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College of Management

I-Shou University
Master Thesis
The Relationship between Service Quality and Citien
Satisfaction of Meo !ac "istrict #overnment$s %ublic
Services in !ietnam
&dvisor' Tsung-(uang )* Ma
Co-&dvisor' Tran !o Trang
#raduate Student' "&+# M&I QU,+-
May ./01
I greatly appreciate to the professor for providing insightful and constant guidance and
conscientiously reading through my drafts of the research* I highly appreciate his valuable and
useful comments on this wor2* I am also appreciating his advice3 and willingness to discuss any
4uestions and ideas that I had* I especially than2 all professors at the University for their
teaching with valuable 2nowledge and their support during my study course* I than2 to my
student colleagues who have helped me in respect during the completion of the ro5ect*
#ratitude goes to the interview responses and case study participants who made time in their
busy schedules to respond to the numerous 4uestions* & special than2s to my family in
supporting and encouraging me during the study course*
Meo !ac "istrict is located in the north of -a #iang %rovince* The Country is ad5acent to China
and 6ao 7ac "istrict3 Cao 6ang %rovince in the )ast3 to ,en Minh3 -a #iang %rovince and the
6ao 7am3 Cao 6ang %rovince in the South3 to the "ong !an "istrict3 -a #iang %rovince in the
8est3 and to "ong !an3 -a #iang %rovince and China in the +orth*
Meo !ac is one of the poorest mountainous rural areas in !ietnam*3 the public services in Meo
!ac are affected by the constraint of geological and topographical characteristics as well as the
uneven distribution of habitants3 even Meo !ac "istrict has had significant efforts to supply the
necessary pubic services to citiens in recent years* This research are to e9amine the 4uality of
municipal services provided by local government in Meo !ac "istrict: and to identify the most
important service 4uality dimensions that determine citien satisfaction* The 4uestionnaires were
distributed to ;// responses in Meo !ac "istrict* The public services in Meo !ac "istrict is
studied and the citien satisfaction for the public they are provided will be surveyed* The
research results will provide a clear understanding among the leaders of Meo !ac "istrict to
improve the satisfaction of citien in public services* The main factor is the service 4uality of
Meo !ac "istrict government$s public services which is at the same time is affected by
demographic characteristics* To investigate those impacts3 4uantitative research is applied with
three data analysis techni4ues3 including descriptive statistics3 reliable analysises of the survey
scale3 and linear regression for hypothesis testing*
(eywords' citien satisfaction3 government services
Table of Content
Table of Content*****************************************************************************************************************************iv
7ist of Tables***********************************************************************************************************************************v
7ist of <igures*********************************************************************************************************************************vi
Chapter 0 I+TR="UCTI=+***********************************************************************************************************0
0*0* 6ac2ground of the study*******************************************************************************************************0
0*.* %roblem statement****************************************************************************************************************0
0*;* Research ob5ectives**************************************************************************************************************.
>0*1* Scope of the study****************************************************************************************************************.
0*?* Research methodology**********************************************************************************************************;
0*@* Research 4uestions and data collection********************************************************************************;
Chapter . 7IT)R&TUR) R)!I)8************************************************************************************************?
.*0* %ublic services**********************************************************************************************************************?
.*. Service 4uality***********************************************************************************************************************A
.*;* Citien behavior********************************************************************************************************************B
.*1* S)R!%)R< model to measure service 4uality ******************************************************************0/
.*?* Citien satisfaction**************************************************************************************************************0;
Chapter ; M)T-="=7=#,********************************************************************************************************01
;*0* -ypotheses research***********************************************************************************************************01
;*.* Research model*******************************************************************************************************************01
;*;* "ata collection********************************************************************************************************************0?
Chapter 1 "&T& &+&7,SIS &+" (), <I+"I+#S****************************************************************0B
1*0* <re4uency analysis**************************************************************************************************************0B
1*.* Reliability test analysis*******************************************************************************************************.1
1*;* 7inear regression****************************************************************************************************************.@
1*1* &+=!& analysis****************************************************************************************************************.A
Chapter ? C=+C7USI=+S &+" R)C=M)+"&TI=+S***********************************************************;0
?*0* Conclusions*************************************************************************************************************************;0
?*.* Recommendations***************************************************************************************************************;.
&ppendi9 & Questionnaire************************************************************************************************************;B
&ppendi9 I Interview of Questionnaire*****************************************************************************************;B
&ppendi9 6 =utput of data analysis**********************************************************************************************1/
List of Tables
Table 0' <re4uency analysis on citien satisfaction***********************************************************************0B
Table .' <re4uency analysis on -ow well the public services C in primary education3 fresh water
and electrical supplyD fits citiens$ personal re4uirements************************************************************0E
Table ;' <re4uency analysis on evaluation of reliability e9perience of current public services Cin
primary education3 fresh water and electrical supplyD ******************************************************************./
Table 1' <re4uency analysis on overall evaluation of public services Cin primary education3 fresh
water and electrical supplyD 4uality***********************************************************************************************./
Table ?' <re4uency analysis on how much the citien have complained either formally or
informally about the public services Cin primary education3 fresh water and electrical supply****.0
Table @' <re4uency analysis on how the citiens feel3 either inade4uate or e9ceeding3 a big gap
between the public services in primary education3 fresh water and electrical supplyD and what
you e9pected**********************************************************************************************************************************..
Table A' <re4uency analysis on how the citiens evaluation about current public services Cin
primary education3 fresh water and electrical supplyD 4uality versus their ideal e9pectationF*****.;
Table B' Reliability test on perceived service 4uality factor**********************************************************.1
Table E' 7inear regression results**************************************************************************************************.@
Table 0/' &+=!& analysis result for gender********************************************************************************.A
Table 00' &+=!& analysis result for age*************************************************************************************.A
Table 0.' &+=!& analysis result for marital status*********************************************************************.B
Table 0;' &+=!& analysis result for education***************************************************************************.E
Table 01' &+=!& analysis result for monthly income****************************************************************.E
Table 0?' &+=!& analysis result for family member******************************************************************;/
List of Figures
<igure 0 &dministrative organiation of service delivery in Meo !ac "istrict******************************@
<igure . Research model***************************************************************************************************************0?
In this chapter3 the study introduces the research topic about the Relationship between Service
Quality and Citien Satisfaction of Meo !ac "istrict #overnment$s %ublic Services in !ietnam
and its content consists of the bac2ground of the study3 problem statement3 and research
ob5ectives* <urthermore3 the research methodology is also chosen in line with the research
ob5ectives3 and the structure of the study is included in this chapter*
1"1" #ackground of the stud$
Meo !ac "istrict has been supplying public services to people in general* %rior to renovation
process and the introduction of public service supply socialiation policy C0EEA and earlierD3 the
state has been in charge of providing most public services* The state invested significantly in
constructing of schools3 hospitals3 purchasing e4uipments and providing free services* =ther
public services3 such as' culture3 information3 public lighting3 electricity and water supply* 8aste
collection3 etc3 were directly supplied be the state to the society* Thus3 all citiens had e4ual
opportunities to en5oy public services provided by the state* +owadays3 !ietnam has been
transitioning from the central planning economy to a mar2ets oriented economy* This renovation
has resulted in moving public services towards socialiation: therefore3 not only government
institutions3 but3 organiations and individuals are now involved in providing public services*
Together with the changes3 people now have to pay directly for each unit of public service
utilied* 6asic and indispensable public services that meet the demand of the ma5or3 such as
primary education3 primary health care3 infrastructure3 electricity3 agricultural e9tension3
irrigation3 general planning and environment3 are mainly delivered* There are many issues can be
discussed regarding to the public services in Meo !ac "istrict* -owever3 due to the constrain of
time3 this research attempts to deal with those issue by investigating to public survives provided
be the government institution in Meo !ac "istrict*
1"%" &roblem statement
Rural areas are under the development strategy of the !ietnamese #overnment* In the transition
to a mar2et economy3 the government has implemented supportive programs for the poor3 such
as The program 0;? GSocio-economic development in severely difficult areasH and The program
0;E G)nhancing healthcare 4uality for the poor households3 elderly and invalidH* =ne of the
specific ob5ectives of the programs is to improve basically rural public services3 however a few
studies have been conducted in this area* +guyen Thi -ien C.//AD discussed real situations and
preliminarily suggested policy measures for improving the 4uality of rural public services in
!ietnam* &2soy and "i2meli2 C.//AD investigated the role of services in income growth of rural
households in !ietnam after the ma5or trade liberaliation in rice* The authors focused on
services that have an impact on transaction costs i*e*3 roads or 4uality of roads3 public
transportation3 access to credit3 agricultural e9tension services and communication services*
Results show that overall service availability and 4uality have a positive impact on income
The implementation of public services in Meo !ac "istrict is partly settle down the contradiction
between too big subsidy e9penditures of public services3 and very limited stage budget* This
means e9penditures for public services3 through socialiation is shared by the state budget and
other resources of the society: and to e9tent3 it re4uires the contribution from people* Those
again leads to another misunderstanding the socialiation is only measure to mobilie proper
wealth and materials of people in condition of limited state budget effectuating the policy Gthe
state and the people act togetherH* &ll above mentioned situation has impact on citien
satisfaction on public services* Thus3 this research is to e9amine and investigate determinants of
citien satisfaction on public services in Meo !ac "istrict and from that3 it would assist the
public institutions to recognie3 evaluate and improve the level of citien satisfaction in public
services at Meo !ac "istrict*
1"'" Research ob(ecti)es
The study consists of the following ob5ectives'
- To determine the level of relationship between service 4uality and citien satisfaction of Meo
!ac "istrict #overnmentIs %ublic Services in !ietnam*
- To provide a clear understanding among the leaders of Meo !ac "istrict to improve the
satisfaction of citiens in public services*
*1"+" ,cope of the stud$
In this research3 the data for analying is collected from the survey with the Meo !ac$s citiens
who were e9perienced the public services at Meo !ac "istrict* It also means that the study is
narrowed at basic and indispensable public services delivered by government institutions3 such
as3 fresh water3 primary education3 electrical supply***
1"-" Research methodolog$
The data was collected by using a structured 4uestionnaire3 which consists of three parts* %art &
is designed to gather information about the satisfaction of citiens in public services* %art 6 is
the opinion of citien to improve the public services in Meo !ac "istrict and %art C is the
respondent$s demographic bac2ground such as gender3 age3 educational level3 marital status3
income and occupation*
1"." Research /uestions and data collection
1"."1 Research /uestion
The 4uestion in general is as'
8hat factors bring the satisfaction to citien of public serviceF
8hat is the overall citien satisfaction with public serviceF
-ow can public service be improved at Meo !ac "istrictF
1"."%" ata collection
The primary data is achieved through the survey of 4uestionnaires with selected citien in Meo
!ac while the secondary data come from news3 boo2s and literatures published in the internet*
<or the primary data collection3 the author uses the survey of 4uestionnaire which contains
several steps3 as below'
Step 0' "etermine survey$s ob5ective and the sample sie
The survey ob5ective is to collect necessary data in order to derive sub5ective assessment on the
assessment of the 4uality service of public services in Meo !ac*
Step .' Create a form for survey of 4uestionnaire
The survey form contained 4uestions to collect interviewees$ information about current status of
public service 4uality*
Step ;' Conduct survey
The survey was conducted by interviewing with selected citien of Meo !ac: therefore the
author could receive responses*
Step 1' )nter and Clean data
The answers from responders were inputted into a e9cel table in order to perform descriptively
statistical analysis* The author assumes that the responses answered fully and precisely on given
Step ?' "ata analysis
"ata from ;// valid 4uestionnaires will be analyed using S%SS* "escriptive statistical analysis
will be used to describe responses$ demographic characteristics and to evaluate service 4uality
perceptions of municipal services*
1"."'" ,ample si0e
The samples sie for survey of 4uestionnaire is ;// selected Meo !ac "istrict$s citiens3 who
were e9perienced the public services*
Chapter % LIT1RAT!R1 R12I13
%"1" &ublic ser)ices
%"1"1" Conception on public ser)ices
&ccording to the conception of many countries3 public services always are associated to the state
supply of these services* The termH public servicesH in )nglish originates from the category of
public commodities* In the economic term3 public commodities associate to some natural
characteristics3 such as' it is a 2ind of commodities which is impossible to e9clude anyone from
using once it has been created: the consumption of a person does not decrease that of others3 and:
it is impossible to be discarded3 that means even when someone does not want to consume a
public commodity3 it still e9ists* Thereby3 public commodities are categoried concretely into
pure public commodities that satisfy all the three above-mentioned characteristics: and impure
public commodities that do not satisfy all above characteristics* &t first3 the definition of Gpublic
servicesH is to present the activities of impure public commodity supply3 firstly used in the
)urope after the 8orld 8ar II* +owadays3 the conception of Gpublic servicesH has been
remar2ably e9tended3 depending on various approaches*
<rom the viewpoint of state management sub5ects3 researchers on the administration field define
public services as activities of state agencies of performing the function of the state
administrative management3 and assuring public service to supply to serve common and
essential needs of the society* This way of understanding focuses on the role and responsibilities
of the state on public service supply activities* This approach ta2es the viewpoint of public
commodities$ benefit3 considering public services as public service supply activities by the state
or the private sector to serve essential interests of the society and the communities*
%"1"%" &ublic ser)ices in 4eo 2ac istrict
The government plays a vital role in the provision of the basic mountainous rural services* These
services add to the development of the society as well as individuals* Moreover3 mountainous
rural households are sometimes unable to overcome adverse shoc23 so the government plays an
important role by providing a safety networ2 to protect households from ris2s3 preventing them
from becoming destitute and permitting them to continue to district and commune levels are
responsible for delivering services and the budget administration that develop the human capital
and infrastructure necessary for broad-based growth* The government has implemented
supportive programs for the poor3 such as the program 0;? GSocio-economic development in
severely difficult areasH and the program 0;E G)nhancing healthcare 4uality for the poor
households3 elderly and invalidH* =ne of the specific ob5ectives of the programs is to improve
basic rural public services3 however very few studies have been conducted in this area* +guyen
Thi -ien C.//AD discussed real situations and preliminarily suggested policy measures for
improving the 4uality of rural public services in !ietnam* Results show that overall service
availability and 4uality have a positive impact on income growth*
=ne of the most significant challenges facing service organiations in Meo !ac today is to
provide continuous necessary services instead of consistently high 4uality services at present*
The delivery of continuous necessary services contributes to the establishment of credibility and
reputation of the organiations in the eyes of the citiens*
In several communes at Meo !ac3 the basically rural public service does not meet the demand of
people regularly* <or instance3 the hospital does not have enough space and enough medicine for
the patient3 so when the patient come to the hospital for e9aminations and treating diseases3 they
have to buy the medicine outside* The children need to study at schools3 but the schools are too
far their home and the condition of school is in bad conditions* Similarly3 the water is very scarce
in the high elevation and mountainous area* The local commune constructed the water reservoirs
but there is often no water in dry season* In the rainy season3 the road is always damaged by
settlement and landslide***The Meo !ac "istrict plays a crucial role in the provision of the basic
services* These services add to the development of the society as well as individuals* -owever3
communes are not directly included in the consolidated budget C<igure 0D*
Figure 1 Administrati)e organi0ation of ser)ice deli)er$ in 4eo 2ac istrict
%"% ,er)ice /ualit$
Service 4uality is a concept that has attracted considerable interest and debate in the mar2eting
literature because of the difficulties in both defining and measuring with no overall consensus
emerging on either C8isniews2i3 .//0D* =ne that is commonly used by defining service 4uality
as the ability of the organiation to meet or e9ceed customer e9pectations* It is the result of the
comparison that customers ma2e between their e9pectations about a service and their perception
of the way the service has been performed CJeithaml et al* 0EE/D* If e9pectations are greater than
performance3 then perceived 4uality is less than satisfactory and hence customer dissatisfaction
occurs C%arasuraman3 Jeithaml K 6erry3 0EB?D* Most of the recent wor2s on service 4uality in
+ational #overnment
<iscal K administrative norms
-a #iang people$s committee
Service delivery
Meo !ac "istrict people$s
Commune people$s committee
Mass organiations
Service delivery
%lan K budget
mar2eting can be credited to the pioneering and continuing wor2 of %arasuraman3 6erry and
Jeithaml C<is23 6rown K Lo3 0EE;D* In a seminal research study3 %arasuraman3 Jeithaml3 and
6erry C0EB?D identified ten dimensions of service 4uality based upon a series of focus group
studies* These dimensions are' C0D tangible features3 C.D reliability3 C;D responsiveness3 C1D
communication3 C?D credibility3 C@D security3 CAD competence3 CBD courtesy3 CED understanding3 and
C0/D access* <rom that initial research3 %arasuraman et al* C0EBBD developed a service 4uality
instrument called S)R!QU&7 that consisted of .. pairs of statements which measure customer
e9pectations and perceptions of service delivered on a seven- or nine-point 7i2ert scale* <or each
pair of statements3 the gap difference between the two scores is calculated* The idea is that the
service is good if perceptions meet or e9ceed e9pectations and problematic if perceptions fall
below e9pectations* The scale combined ten components into five generic dimensions of service
4uality which they claimed Gprovides a basic s2eleton M* * *N which can be adapted or
supplemented to fit the characteristics or specific research needs of a particular organiationH Cp*
;0D* These dimensions GcaptureMsN facets of all ten originally conceptualied dimensionsH
regardless of service industries CJeithaml et al*3 0EE/3 p* .@D* These dimensions are defined as
0D Tangibles' the appearance of physical facilities3 e4uipment3 personnel3 and
communication materials:
.D Reliability' the ability to perform the promised service dependably and accurately:
;D Responsiveness' the willingness to help customers and provide prompt service:
1D &ssurance' the 2nowledge and courtesy of employees and their ability to inspire trust
and confidence: and
?D )mpathy' the approachability3 ease of access and effort ta2en to understand customers$
%"'" Citi0en beha)ior
6oth e9ternal and internal environment have affected strongly in the citien behavior* The citien
behavior on essence is customer behavior for a good or service they are provided* Therefore3 in
this chapter the term of Gcustomer behaviorH is understood as Gcitien behaviorH* To understand
it3 we should focus on the comple9 interaction of many influencing factors* This shows dealing
with determinants of citien culture' social class3 household influences3 personality3 lifestyle3
values3 and social influences* &ccording to (otler and (eller C.//@D cultural3 social and personal
factors are always the most factors influencing the customer$s buying behavior* The public
service institution should understand these factors will help their services meet the citiens$
needs and hopes*
%"'"1" Cultural factors
Culture is a word that is used regularly in all sides of the social life3 especially3 culture is also
considered a measure to reflect a development level of each economy3 each area and different
organiation or business* In the publication GSearch of )9cellenceH3 %eters and 8aterman C0EB.D
showed a lot of attention to the importance of culture to achieve high levels of organiational
%"'"%" ,ocial factors
&ccording to (otler and (eller C.//@D3 social factors included the reference group3 family group3
roles and status* Reference #roups are those groups that have a direct or indirect effect on the
person$s behavior as families3 friends3 neighbors3 and co-wor2ers* Reference groups e9pose an
individual to new behaviors and lifestyles3 and often have an effect on their attitudes3 products or
brand choices C(otler and (eller3 .//@D*
<amily groups are the family members who could affect the people who want to buy product*
The family is the most 2ey consumer buying institution and it has been investigated strongly*
<amily is considered to be one of the most important consumers which is the buying groups in
the society CTour and -enthorne3 0EE?D* It is thus very important for the mar2eters to identify the
roles and influence of the family members in the purchase of products* Mar2et men are dealing
with the roles3 and behaviors of the husband3 wife and children regarding purchasing different
products and services*
Roles and Status is based on the fact that people may belong to many groups3 family3 clubs3 and
organiations where the status of them in each group can be described regarding to both of role
and status* Mar2eters may accurately address their mar2eting messages3 only if they fully
understand who of the family members is a leader and has direct influence on the buying
decisions* GIn countries where parents live with grown up children3 their influence can be
substantial$$ C(otler and (eller3 .//@3 p*0AAD*
%"'"'" &ersonal factors
-itesh 6hasin C./0/D in his online 5ournal about G%ersonal factors affecting consumer behaviorH
identifies there are many personal factors affect the attitude of using products and services of one
company* -e mentions to age and human life cycle stage which refers to the fact that the life
cycle is Gan orderly series of stages in which consumer attitude and behavioral tendencies evolve
and occur because of developing maturity3 e9perience3 income3 and statusH* -itesh 6hasin also
addresses the importance of life style which is 2nown as the reflection of personalities and self-
concepts* The life style can be measured by applying the psychographic method which ta2es into
account all of peoples activities3 interests and opinions* Then3 this method finds the relationship
between these factors to consumer behavior of one product and services*
%"'"+" &s$chological factors
&ccording to &dam Cash C./00D in his online 5ournal about G&nalying Theories of
%sychologyH3 psychology is defined as Gthe scientific study of human behavior and mental
processes attempts to uncover why and how we do what we doH* &dam Cash identifies that there
are several grand theories of psychology* The first is biological theory which is based on the
brain and the nervous system* The second is psychoanalytic which addresses the unconsciously
mental processes and the affection of early child development issues* The third is the
behaviorism theory that e9amines the affections from outer environment Ci*e* televisionD to
people$s psychologies* The last one is cognitive which focuses on Gthe mental processing of
information3 including the specific functions of reasoning3 problem solving3 and memory*H
Cognitive psychologists are interested in the mental plans and thoughts that guide and cause
behavior* -owever3 the psychological factors3 in the author$s opinion3 are very hard to identify
and measures and the public services needs very long time to identify how the psychological
factors affect to the citien*
%"+" ,1R2&1RF model to measure ser)ice /ualit$
The basic mar2eting literature supports the theory that the higher 4uality of customer services
leading to the higher customer loyalty which involves perceived service 4uality3 corporate image3
customer satisfaction3 and switching costs as the main elements of customer loyalty C(ristensen
et al*3 .///: Lamal and +aser3 .//.: ,anamandram and 8hite3 .//1: 6ei and Chiao3 .//@D*
8hen customers have higher loyalty on the company$s products and services3 the company can
retain the customer base and earns more profits*
%"+"1" &ercei)ed ser)ice /ualit$
%erception is how people see the world around* %eople might see the &lthough S)R!QU&7 has
been applied in many studies to assess service 4uality: the reliability and validity of this
instrument have been debated by several authors3 particularly the e9pectation dimensions*
Carman C0EE/D3 for instance3 argued that S)R!QU&7 is not applicable for the measurement of
service 4uality in every service industry since its five dimensions cannot be generalied to all
service industries* Teas C0EE;D also claimed that S)R!QU&7 lac2s the discriminatory validity
that stems from the e9pectation dimension scores because the responses misunderstand the
e9pectation 4uestions* &nd Cronin and Taylor C0EE.D found that the service 4uality concept
under S)RQU&7 confounds satisfaction and attitude* They also concluded that service 4uality
can be better measured by using only the perception dimension3 rather than e9pectation*
&s a result3 Cronin and Taylor C0EE.D came up with a new research instrument3 S)R!%)R<3
which did not include the e9pectation dimension for the measurement of service 4uality*
Compared to S)R!QU&73 S)R!%)R< is considered a simpler instrument for measuring
service 4uality since the elimination of the e9pectation dimension ma2es the S)R!%)R<
instrument more efficient C6uttle3 0EE@D* 6oulding et al*3 C0EE;D also disagreed with the
consideration of the ?A e9pectation dimensions3 and stated that only perception can be used to
evaluate service 4uality* Thus3 in this study3 S)R!%)R< will be used to measure compensation
management 4uality*
%"+"%" Fi)e dimensions of ser)ice /ualit$
%"+"%"1" Tangibles
%arasuraman et al C0EE/D stated that the tangibles refer to the physical appearance of tools and
e4uipment that are representing for the services* %arasuraman et al C0EBBD also highlighted the
importance of tangible in ban2ing service where the customer is more attracted by the physical
of asset rather than 2nowing how the ban2 repair and maintenance their assets* Schneider and
6owen C0EE/D proposed the fancy tangible assets as the core benefit of the companies$ services
and the new customers tend to loo2 at the physical assets to evaluate initially the offered
%"+"%"%" Reliabilit$
Jeithaml et al* C0EE/D stated that reliability is the companies$ capacities to perform the
committed services in time and in dependence* Reliability3 according to Jeithaml and
%arasuraman C0EE/D3 is the core of the business of the companies* The reliability can be achieved
through addressing the reliability problems in the mission statements of the companies3 the
standards and code of conduct for service reliability and providing the ade4uate training on
reliability* -es2ett et al C0EE1D stated that the reliability can be improved through the high
technology in developed countries and through the personnel capacity in developing countries*
6erry and %arasuraman C0EE0D suggested the company can adopt the continuous improvement
programmed to enhance the service reliability*
%"+"%"'" Responsi)eness
Jeithaml et al* C0EE/D stated that responsiveness is how the companies react with the customers$
in4uires and provide prompt services* -art et al C0EE/D3 Swanson and (erlley C.//0D emphasied
that the service issues solving indicates to the successful service 4uality* Jahoor CD identified that
the customer perception on the level of responsiveness of the companies is reflected through the
process of which the companies resolve the customers$ in4uiries* Jahoor also stated that the
responsiveness will be improved in case of the companies provide the smoother ways for their
customers to access easily the companies$ services*
%"+"%"+" Assurance
Jeithaml et al* C0EE/D stated that assurance is the level of trustfulness and confidence of the
companies when they provide the committed services to their customers* Jahhoor CD identified
that assurance level of the companies is based on the 2nowledge of the employees and how they
improve the trustfulness and confidence of using the companies$ services of the customers* The
assurance is more important in some particular industries such as ban2ing3 insurance and law*
%"+"%"+" 1mpath$
Jeithaml et al* C0EE/D stated that empathy is 2nown as Gcaring3 easy access3 good
Ocommunication3 customer understanding and individualied attention given to customersH*
(otler C0EEED and 6itner C.//;D highlighted the importance of empathy in both of small and
large scale companies and addressed that the companies which have succeed in building the
mutual relationship with their customers shall have the higher customer satisfaction*
%"-" Citi0en satisfaction
<arris3 %aul 8*: +eil T* 6endle: %hillip )* %feifer: "avid L* Reibstein C./0/D described customer
satisfaction as Gthe number of customers3 or percentage of total customers3 whose reported
e9perience with a firm3 its products3 or its services CratingsD e9ceeds specified satisfaction goals*H
The common measure of customer or citien satisfaction is through survey of 4uestionnaire
which is designed based on 7i2ert scale* Thereby3 the citien is involved in a survey that let them
to answer some 4uestions of about their perception and e9pectation performance of the services
provided by the institution* &ccording to %aul -ague and +ic2 -ague C./00D in the online
5ournal of about GCustomer Satisfaction Surveys K Customer Satisfaction ResearchH3 there are
several factors that need to be used for measuring citien satisfaction3 as illustrated in the table
Chapter ' 41T5OOLO67
This chapter presents the research methodology that is given to conduct this study* It also
consists of hypotheses research3 research process3 designing research framewor23 and method for
statistical analysis* The ob5ective of this chapter provides the clear framewor2 for conducting this
study so that the readers can understand how the study is structured and carried in the scientific
way* The first part of research methodology is to formulate hypotheses that shall be validated in
this study* 6ased on given research hypotheses3 research process is proposed with strong
adherence on ma2ing the contents and the research issues logical and the references reliable and
valid* The third part of this chapter designs research framewor2 whether the author shall discuss
about how the primary data is collected and processed in order to help validating research
'"1" 5$potheses research
6ased on the research purpose3 two following research hypotheses are set out'
- 5$pothesis 1' There is significant relationship between the citiens$ demographic
characteristics and perception of %ublic service 4uality in Meo !ac "istrict*
- 5$pothesis %' %erceived Quality will positive influence Meo !ac Citien$s Satisfaction
Software to be used' S%SS
%lan to apply &+=!& verifying -0 and simple linear regression analysis verifying -.3 in
addition to reliability analysis and descriptive statistics for both -0 and -.
'"%" Research model
The relevant model3 in term of citien satisfaction3 can be found in many previous studies* Many
previous authors suggested using the S)R!QU&7 model that was invented by %arasuraman et al
C0EEBD* The original S)R!&7QU&7 model3 at the initial stage3 contained more than 1/ items
but the analyses of %arasuraman et C0EEBD reduced the number of factors to 0/ underlying service
4uality dimensions* -owever3 as mentioned in the Chapter II3 the S)R!QU&7 model is still
limited as it is not applicable for the measurement of service 4uality in every service industry
since its five dimensions cannot be generalied to all service industries* Teas C0EE;D also claimed
that S)R!QU&7 lac2s the discriminatory validity that stems from the e9pectation dimension
scores because the responses misunderstand the e9pectation 4uestions* Thus3 the S)R!%)R<
model was provided as the alternative solution for measuring customer satisfaction* Many
previous researches stated that S)R%)R< model is out performance against S)R!QU&7 model
in !ietnamese mar2et conte9ts* %hong and Thuy C.//AD in the research about the S)R!QU&7
versus S)R!%)R< identified that the S)R!%)R< model is outperforms S)R!QU&7 in its
power to e9plain customer satisfaction towards retailing services in !ietnamese supermar2ets
industry* =ther research from 7inh C.//BD stated that the S)R!%)R< model is better than the
S)R!QU&7 model in term of model productiveness in the !ietnamese telecommunication
industry* The research model is illustrated in the figure bellow'
Figure % Research model
'"'" ata collection
'"'"1" 8uestionnaires
<or primary data3 a good way is 4uestionnaire3 which is both timesaving and information
reliable* To have an ob5ective point of view3 the 4uestionnaire for this study will be translated in
!ietnamese for the end users* In order to ensure the 4uality of survey results3 all interviewees are
e9perts and corporate citien in Meo !ac* The number of responses is ;// Meo !ac$s citiens
who were e9perienced the public services* The 4uestionnaire is presented in &ppendi9 0*
'"'"%" ,imple data anal$sis
<re4uency or one-way tables represent the simplest method for analying categorical CnominalD
data* They are often used as one of the e9ploratory procedures to review how different categories
of values are distributed in the sample*
Cross-tabulation is a combination of two Cor moreD fre4uency tables arranged such that each cell
in the resulting table represents a uni4ue combination of specific values of cross-tabulated
variables* Thus3 cross-tabulation allows the author to e9amine fre4uencies of observations that
belong to specific categories on more than one variable* 6y e9amining these fre4uencies3 the
author can identify relations between cross-tabulated variables* =nly categorical CnominalD
variables or variables with a relatively small number of different meaningful values should be
'"'"'" The research reliabilit$ 9 Cronchbach:s alpha
Cronchbach$s alpha is a tool for assessing the reliability of scales* It was provided by 7ee
Cronchbach in 0E?0 and is widely used the social science3 business3 and other fields* The
formulation of Cronchbach$s alpha is'


8here ( is the number of components or variables3


is the variance of the observed total test

scores3 and

the variance of component for the current samples of interviewees*

The rule of thumb for evaluating the reliability of scales is as follow'
If P QR /*E then the reliability of scales is e9cellent:
If /*B SR P S /*E then the reliability of scales is good
If /*A SR P S /*B then the reliability of scales is acceptable:
If /*@ SR P S /*A then the reliability of scales is 4uestionable:
If /*? SR P S /*@ then the reliability of scales is poor:
If P S /*? then the reliability of scales is unacceptable*
'"'"+" Linear regression
7inear regression is an analysis on the relationship between one independent variable and one or
many dependent variables* It is also used to test -ypotheses that were presented above through
R-S4uare3 <-Test and T-test*
In 0E0B3 Ronald <isher has provided the analyses for variance between groups in the research at
any time* #enerally3 this method is called under the name of &+=!&* In this research &+=!&
was used in three ways' one way &+=!&3 two way &+=!& and n way &+=!&* =ne way
&+=!& is when it is conducted to compare more than two groups3 based on a factor* Two ways
&+=!& is when we want to compare more than two groups based on two factors* 8hen
comparing element is done3 then it is said n ways &+=!&*
T-test is a statistical procedure that is used to 2now the mean difference between the sample and
the 2nown values* T-test is appropriate whenever you want to compare the means of two groups3
and especially appropriate as the analysis for the posttest only two-group randomied
e9perimental design* The T-test assesses whether the means of two groups are statistically
different from each other*
Chapter + ATA ANAL7,I, AN ;17 FININ6,
Chapter I! is set to provide results of data analysis3 including descriptive statistics3 reliability
test3 linear regression3 and &+=!& analysis* <re4uency analysis is simple analysis that helps the
researcher to recognie the level of citiens$ assessment on conte9t of 4uestionnaire* In case of
using descriptive statistics3 the author needs to conduct fre4uency analysis* In another conte9t3
reliability test will be applied in order to determine the level of reliability in survey scale*
&ccording to -air et al* C./00D3 reliability test output consists of Cronbach$s alpha value and
some other statistical inde9es* &part from descriptive statistics and reliability test3 linear
regression will be applied that helps to determine the hypothesis of which perceived service
4uality impacts positively or negatively to citien satisfaction* <inally3 &+=!& analysis will be
conducted to recognie whether there are different in perceive service 4uality and citien
satisfaction by demographic information of the citien*
+"1" Fre/uenc$ anal$sis
The first part of fre4uency analysis is to conduct on citien satisfaction with achieved result is
stated as below'
Table 1< Fre/uenc$ anal$sis on citi0en satisfaction
Fre/uenc$ &ercent 2alid &ercent Cumulati)e &ercent
. 0/ ;*; ;*; ;*;
; 10 0;*A 0;*A 0A*/
1 ;; 00*/ 00*/ .B*/
? 0/ ;*; ;*; ;0*;
@ ;0 0/*; 0/*; 10*A
A A; .1*; .1*; @@*/
B @E .;*/ .;*/ BE*/
E ;. 0/*A 0/*A EE*A
0/ 0 *; *; 0//*/
Total '== 1=="= 1=="=
&s shown in the table above3 citien satisfaction is assessed under the scale of 0/ points whether
M0N is very bad and M0/N is very good* &chieved results showed that there were not any responses
to choose the level of the people$s satisfaction on Meo !ac "istrict #overnment$s public
services and it is very bad3 .BT rate of response is the 4uality of government services below the
medium level or ? points* =n the other hand3 about ;AT rate of responses considered the 4uality
of government services in this "istrict was medium level and ;1T rate of responses of citien$s
satisfaction at high level of goodness* The highest portion of group item in between ? and A
indicated for the fact that citiens in Meo !ac "istrict assessed the level of citien satisfaction at
medium level*
The second part of descriptive statistics is to conduct by perceived service 4uality with achieved
result stated as below'
Table %< Fre/uenc$ anal$sis on 5ow well the public ser)ices > in primar$ education? fresh
water and electrical suppl$@ fits citi0ens: personal re/uirements
Fre/uenc$ &ercent 2alid &ercent Cumulati)e &ercent
0 A .*; .*; .*;
. 0A ?*A ?*A B*/
; ;. 0/*A 0/*A 0B*A
1 ;B 0.*A 0.*A ;0*;
? .1 B*/ B*/ ;E*;
@ 1? 0?*/ 0?*/ ?1*;
A 10 0;*A 0;*A @B*/
B 11 01*A 01*A B.*A
E ;1 00*; 00*; E1*/
0/ 0B @*/ @*/ 0//*/
Total '== 1=="= 1=="=
&s shown in the table above3 the 4uality of public service in primary education3 fresh water and
electrical supply to be fit with citien$s personal re4uirements is assessed through scale point of
M0N and M0/N that are categoried into very bad and very good respectively* &chieved results
showed that more than ;0T of responses who assessed the fitness level of government services
in Meo !ac "istrict at scale point less than ?: or on the hand3 it meant that more than one third of
the responses had assessed fitness level of government services at low level* <urthermore3 the
portions of responses who rated the fitness$ level of government services in between ? and A and
higher than A were ;@*AT and ;.T respectively* The highest portion of the group item in
between ? and A indicated for the fact that citiens in Meo !ac "istrict assessed the level of
fitness of government services at medium level*
Table '< Fre/uenc$ anal$sis on e)aluation of reliabilit$ eAperience of current public
ser)ices >in primar$ education? fresh water and electrical suppl$@
Fre/uenc$ &ercent 2alid &ercent Cumulati)e &ercent
0 A .*; .*; .*;
. 0E @*; @*; B*A
; ;0 0/*; 0/*; 0E*/
1 ;; 00*/ 00*/ ;/*/
? .? B*; B*; ;B*;
@ 1; 01*; 01*; ?.*A
A ;@ 0.*/ 0.*/ @1*A
B 1B 0@*/ 0@*/ B/*A
E ;/ 0/*/ 0/*/ E/*A
0/ .B E*; E*; 0//*/
Total '== 1=="= 1=="=
&s shown in the table above3 the evaluation of reliability e9perience of current public services Cin
primary education3 fresh water and electrical supplyD is assessed through scale point of from M0N
to M0/N that are categoried into very bad and very good respectively* &chieved results showed
that ;/T rate of responses evaluated reliability e9periences of government services in Meo !ac
"istrict at scale point less than ?: or on the hand3 it meant that more than one third of the
responses had assessed reliability e9periences of government services at low level* <urthermore3
the portions of responses who rated reliability e9perienced level of government services in
between ? and A and higher than A were ;1*?T and ;?*1T respectively* The highest portion of
group item in between B and 0/ indicated for the fact that citiens in Meo !ac "istrict assessed
the level of reliability e9perience with government services at the high level*
Table +< Fre/uenc$ anal$sis on o)erall e)aluation of public ser)ices >in primar$ education?
fresh water and electrical suppl$@ /ualit$
Fre/uenc$ &ercent 2alid &ercent Cumulati)e &ercent
0 1 0*; 0*; 0*;
. 0? ?*/ ?*/ @*;
; 10 0;*A 0;*A ./*/
1 .@ B*A B*A .B*A
? .0 A*/ A*/ ;?*A
@ ?B 0E*; 0E*; ??*/
A 1A 0?*A 0?*A A/*A
B ;E 0;*/ 0;*/ B;*A
E ;0 0/*; 0/*; E1*/
0/ 0B @*/ @*/ 0//*/
Total '== 1=="= 1=="=
&s shown in the table above3 evaluation of 4uality of current public services Cin primary
education3 fresh water and electrical supplyD is assessed through scale point of M0N and M0/N that
are categoried into very bad and very good respectively* &chieved results showed that .B*AT
rate of responses evaluated reliability e9periences of government services in Meo !ac "istrict at
scale point less than ?: or on the hand3 it meant that nearly one third of the responses had
assessed 4uality of government services at low level* <urthermore3 the portions of responses who
rated the 4uality level of government services in between ? and A and higher than A were 1.T
and .E*;T respectively* The highest portion of the group item in between ? and A indicated for
the fact that citiens in Meo !ac "istrict evaluated government services at medium level*
Table -< Fre/uenc$ anal$sis on how much the citi0en ha)e complained either formall$ or
informall$ about the public ser)ices >in primar$ education? fresh water and electrical
Fre/uenc$ &ercent 2alid &ercent Cumulati)e &ercent
0 ; 0*/ 0*/ 0*/
. E ;*/ ;*/ 1*/
; ;@ 0.*/ 0.*/ 0@*/
1 ;E 0;*/ 0;*/ .E*/
? 01 1*A 1*A ;;*A
@ ;A 0.*; 0.*; 1@*/
A ;E 0;*/ 0;*/ ?E*/
B ?1 0B*/ 0B*/ AA*/
E 1? 0?*/ 0?*/ E.*/
0/ .1 B*/ B*/ 0//*/
Total '== 1=="= 1=="=
&s shown in the table above3 citiens$ complaint level of 4uality of current public services Cin
primary education3 fresh water and electrical supplyD is assessed through scale point of M0N and
M0/N that are categoried into very bad and very good respectively* &chieved results showed that
.ET of responses evaluated complaint level of government services in Meo !ac "istrict at the
scale point less than ?: or on the hand3 it meant that nearly one third of the responses had
assessed 4uality of government services at low level* <urthermore3 the portions of responses who
rated complaint level of government services in between ? and A and higher than A were ;/T
and 10T respectively* -ighest portion of group item in between B and 0/ indicated for the fact
that citiens in Meo !ac "istrict assessed the level of complaint with government services at
high level*
Table .< Fre/uenc$ anal$sis on how the citi0ens feel? either inade/uate or eAceeding? a big
gap between the public ser)ices in primar$ education? fresh water and electrical suppl$@
and what $ou eApected
Fre/uenc$ &ercent 2alid &ercent Cumulati)e &ercent
0 ; 0*/ 0*/ 0*/
. 0; 1*; 1*; ?*;
; ;A 0.*; 0.*; 0A*A
1 ;? 00*A 00*A .E*;
? 0@ ?*; ?*; ;1*A
@ 1; 01*; 01*; 1E*/
A 1? 0?*/ 0?*/ @1*/
B 1/ 0;*; 0;*; AA*;
E ;? 00*A 00*A BE*/
0/ ;; 00*/ 00*/ 0//*/
Total '== 1=="= 1=="=
&s shown in the table above3 the citiens$ feeling is assessed through scale point of M0N and M0/N
that are categoried into very bad and very good respectively* &chieved results showed that
.E*;T of responses evaluated their feelings with government services in Meo !ac "istrict at
scale point less than ?: or on the hand3 it meant that nearly one third of the responses had
assessed their feelings at low level* <urthermore3 the portions of responses who rated their
feelings in between ? and A and higher than A were ;1*@T and ;@*0T respectively* -ighest
portion of group item in between B and 0/ indicated for the fact that citiens in Meo !ac "istrict
assessed their feelings with government services at high level*
Table B< Fre/uenc$ anal$sis on how the citi0ens e)aluation about current public ser)ices
>in primar$ education? fresh water and electrical suppl$@ /ualit$ )ersus their ideal
Fre/uenc$ &ercent 2alid &ercent Cumulati)e &ercent
0 . *A *A *A
. 0; 1*; 1*; ?*/
; ;; 00*/ 00*/ 0@*/
1 ;? 00*A 00*A .A*A
? 0A ?*A ?*A ;;*;
@ 1; 01*; 01*; 1A*A
A 1A 0?*A 0?*A @;*;
B 1A 0?*A 0?*A AE*/
E ;A 0.*; 0.*; E0*;
0/ .@ B*A B*A 0//*/
Total '== 1=="= 1=="=
&s shown in the table above3 the citiens$ evaluation about current public services Cin primary
education3 fresh water and electrical supplyD 4uality versus their ideal e9pectation is assessed
through scale point of M0N to M0/N that are categoried into very bad and very good respectively*
&chieved results showed that .A*AT of responses evaluated their feelings with government
services in Meo !ac "istrict at scale point less than ?: or on the hand3 it meant that nearly one
third of the responses had assessed their feelings at low level* <urthermore3 the portions of
responses who rated their evaluation about current public services Cin primary education3 fresh
water and electrical supplyD 4uality versus their ideal e9pectation in between ? and A and higher
than A were ;?*AT and ;@*@T respectively* -ighest portion of group item in between B and 0/
indicated for the fact that citiens in Meo !ac "istrict assessed their evaluation about current
public services Cin primary education3 fresh water and electrical supplyD 4uality versus their ideal
e9pectation with government services at high level*
+"%" Reliabilit$ test anal$sis
In this section3 reliability analysis was conducted by perceived service 4uality factor with
achieved results were e9plained in the table below'
Table D< Reliabilit$ test on percei)ed ser)ice /ualit$ factor
Cronbach:s alpha E ="F%D
,cale 4ean if
Item eleted
,cale 2ariance
if Item eleted
Alpha if Item
-ow well the public
services C in primary
education3 fresh water and
electrical supplyD fits your
personal re4uirements
;0*.B@A 00/*BBA *A0/ *E.?
,our evaluation of
reliability e9perience of
current public services Cin
primary education3 fresh
water and electrical supplyD
;0*0A// 0/E*1?E *A/A *E.@
,our overall evaluation of
public services Cin primary
education3 fresh water and
electrical supplyD 4uality is
;0*.?;; 0/A*B?? *B0A *E0.
-ow much have you
complained either formally
or informally about the
public services Cin primary
education3 fresh water and
electrical supplyD
;/*BA@A 0/?*@.A *B1/ *E/E
"o you feel3 either
inade4uate or e9ceeding3 a
big gap between the public
services in primary
education3 fresh water and
electrical supplyD and what
you e9pectedF
;/*EA;; 0/1*E@. *B;/ *E0/
8hat is your evaluation
about current public
services Cin primary
education3 fresh water and
electrical supplyD 4uality
versus your ideal
;/*E1// 0/?*B?@ *B1E *E/A
&s shown in the table above3 Cronbach$s alpha of perceived service 4uality factor was /*E.B that
was higher than /*@* Corrected Item-Total Correlation values of subsets in perceived service
4uality factor were /*A0/3 /*A/A3 /*B0A3 /*B1/3 /*B;/3 and /*B1E and they were higher than /*;*
<urthermore3 CronbachIs &lpha if Item "eleted values were /*E.?3 /*E.@3 /*E0.3 /*E/E3 /*E0/3
and /*E/A and they were less than /*E.B* Thus3 perceive service 4uality factor has high reliability
of survey scale*
+"'" Linear regression
Table F< Linear regression results
RE="FF1H R9,/uareE="FD'H Ad(usted R9,/uareE="FD'
t Sig* 6 Std* )rror 6eta
0 CConstantD -*/0E */?0 -*;A0 *A00
overall perceived
service 4uality
0*//A *//B *EE0 0.E*E.A *///
a* "ependent !ariable' overall satisfaction about the public services Cin primary education3
fresh water and electrical supplyD
&s shown in the table above3 &d5usted R-S4uare for the relationship between overall perceived
service 4uality and overall satisfaction about the public services was /*EB;3 meaning that EB*;T
of changes in citien satisfaction could be e9plained by perceived service 4uality of the citien in
Meo !ac "istrict* %artial correlation coefficient between these factors was estimated at 0*//A
meaning that when perceived service 4uality of citien is improved by 0T3 citien satisfaction
will be improved by 0*//AT* <urthermore3 partial correlation coefficient was also statistical
significant at ?T of confidence interval as T-Test has Sig* value of /*// and less than /*/?*
The e4uation below was prepared for measuring citien satisfaction thorough perceive service
4uality on public service in Meo !ac "istrict'
=verall citien satisfaction R -/*/0E U 0*//A V =verall perceived service 4uality
+"+" ANO2A anal$sis
ANO2A anal$sis for gender
Table 1=< ANO2A anal$sis result for gender
Items 6roups
,um of
F ,ig"
overall satisfaction
about the public
services Cin primary
education3 fresh water
and electrical supplyD
*//0 0 *//0 */// *EE0
8ithin #roups 0;/@*A0E .EB 1*;B?
0;/@*A./ .EE
overall perceived
service 4uality
*/.A 0 */.A *//@ *E;A
8ithin #roups 0.@@*AAE .EB 1*.?0
Total 0.@@*B/@ .EE
The table above shows that there are differences found between male and female which are
significant in overall satisfaction about the public services Cin primary education3 fresh water and
electrical supplyD3 and overall perceived service 4uality due to p-value of &+=!& analysis for
those factors are higher than /*/?: or male and female responses have no different point of view
on overall satisfaction about the public services Cin primary education3 fresh water and electrical
supplyD3 and overall perceived service 4uality*
ANO2A anal$sis for age
Table 11< ANO2A anal$sis result for age
Items 6roups
,um of
F ,ig"
overall satisfaction
about the public
services Cin primary
education3 fresh water
and electrical supplyD
1/*;AA ? B*/A? 0*BA? */EE
8ithin #roups 0.@@*;1; .E1 1*;/A
0;/@*A./ .EE
overall perceived
service 4uality
1/*A0? ? B*01; 0*E?; */B@
8ithin #roups 0..@*/E0 .E1 1*0A/
Total 0.@@*B/@ .EE
The table above shows that there are differences found between age groups which are significant
in overall satisfaction about the public services Cin primary education3 fresh water and electrical
supplyD3 and overall perceived service 4uality due to p-value of &+=!& analysis for those
factors are higher than /*/?: or differently aged responses have no different point of view on
overall satisfaction about the public services Cin primary education3 fresh water and electrical
supplyD3 and overall perceived service 4uality*
ANO2A anal$sis for marital status
Table 1%< ANO2A anal$sis result for marital status
Items 6roups
,um of
F ,ig"
overall satisfaction
about the public
services Cin primary
education3 fresh water
and electrical supplyD
*/// 0 */// */// *EEB
8ithin #roups 0;/@*A./ .EB 1*;B?
0;/@*A./ .EE
overall perceived
service 4uality
*/A? 0 */A? */0B *BE?
8ithin #roups 0.@@*A;0 .EB 1*.?0
Total 0.@@*B/@ .EE
The table above shows that there are differences found between marital status groups which are
significant in overall satisfaction about the public services Cin primary education3 fresh water and
electrical supplyD3 and overall perceived service 4uality due to p-value of &+=!& analysis for
those factors are higher than /*/?: or singled and married responses have no different point of
view on overall satisfaction about the public services Cin primary education3 fresh water and
electrical supplyD3 and overall perceived service 4uality*
ANO2A anal$sis for education
Table 1'< ANO2A anal$sis result for education
Items 6roups
,um of
F ,ig"
overall satisfaction
about the public
services Cin primary
education3 fresh water
and electrical supplyD
*0@. . */B0 */0B *EB.
8ithin #roups 0;/@*??B .EA 1*;EE
0;/@*A./ .EE
overall perceived
service 4uality
*A.A . *;@1 */B? *E0B
8ithin #roups 0.@@*/AE .EA 1*.@;
Total 0.@@*B/@ .EE
The table above shows that there are differences found between education groups which are
significant in overall satisfaction about the public services Cin primary education3 fresh water and
electrical supplyD3 and overall perceived service 4uality due to p-value of &+=!& analysis for
those factors are higher than /*/?: or different educated responses have no different point of view
on overall satisfaction about the public services Cin primary education3 fresh water and electrical
supplyD3 and overall perceived service 4uality*
ANO2A anal$sis for monthl$ income
Table 1+< ANO2A anal$sis result for monthl$ income
Items 6roups
,um of
F ,ig"
overall satisfaction
about the public
services Cin primary
education3 fresh water
and electrical supplyD
.0*/.E ? 1*./@ *E@. *11.
8ithin #roups 0.B?*@E0 .E1 1*;A;
0;/@*A./ .EE
overall perceived
service 4uality
0E*B0. ? ;*E@. *E;1 *1?E
8ithin #roups 0.1@*EE; .E1 1*.10
Total 0.@@*B/@ .EE
The table above shows that there are differences found between monthly income groups which
are significant in overall satisfaction about the public services Cin primary education3 fresh water
and electrical supplyD3 and overall perceived service 4uality due to p-value of &+=!& analysis
for those factors are higher than /*/?: or different income responses have no different point of
view on overall satisfaction about the public services Cin primary education3 fresh water and
electrical supplyD3 and overall perceived service 4uality*
ANO2A anal$sis for number of famil$ member
Table 1-< ANO2A anal$sis result for famil$ member
Items 6roups
,um of
F ,ig"
overall satisfaction
about the public
services Cin primary
education3 fresh water
and electrical supplyD
0?*;;1 1 ;*B;1 *BA@ *1AE
8ithin #roups 0.E0*;B@ .E? 1*;AB
0;/@*A./ .EE
overall perceived
service 4uality
0B*BA/ 1 1*A0A 0*00? *;1E
8ithin #roups 0.1A*E;@ .E? 1*.;/
Total 0.@@*B/@ .EE
The table above shows that there are differences found between number of family groups which
are significant in overall satisfaction about the public services Cin primary education3 fresh water
and electrical supplyD3 and overall perceived service 4uality due to p-value of &+=!& analysis
for those factors are higher than /*/?: or different numbers of family members of responses have
no different point of view on overall satisfaction about the public services Cin primary education3
fresh water and electrical supplyD3 and overall perceived service 4uality*
Chapter - CONCL!,ION, AN
-"1" Conclusions
This section was set to provide conclusion for 2ey findings in Chapter I!* =n the other hand3 the
ob5ective of this section is to deliver the summary on . research ob5ectives as below'
- To determine the level of relationship between service 4uality and citien satisfaction of Meo
!ac "istrict #overnmentIs %ublic Services in !ietnam*
The relationship between service 4uality and citien satisfaction was identical in both of
theoretical reviews and the case study of Meo !ac "istrict #overnment$s public services in
!ietnam* Theoretical reviews addressed the importance of perceiving service 4uality to citien
satisfaction whether higher perceive service 4uality shall lead to higher citien satisfaction3
according to 8isniews2i C.//0D* This relationship was not only highlighted in private services
but also in public services in case of citien would li2e to utilie public services that are being
provided by local authorities* In term of structural conte9ts3 citien satisfaction is derived from
upon on the governmental organiation that is governed by the commune people$s committee
and -a #iang %eople$s Committee* %ublic services3 in this conte9t3 are the results of fiscal and
administrative norms3 service delivery3 planning and budget recommendation3 and national
In the case of studying of public service 4uality in Meo !ac "istrict3 it was asserted that
perceived service 4uality was impacted positively and significantly to citien satisfaction*
Quantitatively3 when perceived service 4uality was improved by 0T3 citien satisfaction would
be improved by 0*//AT* This finding was also found in the study of 8isniews2i C.//0D* In ./0.3
&ndrew C./0.D also found the same results in the positive relationship between perceived service
4uality and citien satisfaction whether the performance of public service management is also
li2ely to be positive rather than negative influence citiens$ perceptions of local public services*
- To provide a clear understanding among the leaders of Meo !ac "istrict to improve the
satisfaction of citiens in public services*
To improve the satisfaction of citien in public services3 the leaders of Meo !ac "istrict have to
conduct following initiatives as guaranteed in the recommendation section as below*
-"%" Recommendations
In terms of institutional developments' The government has concentrated on directing
governances of pubic organiations3 issued under the authority or the +ational &ssembly and the
+ational &ssembly Standing Committee should issue the legal documents in order to improve
economic institutions3 organiations and operations of the administrative apparatus of the state3
regional integration3 international and state management on all aspects of social life under the
provisions of the Constitution and the law* %eopleIs Council3 %eopleIs Committee of provinces
have enacted and implemented the legal documents under the authority to specify the te9t of the
Central #overnment in accordance with the specific conditions of each location*
&dministrative reform is one of the tas2s the #overnment3 the %rime Minister paying attention3
in which the emphasis is on the implementation of the scheme Simplifying administrative
procedures in the field of state management period .//A - ./0/ was approved by the %rime
Minister in "ecision +o* ;/OQ"-TTg3 dated 0/-0-.//A Creferred to as pro5ect ;/D* The
implementation of %ro5ect ;/ has an important contribution to the improvement of business
environment3 economic development - social3 international integration3 the people3 businesses
and the international community to appreciate* The end of %ro5ect ;/3 late ./0/3 the government
has adopted .? resolutions on simplifying the administrative procedures of the branches* 6y the
end of the month A-./0;3 ministries and agencies have completed the ;*@/@O1*A?0 to simplify the
administrative procedures prescribed by the #overnment*
To maintain the results of %ro5ect ;/ and the reform of administrative procedures3 dated B-@-
./0/3 the #overnment issued "ecree +o* @;O./0/O+"-C% on administrative control procedures3
creating legal basis for the control right from the stage of drafting and promulgation until done
and actually 4uantify the cost of complying with administrative procedures : since then3 has
formed a new field of state management is controlled administrative procedures*
To create a legal basis for individuals and organiations in the feedbac2 and recommendations to
the state administrative bodies on amending and supplementing the issues related to
administrative regulations3 such as the specific problems in the implementation3 the illegal3
unreasonable3 not uniform3 consistent with the legal system of !ietnam or international treaties
which !ietnam has signed or acceded and other issues3 on 01-. -.//B3 the #overnment issued
"ecree +o* ./O.//BO+"-C%3 on the receipt3 processing reflects recommendations of individuals
and organiations on administrative regulations*
Implementing Regulation implements the Wone stop shopW3 the Wone stop shop W in state
administrative agencies locally issued together with "ecision +o* E;O.//AOQ"-TTg3 day ..-@
-.//A3 the %rime Minister3 currently has @B@OA// district-level administrative divisions of the
countryIs implementation of the Wone stop shopW3 W one stop shop W* The Wone-stop W3 W one stop
shop W for the application of modern information technology has been the ministries3 branches
and localities interested in doing3 especially at the district level in order to improve the 4uality of
service people3 organiations and businesses* To date3 there have been ./;OA// district-level
administrative units of 1.O@; provinces and cities directly under the Central #overnment which
implements this mechanism* &ccordingly3 the receiving and return of the results were publicly
posted list of administrative procedures3 suggestion bo93 and telephone WhotlineW to help resolve
administrative procedures 4uic2ly3 transparently* Through it3 the people and officials can chec2
the resolution process procedures at the receiving and return the results in a convenient way3
simply through computer systems3 software and the loo2up procedure time resolved profile*
To create a radical innovation in organiation3 management activities towards the modern
population3 and promote the application of information technology to solve the administrative
procedures for citiens and businesses : simplifying administrative procedures3 reducing
paperwor2 citiens3 laying the foundation of e-government development3 dated B-@-./0;3 the
%rime Minister issued "ecision +o* BE@OQ"-TTg approved W %roposal overall plan to simplify
administrative procedures3 citienship papers and databases related to population management
period ./0; - ././ W*
Reforming the administrative apparatus' #overnment has revised a 2ey step on the functions and
tas2s of ministries3 ministerial-level agencies3 government agencies and local government levels*
<unctions3 duty and power of ministries3 ministerial-level agencies were added3 completion
directed mainly to implement macro management of the sectors : which focuses on strategy
development3 planning3 planning3 planning institutions3 mechanisms and policies to guide and
inspect the implementation of policy and legislation in the sectors under the 5urisdiction assigned
state* The government has enacted and implemented the classification results with local central
/BO.//1O+Q-C% Resolution3 dated ;/-@-.//13 the #overnment* The structure of the #overnment
has been reorganied on the principle of multidisciplinary management3 multi-disciplinary and
every 5ob3 every field by a government agency of the unified state management and responsible*
Regarding to construction3 improvement of the 4uality of cadres3 civil servants3 civil service
reform regime' The management of cadres and civil servants continue to be assignment -oriented
reforms and decentralied responsibility for regulation3 competent management staff3
administrative officials of the %rime Minister3 the ministries3 agencies and local authorities*
There have been important changes in the recruitment of civil servants and ran2 promotion
e9aminations for professionals3 principal specialist3 senior specialist and e4uivalent categories*
To build a public service W %rofessional3 responsible3 dynamic3 transparent and efficient W3 dated
0B-0/-./0.3 the %rime Minister issued "ecision approving the scheme 0??AOQ"-TTg W
%romoting public service reform regime3 civil servants W3 in which the content brea2through in
construction3 management staff and employees from central to grassroots levels*
Reforming public financial mechanism of fiscal decentraliation and budget has been important
innovations* &ccordingly3 the 6udget 7aw CamendmentD regulations stated budget includes .
levels and innovatively fiscal decentraliation by increasing the autonomy3 authority and
responsibility for the ministries3 branches and localities
0* &a2er3 L* C0EEAD3 G"imensions of 6rand %ersonalityH3 Lournal of Mar2eting Research3
!ol* ;13 pages ;1A-;?@*
.* &a2er3 T* and <ournier3 S* C0EE?D3 G& 6rand as a Character3 a %artner and a %erson' Three
%erspectives on the Question of 6rand %ersonalityH3 &dvances in Consumer Research3
!ol* ..3 pages ;E0-;E?*
;* &nderson3 )*8*3 <ornell3 C* and Rust3 R*T* C0EEAD3 GCustomer Satisfaction3 %roductivity3
and %rofitability' "ifferences between #oods and ServicesH3 Mar2eting Science3 !ol* 0@3
+o* .3 pages 0.E-01?*
1* &ng3 S*-* and 7im3 )*&*C* C.//@D3 GThe influence of metaphors and product type on
brand personality perceptions and attitudesH3 Lournal of &dvertising3 !ol* ;?3 +o* .3
pages ;E-?;*
?* &ustin3 L*R*3 Siguaw3 L*&* and Mattila3 &*S* C.//;D3 G& re-e9amination of the
generaliability of the &a2er brand personality measurement framewor2H3 Lournal of
Strategic Mar2eting3 !ol* 003 pages AA-E.*
@* 6lan2son3 C* and (alafatis3 S*%* C0EEED3 GIssues and challenges in the positioning of
service brands' a reviewH3 Lournal of %roduct K 6rand Management3 !ol* B3 +o* .3 pages
0/@-00B* Caprara3 #*!*3 6arbaranelli3 C* and #uido3 #* C.//0D3 G6rand personality' -ow
to ma2e the metaphor fitFH Lournal of )conomic %sychology3 !ol* ..3 pages ;AA-;E?*
A* 6rady3 M* (* K Robertson3 C* L* C.//0D* Searching for a consensus on the antecedent role
of service 4uality and satisfaction' &n e9ploratory cross-national study* Lournal of
6usiness Research3 ?0C0D3 ;-@/*
B* 6rady3 M* (*3 Cronin3 L* L* K 6rand3 R* R* C.//.D* %erformance-only measurement of
service 4uality' a replication and e9tension* Lournal of 6usiness Research3 ??C0D3 0A-;0*
E* 6rysland3 &* K Curry3 &* C.//0D* Service improvements in public services using
S)R!QU&7* Managing Service Quality3 00C@D3 ;BE-1/0*
0/* 6uttle3 <* C0EE@D* S)R!QU&7' review3 criti4ue3 research agenda* )uropean Lournal of
Mar2eting3 ;/C0D3 B-;.*
00* Cronin3 L* L* K Taylor3 S* &* C0EE1D* S)R!%)R< versus S)R!QU&7' reconciling
performance-based and perceptions-minus-e9pectations measurement of service 4uality*
Lournal of Mar2eting3 ?B3 0.?-0;0*
0.* "onnelly3 M*3 (err3 +* L*3 Rimmer3 R* K Shiu3 )* M* C.//@D* &ssessing the 4uality of
police services using S)R!QU&7* %olicing' &n International Lournal of %olice
Strategies K Management3 .EC0D3 E.-0/?*
0;* "onnelly3 M*3 8isniews2i3 M*3 "alrymple3 L* <* K Curry3 &* C* C0EE?D* Measuring
service 4uality in local government' the S)R!QU&7 approach* International Lournal of
%ublic Sector Management3 BCAD3 0?-./*
01* )revelles3 S* K 7eavitt3 C* C0EE.D* & comparison of current models of consumer
satisfactionOdissatisfaction* Lournal of Satisfaction3 "issatisfaction and Complaining
6ehavior3 ?3 0/1-001*
0?* #overnment of !ietnam* C.//0D* Master %rogramme on %ublic &dministration Reform
for the %eriod .//0- ./0/3 &ttachment to the %rime Minister$s &pproval "ecision +o
0;@O.//0OQ"-TTg on 0A September .//0*
0@* -Xctor =scar +igro C./0.D Lournal of %ublic &dministration and #overnance
0A* Implementation of Civil Service 7egislation in !ietnam .//B-/E International Monetary
<und* C.//B3 =ctoberD* 8orld )conomic and <inancial Surveys* Retrieved Lanuary3 .//E3
from Shttp'OOwww*imf*orgOe9ternalOpubsOftO weoO.//BO/.OweodataOinde9*asp9Q*
0B* (ilbourne3 8* )*3 "uffy3 L* &*3 "uffy3 M* K #iarchi3 #* C.//1D* The applicability of
S)R!QU&7 in cross-national measurements of health-care 4uality* Lournal of Services
Mar2eting3 0BCAD3 ?.1-?;;*
0E* (im3 C*(*3 -an3 "* and %ar23 S* C.//0D3 GThe effect of brand personality and brand
identification on brand loyalty' &pplying the theory of social identificationH3 Lapanese
%sychological Research3 special issue on consumer behavior3 !ol* 1;3 +o* 13 pages 0E?-
./* (ottler3 %* and (eller3 (*7* C.//@D Mar2eting Management3 +ew Lersey' %earson-
%rentice -all*
.0* 7au3 (*C* and %hau3 I* C.//AD3 G)9tending Symbolic 6rands Using Their %ersonality'
)9amining &ntecedents and Implications Towards 6rand Image <it and 6rand "ilutionH3
%sychology K Mar2eting3 !ol* .13 +o* ?3 pages 1.0-111*
..* 7ee3 -*3 7ee3 ,* K ,oo3 "* C.///D* The determinants of perceived service 4uality and its
relationship with satisfaction* Lournal of Services Mar2eting3 01C;D3 .0A-.;0*
.;* 7iong3 C* ,*3 Mustafa3 J*3 Mohamed3 8* +* K 7ee3 %* 8* C.//AD* Understanding
customer needs of public bus services using S)R!QU&7 and (ano models* Lournal of
Quality Measurement and &nalysis3 ;C0D3 ;;-1?*
.1* Magin3 S*3 &lgesheimer3 R*3 -uber3 <* and -errmann3 &* C.//;D3 GThe Impact of 6rand
%ersonality and Customer Satisfaction on Customer$s 7oyalty' Theoretical &pproach and
<indings of a Causal &nalytical Study in the Sector of Internet Service %rovidersH3
)lectronic Mar2ets3 !ol*0;3 +o* 13 pages .E1-;/B*
.?* Mc"onald3 M*-*6*3 de Chernatony3 7* and -arris3 <* C.//0D3 GCorporate mar2eting and
service brands' moving beyond the fast-moving consumer goods modelH3 )uropean
Lournal of Mar2eting3 !ol* ;?3 +o* ;O13 pages ;;?-;?.*
.@* =lorunniwo3 <*3 -su3 M* (* K Udo3 #* L* C.//@D* Service 4uality3 customer satisfaction3
and behavioral intentions in the service factory* Lournal of Services Mar2eting3 ./C0D3 ?E-
.A* %arasuraman3 &*3 Jeithaml3 !* K 6erry3 7* C0EB?D* & conceptual model of service 4uality
and its implications for future research* Lournal of Mar2eting3 1E3 10-?/*
.B* %arasuraman3 &*3 Jeithaml3 !* K 6erry3 7* C0EBBD* S)R!QU&7' a multiple item scale
for measuring consumer perceptions of service 4uality* Lournal of Retailing3 @1C0D3 0.-1/*
%arasuraman3 &*3 Jeithaml3 !* &* K 6erry3 7* 7* C0EE1D* Reassessment of e9pectations as
.E* %lummer3 L*T* C0EB?D3 G-ow %ersonality Ma2es a "ifferenceH3 Lournal of &dvertising
Research3 !ol* .13 +o* @3 pages .A-;0*
;/* Riley3 <*"* and de Chernatony3 7* C0EEED3 G)9perts$ !iews &bout "efining Services
6rands and the %rinciples of Services 6randingH3 Lournal of 6usiness Research 3 !ol* 1@3
pages 0B0-0E.* !enable3 6*T*3 Rose3 #*M*3 6ush3 !*"* and #ilbert3 <*8* C.//?D3 GThe
Role of 6rand %ersonality in Charitable #iving' &n &ssessment and !alidationH3 Lournal
of the &cademy of Mar2eting Science 3 !ol* ;;3 +o* ;3 pages .E?-;0.*
;0* The !ietnam 7aw on #overnmental =rganiations C.//0D
;.* Jeithaml3 !*&* and 6itner3 M* C.//;D3 Services Mar2eting' Integrating Customer <ocus
&cross the <irm3 +ew ,or2' Mc#raw--illOIrwin*
AppendiA A 8uestionnaire
AppendiA I Inter)iew of 8uestionnaire
&art A"
%lease remember slowly and carefully about Meo !ac government$s public services Cprimary
education and training and primary healthcareD and then give score from 0 Cvery badD to 0/ Cvery
goodD for each of below 4uestion*
0 . ; 1 ? @ A B E
0* -ow well the public services C in primary education3 fresh
water and electrical supplyD fits your personal re4uirements
.* ,our evaluation of reliability e9perience of current public
services Cin primary education3 fresh water and electrical
supplyD is
;* ,our overall evaluation of public services Cin primary
education3 fresh water and electrical supplyD 4uality is
1* -ow much have you complained either formally or
informally about the public services Cin primary education3
fresh water and electrical supplyD
?* "o you feel3 either inade4uate or e9ceeding3 a big gap
between the public services in primary education3 fresh
water and electrical supplyD and what you e9pectedF
@* 8hat is your evaluation about current public services Cin
primary education3 fresh water and electrical supplyD
4uality versus your ideal e9pectationF
A* 8hat is your overall satisfaction about the public services

Cin primary education3 fresh water and electrical supplyD
&art #"
I addition to public services mentioned above3 please write in words3 for government-provided
services you perceive good that should be praised3 or poor that should be improved*
&art C"
%ersonal data
0* #ender' Male <emale
.* &ge' ./Y.E ;/Y;E 1/Y1E ?/Y?E @/Y@E &bove A/
;* Marital
Status' Single Married
1* )ducation' -igh school Undergraduate

?* Monthly






More than
@* +umber of
0Y. ;Y? @YB EY0. &bove
AppendiA # Output of data anal$sis
<R)QU)+CI)S !&RI&67)SRS&S
overall satisfaction about the public services Cin primary education3 fresh water and electrical
+ !alid ;//
Missing /
o)erall satisfaction about the public ser)ices >in primar$ education? fresh water and
electrical suppl$@
<re4uency %ercent !alid %ercent Cumulative %ercent
!alid . 0/ ;*; ;*; ;*;
; 10 0;*A 0;*A 0A*/
1 ;; 00*/ 00*/ .B*/
? 0/ ;*; ;*; ;0*;
@ ;0 0/*; 0/*; 10*A
A A; .1*; .1*; @@*/
B @E .;*/ .;*/ BE*/
E ;. 0/*A 0/*A EE*A
0/ 0 *; *; 0//*/
Total ;// 0//*/ 0//*/
<R)QU)+CI)S !&RI&67)SR%)R0 %)R. %)R; %)R1 %)R? %)R@
-ow well
the public
services C in
fresh water
supplyD fits
of reliability
of current
services Cin
fresh water
supplyD is
,our overall
of public
services Cin
fresh water
4uality is
-ow much
have you
formally or
about the
services Cin
fresh water
"o you feel3
e9ceeding3 a
big gap
between the
services in
fresh water
supplyD and
what you
8hat is your
about current
services Cin
fresh water
and electrical
versus your
+ !alid ;// ;// ;// ;// ;// ;//
Missing / / / / / /
5ow well the public ser)ices > in primar$ education? fresh water and electrical suppl$@ fits
$our personal re/uirements
<re4uency %ercent !alid %ercent Cumulative %ercent
!alid 0 A .*; .*; .*;
. 0A ?*A ?*A B*/
; ;. 0/*A 0/*A 0B*A
1 ;B 0.*A 0.*A ;0*;
? .1 B*/ B*/ ;E*;
@ 1? 0?*/ 0?*/ ?1*;
A 10 0;*A 0;*A @B*/
B 11 01*A 01*A B.*A
E ;1 00*; 00*; E1*/
0/ 0B @*/ @*/ 0//*/
Total ;// 0//*/ 0//*/
7our e)aluation of reliabilit$ eAperience of current public ser)ices >in primar$ education?
fresh water and electrical suppl$@ is
<re4uency %ercent !alid %ercent Cumulative %ercent
!alid 0 A .*; .*; .*;
. 0E @*; @*; B*A
; ;0 0/*; 0/*; 0E*/
1 ;; 00*/ 00*/ ;/*/
? .? B*; B*; ;B*;
@ 1; 01*; 01*; ?.*A
A ;@ 0.*/ 0.*/ @1*A
B 1B 0@*/ 0@*/ B/*A
E ;/ 0/*/ 0/*/ E/*A
0/ .B E*; E*; 0//*/
Total ;// 0//*/ 0//*/
7our o)erall e)aluation of public ser)ices >in primar$ education? fresh water and electrical
suppl$@ /ualit$ is
<re4uency %ercent !alid %ercent Cumulative %ercent
!alid 0 1 0*; 0*; 0*;
. 0? ?*/ ?*/ @*;
; 10 0;*A 0;*A ./*/
1 .@ B*A B*A .B*A
? .0 A*/ A*/ ;?*A
@ ?B 0E*; 0E*; ??*/
A 1A 0?*A 0?*A A/*A
B ;E 0;*/ 0;*/ B;*A
E ;0 0/*; 0/*; E1*/
0/ 0B @*/ @*/ 0//*/
Total ;// 0//*/ 0//*/
5ow much ha)e $ou complained either formall$ or informall$ about the public ser)ices >in
primar$ education? fresh water and electrical suppl$@
<re4uency %ercent !alid %ercent Cumulative %ercent
!alid 0 ; 0*/ 0*/ 0*/
. E ;*/ ;*/ 1*/
; ;@ 0.*/ 0.*/ 0@*/
1 ;E 0;*/ 0;*/ .E*/
? 01 1*A 1*A ;;*A
@ ;A 0.*; 0.*; 1@*/
A ;E 0;*/ 0;*/ ?E*/
B ?1 0B*/ 0B*/ AA*/
E 1? 0?*/ 0?*/ E.*/
0/ .1 B*/ B*/ 0//*/
Total ;// 0//*/ 0//*/
o $ou feel? either inade/uate or eAceeding? a big gap between the public ser)ices in
primar$ education? fresh water and electrical suppl$@ and what $ou eApectedC
<re4uency %ercent !alid %ercent Cumulative %ercent
!alid 0 ; 0*/ 0*/ 0*/
. 0; 1*; 1*; ?*;
; ;A 0.*; 0.*; 0A*A
1 ;? 00*A 00*A .E*;
? 0@ ?*; ?*; ;1*A
@ 1; 01*; 01*; 1E*/
A 1? 0?*/ 0?*/ @1*/
B 1/ 0;*; 0;*; AA*;
E ;? 00*A 00*A BE*/
0/ ;; 00*/ 00*/ 0//*/
Total ;// 0//*/ 0//*/
3hat is $our e)aluation about current public ser)ices >in primar$ education? fresh water
and electrical suppl$@ /ualit$ )ersus $our ideal eApectationC
<re4uency %ercent !alid %ercent Cumulative %ercent
!alid 0 . *A *A *A
. 0; 1*; 1*; ?*/
; ;; 00*/ 00*/ 0@*/
1 ;? 00*A 00*A .A*A
? 0A ?*A ?*A ;;*;
@ 1; 01*; 01*; 1A*A
A 1A 0?*A 0?*A @;*;
B 1A 0?*A 0?*A AE*/
E ;A 0.*; 0.*; E0*;
0/ .@ B*A B*A 0//*/
Total ;// 0//*/ 0//*/
O!&RI&67)SR%)R0 %)R. %)R; %)R1 %)R? %)R@
OSC&7)CI&77 !&RI&67)SID &77
Case &rocessing ,ummar$
+ T
Cases !alid ;// 0//*/
/ */
Total ;// 0//*/
a* 7istwise deletion based on all variables in the procedure*
Reliabilit$ ,tatistics
CronbachIs &lpha + of Items
*E.B @
Item ,tatistics
Mean Std* "eviation +
-ow well the public services C in
primary education3 fresh water and
electrical supplyD fits your personal
@*/0;; .*;EEB/ ;//
,our evaluation of reliability
e9perience of current public services
Cin primary education3 fresh water and
electrical supplyD is
@*0;// .*1E010 ;//
,our overall evaluation of public
services Cin primary education3 fresh
water and electrical supplyD 4uality is
@*/1@A .*;0?@B ;//
-ow much have you complained either
formally or informally about the public
services Cin primary education3 fresh
water and electrical supplyD
@*1.;; .*;B@A. ;//
"o you feel3 either inade4uate or
e9ceeding3 a big gap between the
public services in primary education3
fresh water and electrical supplyD and
what you e9pectedF
@*;.@A .*11?;B ;//
8hat is your evaluation about current
public services Cin primary education3
fresh water and electrical supplyD
4uality versus your ideal e9pectationF
@*;@// .*;?10E ;//
Item9Total ,tatistics
Scale Mean if
Item "eleted
Scale !ariance
if Item "eleted
Corrected Item-
&lpha if Item
-ow well the public
services C in primary
education3 fresh water and
electrical supplyD fits your
personal re4uirements
;0*.B@A 00/*BBA *A0/ *E.?
,our evaluation of
reliability e9perience of
current public services Cin
primary education3 fresh
water and electrical supplyD
;0*0A// 0/E*1?E *A/A *E.@
,our overall evaluation of
public services Cin primary
education3 fresh water and
electrical supplyD 4uality is
;0*.?;; 0/A*B?? *B0A *E0.
-ow much have you
complained either formally
or informally about the
public services Cin primary
education3 fresh water and
electrical supplyD
;/*BA@A 0/?*@.A *B1/ *E/E
"o you feel3 either
inade4uate or e9ceeding3 a
big gap between the public
services in primary
education3 fresh water and
electrical supplyD and what
you e9pectedF
;/*EA;; 0/1*E@. *B;/ *E0/
8hat is your evaluation
about current public
services Cin primary
education3 fresh water and
electrical supplyD 4uality
versus your ideal
;/*E1// 0/?*B?@ *B1E *E/A
,cale ,tatistics
Mean !ariance Std* "eviation + of Items
;A*;/// 0?.*?.? 0.*;?/0/ @
OST&TISTICS C=)<< =UTS R &+=!&
O")%)+")+T S&S
OM)T-="R)+T)R %)R*
2ariables 1nteredIRemo)ed
Model !ariables )ntered !ariables Removed Method
0 overall perceived service
* )nter
a* &ll re4uested variables entered*
b* "ependent !ariable' overall satisfaction about the public services Cin primary education3 fresh
water and electrical supplyD
4odel ,ummar$
Model R R S4uare &d5usted R S4uare
Std* )rror of the
0 *EE0
*EB; *EB; *.A?B/
a* %redictors' CConstantD3 overall perceived service 4uality
Model Sum of S4uares df Mean S4uare < Sig*
0 Regression 0.B1*/?; 0 0.B1*/?; 0*@BB)1 *///
Residual ..*@@A .EB */A@
Total 0;/@*A./ .EE
a* %redictors' CConstantD3 overall perceived service 4uality
b* "ependent !ariable' overall satisfaction about the public services Cin primary education3 fresh
water and electrical supplyD
t Sig* 6 Std* )rror 6eta
0 CConstantD -*/0E */?0 -*;A0 *A00
overall perceived service
0*//A *//B *EE0 0.E*E.A *///
a* "ependent !ariable' overall satisfaction about the public services Cin primary education3 fresh
water and electrical supplyD
=+)8&, S&S %)R 6, #ender
OMISSI+# &+&7,SIS*
Sum of
S4uares df
S4uare < Sig*
overall satisfaction
about the public
services Cin primary
education3 fresh water
and electrical supplyD
*//0 0 *//0 */// *EE0
8ithin #roups 0;/@*A0E .EB 1*;B?
0;/@*A./ .EE
overall perceived
service 4uality
*/.A 0 */.A *//@ *E;A
8ithin #roups 0.@@*AAE .EB 1*.?0
Total 0.@@*B/@ .EE
=+)8&, S&S %)R 6, &ge
OMISSI+# &+&7,SIS*
Sum of
S4uares df
S4uare < Sig*
overall satisfaction
about the public
services Cin primary
education3 fresh water
and electrical supplyD
1/*;AA ? B*/A? 0*BA? */EE
8ithin #roups 0.@@*;1; .E1 1*;/A
0;/@*A./ .EE
overall perceived
service 4uality
1/*A0? ? B*01; 0*E?; */B@
8ithin #roups 0..@*/E0 .E1 1*0A/
Total 0.@@*B/@ .EE
=+)8&, S&S %)R 6, Marital
OMISSI+# &+&7,SIS*
Sum of
S4uares df
S4uare < Sig*
overall satisfaction
about the public
services Cin primary
education3 fresh water
and electrical supplyD
*/// 0 */// */// *EEB
8ithin #roups 0;/@*A./ .EB 1*;B?
0;/@*A./ .EE
overall perceived
service 4uality
*/A? 0 */A? */0B *BE?
8ithin #roups 0.@@*A;0 .EB 1*.?0
Total 0.@@*B/@ .EE
=+)8&, S&S %)R 6, )ducation
OMISSI+# &+&7,SIS*
Sum of
S4uares df
S4uare < Sig*
overall satisfaction
about the public
services Cin primary
education3 fresh water
and electrical supplyD
*0@. . */B0 */0B *EB.
8ithin #roups 0;/@*??B .EA 1*;EE
0;/@*A./ .EE
overall perceived
service 4uality
*A.A . *;@1 */B? *E0B
8ithin #roups 0.@@*/AE .EA 1*.@;
Total 0.@@*B/@ .EE
=+)8&, S&S %)R 6, Income
OMISSI+# &+&7,SIS*
Sum of
S4uares df
S4uare < Sig*
overall satisfaction
about the public
services Cin primary
education3 fresh water
and electrical supplyD
.0*/.E ? 1*./@ *E@. *11.
8ithin #roups 0.B?*@E0 .E1 1*;A;
0;/@*A./ .EE
overall perceived
service 4uality
0E*B0. ? ;*E@. *E;1 *1?E
8ithin #roups 0.1@*EE; .E1 1*.10
Total 0.@@*B/@ .EE
=+)8&, S&S %)R 6, <amily
OMISSI+# &+&7,SIS*
Sum of
S4uares df
S4uare < Sig*
overall satisfaction
about the public
services Cin primary
education3 fresh water
and electrical supplyD
0?*;;1 1 ;*B;1 *BA@ *1AE
8ithin #roups 0.E0*;B@ .E? 1*;AB
0;/@*A./ .EE
overall perceived
service 4uality
0B*BA/ 1 1*A0A 0*00? *;1E
8ithin #roups 0.1A*E;@ .E? 1*.;/
Total 0.@@*B/@ .EE

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