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Language in Use Unit 4

1 Complete the sentences with the correct modal verb.
should / ought to (x2) can
have to (x2) mustnt
dont have to could

1 You smoke in public places.
2 We learn Chinese in our school.
3 You wear a crash helmet when you are riding a motorbike.
4 You eat a healthy diet.
5 I study hard all weekend.
6 You respect other peoples opinions.
7 She always sing really well.
8 you leave us alone now?

2 Give two pieces of advice for the situations below. Use an appropriate modal verb.
1 Your teacher is working too hard and is exhausted.
He / She

2 Your father wants to learn how to use a computer.

3 One of your friends is very bossy and nobody wants to spend time with them.
He / She

4 Your friend wants to get married. You think shes too young.

5 Your brother wants to leave school and become a mechanic.

3 Circle the correct option.
1 Im not sure where Jane is. She could / must be at the office.
2 Sally has to / doesnt have to pass all her exams because she wants to go to university.
3 You ought to / can check you have all the ingredients before you start making the cake.
4 The letter should / couldnt arrive tomorrow. It was sent by express delivery.
5 You mustnt / have to book the tickets soon, otherwise theyll be sold out!
6 You dont have to / mustnt smoke at a petrol station. You cant / could cause an explosion.
7 That painting is obviously a forgery. It mustnt / cant be by Van Gogh.
8 That doesnt have to / cant be right! The answers must / can be wrong.

4 Match the adjectives (1-8) with their synonyms (a-h). Use your dictionary.
1 decisive
2 sensitive
3 brave
4 big headed
5 modest
6 hardworking
7 selfish
8 honest

a shy or humble
b greedy or egotistic
c noble or trustworthy
d dedicated or busy
e firm
f courageous
g kind or sentimental
h arrogant

5 Complete the table with the adjectives in the box.
perfect contented tolerant
continued sincere practical
comfortable moral loyal
considerate sympathetic sociable
appropriate successful
possible honest

in- im-

un- dis-

6 Complete the sentences with the opposite of the adjective in brackets.
1 Dont be so ! You shouldnt speak to your mother like that. (polite)
2 He always makes her cry; hes so
3 What an man. Hes so rude!
4 He risked his life in a very
5 Dont ask Tony to help. Hes so .
6 That woman can never make any decisions. Shes so .
7 I cant understand this. Its just !
8 That invention will never be successful. Its totally .

Integrated Skills UNIT 4

1 Match the sentence beginnings (1-4) with the endings (a-d).
1 1 You have to watch
2 You must watch
3 You mustnt watch
4 You dont have to watch

a that programme if you dont want to.
b that programme youll love it!
c too much TV. Its bad for you.
d a lot of TV if you want to become a TV critic.

2 1 You have to buy
2 You must buy
3 You mustnt buy
4 You dont have to buy

a any more books or youll spend all your money.
b the new book by Dan Brown. Its incredible.
c the books you can get them from the library.
d all the books before the course starts. Its a university regulation.

2 Choose the correct modal verb.
1 A John! Your rooms filthy! You absolutely must / should / can clean it now.
B You love giving orders! You ought to / can / must be in the army.
2 A What are you doing here? You have to / must / should be in your maths class.
B I dont have to / mustnt / shouldnt go to class if I dont want to.
A You mustnt / dont have to / couldnt miss class or youll never pass your exam.
3 A What documents do I have to / must I / can I get if I want to work in Australia?
B No idea. Maybe you should / must / have to ask Pete. He lived there for a while.

4 A Can I / Must I / Should I have another coffee please? I couldnt / mustnt / shouldnt order
before because you were too busy.
B Im sorry but the restaurants closed.
Can / should / must you leave now please?

3 Rewrite these sentences in your notebook using an appropriate modal verb.
1 Last year, I didnt know how to use Power Point.
2 Is it necessary for me to have a passport?
3 I suggest that you try the shop round the corner.
4 Its my personal obligation to speak to her.
5 Would you mind helping me with these bags?
6 Youre not allowed to eat in class!

4 Complete the sentences with the negative form of an adjective from the box.

reliable tolerant decisive
practical ambitious honest

1 Hes so . Hes always telling lies.
2 Hes a very employee. He makes lots of mistakes.
3 Dont be so ! You should respect other peoples opinions.
4 Hes a very person: he cant even mend a plug!
5 Come on, choose something! Youre so
6 Im quite . I dont want to be rich or famous.
7 Going to the dentist can be a very

5 Write sentences about people you know using the character adjectives in brackets.
1 My brothers really vain. He spends all his time looking in the mirror.








6 Complete the questions below with the correct form of a phrasal verb from the box.
Then answer the questions in your notebook.

find out come from work out
bring up take part in

1 Were you in the country or in the city?
2 Which extracurricular activities do you
at school?
3 Are you good at mathematical problems?
4 Where does racial intolerance ?
5 Have you ever anything interesting about your family? What was it?


(S)he Unit 4
1 1 mustnt; 2 dont have to; 3 have to; 4 should / ought to; 5 have to; 6 should / ought to; 7 could;
8 Can
2 (Suggested answers)
1 He / She shouldnt work so hard.
2 He ought to find a computer skills class.
3 He / She shouldnt tell people what to do.
4 She should wait until shes older.
5 He should stay at school and get some qualifications.
3 1 could; 2 has to; 3 ought to; 4 should; 5 have to;
6 mustnt / could; 7 cant; 8 cant / must
4 1e; 2g; 3f; 4h; 5a; 6d; 7b; 8c
5 in- inconsiderate, intolerant, inappropriate, insincere
im- imperfect, impractical, impossible, immoral
un- unsociable, unsympathetic, unsuccessful, uncomfortable dis- discontented, dishonest, disloyal,
6 1 impolite; 2 insensitive; 3 unpleasant; 4 unselfish;
5 unreliable; 6 indecisive; 7 impossible; 8 impractical


(S)he Unit 4
1 1 1d; 2b; 3c; 4a
2 1d; 2b; 3a; 4c
2 1 must / ought to
2 should / dont have to / mustnt
3 do I have to / should
4 Can I / couldnt / Can
3 1 Last year, I couldnt / was unable to use PowerPoint
2 Do I have to / Do I need to have a passport?
3 You should try the shop round the corner.
4 I must speak to her.
5 Could you help me with these bags?
6 You mustnt eat in class!
4 1 dishonest; 2 unreliable; 3 intolerant; 4 impractical; 5 indecisive; 6 unambitious; 7 unpleasant
6 1 brought up; 2 take part in; 3 working out;
4 come from; 5 found out
8 1 F; 2 F; 3 T; 4 T; 5 F; 6 T; 7 F

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