OpenOffice Writer.

Easy Ubuntu Manuals
Manuals for all things Linux provided by Easy Ubuntu Linux

Ubuntu Reset Password
To reset password in Ubuntu is used with root access and without. Here is how to reset
password in Ubuntu.

Ubuntu Add User
To add users in Ubuntu allows for a true multi-user system. Here is how to add user in

PCI DSS Vulnerability Management - Secure Your Network Against Vulnerabilities per
The PCI DSS vulnerability management addresses all forms of malware - viruses,
worms, and Trojans. Here are the stipulations of the PCI DSS with regard to
management of known vulnerabilities.

PCI DSS Vulnerability Management Checklist - Check Your Network For Vulnerabilities
per the PCI DSS
This PCI DSS vulnerability management checklist addresses the same kinds of malware
that the PCI DSS requires. Here the stipulations of PCI DSS vulnerability management are
put in practical terms.
Learn to do more with
Ubuntu Linux!
Installing and configuring Ubuntu is just the beginning of a joy-filled computing
experience. In Ubuntu Helps, a free monthly newsletter from Easy Ubuntu Linux, you
will find many more helps to keep Ubuntu easy.
Computers should not be frustrating. Subscribe below and keep the hard things easy
with Ubuntu.
< class="subscription_box">




Please note: Your e-mail address is secure with Easy Ubuntu Linux.
It will be used only to send you Ubuntu Helps.


A Brief History of Linux
The Linux kernel is the basic programming foundation for the entire Ubuntu operating
system. Here is how it started and why it is called GNU/Linux.

Ubuntu's African Roots
Ubuntu comes from an African word that suggests humanity and community.

Ubuntu, Comparatively Speaking
Ubuntu compares well against any operating system in use today, including Windows,
Mac, and other Linux versions.

Get Ubuntu Linux: Download, Request, or Order Ubuntu
Ubuntu can be downloaded or ordered and is available in a couple of versions: 6.06
(Dapper Drake) and 7.04 (Feisty Fawn). Which you use depends on the software you
need. This page shows you from where you can download, request, or buy Ubuntu.

Ubuntu vs Windows Vista
Ubuntu had many Windows Vista features almost a year before Microsoft released it.
Here is how Ubuntu compares to Windows Vista.

Windows Vista vs Mac OS X
Windows Vista looks curiously like Mac OS X. NY Times' David Pogue says there is no

How to Install Ubuntu Linux (6.06 LTS)
Ubuntu is the easiest Linux version to install. Here is a guide to installing Ubuntu Linux

Updating Ubuntu: How to Update a New Installation of Ubuntu Linux - 2
Ubuntu Linux checks for updates by default. If you need to update your installation of
Ubuntu for the first time, here is how to do it.

Resizing a Windows Installation
Resizing a Windows installation is easy with the Ubuntu installer. Installing Ubuntu in
parallel to a Windows installation is called 'dual booting' and is a good idea. Here is how
to do it.

A Brief History of Ubuntu
Ubuntu's history started with Debian GNU/Linux but has since outgrown it. Here is a
brief look at Ubuntu's past and how things stand today.

Adding Ubuntu Software and Other Linux Software to Ubuntu
Adding Ubuntu software, non-Ubuntu Linux software, or even proprietary software to
your new installation is easy with Synaptic. Here's how.

Adding Ubuntu Repositories
Adding Ubuntu repositories to download more Linux software is not very complicated. It
is a simple matter of telling Ubuntu where to find more software.

Additional Ubuntu Repositories
Ubuntu software is available in more repositories than the default Ubuntu installation
gives you. Here is a listing of more Ubuntu repositories for your software needs.

How to Install Ubuntu Linux 7.04 (Feisty Fawn)
Ubuntu Feisty was released in April 2007. It is the easiest Ubuntu to install yet. Here is
how the installation of Ubuntu Feisty is different from 6.06 LTS.

Booting Windows Instead of Ubuntu by Default
Grub boots Ubuntu by default. But if you want to make Windows your default operating
system without losing Ubuntu, all you need do is change a number in Grub's
configuration file. Here is how.

Setting Grub Timeout When Dual Booting Ubuntu
Grub's menu is hidden by default. Making it visible at startup is a matter of editing
grub's configuration file. Here is how.

Dual Boot Ubuntu With Windows
Dual booting Ubuntu with Windows or another operating system is not particularly
difficult. This guide shows you how to dual boot Ubuntu and Windows.

Make Grub's Menu Visible At Startup
Grub's menu is hidden by default. Making it visible at startup is a matter of editing
grub's configuration file. Here is how.

Parts of the Ubuntu Desktop: Top Left
Ubuntu uses GNOME as a default desktop. Here are the top left parts of the Ubuntu
desktop and what each does.

Parts of the Ubuntu Desktop: Top Right
Ubuntu uses GNOME as a default desktop. Here are the top right parts of the Ubuntu
desktop and what each does.

Parts of the Ubuntu Desktop: Bottom Components
Ubuntu uses GNOME as a default desktop. Here are the bottom parts of the Ubuntu
desktop and what each does.

A Primer for Installing Ubuntu
Installing Ubuntu should be as easy as possible, and the best guides for this are
provided here at Easy Ubuntu Linux. But all the online resources in the world do not
help you offline. For this reason, we are providing this PDF primer to help you install

Setup Your E-mail On Ubuntu: Part 1
Sending e-mail under Linux is easy. Here is how to setup your email identity under
Ubuntu Linux.

Receiving E-mail
Sending e-mail under Linux is easy. Here is how to receive email under Ubuntu Linux.

Sending E-mail On Ubuntu
Sending e-mail under Linux is simple. Here is how to setup Evolution to send email
under Ubuntu Linux.

Office Suites for Ubuntu
Choosing an office suite for your Ubuntu installation is like choosing the first among
equals. Here is a comparison of the best office suites available for Ubuntu Linux.

Upgrading Ubuntu
Ubuntu upgrades are easy to affect. As usual with Ubuntu, you get to choose how to

Install Ubuntu Upgrades By Updating Your Installation
Ubuntu Upgrades are a choice of two straightforward processes. Here is how to upgrade
and update all of your programs at once.

Affect an Ubuntu Upgrade With An Install CD
Ubuntu Upgrades are as easy as the installation. Here is how to upgrade and save your

Receiving Email via IMAP
Sending e-mail under Linux is easy. Here is how to receive email under Ubuntu Linux.

Image Handling With Ubuntu
Ubuntu's image handling surpasses those of other operating systems. Whether you just
need to look at your pictures or create first-rate graphics, Ubuntu offers a program to
meet your needs.

Photo Editing With the GIMP
Ubuntu comes with the GIMP already installed. Here is a brief tutorial on how to edit
photos with the GIMP.

Photo Previewing and Slideshows With GQView
GQView is an additional photo previewing program for Ubuntu. Here is a brief tutorial
on how to preview and edit photos with GQView on Ubuntu.

Install Ubuntu
Install Ubuntu with minimal fuss. Some choices in the installation process are better
than others, and this section will help you to install Ubuntu with ease.

Configure Ubuntu
The default Ubuntu configuration is good for most users. However, you will inevitably
want to configure Ubuntu to suit your tastes better.

How to Use Ubuntu
Once Ubuntu is setup, you may still wonder about how to use Ubuntu. This section will
show you how to setup and use software such as email, office suites, and photo editing

Installing Apache on Ubuntu
Apache is the main Ubuntu web server. It allows you to serve web pages from your
computer. Here is how to use Ubuntu to serve web pages with Apache.

Apache Modules on Ubuntu - Ubuntu's Apache Modules - Apache Modules on Ubuntu -
Part 1
Apache is the default web server on your Ubuntu system. With Ubuntu's Apache
modules, you can enable Apache to do a lot more than serve web pages. Here is how to
configure Apache modules on Ubuntu.

Apache on Ubuntu - Ubuntu's Apache Modules - Apache Modules on Ubuntu - Part 2
Apache lets you serve web pages from your Ubuntu server. Which of Ubuntu's Apache
modules are installed determines what you can do with your web server. Here is how to
configure Apache modules on Ubuntu.

Configure Apache Web Server on Ubuntu
Apache is a web server available for Ubuntu. With it you can serve web pages from a
computer. Here is how to setup Apache as a web server on Ubuntu.

Apache Web Server Configuration on Ubuntu
Apache on Ubuntu is a web server that enables you to serve web pages. How well those
web pages are served depends on the configuration you use. Here is detailed
information on the default configuration of the Apache web server on Ubuntu.

Installing a MySQL Database Server
MySQL is the most common database server in the world. Here is how to install MySQL
on Ubuntu Linux.

MySQL Database Configuration
MySQL is the world's most common database server. Here is how simple configuring
MySQL can be on Ubuntu Linux.

MySQL Database Configuration in Detail
MySQL is the most common database server. Here is the basic MySQL configuration in

Installing PHP on Ubuntu
PHP is one of the main languages used in developing for the Web. It allows you to create
web pages dynamically on Ubuntu.

Configuring PHP on Ubuntu
PHP is a programming language used with the Apache web server. Configuring PHP well
allows you to serve web pages dynamically on Ubuntu.

Configuring PHP on Ubuntu In-Depth
PHP is one of the main languages used in developing for the Web. Here is an in-depth
look at configuring it on on Ubuntu.

Reading the php.ini File from Ubuntu
PHP is one of the web's main languages for development. Understanding how to
configure PHP allows you to create web pages dynamically on Apache.

The Easy Ubuntu Blog
Ubuntu is not always easy. But Easy Ubuntu Linux helps make it that way. Keep it easy
with the Easy Ubuntu blog.

Installing a LAMP Server on Ubuntu
A LAMP server is one of the most pervasive types of servers on the Internet, but many
people find installing LAMP servers difficult. Here is how to install a LAMP server on

Installing Samba on Ubuntu
Samba is the main Ubuntu file sharing server. It allows you to share files with others
from your computer. Here is how to use Ubuntu to share files with Samba.

Configuring Samba on Ubuntu I
Samba is a file sharing server for Ubuntu Linux. It allows filesharing with others from
your computer. This guide shows how to configure Samba on Ubuntu.

Configuring Samba on Ubuntu II
Samba is a file sharing server for Ubuntu Linux. It allows filesharing with others from
your computer. This is the second page of a guide that shows how to configure Samba
on Ubuntu.

Configuring Samba on Ubuntu III: [globals]
Samba is a file sharing server for Ubuntu Linux. The [globals] header is part of the
Samba configuration file. This guide shows how to configure the [globals] section of the
Samba configuration on Ubuntu.

Configuring Samba on Ubuntu IV: [homes]
Samba is a file sharing server for Ubuntu Linux. The [homes] header is part of the
Samba configuration file. This guide shows how to configure the [homes] section of the
Samba configuration on Ubuntu.

Configuring Samba on Ubuntu V: [printers]
Samba also functions as a printer managing server for Ubuntu Linux. The [printers]
header is part of the Samba configuration file. This guide shows how to configure the
[printers] section of the Samba configuration.

Resizing a Windows Installation: A Caution
Resizing a Windows installation is easy with the Ubuntu installer. Installing Ubuntu in
parallel to a Windows installation is called 'dual booting' and is a good idea. Here is how
to do it.

Computer Programming on Ubuntu - Use Ubuntu to Program Your Computer
Ubuntu's open source nature allows you to program your computer yourself. Here is an
introduction to the ways to do computer programming on Ubuntu.

Computer Programming on Ubuntu - Functional Programming on Ubuntu
Functional programming is not hard to do on Ubuntu. Here is an introduction to what
functional programming is and why this programming paradigm is widely used.

Computer Programming on Ubuntu - Object-Oriented Programming on Ubuntu
Object-oriented programming is one of the most powerful programming paradigms and
the hardest to control. Here is an introduction to how to use object-oriented
programming on Ubuntu..

Learn PHP with Ubuntu - PHP Tutorial for Ubuntu
Learning PHP is not difficult with Ubuntu. This PHP tutorial helps you begin to learn PHP
for Ubuntu.

Learn PHP with Ubuntu - PHP Tutorial for Ubuntu - PHP Keywords
Learning PHP is not difficult with Ubuntu. This PHP tutorial helps you begin to learn PHP
for Ubuntu, starting with PHP's keywords.

Installing Wine on Ubuntu
Wine is an emulation layer for Ubuntu. It allows you to run Windows applications like
native Ubuntu software. Here is how to use Wine to run Windows applications on

Learn PHP with Ubuntu - PHP Tutorial for Ubuntu - PHP Variables and Datatypes
To Learn PHP is not difficult with Ubuntu. In this PHP tutorial, we look at variables and

Learn PHP with Ubuntu - PHP Tutorial on Datatypes - PHP Datatypes
To Learn PHP is not difficult with Ubuntu. In this PHP tutorial, we look the importance of
PHP's datatypes.

Installing Business::Credit Card for Perl on Ubuntu
Perl's Credit Card module is an effective way to check card numbers on Ubuntu. Here is
how to install the Credit Card module on Ubuntu in the fastest and most painless way

Credit Card Validation Before Processing
Processing credit cards is a fundamental process when you do ecommerce on Apache.
Here we walk through some of the more common options for credit card processing on

Credit Card Processing Choices
Processing credit cards is a fundamental process when you do ecommerce on Apache.
Here we walk through some of the more common options for credit card processing on

Ubuntu Netbook - Get Ubuntu on a Netbook - Netbooks Running Ubuntu
An Ubuntu netbook gives you the facility of a netbook with the advantages of Ubuntu.
Here we see the beauty of running an Ubuntu netbook.

Linux Netbook - Get Linux on a Netbook - Netbooks Running Linux
A netbook is a very small laptop that has lower specifications than the usual lap top.
This makes it perfect for Linux. Here we look at the advantages of a Linux netbook.

Netbook - Ubuntu Netbook - Netbooks Running Ubuntu Linux
A netbook is a very small laptop that has lower specifications than the usual lap top.
Here we look at the netbook and the value of running Ubuntu Linux on one.

Learn PHP with Ubuntu - PHP Tutorial for Ubuntu - PHP Syntax
Learning PHP is not difficult with Ubuntu. This PHP tutorial helps you begin to learn PHP
and PHP syntax.

Learn PHP Syntax with Ubuntu - PHP Tutorial on Loops - PHP Loop Syntax
PHP loops are not difficult to learn. It is simply a matter of remembering each formula.
This PHP tutorial shows you how PHP loops work on Ubuntu.

Learn PHP Constants - PHP Tutorial on Constants - PHP Constants on Ubuntu
To learn PHP is not difficult with Ubuntu. In this PHP tutorial, we look at PHP constants.

PHP Tutorial on the Value of Constants - Learn PHP - PHP Constants on Ubuntu
To learn PHP is not difficult with Ubuntu. In this PHP tutorial, we look at the value of

PHP Tutorial on Defined Constants - Learn PHP - PHP Constants on Ubuntu
To learn PHP is not difficult with Ubuntu. This PHP tutorial shows how to test for defined
constants and then to define them if they are not a PHP constant.

Learn PHP Expressions - PHP Tutorial on Expressions
To Learn PHP is not difficult with Ubuntu. In this PHP tutorial, we look at the importance
of understanding PHP's expressions.

Apache Web Hosting
Apache is the main web server provided by web hosting companies. Here are
recommendations on which Apache web hosting company to use for your Apache web

Linux Notebooks
Linux notebooks are not as rare as they once were. It is nonetheless possible to buy a
notebook and find that you cannot install Linux on it. Here is a series of guides for how
to install Linux on different notebooks.

Learn PHP in HTML - How To Embed PHP in HTML
We usually learn PHP as a standalone language, but it can be used in a HTML page. Here
is how to embed PHP in HTML for dynamic web pages.

Affect PHP Hosting - Configure Apache to Host PHP
To affect PHP hosting requires you to configure Apache to Host PHP. Here we see how
to do that.

PCI DSS is one of the most important elements of e-commerce. Even if you run your
own credit card processing business, you would be forgiven for wondering 'What is PCI
DSS?'. This cryptic abbreviation is explained here.

Sudoers - Registering Users in the Sudoers File
Sudoers are those users who can gain administrative access to the system. Their names
are listed in the sudoers file. Here is how to be so registered if your username is not in
the sudoers file.

PCI DSS Requirements - What are the PCI DSS Requirements
The PCI DSS requirements cover the salient aspects of data security set by the payment
card industry. Here we look at the requirements of the PCI DSS.

PCI DSS Network Security- Secure Your Network According to the PCI DSS
The PCI DSS requires network security in the first instance. Here are the two
requirements of the PCI DSS that focus on network security.

PCI DSS Network Security- Checklist for Securing Your Firewall According to the PCI DSS
The PCI DSS requires a secure firewall in the first instance. Here is the PCI checklist for
securing your network.

PCI DSS Network Security - Secure Your Systems According to the PCI DSS
The PCI DSS requires network security down to the system level. Here is what to look for
when evaluating your systems for network security according to PCI DSS requirements.

PCI DSS Network Security Checklist 2 - Checklist for Securing Your Network According
to the PCI DSS
The PCI DSS requirements for network security are not self-explanatory. Here is the PCI
checklist for securing your network according to PCI DSS requirements.

Credit Card Data - Protect Credit Card Data According to the PCI DSS
The PCI DSS requires protection of credit card data in multiple ways. Here is how to
protect credit card data according to PCI DSS requirements.

Credit Card Data 2 - Checklist for Credit Card Data Protection According to the PCI DSS
Credit card data protection is the second set of PCI DSS requirements. This checklist
helps you to ensure you are compliant with the PCI DSS requirements on credit card
data security.

Credit Card Data 3 - Credit Card Data Protection in Transit According to the PCI DSS
Credit card data protection is the second major set of PCI DSS requirements. This
second component deals with how to protect credit card data in transit according to PCI
DSS requirements.

Credit Card Data 4 - Checklist for Credit Card Data Protection in Transit
Credit card data protection is the second major set of PCI DSS requirements. This
checklist will help you to ensure your are compliant with PCI DSS requirements for credit
card data protection.

Sign Up for Gmail
Sign up for Gmail and get several benefits for free. Here is how to sign up for Gmail for

Email Solutions on Ubuntu Linux
Email solution on Linux vary according to how much control and accessibility you want
to have. Here we see what is available for email solutions under Ubuntu Linux.

Install Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx)
Install Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) with minimal fuss. Some choices in the installation
process are better than others, and this installation guide will help you to install Ubuntu
10.04 (Lucid Lynx) with ease.

OpenOffice Writer
OpenOffice Writer is the wordprocessing application of the OpenOffice office suite of
productivity applications. Here are the basics of using OpenOffice Writer.

Easy Ubuntu Manuals
Manuals for all things Linux provided by Easy Ubuntu Linux

Ubuntu Reset Password
To reset password in Ubuntu is used with root access and without. Here is how to reset
password in Ubuntu.

Ubuntu Add User
To add users in Ubuntu allows for a true multi-user system. Here is how to add user in

PCI DSS Vulnerability Management - Secure Your Network Against Vulnerabilities per
The PCI DSS vulnerability management addresses all forms of malware - viruses,
worms, and Trojans. Here are the stipulations of the PCI DSS with regard to
management of known vulnerabilities.

PCI DSS Vulnerability Management Checklist - Check Your Network For Vulnerabilities
per the PCI DSS
This PCI DSS vulnerability management checklist addresses the same kinds of malware
that the PCI DSS requires. Here the stipulations of PCI DSS vulnerability management are
put in practical terms.

The Easy Ubuntu Linux Blog
Whenever we come across something that will make your life with Linux easier or more
productive or when we add more information to this site, we tell you about it here.
Subscribe to the Easy Ubuntu Linux blog now. It's easy. Either:
Click on the "Bookmark" button to use AddThis.com
Right-click on the orange RSS button (see the buttons below) and then paste the
URL you'll see in the browser address bar into your RSS reader or site (like
Or click on the "My Yahoo!" button or "My MSN" or "Add To Google" or one of the
other RSS Readers shown below if you have a personalized page on one or more
of those sites.

PCI DSS is one of the most important elements of e-commerce. Even if you run your
own credit card processing business, you would be forgiven for wondering 'What is PCI
DSS?'. This cryptic abbreviation is explained here.
Permalink -- click for full blog post "PCI DSS - What is PCI DSS"

Ubuntu's African Roots
Ubuntu comes from an African word that suggests humanity and community.
Permalink -- click for full blog post "Ubuntu's African Roots"

PHP5 Manual Now Available
Now available on EUL is the complete manual for PHP. Whether you are just starting or
need to check one of PHP's hundreds of functions, this book is indispensable. Here you
can read it completely online.
Click for more info

New GIMP Book Online
Just added to EUL is the book "Grokking the GIMP". The GIMP is the premier vector
graphics pgoram for Linux. This online book shows you how to get the most from it.
Click for more info

New Linux Manual Section!
Just posted: A complete manual for core Linux administration. It covers everything from
setting up a login to advanced networking. If there is a foundational element of Linux
administration that you need to know, it is covered.
Click for more info

PCI DSS Vulnerability Management Checklist - Check Your Network
For Vulnerabilities per the PCI DSS
This PCI DSS vulnerability management checklist addresses the same kinds of malware
that the PCI DSS requires. Here the stipulations of PCI DSS vulnerability management are
put in practical terms.
Permalink -- click for full blog post "PCI DSS Vulnerability Management Checklist -
Check Your Network For Vulnerabilities per the PCI DSS"

PCI DSS Vulnerability Management - Secure Your Network Against
Vulnerabilities per the PCI DSS
The PCI DSS vulnerability management addresses all forms of malware - viruses,
worms, and Trojans. Here are the stipulations of the PCI DSS with regard to
management of known vulnerabilities.
Permalink -- click for full blog post "PCI DSS Vulnerability Management - Secure Your
Network Against Vulnerabilities per the PCI DSS"

Installing Apache on Ubuntu
Apache is the main Ubuntu web server. It allows you to serve web pages from your
computer. Here is how to use Ubuntu to serve web pages with Apache.
Permalink -- click for full blog post "Installing Apache on Ubuntu"

Apache Modules on Ubuntu - Ubuntu's Apache Modules - Apache
Modules on Ubuntu - Part 1
Apache is the default web server on your Ubuntu system. With Ubuntu's Apache
modules, you can enable Apache to do a lot more than serve web pages. Here is how to
configure Apache modules on Ubuntu.
Permalink -- click for full blog post "Apache Modules on Ubuntu - Ubuntu's Apache
Modules - Apache Modules on Ubuntu - Part 1"

Dual Boot Ubuntu With Windows
Dual booting Ubuntu with Windows or another operating system is not particularly
difficult. This guide shows you how to dual boot Ubuntu and Windows.
Permalink -- click for full blog post "Dual Boot Ubuntu With Windows"

Photo Editing With the GIMP
Ubuntu comes with the GIMP already installed. Here is a brief tutorial on how to edit
photos with the GIMP.
Permalink -- click for full blog post "Photo Editing With the GIMP"

Ubuntu Add User
To add users in Ubuntu allows for a true multi-user system. Here is how to add user in
Permalink -- click for full blog post "Ubuntu Add User"

Ubuntu Reset Password
To reset password in Ubuntu is used with root access and without. Here is how to reset
password in Ubuntu.
Permalink -- click for full blog post "Ubuntu Reset Password"

OpenOffice Writer
OpenOffice Writer is the wordprocessing application of the OpenOffice office suite of
productivity applications. Here are the basics of using OpenOffice Writer.
Permalink -- click for full blog post "OpenOffice Writer"

Install Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx)
Install Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) with minimal fuss. Some choices in the installation
process are better than others, and this installation guide will help you to install Ubuntu
10.04 (Lucid Lynx) with ease.
Permalink -- click for full blog post "Install Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx)"

Email Solutions on Ubuntu Linux
Email solution on Linux vary according to how much control and accessibility you want
to have. Here we see what is available for email solutions under Ubuntu Linux.
Permalink -- click for full blog post "Email Solutions on Ubuntu Linux"

Sign Up for Gmail
Sign up for Gmail and get several benefits for free. Here is how to sign up for Gmail for
Permalink -- click for full blog post "Sign Up for Gmail"

Easy Ubuntu Linux
Easy Ubuntu Linux makes Linux easy for beginners by showing how to use Ubuntu to
meet the needs of regular users.
Permalink -- click for full blog post "Easy Ubuntu Linux"

Credit Card Data 4 - Checklist for Credit Card Data Protection in
Credit card data protection is the second major set of PCI DSS requirements. This
checklist will help you to ensure your are compliant with PCI DSS requirements for credit
card data protection.
Permalink -- click for full blog post "Credit Card Data 4 - Checklist for Credit Card Data
Protection in Transit"

Credit Card Data 3 - Credit Card Data Protection in Transit
According to the PCI DSS
Credit card data protection is the second major set of PCI DSS requirements. This
second component deals with how to protect credit card data in transit according to PCI
DSS requirements.
Permalink -- click for full blog post "Credit Card Data 3 - Credit Card Data Protection in
Transit According to the PCI DSS"


A Brief History of Linux
The Linux kernel is the basic programming foundation for the entire Ubuntu operating
system. Here is how it started and why it is called GNU/Linux.

Ubuntu's African Roots
Ubuntu comes from an African word that suggests humanity and community.

Ubuntu, Comparatively Speaking
Ubuntu compares well against any operating system in use today, including Windows,
Mac, and other Linux versions.

Get Ubuntu Linux: Download, Request, or Order Ubuntu
Ubuntu can be downloaded or ordered and is available in a couple of versions: 6.06
(Dapper Drake) and 7.04 (Feisty Fawn). Which you use depends on the software you
need. This page shows you from where you can download, request, or buy Ubuntu.

Ubuntu vs Windows Vista
Ubuntu had many Windows Vista features almost a year before Microsoft released it.
Here is how Ubuntu compares to Windows Vista.

Windows Vista vs Mac OS X
Windows Vista looks curiously like Mac OS X. NY Times' David Pogue says there is no

How to Install Ubuntu Linux (6.06 LTS)
Ubuntu is the easiest Linux version to install. Here is a guide to installing Ubuntu Linux

Updating Ubuntu: How to Update a New Installation of Ubuntu Linux - 2
Ubuntu Linux checks for updates by default. If you need to update your installation of
Ubuntu for the first time, here is how to do it.

Resizing a Windows Installation
Resizing a Windows installation is easy with the Ubuntu installer. Installing Ubuntu in
parallel to a Windows installation is called 'dual booting' and is a good idea. Here is how
to do it.

A Brief History of Ubuntu
Ubuntu's history started with Debian GNU/Linux but has since outgrown it. Here is a
brief look at Ubuntu's past and how things stand today.

Adding Ubuntu Software and Other Linux Software to Ubuntu
Adding Ubuntu software, non-Ubuntu Linux software, or even proprietary software to
your new installation is easy with Synaptic. Here's how.

Adding Ubuntu Repositories
Adding Ubuntu repositories to download more Linux software is not very complicated. It
is a simple matter of telling Ubuntu where to find more software.

Additional Ubuntu Repositories
Ubuntu software is available in more repositories than the default Ubuntu installation
gives you. Here is a listing of more Ubuntu repositories for your software needs.

How to Install Ubuntu Linux 7.04 (Feisty Fawn)
Ubuntu Feisty was released in April 2007. It is the easiest Ubuntu to install yet. Here is
how the installation of Ubuntu Feisty is different from 6.06 LTS.

Booting Windows Instead of Ubuntu by Default
Grub boots Ubuntu by default. But if you want to make Windows your default operating
system without losing Ubuntu, all you need do is change a number in Grub's
configuration file. Here is how.

Setting Grub Timeout When Dual Booting Ubuntu
Grub's menu is hidden by default. Making it visible at startup is a matter of editing
grub's configuration file. Here is how.

Dual Boot Ubuntu With Windows
Dual booting Ubuntu with Windows or another operating system is not particularly
difficult. This guide shows you how to dual boot Ubuntu and Windows.

Make Grub's Menu Visible At Startup
Grub's menu is hidden by default. Making it visible at startup is a matter of editing
grub's configuration file. Here is how.

Parts of the Ubuntu Desktop: Top Left
Ubuntu uses GNOME as a default desktop. Here are the top left parts of the Ubuntu
desktop and what each does.

Parts of the Ubuntu Desktop: Top Right
Ubuntu uses GNOME as a default desktop. Here are the top right parts of the Ubuntu
desktop and what each does.

Parts of the Ubuntu Desktop: Bottom Components
Ubuntu uses GNOME as a default desktop. Here are the bottom parts of the Ubuntu
desktop and what each does.

A Primer for Installing Ubuntu
Installing Ubuntu should be as easy as possible, and the best guides for this are
provided here at Easy Ubuntu Linux. But all the online resources in the world do not
help you offline. For this reason, we are providing this PDF primer to help you install

Setup Your E-mail On Ubuntu: Part 1
Sending e-mail under Linux is easy. Here is how to setup your email identity under
Ubuntu Linux.

Receiving E-mail
Sending e-mail under Linux is easy. Here is how to receive email under Ubuntu Linux.

Sending E-mail On Ubuntu
Sending e-mail under Linux is simple. Here is how to setup Evolution to send email
under Ubuntu Linux.

Office Suites for Ubuntu
Choosing an office suite for your Ubuntu installation is like choosing the first among
equals. Here is a comparison of the best office suites available for Ubuntu Linux.

Upgrading Ubuntu
Ubuntu upgrades are easy to affect. As usual with Ubuntu, you get to choose how to

Install Ubuntu Upgrades By Updating Your Installation
Ubuntu Upgrades are a choice of two straightforward processes. Here is how to upgrade
and update all of your programs at once.

Affect an Ubuntu Upgrade With An Install CD
Ubuntu Upgrades are as easy as the installation. Here is how to upgrade and save your

Receiving Email via IMAP
Sending e-mail under Linux is easy. Here is how to receive email under Ubuntu Linux.

Image Handling With Ubuntu
Ubuntu's image handling surpasses those of other operating systems. Whether you just
need to look at your pictures or create first-rate graphics, Ubuntu offers a program to
meet your needs.

Photo Editing With the GIMP
Ubuntu comes with the GIMP already installed. Here is a brief tutorial on how to edit
photos with the GIMP.

Photo Previewing and Slideshows With GQView
GQView is an additional photo previewing program for Ubuntu. Here is a brief tutorial
on how to preview and edit photos with GQView on Ubuntu.

Install Ubuntu
Install Ubuntu with minimal fuss. Some choices in the installation process are better
than others, and this section will help you to install Ubuntu with ease.

Configure Ubuntu
The default Ubuntu configuration is good for most users. However, you will inevitably
want to configure Ubuntu to suit your tastes better.

How to Use Ubuntu
Once Ubuntu is setup, you may still wonder about how to use Ubuntu. This section will
show you how to setup and use software such as email, office suites, and photo editing

Installing Apache on Ubuntu
Apache is the main Ubuntu web server. It allows you to serve web pages from your
computer. Here is how to use Ubuntu to serve web pages with Apache.

Apache Modules on Ubuntu - Ubuntu's Apache Modules - Apache Modules on Ubuntu -
Part 1
Apache is the default web server on your Ubuntu system. With Ubuntu's Apache
modules, you can enable Apache to do a lot more than serve web pages. Here is how to
configure Apache modules on Ubuntu.

Apache on Ubuntu - Ubuntu's Apache Modules - Apache Modules on Ubuntu - Part 2
Apache lets you serve web pages from your Ubuntu server. Which of Ubuntu's Apache
modules are installed determines what you can do with your web server. Here is how to
configure Apache modules on Ubuntu.

Configure Apache Web Server on Ubuntu
Apache is a web server available for Ubuntu. With it you can serve web pages from a
computer. Here is how to setup Apache as a web server on Ubuntu.

Apache Web Server Configuration on Ubuntu
Apache on Ubuntu is a web server that enables you to serve web pages. How well those
web pages are served depends on the configuration you use. Here is detailed
information on the default configuration of the Apache web server on Ubuntu.

Installing a MySQL Database Server
MySQL is the most common database server in the world. Here is how to install MySQL
on Ubuntu Linux.

MySQL Database Configuration
MySQL is the world's most common database server. Here is how simple configuring
MySQL can be on Ubuntu Linux.

MySQL Database Configuration in Detail
MySQL is the most common database server. Here is the basic MySQL configuration in

Installing PHP on Ubuntu
PHP is one of the main languages used in developing for the Web. It allows you to create
web pages dynamically on Ubuntu.

Configuring PHP on Ubuntu
PHP is a programming language used with the Apache web server. Configuring PHP well
allows you to serve web pages dynamically on Ubuntu.

Configuring PHP on Ubuntu In-Depth
PHP is one of the main languages used in developing for the Web. Here is an in-depth
look at configuring it on on Ubuntu.

Reading the php.ini File from Ubuntu
PHP is one of the web's main languages for development. Understanding how to
configure PHP allows you to create web pages dynamically on Apache.

The Easy Ubuntu Blog
Ubuntu is not always easy. But Easy Ubuntu Linux helps make it that way. Keep it easy
with the Easy Ubuntu blog.

Installing a LAMP Server on Ubuntu
A LAMP server is one of the most pervasive types of servers on the Internet, but many
people find installing LAMP servers difficult. Here is how to install a LAMP server on

Installing Samba on Ubuntu
Samba is the main Ubuntu file sharing server. It allows you to share files with others
from your computer. Here is how to use Ubuntu to share files with Samba.

Configuring Samba on Ubuntu I
Samba is a file sharing server for Ubuntu Linux. It allows filesharing with others from
your computer. This guide shows how to configure Samba on Ubuntu.

Configuring Samba on Ubuntu II
Samba is a file sharing server for Ubuntu Linux. It allows filesharing with others from
your computer. This is the second page of a guide that shows how to configure Samba
on Ubuntu.

Configuring Samba on Ubuntu III: [globals]
Samba is a file sharing server for Ubuntu Linux. The [globals] header is part of the
Samba configuration file. This guide shows how to configure the [globals] section of the
Samba configuration on Ubuntu.

Configuring Samba on Ubuntu IV: [homes]
Samba is a file sharing server for Ubuntu Linux. The [homes] header is part of the
Samba configuration file. This guide shows how to configure the [homes] section of the
Samba configuration on Ubuntu.

Configuring Samba on Ubuntu V: [printers]
Samba also functions as a printer managing server for Ubuntu Linux. The [printers]
header is part of the Samba configuration file. This guide shows how to configure the
[printers] section of the Samba configuration.

Resizing a Windows Installation: A Caution
Resizing a Windows installation is easy with the Ubuntu installer. Installing Ubuntu in
parallel to a Windows installation is called 'dual booting' and is a good idea. Here is how
to do it.

Computer Programming on Ubuntu - Use Ubuntu to Program Your Computer
Ubuntu's open source nature allows you to program your computer yourself. Here is an
introduction to the ways to do computer programming on Ubuntu.

Computer Programming on Ubuntu - Functional Programming on Ubuntu
Functional programming is not hard to do on Ubuntu. Here is an introduction to what
functional programming is and why this programming paradigm is widely used.

Computer Programming on Ubuntu - Object-Oriented Programming on Ubuntu
Object-oriented programming is one of the most powerful programming paradigms and
the hardest to control. Here is an introduction to how to use object-oriented
programming on Ubuntu..

Learn PHP with Ubuntu - PHP Tutorial for Ubuntu
Learning PHP is not difficult with Ubuntu. This PHP tutorial helps you begin to learn PHP
for Ubuntu.

Learn PHP with Ubuntu - PHP Tutorial for Ubuntu - PHP Keywords
Learning PHP is not difficult with Ubuntu. This PHP tutorial helps you begin to learn PHP
for Ubuntu, starting with PHP's keywords.

Installing Wine on Ubuntu
Wine is an emulation layer for Ubuntu. It allows you to run Windows applications like
native Ubuntu software. Here is how to use Wine to run Windows applications on

Learn PHP with Ubuntu - PHP Tutorial for Ubuntu - PHP Variables and Datatypes
To Learn PHP is not difficult with Ubuntu. In this PHP tutorial, we look at variables and

Learn PHP with Ubuntu - PHP Tutorial on Datatypes - PHP Datatypes
To Learn PHP is not difficult with Ubuntu. In this PHP tutorial, we look the importance of
PHP's datatypes.

Installing Business::Credit Card for Perl on Ubuntu
Perl's Credit Card module is an effective way to check card numbers on Ubuntu. Here is
how to install the Credit Card module on Ubuntu in the fastest and most painless way

Credit Card Validation Before Processing
Processing credit cards is a fundamental process when you do ecommerce on Apache.
Here we walk through some of the more common options for credit card processing on

Credit Card Processing Choices
Processing credit cards is a fundamental process when you do ecommerce on Apache.
Here we walk through some of the more common options for credit card processing on

Ubuntu Netbook - Get Ubuntu on a Netbook - Netbooks Running Ubuntu
An Ubuntu netbook gives you the facility of a netbook with the advantages of Ubuntu.
Here we see the beauty of running an Ubuntu netbook.

Linux Netbook - Get Linux on a Netbook - Netbooks Running Linux
A netbook is a very small laptop that has lower specifications than the usual lap top.
This makes it perfect for Linux. Here we look at the advantages of a Linux netbook.

Netbook - Ubuntu Netbook - Netbooks Running Ubuntu Linux
A netbook is a very small laptop that has lower specifications than the usual lap top.
Here we look at the netbook and the value of running Ubuntu Linux on one.

Learn PHP with Ubuntu - PHP Tutorial for Ubuntu - PHP Syntax
Learning PHP is not difficult with Ubuntu. This PHP tutorial helps you begin to learn PHP
and PHP syntax.

Learn PHP Syntax with Ubuntu - PHP Tutorial on Loops - PHP Loop Syntax
PHP loops are not difficult to learn. It is simply a matter of remembering each formula.
This PHP tutorial shows you how PHP loops work on Ubuntu.

Learn PHP Constants - PHP Tutorial on Constants - PHP Constants on Ubuntu
To learn PHP is not difficult with Ubuntu. In this PHP tutorial, we look at PHP constants.

PHP Tutorial on the Value of Constants - Learn PHP - PHP Constants on Ubuntu
To learn PHP is not difficult with Ubuntu. In this PHP tutorial, we look at the value of

PHP Tutorial on Defined Constants - Learn PHP - PHP Constants on Ubuntu
To learn PHP is not difficult with Ubuntu. This PHP tutorial shows how to test for defined
constants and then to define them if they are not a PHP constant.

Learn PHP Expressions - PHP Tutorial on Expressions
To Learn PHP is not difficult with Ubuntu. In this PHP tutorial, we look at the importance
of understanding PHP's expressions.

Apache Web Hosting
Apache is the main web server provided by web hosting companies. Here are
recommendations on which Apache web hosting company to use for your Apache web

Linux Notebooks
Linux notebooks are not as rare as they once were. It is nonetheless possible to buy a
notebook and find that you cannot install Linux on it. Here is a series of guides for how
to install Linux on different notebooks.

Learn PHP in HTML - How To Embed PHP in HTML
We usually learn PHP as a standalone language, but it can be used in a HTML page. Here
is how to embed PHP in HTML for dynamic web pages.

Affect PHP Hosting - Configure Apache to Host PHP
To affect PHP hosting requires you to configure Apache to Host PHP. Here we see how
to do that.

PCI DSS is one of the most important elements of e-commerce. Even if you run your
own credit card processing business, you would be forgiven for wondering 'What is PCI
DSS?'. This cryptic abbreviation is explained here.

Sudoers - Registering Users in the Sudoers File
Sudoers are those users who can gain administrative access to the system. Their names
are listed in the sudoers file. Here is how to be so registered if your username is not in
the sudoers file.

PCI DSS Requirements - What are the PCI DSS Requirements
The PCI DSS requirements cover the salient aspects of data security set by the payment
card industry. Here we look at the requirements of the PCI DSS.

PCI DSS Network Security- Secure Your Network According to the PCI DSS
The PCI DSS requires network security in the first instance. Here are the two
requirements of the PCI DSS that focus on network security.

PCI DSS Network Security- Checklist for Securing Your Firewall According to the PCI DSS
The PCI DSS requires a secure firewall in the first instance. Here is the PCI checklist for
securing your network.

PCI DSS Network Security - Secure Your Systems According to the PCI DSS
The PCI DSS requires network security down to the system level. Here is what to look for
when evaluating your systems for network security according to PCI DSS requirements.

PCI DSS Network Security Checklist 2 - Checklist for Securing Your Network According
to the PCI DSS
The PCI DSS requirements for network security are not self-explanatory. Here is the PCI
checklist for securing your network according to PCI DSS requirements.

Credit Card Data - Protect Credit Card Data According to the PCI DSS
The PCI DSS requires protection of credit card data in multiple ways. Here is how to
protect credit card data according to PCI DSS requirements.

Credit Card Data 2 - Checklist for Credit Card Data Protection According to the PCI DSS
Credit card data protection is the second set of PCI DSS requirements. This checklist
helps you to ensure you are compliant with the PCI DSS requirements on credit card
data security.

Credit Card Data 3 - Credit Card Data Protection in Transit According to the PCI DSS
Credit card data protection is the second major set of PCI DSS requirements. This
second component deals with how to protect credit card data in transit according to PCI
DSS requirements.

Credit Card Data 4 - Checklist for Credit Card Data Protection in Transit
Credit card data protection is the second major set of PCI DSS requirements. This
checklist will help you to ensure your are compliant with PCI DSS requirements for credit
card data protection.

Sign Up for Gmail
Sign up for Gmail and get several benefits for free. Here is how to sign up for Gmail for

Email Solutions on Ubuntu Linux
Email solution on Linux vary according to how much control and accessibility you want
to have. Here we see what is available for email solutions under Ubuntu Linux.

Install Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx)
Install Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) with minimal fuss. Some choices in the installation
process are better than others, and this installation guide will help you to install Ubuntu
10.04 (Lucid Lynx) with ease.

OpenOffice Writer
OpenOffice Writer is the wordprocessing application of the OpenOffice office suite of
productivity applications. Here are the basics of using OpenOffice Writer.

Easy Ubuntu Manuals
Manuals for all things Linux provided by Easy Ubuntu Linux

Ubuntu Reset Password
To reset password in Ubuntu is used with root access and without. Here is how to reset
password in Ubuntu.

Ubuntu Add User
To add users in Ubuntu allows for a true multi-user system. Here is how to add user in

PCI DSS Vulnerability Management - Secure Your Network Against Vulnerabilities per
The PCI DSS vulnerability management addresses all forms of malware - viruses,
worms, and Trojans. Here are the stipulations of the PCI DSS with regard to
management of known vulnerabilities.

PCI DSS Vulnerability Management Checklist - Check Your Network For Vulnerabilities
per the PCI DSS
This PCI DSS vulnerability management checklist addresses the same kinds of malware
that the PCI DSS requires. Here the stipulations of PCI DSS vulnerability management are
put in practical terms.

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