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Available water

97% of the worlds water is in the saline ocean.
Of this 3% is fresh,
68.7% is in the form of snow and ice, mainly in the Polar Regions;
30.1% is in groundwater aquifers,
And just 0.3 % is in rivers, lakes or wetlands and
0.9 % is others.

People can only directly access groundwater and river water which make up just 1% of the planets water and
most of this is not evenly distributed.

to make water more freely available to humans- build dams on river systems to store it,transfer it from one
area to another via pipelines.


is the primary source of all water available on the earth and includes rainfall, snow fall and hail.
During its fall from the high altitude to the ground, it absorbs oxygen, carbon dioxide and other gases along with
dust,smoke, fumes and bacterias etc.Therefore, the rain contains large amount of impurities, the quantity of
which is maximum in the first rains and minimum in the last rains.

When precipitation occurs, part of it may evaporate and return immediately to the atmosphere, a part of it may
infiltrate the soil, and part of it may flow across the surface of the ground. This accounts for ground source and
surface source of water.

The water of precipitation further goes off in the following ways:

(i) Run-off: After precipitation, a portion of its water flows over the ground in the form of rivers and
streams and some water flows towards lakes and ponds and is collected there.

(ii) Percolation: A portion of precipitation percolates in the ground and is stored there in the form of
subsoil or ground water.

(iv) Evaporation: Some portion of the precipitation is also evaporated from the lakes, rivers, reservoirs
and wet surfaces in the form of vapour due to suns heat.

Transpiration: The roots of the trees absorb water from the ground and some portion of it
evaporates in the atmosphere through leaves in the form of transpiration.

When the rain falls on the ground, a portion of it percolates in the ground, a portion evaporates and a portion
flows on the ground and reaches rivers and streams.
Some portion of water which percolates in the ground comes out in the form of springs etc. at few places
under favourable geological conditions and joins the streams.
In this way water reaches the streams from surface run-off and from springs or underground water flow.
The total quantity of water which reaches the streams or rivers both from surfaces flow as well as base flow is
knownas Run-off.

The run-off mainly depends on the following factors:
(i) Area of the catchment
(ii) Slope and shape of the catchment area.
(iii) The degree of porosity of the soil of the catchment area.
(iv) Obstruction in the flow of water due to trees, fields, gardens, bunds etc.
(v) Initial state of the catchment area with respect to the wetness.
(vi) Intensity of rainfall in the catchment area.
(vii) Interval between successive showers.
While designing the water supply scheme for a town or a city, it is necessary to determine the total quantity of
water required for various purposes of the city.
First duty is to determine the water demand of the city and then find out the suitable sources.
For big cities its not necessary to have only one water source or one water-works, they have one or more
number of waterworks distributed in their various localities for the treatment and supply of water.

Waterworks- Waterworks for public water supply includes a lake, spring, well, pump with or without motor and
accessories,reservoirs, cistern, tank, duct whether covered or open, water main, pipe, culvert, engine and any
machinery, land, building or a thing used for storage, treatment and supply of water.

Points to be considered while selecting the site for the sources of water for a water supply scheme:

1) Location- source should be as near as possible to the town/city to minimize the cost of conveyance.
2) The reduced level(R.L.) of the intake point should be higher than that of the supply zone so that water can flow
by gravity- otherwise pumping is needed which will increase the cost of the scheme.
3) Quantity of water- source should be such that required quantity of water may be available throughout the
year to meet the water demand.
4) Quality of water- cost of treatment depends on quality of water- bad quality requires excessive treatment and
increase the cost. But good quality requires less treatment-decreases the cost.

A.Surface source of water

a) Rivers constitute the principal source of water supply for many cities.
b) Some rivers are perennial and some are non perennial.
c) Perennial rivers are snow fed and thus have water throughout the year should always be selected for the
d) Non- perennial rivers dry up wholly or partly in summer and come across heavy floods in monsoons. Dams
are constructed on Non-perennial River so that water can be stored during floods, which can later be used in
e) In Rivers quantity of water reliable but quality of water not reliable. It contains silt and suspended impurities.
f) In summer the quality of river water is better than that in monsoon, because in rainy season the run-off water
also carries with it clay, silt, sand etc. which make the water turbid.
g) The rivers, sometimes, highly contaminated due to the disposal of sewerage at inappropriate points in the
h) Thus, river water needs an exhaustive treatment before it is fit for drinking purposes.
i) The quality of water differs at different points along the course of the same river. The quality of river water at its
head is good, but it goes on deteriorating as the river proceeds along its course.
j) River water has self purification action, due to which it automatically cleans in some distance travel from the
point of disposal of sewerage.

Suitable for small water supply scheme.
Quantity of water may not be sufficient.

Ponds and Lakes
-Natural or artificial depressions where surface run-off is collected in rainy season is known as ponds/lake
-Quantity not reliable
-Quality reliable-needs little treatment before use.
-suitable for small water supply schemes.

Sources of Water
Surface sources
Rivers /
Underground sources
Springs Wells
Artesian wells
Dug wells /
Draw wells
Shallow wells
Deep wells
Tube wells
A natural lake represents a large water body having an impervious bed.
A pond is a man made body of standing water smaller than a lake.
Ponds are formed due to excessive digging of ground for the construction of roads, houses, etc and they
are filled with water in rainy seasons.
The water in ponds is very impure and thus, cannot be adopted as a source of water supply but can only
be used for washing of clothes and animals.

Storage Reservoir
It is an artificial lake formed by constructing a dam across the river
At present, this is the chief source of water supply schemes to very big cities.
Function may be multipurpose. e.g. irrigation, hydro electric power generation, fishery, etc
.Quantity and quality both reliable always preferred for large water supply projects.

B. Ground Source or sub surface sources

Infiltration is the process of soaking rain water by the ground.
Percolation is the movement of water in the soil.
Some of the moisture that penetrates into the soil replenishes the soil moisture or is used by growing plants
and returned to the atmosphere by transpiration.
Water that drains down below the root zone finally reaches a level at which all the voids in the earth are filled
with water. This is known as zone of saturation, and the water in this zone is called ground water.
This water, called Ground water, is present in spaces between soil and gravel particles and cracks in
geological rock formations. It is not in the form of underground streams.
Groundwater is stored in the ground in materials like gravel or sand. It's kind of like the earth is a big sponge
holding all that water.
The upper surface of the zone of saturation, if not confined by impermeable material, is called the water-table.
Above it is the unsaturated zone and below it the saturated zone.
The depth of water table differs from place to place. The water table is dependent on many factors. Heavy
rains can caused due to rise and considerable extraction of groundwater, as is happening in most urban areas,
may cause it to fall.
The surface of earth consists of alternate layers of pervious and impervious strata.
The pervious layers are those through which water can easily pass while it is not possible for water to go
through an impervious layer.
Materials like sand, gravel and fissured limestone are pervious layers and can hold water in them.
The pervious layers are known as aquifers or water bearing strata.
aquitard is a bed of low permeability along an aquifer like hard clayey soils do not give their water easily.
Materials like unfissured limestone and sandstone are impervious i.e. they do not allow water to pass
through them, thus, contain no water are called aquiclude (or aquifuge) underlying or overlying an
Some parts of the saturated zone contain more water than others. These parts are usually made up of very
permeable material and are called aquifers. Aquifers yield useful quantities of water when tapped by a well.
The water bearing stratum that creates a ground water reservoir and feeds well or springs is called an aquifer.
Sand and gravels are the most important aquifers.
Coarse sand with small gravel and kankar with rounded edges are strong indications of good water contents.
The finer the sand the less will its water yield be for the velocity of water cannot be high in fine sand.
Gravel and boulder strata also give good discharge.
Clay, although highly porous is so fine grained as to be practically impervious.
The amount of water a material will hold is determined by its porosity. The porosity is the pore space between
the particles. Particle size has no effect on porosity, but gradation in particle size has a great effect on porosity.
Measurement of the velocity of flow of ground water: in very small size of grains the ground will not yield its
water readily. Course sands and gravels with steep gradients may have a velocity of 6 to 30 metres per day, fine
sands 15mm per day, while in very fine sands with flat gradients and sandstones of fine texture the flow may be
only 3 metres per year.
Permeability means the ability of the soil to permit passage of water. Permeability is due to small openings
between particles. Clay and top soils have low permeability and water passes through them with difficulty.
Aquifers can be of two types unconfined aquifers and confined aquifers. The upper boundary of an
unconfined aquifer is the water table. If water in an aquifer is confined between rock layers of relatively low
permeability, the aquifer is termed as confined.
A shallow dug well typically gets water from an unconfined aquifer.
Bore wells are usually dug deep and reach confined aquifers. It can take years (decades or millennia) for
water to reach these confined aquifers.
An unconfined aquifer is a water bearing formation, which has an impermeable layer beneath but no confining
layer on
top of the water level. The top of the water level is designated as the water table. Above the water table is the
unsaturated zone and below it the saturated zone. The water in an unconfined aquifer is under atmospheric
A confined aquifer is a porous and permeable layer of rock that is sandwiched above and below by
impermeable layers of rock. These impermeable layers are called confining layers. The water in a confined
aquifer is under pressure (called hydrostatic pressure).
An artesian aquifer is a confined aquifer containing groundwater that will flow upwards through a well without
the need for pumping. Water may even spurt out of the ground if the natural pressure is high enough. An aquifer
provides the water for an artesian well. Porous stone of the aquifer is confined between impermeable rocks or
clay. This keeps the pressure high, so when the water finds an outlet, it overcomes gravity and goes up instead
of down.
Recharge or infiltration is process of surface water seeping into the ground (from surface water systems and
rain). The rate of recharge depends on the geology of the place. The rate of recharge would be very low through
relatively impermeable materials like clay and shale and faster through more porous sandy soils. It can take
anywhere between days and millennia for surface water to reach groundwater at different levels.
The natural movement of groundwater is very slow. Groundwater can emerge out in the form of a spring. It
also moves towards surface water bodies that are at lower levels.
Borewells draw water from confined aquifers. It takes very long for natural recharge into these aquifers. This is
not an unending source of water and one must realize that this finite source must be replenished adequately for it
to be productive during times of need.
When the rate of water withdrawal from groundwater aquifers is greater than the rate of recharge of water into
these aquifers, groundwater is said to be overexploited.
Increasing demand for water and inadequate recharge is causing many groundwater aquifers to be

Sources of Ground Water
Free from suspended impurities i.e. clear and colourless
Contains dissolved minerals and gases.
Generally free from bacteria and other living organisms.


Springs are formed when ground water appears at the ground surface as a result of overflow of ground water.
Thus, a spring is a site where the aquifer surface meets the ground surface.
Source of water supply for small towns-near hills or base of hills.
Some springs discharge hot water due to presence of sulphur and other minerals in their formations. These
hot springs cannot be used to supply water for domestic purposes.
Types of Springs

- Artesian Springs
-Gravity Spring

Artesian springs
occur when the groundwater, under pressure, finds its way to the land surface.

The spring flows because the pressure in the aquifer (water bearing soil or rock), which is covered by a
confining layer (clay or other impervious material), is greater than atmospheric pressure at the land.

When a pervious layer is sandwiched between two impervious layers, then artesian springs comes into

Gravity springs are formed by water soaking into the ground until the water encounters a confining layer
that will not let the water seep further down.

The water then flows across the top of the confining layer until it reaches the ground surface.
Examples of gravity springs are-springs found in hillsides or cliffs.

When water table rises along a hill slope and water finds a path on the slope through which it rushes out
by gravity (develop due to overflowing of water table).

Springs are surface or deep-seated depending upon the depth at which they are formed from the
surface of earth.

Infiltration Well

To obtain large quantities of water, they are sunk in series in the banks of rivers.
The wells are closed at top and open at bottom.
They are constructed of brick masonry with open joints.
Manholes are provided in the top cover for the purpose of inspection.
Water infiltrates through the bottom of such wells and gets purified while passing through the sand bed.
Water from Infiltration wells gets collected in a jackwell. Water from jackwell is pumped to purification
plant for treatment.
Quality of water- good, requires less treatment
Quantity of water- suitable for small water supply scheme.

Infiltration Gallery

For tapping water from sandy river beds sometimes horizontal tunnels are constructed in the beds.
These tunnels are generally made of concrete or brick (with weep holes) adjacent to the slope of a nala
or river.
Top is covered with RCC slab having manholes at some interval for cleaning and inspection.
Perforated pipe lines are connected to the tunnel through which water gets collected inside the tunnel.
This tunnel is known as Infiltration Gallery.
These pipes may also be surrounded by a filter of gravel, pebbles, etc to check the entry of fine material.
The slope of the gallery is such that water inside the gallery flows towards a well which is known as
Sump Well.
Water is pumped from Sump Well and supplied to consumer after proper treatment.
Infiltration Gallery is useful source of water supply when ground water is available in sufficient quantity.
The usual depth at which these galleries are made is 5-10m.


An artificial hole made into the ground for tapping underground water.

Types of well

1) Shallow wells

These are the wells dug in the upper most layer of earths surface and obtain their water supply from the
The diameter of the well varies from 6-18 feet and the depth is kept 20-25 feet below subsoil water-table
so that if the water table goes down by 10-15 feet in dry years, the well still yields water.
When wells are dug deep, their sides are lined with bricks or concrete.
The quality of water obtained from shallow wells is better than that water obtained from rivers but is still
doubtful as it usually gets contaminated by discharges from nalas, soakpits, sewage farms and filters,
septic tanks, etc.
It is thus advisable to construct these wells away from such sources of contamination.
Further, these wells are generally liable to intermittent pollution, so, samples of water should be
collected and checked regularly, especially after rainfalls.
Since these wells do not give large discharges and moreover, the unreliable quality of water makes it
unfit for water supply schemes.

2)Deep wells or tube wells

Deep wells are drilled to obtain water from aquifer below an impervious layer.
A deep well gets its water supply from pervious strata, a long distance away.
During travel, the water gets thoroughly purified, but dissolves certain salts and thus becomes hard- it,
thus, needs some treatment.
Deep wells are also referred to as pressure wells, as water is usually available at a pressure greater
than atmospheric pressure.
A tube well is a deep well obtaining its supply from a number of aquifers through strainers.
These may go as deep as 1000 feet or more below ground.
Deep tube-well is a best source of water for any water supply scheme as water can be drawn by direct
pumping system and can be supplied directly to the consumers without any treatment.
A bore is drilled and in this a steel tube/pipe is inserted
Blind hollow steel pipes/ perforated hollow steel pipes both are used.
Perforated /strainer pipe put against pervious layer
Blind pipe put against impervious layer
Water from pervious layer enters tube through perforations.

Hydrology is the science which deals with movement of the water on the ground, under the ground,
evaporation from theland and water surfaces, and transpiration from the vegetation.
It also deals and includes the way of going back the water to the atmosphere from where it precipitates.
The water which goes in atmosphere by evaporation and transpiration and again comes back in the form of
precipitation under favourable climatic conditions is known as hydrologic cycle.


Components of House drainage system- TRAPS WITH TYPES , TYPES

(i) Sanitary fittings-Wash-basins, bathtubs, sinks, Urinals,
Water closets, flushing cisterns.

(ii) Pipes- Waste Pipe, Soil pipe, Vent pipe, anti-siphonage pipe,
rain water pipe.

(iii) System of piping- One- pipe System, Two- pipe System,
Partially Ventilated One- pipe System, Single Stack System.

(iv) Traps- Floor trap (Nahani trap), Gulley trap, Intercepting trap.
Depending upon the shape- P-trap, Q-trap and S-trap,

(v) Underground drain

(vi) Manholes


The sanitary fittings indicate all the fittings or appliances used for collection
and discharge of soil or waste water.

Different sanitary fittings perform different types of functions.

They are normally made of ceramics, glazed fire-clay, glazed earthenware, or
glazed chinaware.

The fittings are so designed so as to have non-absorbent surfaces which can
be easily cleaned.

1. Washing basins
2. Bath tubs
3. Kitchen sinks
4. Urinals
5. Water closets (WC)
6. Flushing cistern for water closets


A wash basin is used for washing hands, face, etc.
It is available in various patterns and sizes.
Normally oval shaped bowl type wash basin with overflow slot is used in
The wash basin is normally mounted on angle irons fixed on the wall.
The wash basin at times provided with two taps-cold water and hot water.
The drainage hole is connected to the waste pipe either directly or through
bottle trap for discharge of waste water into the floor trap.
The top of wash basin is kept at 75 to 80 cm from floor level.

Use of bath tub is restricted to a certain class of toilets and private residences.
Bath tubs may be precast or cast in situ.
They are made of enameled steel, gel-coated fibre glass, enameled porcelain,
reinforced concrete finished with terra cotta or marble finishes, acrylic etc.
It is provided with outlet and overflow pipes which are usually of 40 mm
Provision is made for both hot water and cold water connections.
The length of bath tub varies from 1.75 to 1.85 m, width varies between 0.7 to
.75m and its depth near the waste pipe varies between 0.43 to 0.45m.

Sink is used in kitchens, laboratories, etc.
It is made of stainless steel, plastic, marble, RCC with terrazzo finishing or
glazed chinaware, etc.
It is a rectangular basin with or without overflow arrangement.
It has a circular waste hole with metal strainer to which the waste pipe is
attached for conveying the discharge from sink to the floor trap.
The kitchen sink is provided with the drain board.

width 450mm,
length 600mm
depth 250mm
pipe diameter 65mm and length of overflow slot =75mm minimum
ht from top of the sink to the floor level =800mm


The urinals are of the following types:
1) Bowl type
2) Slab or stall type
3) Squatting urinal

Urinal fall under the category of soil appliances and the discharge from the
urinal is connected to the soil pipe.

An anti-siphonage pipe is necessary for urinals located on different floors and
connected to a common soil pipe. (air vacuum thing ?)

1.BOWL TYPE URINAL- these are available in two types:

(i) Flat back-These are oval-shaped, installed at a height of 500 mm from the
floor level and ht of the urinal is 440mm The urinals are screwed to wall.

(ii) Corner : These urinals are used in the case where two walls meet at right
angel.ht of urinal from the ground = 500mm and ht of urinal = 360 mm

2.SLAB OR STALL TYPE: these are open smooth walled urinal, flushing by
means of spread connected to automatic system. Ideal for public places.

3.SQUATTING URINALS: these are used in squatting position. It is available
with integral flushing holes.

The water closet is a sanitary fitting which collects human excreta and
discharges it into the soil pipe through trap.
There are three types of WCs
1) Indian Type or squatting type
2) European type
3) Anglo-Indian type.

(i) Long pan pattern (length 450, 580, 680 mm)
(ii) Orissa pattern (length 580, 630, 680 mm)
(iii) Rural pattern (length 425mm)
It is usually made of porcelain and the pan and the trap are in two different
The WC pan is fixed flush with the floor of the toilet.
The trap has an opening for anti-siphonage pipe.
The pan has the flushing rim having number of holes to spread the flush
The excreta does not fall directly into the trap and there are chances for
excreta to become foul, if not properly flushed.
The contents of the pan are removed by the gravity flush of water.
It is fixed in squatting position at floor level.
A pair of foot rests is provided on either side of the pan for convenience.



It has a pedestal fitting with in built trap and it can be used in squatting as
well as sitting position.
The excreta directly falls in the trap and thus can be easily flushed out.

Flushing cisterns are provided for flushing the water closets and urinals.
They may be cast iron, vitreous china, or plastic.
For Indian type of WC, flushing cisterns are generally of cast iron provided at
a height of approximately 2m but for European type WC, it is provided at
height of 30 cm from the top of the pan or can be close coupled with
European WC. The capacity of cistern varies from 10-15 litres.
It is of two types
1.high Level cistern
is provided with a hanging chain by which it is operated.
2.Low Level cistern
is generally provided in European WC.

A trap is a fitting, or a part of sanitary appliance, which is designed to
hold a quantity of water. This water called the trapseal or water seal-
acts as a barrier to prevent foul air or gases from the sewer or drain into
the building.
A trap is merely a double bend or loop in the sanitary fitting, the depth
of water seal being the distance of the first bend and the bottom of the
The deeper the seal the more efficient is the trap.
The depth of the water seal varies from 40 to 75 mm.
The trap should always be fitted close to the waste or soil fitting
unless the trap is an integral part of the fitting as in case
of European WC.

Requirement of a Good Trap:

A good trap should possess the following qualities.
It should provide sufficient water seal.
Its interior should be smooth, so as not to obstruct the flow, and thus
the trap should be self- cleansing.
It should be provided with an access door for cleaning.
It should be made of some non-absorbent material.

The water seal of the trap can break under the following conditions:

(i) If there is any crack in the bottom of seal or the joint is faulty.
(ii) If for a long time the seal is not in use, its water will evaporate in the
(iii) If due to blockage or any other reason there is increase in the
pressure of the sewer gases, it will pass through the water
of seal.
(iv) If partial vacuum is created in the sewer fittings, it will suck up the
seal water. To avoid the breakage due to this reason,the portion
between the trap and the soil pipe should be connected to the vent pipe.


Depending upon the shape- the commonly used traps are P-trap, Q-trap
and S-trap, named after the letters they resemble.

They essentially consist of a U-tube which retains water acting as a seal
between the foul gas atmosphere.

Depending on the use and location, the various types of traps can be
broadly summarized as:

(i) Floor trap (Nahani trap)
(ii) Gulley trap
(iii) Intercepting trap
(iv) Grease and oil traps
(v) Silt trap.
(vi) Bottle trap

Floor Trap (Nahani trap)

Floor traps are provided in floors to collect waste water from kitchen
sinks, bathroom floors, washing floors, etc.
A floor trap forms the starting point of waste flow.
The trap is made of cast iron or PVC, provided with a removable
grating at top so as to prevent the entry of solid matter.
The depth of water seal of floor trap should not be less than 40 mm.

Multifloor trap-

Used in places where many sanitary fittings like wash-basins, sink, floor
drainage are connected to a single floor trap.
Use of multifloor trap is advisable to prevent the leakage due to


Wastewater from your kitchen and bathroom is piped to a gully trap
before emptying into the sewer. A gully trap is a basin in the ground with
a water seal to prevent foul odours of the sewer reaching the surface.
The gulley trap is usually situated near the external face of the wall.
It disconnects the waste water flowing from kitchen, bathroom, wash-
basin and floors from the main drainage system.
This is a deep seal trap forming a barrier for preventing the foul gases
from house drain to the inside of the building. The water seal of about
60-70 mm is provided in the gulley trap.
It is made of cast iron or glazed stoneware.
Grating is provided on top to retain all solid matter.
It is fitted in a small masonry enclosure to meet the requirements of
invert levels of waste pipes discharging into the gulley trap.
Gulley trap is provided in the waste pipe only.
The maximum distance between the gulley trap and the first manhole
should be 6m.


The house drain terminates into intercepting chamber through
intercepting trap.
This trap is provided at the last manhole, i.e. at the junction of house
drain (inspection chamber) and the public sewer so as to prevent the
entry of foul air from public sewers to the house drain.
The trap is made of glazed stoneware with an inspection arm for the
purpose of cleaning or inspection.
The water seal is deeper than that of normal traps (not less than 100
Though the use of intercepting trap is not essential, the provision of
this trap is sometimes made compulsory by the local authority and thus it
is a matter of policy of local authority.
The waste is conveyed to the main sewer from the intercepting
Main sewer carries the refuse to the treatment plants.

These are chambers provided on the sewer line to exclude grease and oil
from sewage before it enters the sewer line.
These traps work on the principle that grease or oil being light in weight float
on the surface of sewage.
Thus, the inlet pipe is near the top of the chamber and the outlet pipe is near
the bottom.
The grease and oil traps are located near the sources contributing grease and
oil to sewage like automobile repair workshop, grease and oil producing
industries, garages, hotel kitchens, etc.
If grease or oil is not removed, it sticks to the sides of sewer, reducing its
capacity. Moreover, presence of grease or oil in sewer adversely affects the
biochemical reactions during sewage treatment.

Silt traps are provided only in situations where the waste water carries large
amount of silt, sand, coarse particles, etc.
Silt traps work on the principle that silt, sand being heavier settle down in the
Silt trap is a masonry chamber where inlet and outlets are provided at the
higher level so that the silt, sand settle down

Provision of Cleaning Eye

Bottle trap

Elbow is the term used for the fitting that makes an angle between two
adjacent pipes.

House Drainage Plans-

House drainage is based on water carriage system which covers installation
of sanitary fittings with their pipe connections to convey the waste to the
external soil and waste pipes.
The wastes are conveyed from soil and waste pipes to various traps which
are connected to the main underground drain.
This drain terminates in an intercepting chamber fitted with an intercepting
trap which disconnects the main drain from the sewer.
These sewers convey the waste to public treatment plants or to septic tanks.
The pipes are also designed to carry off rain water from roofs, etc.

(i) The drains should be laid in such a way so as to remove the sewage
quickly from the building. The quick removal is governed by the fall of
the pipes. The drains should be laid at such slope that self-cleansing
velocity is developed in them.
(ii) All the drainage system should be properly ventilated on the house
side. The ventilation pipe should be carried sufficiently
high above the buildings. All the intercepting chambers should be
provided with fresh air inlets.
(iii) All the drains should be laid in such a way so as to ensure their
safety in future.
(iv) The drain should be laid in such a way that in future extension can
be done easily if desired.
(v) If the quantity of sewage flowing in a pipe is small, an automatic
flushing tank may be provided on its top for flushing it.
(vi) All the waste water pipes, sweeping from house and bathwater
should discharge over gully traps and should be disconnected from the
drain. All soil pipes should be carried direct to the manholes without gully

is collected in separate inspection chambers because it is
harvested for further use in building.
Extra water after harvesting flows into municipal drains.
Rain water collection is done but except the first rain as it is acidic
in nature with lot of gases in it.Per 450 sq ft one Khurra is

In case, sunken floor facility is not feasible in the bathrooms, P-traps can
be used outside the building wall to drain out the
bathroom waste.


Stack -is a general terms for any vertical line of soil, waste or vent

Waste pipe: The term waste pipe is used to indicate the pipe which
carries discharge from sanitary fittings such as bathrooms,
kitchens, sinks, etc. except water closets, and convey the same to the
house drain, soil or waste stacks.

Soil pipe: The term soil pipe is used to indicate the pipe which carries
discharge from soil fittings such as urinals, water closets, etc.

Vent Pipe: The vent pipe is a pipe provided to ventilate a house
drainage system and to prevent trap syphonage and back

Minimum size of pipes commonly used in house drainage is:
(i) Underground sewers laid to slope- 100 mm dia
(ii) Vertical soil pipe-100 mm dia
(iii) Vertical waste pipe-50 to 75 mm dia
(iv) Branch soil pipe-60 to 75 mm dia
(v) Rain water pipe-75 mm dia
(vi) Waste pipe from individual kitchens, sinks, wash-basins, etc-
40mmdia , GI pipe

Anti-siphonage Pipe
In multistory buildings, if sanitary fittings on different floors are
connected by a single soil pipe or waste pipe, sudden flush of water from
the upper floors sucks air from the branch pipes of the lower floors.
This result in partial vacuum in the short branches drain pipes of the
lower floors and subsequently breaks the water seal due to siphonic
To prevent this, a separate pipe of smaller diameter is attached to the
traps of WCs on all floors which is opened at thetop.
This pipe is called antisiphonage pipe which supplies air to the short
branch drain pipe at the time of suction.
It also acts as a vent pipe.
When its two pipe system the diameter of pipe is small so when you
flush on upper floors the water goes like a bullet and break water seal on
other floors, so need of antisiphonage pipe is much more than one pipe
system which is not less than150 mm dia so water do not come like a
bullet but flow around the pipe near its surface.

System of Sanitary Plumbing

Any of the following four systems can be used for the conveyance of
refuse from the sanitary fittings to the house drain, depending
on the number of pipes used:

(i) One-pipe system,
(ii) Two pipe system,
(iii) Single stack system, and
(iv) Partially ventilated single stack system

In two pipe system, the first manhole is directly connected to the
soil pipe of the building, and to the waste pipe of the building
through a gulley trap.
In one pipe system, manhole is directly connected to the main soil
waste pipe.
Manholes are placed immediately below the downtake pipe from
the upper floors.
Manholes are generally circular, square, or rectangular in shape.
Minimum dimension should be 120 x 90 cm and a preferable
opening of 50 cm.
Suitable steps usually of malleable CI are provided for entry.
A PCC base slab to support the walls of manhole.
In case s of large manholes, U-shaped smooth channel
constructed integrally with the concrete base of the manhole.
The side walls are usually constructed of cement brick work 250
mm thick and corbelled to accommodate the frame of manhole
The inside and outside of the brick work is plastered 20 mm thick
in 1:2 CM.
The cover and frame may be of CI or reinforced concrete.
The frame rests on concrete band and set in concrete mix so that
the space between the top of the manhole masonry and the frame
is completely filled and made watertight.


In this system, only one set of pipes is used-main soil waste pipe and
main vent pipe.
All the contents of kitchen sinks, bathroom floors, wash basins and
water closets are discharged into a single pipe.
Soil waste pipe is directly connected to the building drain.
Gulley trap is not provided.
The vent pipe of minimum 50 mm diameter provides ventilation to
water seals of all the traps.
All traps should have a minimum 75 mm deep water seal.

(ii) Two - Pipe System
In this system, two sets of pipes are used for drainage-soil pipe with
vent pipe and waste pipe with vent pipe.
All the contents of WC and urinals are discharged into soil pipe.
The waste pipe contains waste water from wash-basins, sinks,
bathrooms floors, etc.
The soil pipe is directly connected to the building drains, whereas the
waste pipe is connected to the building drains through the gulley trap.
Both the pipes are provided with separate vent pipes.
Thus this system contains four pipes.
Two pipe system is good in terms that soapy water from bathrooms
and kitchen basins will go separately not killing some of the bacteria
present in sewage which are required for the treatment of sewage in the
septic tank.

Dual system one pipe comes from STP for reuse of water in
-WC flushing
-AC Cooling tower where water is used as medium.

This system is having a single pipe for soil, waste and vent without
any separate ventilation pipe.
It uses only one pipe, which carries night soil as well as sullage and
the same pipe is extended up to 2 m above roof level with a cowl to act
as vent pipe for removal of gases.
This is very economical system but all the traps should have a water
seal of not less than 75 mm to prevent breaking of water seal due to
siphonic action.

This is an improved form of single stack system, where the traps of
the water closets are ventilated, by a separate
vent pipe, called relief vent pipe.
In this system, single soil cum waste pipe carries the discharge from
WC, urinals, bathrooms, sinks, etc.
It differs from one-pipe system as the traps of soil fittings, i.e. WC and
urinals only are ventilated through single vent

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