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... through Bertha Dudde

Jesus has satisfied Gods justice ....
Your separation from e !ou"d ha#e "asted fore#er had $ not
accomp"ished the act of %a"#ation for &ou '& ta(ing &our gui"t
upon &se"f and redeeming it through the sacrifice on the cross)
!hich $ accomp"ished through the man Jesus on earth ....
*n un'ridgea'"e gu"f e+isted 'et!een the (ingdom of "ight and
that of dar(ness .... You !ou"d ne#er ha#e 'een a'"e to
o#ercome this gu"f &ourse"#es) & (ingdom !as c"osed to &ou
fore#er 'ecause & justice !ou"d ha#e 'een una'"e to accept
&ou) !ho had 'ecome sinfu" as a resu"t of &our apostas&) unti"
the immense sin had 'een atoned for.
,his sacrifice of atonement !as rendered '& Jesus) the human
'eing) in Whom $ &se"f too( a'ode) 'ecause -is untainted
human she"" a""o!ed for it) for $ !ou"d ne#er ha#e 'een a'"e to
em'od& &se"f in a sinfu" person ....
,hus a sou" of "ight had to descend to earth #o"untari"& in order
to ma(e amends for its fa""en 'rothers for the sa(e of & justice)
!hich cou"d not 'e '&passed according to the "a! of eternit& ....
$ *m a perfect Being) Which is indeed .o#e in $tse"f) 'ut !ithout
justice $ cannot possi'"& 'e ca""ed a supreme"& perfect Being.
*nd Jesus) the human 'eing) satisfied this justice through the
sacrifice on the cross) !hich !as offered '& a sou" of "ight !ith
the intention of returning the fa""en "i#ing creations 'ac( to e) in
order to 'ui"d a 'ridge from the rea"m of dar(ness into the
(ingdom of "ight.
-o!e#er) $ &se"f d!e""ed in the man Jesus) for Love
accomp"ished the act of %a"#ation) Which utter"& permeated the
man Jesus and a"so ga#e -im the strength to ta(e the most
se#ere suffering and pain upon -imse"f) to !a"( the path to the
cross !ith a"" of humanit&s gui"t of sin and to "a& do!n -is "ife
for this gui"t ....
-ad this .o#e not 'een present in -im) -e tru"& !ou"d ha#e 'een
una'"e to ma(e such a sacrifice .... *nd $ &se"f !as this
.o#e .... $ too( a'ode in Jesus she"") $ .... the greatest %pirit of
eternit& .... manifested &se"f in -im) $ per#aded -im !ith &
fundamenta" nature of "o#e/
& "o#e utter"& permeated -im) the human she"" mere"& curtai"ed
the !or(ing of & strength of "o#e !hen -e too( the fina" path to
the cross) !here Jesus) the man) suffered incredi'"& and died the
most 'itter death on the cross in order to atone for the sin of the
once fa""en 'eings ....
$ d!e""ed in -im and -e #o"untari"& accomp"ished the act of
deif&ing -is sou") !hich is the fina" goa" of a"" & created
'eings .... He had totally merged with Me, He was I and I
was Him .... $ had 'ecome a human 'eing) -e had 'ecome God)
for -e !as tota""& permeated '& & "o#e) and "o#e is &
fundamenta" su'stance .... Jesus crucifi+ion a'so"#ed the great
gui"t and opened up the path for &ou humans into the (ingdom of
"ight ....
-o!e#er) &ou are not instant"& redeemed) 'ecause &our free !i""
caused &our apostas& from e and thus free !i"" must a"so 'e
!i""ing to return to e/ &ou must 'ecome a!are of &our past
gui"t and appea" to e in Jesus for forgi#eness) or &ou !i"" remain
'urdened '& &our gui"t and &our entr& into the (ingdom of "ight
!i"" 'e denied to &ou.
,ime and again &ou humans are informed of Jesus 0hrist and -is
act of %a"#ation and the spiritual mission of Jesus) the man) is
e+p"ained and su'stantiated to &ou. 1#en so) &ou must believe
it) for &ou cannot 'e gi#en an& e#idence apart from the fact that
&ou .... once &ou ha#e found redemption through Jesus 0hrist ....
!i"" gain comp"ete understanding of it &ourse"#es) 'ecause) as a
resu"t of the redemption through Jesus 0hrist) the !or(ing of &
spirit !i"" not 'e pre#ented) !hich !i"" su'se2uent"& guide &ou
into a"" truth) and this is the certain proof that &ou ha#e 'een
redeemed from &our origina" sin ....
But first &ou must ta(e the path to the cross of &our o!n free
!i"") &ou must 'e !i""ing to do so and want to 'e"ong to the
circ"e of those !ho !ere redeemed through Jesus '"ood .... and
then &ou !i"" tru"& accept and ma(e use of the '"essings of the
act of %a"#ation. ,hen &ou !i"" 'e on the path of return to e)
&ou !i"" ha#e stepped onto the 'ridge !hich Jesus 'ui"t for &ou
so that &ou can find admittance into the (ingdom of "ight and
'"iss) and !hose gate !as opened for &ou through the act of
%a"#ation '& Jesus .... !ithin Whom $ &se"f d!e""ed and 'ecame
a #isi'"e God for &ou so that one da& &ou !ou"d 'e a'"e to 'eho"d
e face to face ....
3u'"ished '& friends of ne! re#e"ations of God 4$nformation)
do!n"oad of a"" trans"ated re#e"ations) theme5'oo("ets at6


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