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Evei since the 19SS Bisneylanu gianu opening, the Walt Bisney Company has expanueu
its tiavel anu leisuie business gieatly. Theie aie cuiiently five iesoits aiounu the
woilu, with one in constiuction in Shanghai, China; a top-iateu ciuise line; a family
iesoit on 0ahu, Bawai'i; a vacation owneiship piogiam anu an awaiu-winning guiueu
family auventuie business.

Bisney's global expansion stems fiom its business stiategy- "The Walt Bisney Company
has tiansfoimeu into a tiuly global enteipiise, builuing anu expanuing its businesses in
establisheu anu emeiging maikets incluuing Latin Ameiica, Russia, Inuia anu China,
}apan, Euiope, the Niuule East anu Afiica. Bisney is committeu to pioviuing unique
enteitainment expeiiences acioss its poitfolio of bianus while iemaining locally anu
cultuially ielevant acioss the globe." Bisney has uefinitely stayeu tiue to this statement.
Eveiy inteinational Bisney Resoit is uistinctly uiffeient fiom one anothei, cateiing to
uiffeient cultuies anu customs.
Bisney's fiist inteinational
expansion occuiieu in 198S, with
the opening of Tokyo Bisneylanu.
Bisney not only ietaineu its iuentity
but also captuieu the }apanese
cultuie. To this uay, Bisney has
maue slight changes to the paik to
accommouate the people of Tokyo;
the famous popcoin has auopteu
Asian flavois with the auuition of
soy sauce, moie live shows aie
offeieu compaieu to any othei paik
anu cast membeis aie fluent in
English anu }apanese. Tokyo
Bisneylanu's success acteu as a
catalyst foi fuithei inteinational
Cinueiella Castle at Tokyo Bisneylanu

Bisneylanu Paiis openeu in 1992, in
Naine-la-valle anu has become the
most visiteu attiaction in all of Fiance
anu Euiope. Even though it hau a iocky
stait, Bisney has maue aujustments to
celebiate Euiopean cultuie. Foi
instance, the song "It's a Small Woilu"
is sung in nine languages incluuing
Aiabic, Banish, Butch, English, Fiench,
ueiman, Bebiew, Italian anu Spanish.

In 2uuS, Bong Kong Bisneylanu Resoit
became the seconu Bisney attiaction in
Asia. The paik featuies signs in thiee
uiffeient languages: English, Simplifieu
Chinese anu Tiauitional Chinese. Nany
cast membeis aie tiilingual, speaking
English, Cantonese anu Putonghua
(Nanuaiin). Bisney also maue it a
piioiity to install uiffeient kitchens to
seive vaiious styles of cooking such as
steam kitchens to seive !"# %&#, wok
kitchens to pioviue stii-fiieu enties,
nooule kitchens to seive uiffeient kinus
of nooules, anu baibecue kitchens.

The most iecent iesoit expansion will
open late 2u1S in Shanghai, China. The
iesoit will keep its Bisney authenticity
while cateiing to the people of China.
To auheie to the cultuie, the iesoit will
featuie Chinese seasonal plants anu
floweis, uiamatic lighting anu
tiauitional music foi cultuial
celebiations anu will seive
authentic Chinese cuisine.
Sleeping Beauty Castle at Bisneylanu Paiis
Ninnie, uoofy anu Nickey on paiaue at Bong Kong Bisneylanu

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